Novus Ordo homosexualism

Proof, if anyone needed it, that NOChurch is the devil's creation, from the mouths of Novus Ordites themselves - Sunday 4th to Saturday 10th of March

They say that polls can be used to tell us just about anything, and it's true that the way questions are posed does make a big difference. If the questions are posed in the same way year after year, however, then the polls must tells us something of value, if it is the case that there are variations year on year, of even if there are no variations, to the very same questions asked in much the same way.

This, I assume, is the way that the Pew Research Center has been conducting its various surveys aimed at Catholics on various issues. The latest survey is quite telling in may ways and some will indeed choose to focus on the fact that Bergoglio has lost a lot of trust among most Catholics. Mind you, by 'Catholics' the researchers mean people who self-identify as Catholics. Had the term 'Catholic' been defined to mean people who actually believe in everything that the Catholic Church teaches there is little doubt that the figures would have looked much worse for Bergoglio, but then again, there might not have been a big enough sample to go by, given that believing Catholics are virtually an endangered species after almost 60 years of NovusOrdoism.

I could go on and ask this and that question, such as "how can an overwhelming majority of Catholics still maintain  positive opinion about this man?", or "how can a majority think he is a force for good?". That really wouldn't get us anywhere because the point that traditionalists have been making for a long time is that 'Catholics' for the most part nowadays are practitioners of a religion that would have been deemed abominable by virtually any practising Catholic before 1950.  I'll not dwell much on Bergoglio except to point out that Bergoglio has only accelerated  a loss of identity and virtue that began even before the Second Vatican Council, probably since they re-made the Holy Week liturgy in 1950, and it is not hard to see why because the psychological effect of these changes must have led to the conclusion that Christianity is a man-made religion.

If you don't believe me then simply ponder what I wrote on the day I read the survey:

In other NOChurch apostasy news, we have a poll measuring attitudes of Catholics in the U.S. to various topics, althouth most of the piece focuses on Bergoglio. A lot of people will focus on Bergoglio but I thought the most telling point was the following:

The share of U.S. Catholics who favor allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry has grown from 54% in 2012 to 67% in 2017.

In other words, the mass apostasy within NOChurch began long before Bergoglio began homosexualising and anti-evangelising through his voluminous seemingly-never-ending rantings.

In a discussion that I had some while back, it was mentioned that Vladimir Putin does not give full freedom to the Catholic Church in Russia. I am unsure what that means, as the Catholic Church in Russia seems to be under less oppression than in say, the U.K.. In any case,  my response was simple:

If I was in charge of Russia I wouldn't allow the Catholic Church to operate either. This is a country coming out of 80 years of communist propaganda, with a president trying to rebuild the moral fabric of the nation. On the other side we have the Catholic Church, which in its NOChurch guise seems to do nothing other than promote homosexuality and feminism.

The survey of American Catholics confirms pretty much what I said then. Whatever NOChurch touches is worse off for it.

Many will say that one needs to make a distinction between people who self-identify as Catholics and those who actually go to Mass every single Sunday. I agree that the distinction is not irrelevant, but I have always argued that the greatest argument against the Novus Ordo is not the vast number of Catholics who never bother going to Church on Sundays, but rather a good conversation with a large number of those who do. I have had many of these discussions, and I can disabuse anybody of the notion that the statistics for Sunday Mass-going Catholics would be anything other than horrifying.

I really do not want to spend too much time on other news of the week, because nothing out to detract from the frightening news contained in that survey, which I urge everyone to read.

In other weeks, I might have spent more time on a new homosexual priest scandal, this time in Italy, on account of the news that a homosexual prostitute made a list of 40 sodomitical clerics with whom he has been involved and this list has now been presented to the Vatican. As I wrote last week, we seem to have sodomy news from clerics almost every week and it is utterly depressing, yet it explains so much of what is going on in the Church today.

I could mention that an African cardinal, a certain Cardinal John Onaiyekan, is bemused at why the Catholic Church in Europe is attempting to tackle the 'isolation' of homosexuals, instead of tackling its empty Churches.

In another week, I might have written extensively about the Italian elections, in which anti-immigration and anti-EU forces won the majority of the votes, very much in oppsition to Bergoglio's and the Italian bishops' conference's prodding.

We might have been able to tackle comments by Cardinal Brandmüller taking issue at the German bishops' conference promoting and authorising protestants to receive 'Holy Communion' on Sundays if they are married to Catholics, a move based on "utterly dishonest" premises. After all, these would be protestants who long so much to receive the Eucharist that they couldn't be bothered to enter the Catholic Church in order tod o it.

Also of mention is the fact the truth regarding the...

We dare to question, and we dare to join the dots - Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th of February

If one was to write extensively about all the public evils going on in the Church right now one would hardly have time for anything else. For that reason I'll save those for last and attempt to be brief in my coverage of them. It's same old really - Bergoglio's sodomites and apostates are pushing apostasy and sodomy, in different guises and with a different cast of characters every week.

We start with a very curious story regarding Syria, one which confirms what anybody with half a brain already knew but which is nonetheless intriguing. We had the French defence minister admitting that they have never had any reliable evidence of chlorine use in Syria by the government. If I am not mistaken, this came not long after the U.S. defence minister also stated that they have no evidence that the government of Syria has used chemical or biological agents against anti-government Islamists. The question of whether it is any of their business what the Syrian government does in its own country's fight for survival against Jihadis - armed and trained by the West and its allies - is one which I shall not address now. We must assume that none of them have ever had any evidence of the Syrian government ever committing atrocities of the likes against its citizens, or even the non-citizens killing its people in an effort to turn it into an Islamic state.

This should have made news, but predictably did not.

Le Creep did not waste any time stating that if they do find evidence they will strike against Syria - in contravention of international law, of course, but which of these globalists cares about that?

The important thing to take home is that for some reason, the narrative from the NATO aggressors has started to shift. I cannot help but wonder why this is, given that the U.S. has dug its heels in Syria by attacking the Syrian government forces and its allies multiple times. It's almost as though Syria is the battleground for different factions of the Western establishment, the major cost being Syrian blood.

A similar theme, this time limited not to general NATO roguery but only to U.S. roguery, is "If America Wasn’t America, the United States Would Be Bombing It", which I read on the website of the Ron Paul Institute.  The piece was specifically about the multiple war crimes the U.S. has perpetrated since the end of the Second World War, with a special emphasis on crimes only over this past decade. It is difficult to disagree with the claim of the piece, and truth be told, if the U.S. had an embassy in Washington, then they would have found a way of taking out Donald Trump militarily by now. I would much rather think that the U.S. would not be bombing America, had America been a different country, but rather supplying it with weapons and propaganda aid.

The only group of people who largely get the U.S. straight are traditionalists, and even here I would argue that at least within the U.S. it is not a majority which is opposed to U.S. aggression. A lot of American traditionalists, however, are honest enough to recognise the U.S. as the threat to world peace and morals that it really is, and are ashamed of the U.S. for that reason.

If you think I am exaggerating ask yourself this: Since the end of the Cold War, what is the body count of non-U.S. aligned Islamists compared to that of the U.S.?  This is a particularly good mental exercise for those who do nothing but fret about the threat of Islamist violence. I don't have the numbers, but I would be extremely surprised if the numbers were not in the region of 100:1, with the U.S. having the larger number. It is also worth pointing out that the only country in which the U.S. and al Qaeda have been on opposite ends of the battle ground has been Afghanistan, and to a lesser extent Iraq (although that's questionable). In Libya, Syria and Yemen, the U.S. and al Qaeda have not only fought side-by-side, but the U.S. has provided air support for al-Qaeda, the very organisation over which the U.S. claims to have started the Afghan war.

For the longest time I resisted the notion that al-Qaeda was a CIA-front, but now I have grudgingly come to accept that it must be the case, given that in most conflicts they fight on the same side, and in the only conflict in which they had direct combat, the U.S. had been responsible for their creation in the first place, having supported Islamists in Afghanistan in their fight against the Soviet Union.

That war has destroyed a country and destabilised a region. Instead of showing contrition, Americans are now led into welcoming the tune of war drums against North Korea, Venezuela and Iran - and those are only the countries that make it to the news. I am sure there are many other threats made against smaller states but which are not found newsworthy or propaganda-worthy enough for the U.S. to make a big show about.

If we count the dead unborn, and the rising number of dead elderly, killed for no other reason other than for being inconvenient, then the body count of the West versus the Islamic world is in the region of 1,000:1 at least. As Michael Matt from the Remnant asks , why should any American think they have the moral high ground over Islam, or Islamists, or even communists? Well, at this rate the U.S. will be communist before long and large chunks of Europe will be Islamist, so we shall soon be able to see if the body count will increase or decrease.

On the topic of body counts, we were informed that there was a school shooting in the U.S., with 17 people being killed as a formerly-expelled student shot up at his...

Communists and sodomy-pushers abound, but shepherds are in short supply in the Bergoglio's NOChurch Vatican - Sunday 4th of February to Saturday 10th of February

In the article On Francis and sedevacantism, Louie Verrechio laid out why Bergoglio must without doubt be considered a heretic. It is not only the sheer volume of his actions against the faith, but the fact that he obstinately persists in his errors despite very public corrections. He holds that Pope Benedict XVI is the real pope, although this has more to do with the strangeness surrounding Pope Benedict XVI's abdication and his subsequent life as "emeritus", with little incomprehensible statements issued from him from time to time. It is a piece worth reading.

He also called out a truly scandalous movie review by Greydanus, a regular visitor on Catholic Answers, at least when I used to listen to them, and if I am not mistaken, still a writter for the National Catholic Register. The movie has pederasty as its theme and the deacon did not condemn either the message or the movie, which raised some eyebrows. I used to think that the guests on Catholic Answers were orthodox Catholics, but I have to question that now. Truth be told though, he might have been orthodox before and become a scandal-rouser to emulate his pope. Either way, one more example of Novusordoism-in-action.

On the topic of Novusordoism, things have really been happening and the scandals keep coming so fast that I more or less have a hard time keeping up.

We have Cardinal Marx in Germany saying that the Church should bless homosexual relations/unions. What I think of Cardinal Marx ought not be written here, but let's just leave it at that he is obviously a sodomitical apostate. If we had any faith in NOChurch, we would have a whole raft of condemnations coming his way, but instead we have crickets. There has been some negative reaction from a few prelates in Germany, and we can assume that the normal gang of generally faithful cardinals and bishops are against, but the ones who really ought to address this - the Vatican - have been silent.

Mundabor wirtes that Cardinal Marx Should Be Defrocked Yesterday, to which I can only add that he perhaps ought to be tarred and feathered as well. If what some say about names is true - that the name of a child in large part determines his destiny - then we can surely note that in the case of Cardinal Marx at least, they have the very best evidence of their notion.

The sexual impropriety scandals regarding Bergoglio just keep coming. We have the Bishop Barros case in Chile, whose details are now coming to the fore, and even being picked up by the secular media, Bergoglio's most loyal allies to date. We can only hope that this will continue, because there is a whole treasure trove of scandals touchig Bergoglio for any journalists willing to do any slight amount of detective work. Of that I am entirely sure.

It would be very ironic, many have noted, if Bergoglio was to be brought down by a paedophilia scandal, given that the Barros affair is pretty much the least of the offences he has had against the faith. The secular world cares not for morality in the least, but it still manages to work itself into some sort of (false) outrage when paedophilia is concerned, , mainly, it would seem, so as to attack the Church and the wolves we have had within Her since the 1950s, who went unpunished.

Bergoglio, with his bottomless pit of perversion, only needed to stay clear of paedohilia, and the press would have lauded him every day of the week for doing so. Alas, the man is too much of an idiot to realise even that, so it would be the irony of ironies if Bergoglio, who ever since he was elected has done everything to sell out to secularism, was brought down by the only sin the secular world still manages to pretend that it condemns, by the very same secular world to which he has been pimping out the Church.

Did you know that "China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine"? Neither did I, and neither, I would bet, did the Chinese. Yet according to one of Bergoglio's sodomy-pushing entourage, this is precisely the case. This is, of course, the same country in which the unborn and the born alike are killed with impunity if they are born in the wrong order, or  are of the wrong sex, or fill-in-your-reason.

According to Sorondo though, since China implements Laudato Si laudably, they are the best implementers of Catholic social doctrine. We can disregard that they raze houses, put clergy under house arrest, murder the laity and ban children from attending Church; other than that they are exemplary Catholics.

It would not take a particularly conspiratorial mind to notice that what Sorondo is saying is that those who hate the Catholic faith the most are the ones to be emulated. I would argue that has been the very theme of this dreadful diabolical pontificate.

We were also informed that some cardinals had approved the 'miracle' attributed to Pope Paul VI required for his canonisation. Without divine intervention, we are therefore likely to be treated to yet another NOChurch pope canonised for loyalty to the revolution.

In "Vale Vatican II: Moving On", Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman argues that it is time we put Vatican II to rest and move on from it, given that everything about the council has been a failure at best, and more honestly speaking, a diabolical catastrophe. The theme was picked up and expounded by Brian Williams in "Time to Let Go of Vatican II".

Finally, some good news, with the Polish president having recently signed a bill which will outlaw Sunday trading. It is little more than Sunday Sanity, Mundabor tells us, as he writes about fond memories of his childhood in what was still a Catholic Italy. We should pray that the Sunday...


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