Western islamism

We dare to question, and we dare to join the dots - Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th of February

If one was to write extensively about all the public evils going on in the Church right now one would hardly have time for anything else. For that reason I'll save those for last and attempt to be brief in my coverage of them. It's same old really - Bergoglio's sodomites and apostates are pushing apostasy and sodomy, in different guises and with a different cast of characters every week.

We start with a very curious story regarding Syria, one which confirms what anybody with half a brain already knew but which is nonetheless intriguing. We had the French defence minister admitting that they have never had any reliable evidence of chlorine use in Syria by the government. If I am not mistaken, this came not long after the U.S. defence minister also stated that they have no evidence that the government of Syria has used chemical or biological agents against anti-government Islamists. The question of whether it is any of their business what the Syrian government does in its own country's fight for survival against Jihadis - armed and trained by the West and its allies - is one which I shall not address now. We must assume that none of them have ever had any evidence of the Syrian government ever committing atrocities of the likes against its citizens, or even the non-citizens killing its people in an effort to turn it into an Islamic state.

This should have made news, but predictably did not.

Le Creep did not waste any time stating that if they do find evidence they will strike against Syria - in contravention of international law, of course, but which of these globalists cares about that?

The important thing to take home is that for some reason, the narrative from the NATO aggressors has started to shift. I cannot help but wonder why this is, given that the U.S. has dug its heels in Syria by attacking the Syrian government forces and its allies multiple times. It's almost as though Syria is the battleground for different factions of the Western establishment, the major cost being Syrian blood.

A similar theme, this time limited not to general NATO roguery but only to U.S. roguery, is "If America Wasn’t America, the United States Would Be Bombing It", which I read on the website of the Ron Paul Institute.  The piece was specifically about the multiple war crimes the U.S. has perpetrated since the end of the Second World War, with a special emphasis on crimes only over this past decade. It is difficult to disagree with the claim of the piece, and truth be told, if the U.S. had an embassy in Washington, then they would have found a way of taking out Donald Trump militarily by now. I would much rather think that the U.S. would not be bombing America, had America been a different country, but rather supplying it with weapons and propaganda aid.

The only group of people who largely get the U.S. straight are traditionalists, and even here I would argue that at least within the U.S. it is not a majority which is opposed to U.S. aggression. A lot of American traditionalists, however, are honest enough to recognise the U.S. as the threat to world peace and morals that it really is, and are ashamed of the U.S. for that reason.

If you think I am exaggerating ask yourself this: Since the end of the Cold War, what is the body count of non-U.S. aligned Islamists compared to that of the U.S.?  This is a particularly good mental exercise for those who do nothing but fret about the threat of Islamist violence. I don't have the numbers, but I would be extremely surprised if the numbers were not in the region of 100:1, with the U.S. having the larger number. It is also worth pointing out that the only country in which the U.S. and al Qaeda have been on opposite ends of the battle ground has been Afghanistan, and to a lesser extent Iraq (although that's questionable). In Libya, Syria and Yemen, the U.S. and al Qaeda have not only fought side-by-side, but the U.S. has provided air support for al-Qaeda, the very organisation over which the U.S. claims to have started the Afghan war.

For the longest time I resisted the notion that al-Qaeda was a CIA-front, but now I have grudgingly come to accept that it must be the case, given that in most conflicts they fight on the same side, and in the only conflict in which they had direct combat, the U.S. had been responsible for their creation in the first place, having supported Islamists in Afghanistan in their fight against the Soviet Union.

That war has destroyed a country and destabilised a region. Instead of showing contrition, Americans are now led into welcoming the tune of war drums against North Korea, Venezuela and Iran - and those are only the countries that make it to the news. I am sure there are many other threats made against smaller states but which are not found newsworthy or propaganda-worthy enough for the U.S. to make a big show about.

If we count the dead unborn, and the rising number of dead elderly, killed for no other reason other than for being inconvenient, then the body count of the West versus the Islamic world is in the region of 1,000:1 at least. As Michael Matt from the Remnant asks , why should any American think they have the moral high ground over Islam, or Islamists, or even communists? Well, at this rate the U.S. will be communist before long and large chunks of Europe will be Islamist, so we shall soon be able to see if the body count will increase or decrease.

On the topic of body counts, we were informed that there was a school shooting in the U.S., with 17 people being killed as a formerly-expelled student shot up at his...

A 2000-year old mistranslation, corrected by his humbleness - Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th of December

In a good stroke of luck, I discovered a blog through Rorate Caeli, by a young woman who has now become a nun. From what I could tell she went from being your ordinary run-of-the-mill Novus Ordo Catholic, to taking the faith seriously, then to embracing tradition and finally becoming a postulant. From what I understand she would much rather have joined the Fransican Sisters of the Immaculate, but on account of Bergoglio's attempt to strangle that order, she had to choose another order.

Her blog is well-worth reading - although it is not actively maintained nowadays - as is her entry on the topic of veiling. In many ways I do feel that the Church will never improve unless we get back to doing the simple things right, and there is surely nothing easier than the rule in the Church regarding head-covering.

Over in Moscow, they are getting tired of American propaganda and aggression towards all and sundry. The comment by Sergei Lavrov that the U.S. should come out in the open regarding whether it is trying to provoke North Korea into a military confrontation as a pretext to destroying it or not was very telling. Fortunately, North Korea has now demonstrated that it has both a powerful nuclear weapon and the means to deliver this nuclear weapon to parts whose victims the U.S. would not dismiss simply as collateral damage - i.e., much if not all of the continental United States.

Being on the side of North Korea on anything is certainly something I never thought I would ever do, but on this issue the lines are perfectly drawn and North Korea is completely in the right and the U.S., as usual, completely in the wrong.

The speed with which the North Koreans have developed their missile capacity is nothing short of striking. It gives me the impression that they have received help, and I suspect this came mainly from China. We have all seen how aggressively the U.S. has approached the border of Russia in Europe and the Chinese will have been taking notes. The last thing they want is to have the U.S. doing the same thing next to them - and Russia, I suspect, would do a whole lot to prevent this as well. In that context, although the Chinese would certainly want to keep the nuclear club as tiny as possible, helping North Korea along its nuclear weapons programme would certainly seem a much more acceptable solution than having the world's most warfaring state right on their doorstep, and it is not unlikely that the Chinese have had a big hand in helping the North Koreans with their weapons so as to maintain the status quo rather than forcing the Chinese into countering the U.S. militarily  head-on.

Whether or not the warfare industry in the U.S. has received these very clear warnings is something else altogether. I am almost at the point whereby I want the U.S. to do something in the Korean Peninsula as I am certain that it would be the end of U.S. hegemony and would bring down their murderous foreign policy to a grinding halt more or less for good. Naturally, I do not want to see anyone dying either so I would much rather the U.S. stopped acting like a bully and came to its senses.

On the topic of 'failed' U.S. policies, we now find that Libya once again has slave markets. We can certainly dismiss the notion that the U.S. is in any way interested in fighting Islamists as the only thing the U.S. has done consistently in the world over the last 30 or so years is to put Islamists in power, and make it harder for local Christians to go about their lives. In the latter case, this even applies to their domestic policy. The editors of the Catholic Herald should hang their heads in shame given how strongly the pushed for a war in Libya.

Staying on the topic of U.S. mess-ups, we have Saakashvili creating a mess in Ukraine- all the while proving to everyone that he is rather messed up - , the same Ukraine which benefited from one of the customary Western-backed coups that make things much worse than they were before. It is frightening to think that we had senior members in the U.S. establishment saying that the U.S. should take in Georgia as a member of NATO and therefore leave the decision on whether to start a NATO-Russia war to these types of madmen, a point that Pat Buchanan makes with not a little bit of gloating and bemusement. To be fair though, madmen don't come loonier than McCain and some of the other warmongers in the U.S. establishment. We now have the comical scene of a Georgian stooge creating political instability for the Ukrainian stooge in Ukraine. The only thing which would make the situation more comical were if the media was to start calling a man who has spent much of his adult life denouncing Russia - Saakashvili - an agent of Vladimir Putin, which seems to be the extent of the intellectual depth of the mainstream Western establishment. Thumbs up for Western interventions!

It would not be an entry without coverage of NOChurch madness. This week's comes in the form of Bergoglio calling for the Pater Noster to be changed. Well, he did not call for an exact change, but rather he wants it to be translated in such a way as to change the meaning of the original. Evidently, we have a pope who cannot take the time to explain that the LORD does not lead us into evil and temptation, so he wants the prayer changed so as to leave Catholics non-confused about it. 

Look, this is just another Bergoglio strawman. Which person on the Earth has ever picked up the Pater Noster as the first thing he did on his Christian...


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