dubious canonisations

The man may not be totally useless after all - Sunday 24th to Saturday 30th of December

The last full week of the year came, and this naturally included the Feast of the Nativity, or Christmas as it is more popularly known.

As one might intimate from my blog, I am not a fan of Bergoglio in the slightest. However, he is not totally useless, as he at least keeps me away from home on Christmas Eves.

To be fair, I had more or less decided to attend the Christmas Midnight Mass even before Bergoglio popped up dressed as pope, but he nudged me over the edge, and now I attend Christmas Mass every time, or the closest approximation we have of it anyway.

I used to enjoy watching Pope Benedict XVI celebrate Midnight Mass, even though I had come more and more to despise the Novus Ordo mass he used for the celebration, so chances are that I would have stopped watching sooner or later. I remember that they had a very beautiful statue of the baby Jesus who they put in the crib after the Midnight Mass.

Then came Bergoglio and the beautiful baby Jesus statue was replaced by something which looked more like what one picks up from one of those cartons they dish out with children's meals at fast food restaurants, except much bigger. Some claimed it looked like something from a Lidl store, but having bought a lot of quality stuff from that store, I can assure my readers that it has far better quality than whatever they made that statue from. It was more or less the most plactic thing I had seen, and the sad thing is I am not even sure it was made from plastic/rubber. It looked like one of those rubbery shapes one fills up with water to float in a bathtub.

As we now know, turning to ugly is part of Bergoglio's main strategy for destroying the Catholic faith and it has gone even more downhill from there.

It was a quiet week in the Church - at least I did not pick up on any scandals or any overly good news. The one thing that made the news was how much Bergoglio's attendance numbers at the Urbi et Orbi speech have dwindled. There is no doubt that he has fewer numbers now than he had during his first speech, and definitely far fewer than Pope Benedixt XVI had at his last.

It was indeed interesting to compare the two images as one can clearly note that Pope Benedict XVI on his final Urbi et Orbi speech had a far larger crowd coming to listen to him in 2013  in less pleasing weather, than Bergoglio had on a sunny day in 2017.

The word is out: If I want to be insulted for being Catholic I can save money and time and avoid the Vatican and simply get my insults from any third-rate raving leftist closer to home, or failing that, on the television.

In other Church news, one of Bergoglio's closest perverts, Cardinal Tobin, says that he is in favour of female cardinals. He says he sees no reason why that should not be the case, and then adds "maybe my theology isn’t sophisticated enough". In other words, he is trying to say that he doesn't get it, surprising nobody, since the list of what Tobin gets would seem to be shorter than the number of times the man has skipped a meal. That we can have lay cardinals is one thing, but of course, cardinals have always been considered part of the Church hierarchy, and the hierarchy in the Church is partriarchal. Maybe he deos have a good - by his standards - intention. It could be that he realises that news of homosexual orgies at the Vatican is extremely negative and he wants to tidy up some headlines by spicing up the orgies at the Vatican or some such thing. One is inclined to conclude something to that effect as we can almost certainly rule out a moral motive.

We were also informed that another of Bergoglio's close associates - perhaps his closest - is suspected of huge financial corrpution in Honduras. He naturally denied it, and Bergoglio even went as far as offering his condolences to him for the trouble that others are causing for him. This is, of course, the cardinal who was revealed - through Wikileaks - of having accepted a large sum of money in order to help Bergoglio's trip to the U.S. have a decidedly leftist bent - as if Bergoglio or his advisors needed any help with that agenda.The Eponymous Flower titled their article "Pope Intimate and Poverty Poser Receives $600,000 a Year to Do Nothing" which, if it were true, I would happily approve - if all it took to get Maradiaga to do nothing was to pay him a small fortune.

Whatever one may think of Bergoglio, one cannot avoid at the very least the fact that he keeps very corrupt and perverted company, and then we ought to recall something about birds of a feather and flocking together.

Over at the Southern Orders Page, Fr. Allan J. McDonald once again proves that celebrating the Tridentine Mass is no guarantee of Catholic sanity as the man argues that Pope Paul VI should be canonised - there are rumours that a secodn miracle has been approved or soon will be in any case. The intersting thing is that he offers Humanae Vitae as the reason why Paul VI should be canonised, and the fact that he put aside Bugnini. So he is asking us to believe that although Pope Paul VI allowed the heretical notion that contraception could be permitted before condemning that notion, although not in any way enforcing that condemnation by means of ecclesiastical penalties, and then tossed Bugnini away from Rome after Bugnini had managed to ruin the Church's liturgies and disciplines he showed "heroic virtue" or can be held up...

Bergoglio cracks down: No fags for your orgies! - Sunday 5th-Saturday 11th of November

Like him or loathe him, one has to admit that were Bergoglio's pontificate not so tragic, it would be hilariously comedic. One of the most amusing things about the man has to be his gift for mis-prioritisation, was was on full display this past week. Another tragically amusing thing about him is taking narcicissm to whole new levels. That too was on display this week.

First Bergoglio whined about how people take pictures at Mass, reminding pilgrims - although I would rather use the term victims for anybody who gets exposed to one of Bergoglio's audiences - that it is not a show. This is strange talk, from a man who has himself had clown Masses and who forced a beach ball to sit firmly on the altar - a beach ball which seemed more pious than Bergoglio at the time since it seemed to realise it was out of place and tried to roll off several times. It is interesting though to note the words that the big hypocrite used:

...And I tell you that it gives me so much sadness when I celebrate here in the Piazza or in the Basilica and I see so many raised mobiles (cell phones), not just of the faithful, but even of some priests and bishops too. But please! The Mass is not a show...”

What is interesting with that is not that Bergoglio often treats the Mass as a show - cue the feet-kissing and the sign of peace which takes him all around the Church at times - but condemns others when they do it. In fact, I am kind of happy to learn from Bergoglio that he doesn't think the Mass is a show, seeing as he often treats it as such. No, what is interesting is the fact that even when he is right - that the Mass is not a show - he manages to make it all about himself: "It gives me so much sadness". It's just more "Me! Me! Me!, I, I , I! Me! Me! Most humble me!" from this narcissist.

My policy has always been that one ought not to take pictures at Mass, and if one does so it should be discreet, and one should not receive Holy Communion at a Mass in which one has been taking pictures as one has not been in total submission to the occasion. However, if it annoys Bergoglio, I am willing to revise my policy.

The most amusing thing, however, was that his chronic mis-prioritisation was in full display during the week as it was announced by Greg Burke that Bergoglio has decided to forbid the sale of cigarettes in the Vatican. I couldn't help but laugh when I realised it was not a spoof, I had to find multiple sources reporting this because at first sight I thought it was a joke.

When you think of all the scandals which have hit the Vatican in just the past few months - from population control advocates giving talks, to adultery promotion, to sodomy promotion, to financial improprieties, and of course, the infamous homosexual orgy monsignor, of whom Bergoglio and the Vatican media apparatus has remained silent - it is remarkable to think that the one thing Bergoglio thought it wise to crack down on was cigarette smoking. If one had read the headline "Pope outlaws fags on Vatican premises", with a Catholic pope one might have tended to think "I didn't even know there were any at the Vatican! Be gone with them!". With Bergoglio though, it is a different fag which is being banned.

The reason is very simple: The Holy See cannot contribute to an activity that clearly damages the health of people.

The message was certainly clear, homosexual orgies I'll not talk about or condemn, but cigarettes are banned. My regime couldn't care less about spiritual death even though Jesus Christ speaks of it as the most dangerous thing, but if the WHO mentions smoking as physically harmful, you can count on me to act on it. The message, I am sure, was clearly received, but I summarise it below in case anybody has missed it.

In other words, no cigarettes after your orgies, or during, or before, or whatever the protocol is at Bergoglio's Vatican. No mercy for smokers, but for adulterers and everyone else; well, unless they count Rosaries or say the Confiteor in Latin. In other words, no fags for your orgies!

Another noteworthy thing is that Bergoglio chose to have his media folks announce this as though it was a momentous event. Look, the Vatican has 1 store of which I know, and possibly 2 if they have a bar at the Domus Santa Marthae. We are talking at most about 3 stores at the Vatican, so there was no good reason to make it out as though this was momentous news. If Bergoglio had considered cigarettes so harmful as to want to ban them at all Vatican stores, all he would have needed to do was to advice his assistant to do it in all the 3 places in person. I am sure it would have taken less than 20 minutes to walk to all the joints which sell cigarettes at the Vatican. Such discretion was not good enough for an attention whore of an apostatate, and once again, his media manager had to make it seems as though the most humble pope in history was doing a great service to mankind by announcing his decision to the whole world.

It could have been worse, I suppose: He might have forbidden the sale of all cigarettes which were not made from organic tobacco. So I suppose in that sense he did not exhaust all the comedic possibilities of this particular absurdity. Maybe he is not finished with this topic then.

That covers most of my reflections this week, and the rest I shall mention only in passing.

In another...

Chronicling a whole month's travels worth of bad news - Sunday 11th of June to Saturday 15th of July

I have been travelling quite a lot over the past month, which is why I was not able to provide a weekly update. In truth, my travel began on the week starting on the Sunday of the 18th of June, but as I don't recall much of what happened that week, I'll lump that week together with the rest.

On my travels I hope to write more of in at least 2 separate posts, but the long road trip was very much enjoyable and indeed did me much spiritual good.

One of the benefits of being away was that I was in relative seclusion from the news cycle,  both the secular one and even more depressingly, the ecclesiastical one. I did manage to catch notice of a few news items, which I shall present below.

It was another bad month for what's left of Christendom as another 2 countries fell to sodomy. In Germany they passed a law recognising sodomitical unions and putting the final nail into any notion of marriage as a public good. That was sad, but not altogether surprising, given the state of the Church in Germany, as well as the general moral decline and political winds.

What was somewhat surprising to me was that Malta also fell to sodomy. This is, after all, a country which only allowed divorce some 4 years ago or something, and not with an exactly overwhelming majority, if memory serves me right. This is also a country which at the time has a more than 50% attendance at Mass. This is, however, a country which has such perverse bishops as Scicluna, of we-only-ever-need-to-listen-to-the-present-pope infamy, as well as the free-bread-for-adulterers-on-Sundays infamy. I take the chance to call it 'free bread' instead of Holy Communion because there is no reasonable chance that a bishop such as that believes in the Real Presence. I do, very much, though recognise that the sacrilege is very real because I do accept the notion that transubstantiation can occur in the Novus Ordo, given the official formula is used.

In Ireland, I was also infomed that their new sodomitical prime minister has taken charge. That was not a surprise as I had read that he was likely to be the new prime minister, but it is also striking that Ireland also only allowed divorce in the 1990s. Abortion looks very likely to follow.

In Poland, Donald Trump held a speech which was seen as much-ado-about-nothing by the Ron Paul Institute and as a ground-breaking speech by others. His optimisim for the survival of the West was not echoed by Mark Steyn though, and I do tend to agree with him that the will to survive has pretty much died out in the West. I would need more than flag-waving Poles fawning at a president who lauds them to conclude that there is enough fight to save Europe. Unfortunately, the tenacity of the Poles and some of the other mainly Catholic Eastern Europeans is more than compensated for by the suicidal tendencies of most of the other nations in the bloc.

The speech also gave me a good opportunity to note just how sad it is to see someone one thought was not a complete idiot turn out to be probably one, a person who only has a job on account of her looks, not altogether stellar either, I would hasten to add. This happened when a female commentator in response to Donald Trump's boast that he would like to see U.S. energy exports extended to such countries as Poland stated that it is nice of the president to do that, since it prevents Poland from getting it's "energy from communist countries such as Russia". This, mind you, is from a woman who seems to have been born probably not long before the fall of the Soviet Union. If one does not know that Russia is no longer a communist country, then absolutely nothing the person has to say on any issue is worth my attention, or yours either.

This was a woman on Fox News, which kind of validates the theory that the former president used to flip channels looking for new TV personalities with the sound off, just to see how good they looked on the box, without ever hearing what they had to say. It made me almost wish I had the same approach.

Vladimir Putin finally met Donald Trump, and this led to a ceasefire in parts of Syria. It's a step in the right direction, but nothing close to what the U.S. needs to do, which is at the very least to stay completely out of that war, which means in simple words to stop arming jihadists. I am not sure what else to make of the meeting as I have seen very few details of it.

Then there is the sad story of Charlie Gard, a poster boy for today's Western totalitarian state which sees no limit to its powers.

We also had Le Creep weighing in on why Africa is stuck in poverty. It is because people have 7-8 children, he says. Leaving aside that only one country in Africa has a birth rate higher than 7 - Niger - the perfect response would have been something like the following: "Well, unfortunately there is a shortage in Africa of barren women who are 25 years older than the men, so we are forced to engage in reproductive sex." That would have really put him in his place.

Now onto the Church.

I could begin no other place that with Cardinal Mũller having been relieved of his post. Evidently, there is a new policy at the Vatican of terminating posts after 5 years, and it is starting with him. According to Müller, he was called within a minute of ending his last day of his 5-year term, and was offered no explanation as to why his term was not being renewed. Well, Bergoglio is nothing if not consistent in how he handles personnel...


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