Catholic counter-revolution

"We are closer to the other side" or How I learned to stop worrying and love Bergoglio's "dog and pony show" - the Pan-Amazon synod

The title of the piece is obviously inspired by the movie classic "Dr. Strangelove - Or How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". It's a must-see Cold War movie.

The term "dog and pony show" was borrowed from Michael Matt, whose final take on the analysis I can heartily recommend.

I do disagree with his analysis on one point though: The synod was not so much about bringing one-world governance into the Church. It was, I would argue, the other way around. Most Novus Ordites wouldn't be able to tell a Catholic dogma from a fortune cookie note, and the devil and his minions - i.e., Bergoglio and his henchmen - are using this fact to introduce any number of false notions to further take advantage of their ignorance. The distinction is that Michael Matt sees the secular world breaking into the Church to do its bidding, whereas I see the devil and his minions using secular slogans to further de-Christianise the human element of the Church. The eco-lunacy is simply a tool for the devil and his willing agents, and not an end-goal in and of itself.

The difference is in the intentions. It seems implausible that Bergoglio - or his merry band of buffoons - would genuinely care about saving  God's creation - while granting  that as atheists they probably don't view Earth as God's creation - not least since Bergoglio's carbon footprint with all his jet-setting is larger than almost all but a handful of people. Since they obviously claim to do so, I can only take it that they view environmentalism as the most potent tool to further their diabolical agenda.

What occurred to me though in considering the disastrous synod of doom - the Pan-Amazon synod - is that reality is proving me right in something I have said quite frequently since 2013: The Novus Ordo Mass is not going to be the same in 20 years as it is today. With talk of a new rite for the Amazonians, we are likely to have a Novus Novus Ordo Mass. At first it will be for the Amazonians, but we can count on the Germans wanting in and wanting to make their many liturgical abuses regularised by a rite of their own, possibly with semi-nude dancers at the sanctuary and cardiansl in cages. After that we can expect a virtual free-for-all. 

I have been just as upset as any Catholic at witnessing the mass apostasy from leading figures in the Church on full display, and just as much with the total absence of any courage or sense of duty among the many bishops who surely do not agree with any of this nonsense.

Nonetheless, I have to remind myself that I actually vowed not to oppose any innovations in the NOChurch liturgy or in NOChurch in general on the basis of canon law, simply because if there is one thing that NOChurch has been good at, it is institutionalising abuse. What starts out as abuse in one place, soon becomes commonplace, and before you know it there is an indult from Rome, and not long after the indult it becomes virtually universal practice. This is the case with Communion in the hand, and female altar boys, to name but a few. More informed readers than I can probably list others. In other words , it is a waste of "our precious bodily fluids" (to hearken back to Dr. Strangelove) to spend any time passionately defending current NOChurch practice, when the whole basis of NOChurch practice is a movement away from authentic Catholicism and towards neo-paganism.

So I came to reflect on a scene from the movie "Gattaca" - one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. The movie is especially topical on account of all the move towards a greater acceptance of eugenics, whether it is in the killing of children or adults deemed unworthy, or in the greater acceptance of artificial conception, and nowadays, even genetic screening of embryos before they are implanted, but that is not the point of today.

There is a scene towards the end of the movie in which the genetically weaker brother, Vincent, is challenged to prove once more that he can win a chicken race by swimming farther than his genetically superior younger brother, Anton. At the point of exhaustion, the Anton concedes and decides to go back.  The exchange goes: "We have to go back". Vincent replies "No, it's too late for that; we're close to the other side." To that, Anton replies: "What other side! You wanna drown us both!". Then Vincent finally "You wanna know how I did it! This is how I did it Anton: In never saved anything for the swim back."


It's a powerful scene by any measure.

In reflecting upon the destruction wrought upon us by the Novus Ordo - its liturgy, its non-theology, its vacuous gestures, is ugliness, its non-Catholicism, its anti-Catholicism - I am always tempted to say "Stop: We have to go back!", as if there is a version of Novus Ordo that would bring us back to sanity, because, of course, it is out of the question convincing our Novus Ordites that we can return to authentic Catholicism.  Another part of me - the one which believes in God's providence - thunders back, "No, it's too late for that. We are closer to the other side!"

The Novus Ordo cannot be reformed towards anything even close to holy or santifying. It was forged from the darkest parts of the human soul, perhaps the darkest parts of the netherworld itself, with the intention of de-Catholicising the Church and the world. It has worked wonders. The devil himself could not have devised a better plan to destroy the Church from within.

Almost every time I debate someone who has any adherence to the Novus Ordo, they make it seem as though all...

The Tridentine Mass once ruled the world; It will do so again! - Sunday 5th to Saturday 11th of August

It was a relatively slow news week, with now new theme dominating. Furthermore, many of the articles I read seemed to have been written the week before, further underlining my claim.

There were developments and fallouts of the McCarrick scandal, but sadly that is not new in NOChurch as hardly a week goes by without yet another homosexual scandal. It turns out that even in a relatively(by NOChurch standards) good diocese - the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska - there was homosexual harassment in the seminary.

The  Diocese of Harrisburg released the names of over 70 priests accused of sexual abuse, some of it dating from the 1940s. None of them are in active ministry, and the average comes out at about 1 priest per year over 70 years, which is certainly far from an overwhelming number. However, it is still sickening that these priests seem not to have undergone disciplinary measures, and perhaps worse still that it took the McCarrick scandal for this to come out. I am also split regarding the wisdom of releasing names from people accused of sexual abuse, when the men involved are dead and cannot defend themselves. Something about it rings entirely hollow and insincere.

Not tired of current homosexual scandals,  Bergoglio decided to appoint a high-ranking Vatican official who is suspected of being a sodomite himself . As I have mentioned before, we are well within ourselves to ask whether Bergoglio is not himself a sodomite. In fact, I would argue that at this point we are almost duty-bound to assume that he is. Normal decent folks do not surround themselves with sodomites unless they are partial to their lifestype. One of his closest aides, Maradiaga, had to defend himself from accusations of misconduct after it transpired that one of his closest aides had been sexually harassing seminarians. This is the man often referred to as the 'vice pope', on account of being so close to Bergoglio.

In The Moment Before the Storm, Steve Skojec tells us that there is an eerie feeling about the Church, as if something big is about to burst out, and the hierarchy seems utterly oblivious to the anger bubbling up amongst the faithful. There have been indications of this anger coming to the surface, but as I do not hang out with people in the Novus Ordo, I dare not comment on whether he has his finger on the pulse regarding that.

A Bergoglian appointee in  Argentina forbade the faithful in his diocese from receiving Holy Communion kneeling. You see, NOChurch bishops have no qualms stamping their authority upon the faithful when it comes to things which destroy the faith. They just have trouble being authoritative when it comes to protecting the faith.

The Bergoglian attempt to teach that the death penalty is "inadmissible" continued to attract attention. It is difficult to make sense of the piece written by Fr. Allan McDonald, who argued that by stating that there are no exceptions allowed with regards to the death penalty, it will be easier to make the case that there are no exceptions allowed for abortion. He is against the change, and naturally against the killing of unborn children. However, his statement does not seem to me to make much sense, since most of those people care not about what the pope says anyway. Furthermore, he misrepresents the teaching on capital punishment: The Church's teaching is not that the death penalty is an exception to the absolute prohibition of murder, but rather that it is a fulfillment of the command that we should protect life. Mundabor had no problem calling Bergoglio's attempt "formal heresy", or making a coherent case as to why this is necessarily so.

Social media censorship continues to gather pace. I am not on social media, so I care not for what they do. I do remember over 10 years ago saying that the West is much more likely to end up like China than China is likely to end up like 'the West' - whatever 'West' means - and I have largely been proven correct. We now have NATO through the Atlantic Council deciding what is acceptable on facebook, and who deserves censure.

This week the censoring agents came for   Alex Jones, the US's premier conspiracy theorist . I have watched a lot of his stuff, and I like that he is mostly anti-war, although I must admit that he was much better before Trump was president, as he could focus on completely opposing U.S. imperialist murderous policies, as opposed to defending his man against legitimate criticism, or deflecting that criticism to others. After they were done with Alex Jones, they decided to ban a Venezuelan news site. Expect this kind of censorship to continue and widen in scope!

On Alex Jones, I must admit that I still have not figured out whether he is a legitimate opposition figure or false opposition. If he is legitimate, then it is likely that he sold out a while back, as he now never mentions Israel as being the problem in the Middle East, and especially in the Syrian conflict. This he did do earlier in his career. He is very much onboard with the anti-Iraninan propaganda, presumably because Trump spouts it. I can only presume that when he uses the word "globalist" he means "zionist" and that the man is smart enough to know that there are people you are not allowed to criticise, which is why he cannot criticise the zionists head-on. Either way, the man is insincere in not pointing out Israel's complicity in the creation of Islamist groups in the region, and in launching war after war after war. He seems to have no trouble mentioning Saudi Arabia, so at least we can conclude that it's not the Saudis who he fears, and therefore that it's not the Saudis...

Humanae Vitae, NOChurch's crown jewel, is still problematic, but there is good news to be found, if you know where to look - Sunday 22nd of July to Saturday 28th of July

With so much evil going on in the Church and the world, it is sometimes easy to forget that we do have a few bright spots. The most positive bright spot is the traditionalist movement, but we also have a 'negative bright spot' in the form of the implosion of the NOChurch regime.

The McCarrick scandal (to which we shall return) has certainly helped in this regard, but even before that NOChurch was in steep decline, from attendance, to money, to morals, there is simply nothing to keep NOChurch alive, and that is a good thing because it signlas that the revolution has failed and might be reversed, probably incrementally, before too long. The rod to its complete abandonment will be rough though.

Back to traditionalism, we hade the Institute of Christ the King ordaining 4 men to the priesthood. This happened in early July, but it's worth mentioning. The larger FSSP and SSPX have also had more priests ordained to the priesthood this summer. We  had news from Italy that a second personal parish for the Tridentine Mass has been erected. Then we also had news from Spain which had its first traditional family retreat , also in early July. These are all good things, good seeds, all worthy of celebration.

It is true that our numbers are small, but they are steady and impressive, especially when put into a greater context of an institituional Church which is opposed to authentic Catholicism and a wider society which is opposed to even the watered-down Novusordoism. The Catholic counter-revolution started with practically nothing, but now there are more than 1,000 priests associated exclusively with the Old Rite and traditionalism extends an influence in certain places - France, for instance - far in excess of its size, and this influence will only grow as NOChurch seminaries continue to empty. In theory, this ought to lead to a traditionalist becoming a bishop sometime in the not-too-distant future and then all-bets-are-off really, as I am quite certain that will create a domino effect.

We are far from there and things are far from good, but it is not all dark, and we have to recognise these bright spots, all while avoiding a pollyannic attitude which I often see among many political commentators trying to convince themselves that there is a 'Christian' revival going on in Europe, or that the somewhat anti-lefist currents in Europe are solutions to Europe vast suicidal problems - all stemming from immorality and apostasy.

As if to emphasise the continuing failure of NOChurch, in Colombia, a protestant pastor forced himself into a Church in Colombia and smashed a Marian Statue on the Feast of Our Lady of Carmel . This is in spite of NOChurch assuring us with to its great ecumeniacal drive that there is no difference between protestants and Catholics. Some protestants know better, of course.

I shall, however, agree that  if by Catholicism they mean Novusordoism and not the Catholicism which Novusordoism has sought to eclipse, the differences are very slim. In essence, Novusordoism is a protestant belief system, one of plurality, one which does not seek to worship God in the fullest, and one which plays foot-loose with the truth, including that  of Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture; actually, especially those.

The crowning moment of NOChurch came with the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which celebrated it's 50th birthday this week. It's pretty much the only thing Paul VI didn't get completely wrong, and which he probably got mostly right. Of course, it was only needed because Pope John XXIII had convened a commission to study the issue of the newly-invented contraceptive pill, and thanks to the modernising effect of Vatican II, it had come to be seen as a commission which would look into the actualy morality of contraception. That was Paul VI's fault and his alone. Still, in the end he did the right thing, just about.

In Humanae Vitae’s Challenge to Modernity, Crisis Magazine pointed out why Humanae Vitae is still as relevant as ever, as well as why it is still so despised. While Humanae Vitae was the crowning moment of NOChurch - at least with regard to its Catholicity - the dissent that followed it could be argued to be one of NOChurch's low-points, although here the competition is very strong, and Bergoglio has not helped in this regard, with a series of low-points vying for lowest point in Church history. In any case, the Catholic Church had hitherto been seen as a giant monument to morality, a bullwark against the worst instincts of man, even by her enemies. In Widespread dissent against Humanae Vitae put me off becoming a Catholic, we are given an insight into how damaging the Humanae Vitae fall-out was to the reputation of the Church among non-Catholics. The  piece was written by Malcolm Muggeridge in August of 1968, and appeared in the Catholic Herald. He did though, finally convert to Catholicism, albeit 14 years later, proving that the essential elements of Catholicism still remain and that God does work for conversion towards the Catholic faith,  in spite of NOChurch, not because of it.

The eminent historian Roberto di Mattei gave his take on Humanae Viate with at least 2 pieces. He is not overly positive in his assessment of the encyclical, and it would seem that he echoes the view of Louie Verrechio who sees Humanae Vitae as part of the problem and not the solution. In "The Birth of Humanae Vitae in light of the Vatican Archives ", he reviews a book written by a Vatican official which purports to trail the creation of the document. He sees in the book an attempt to suggest that the issue may be revisited. He also takes aim against the idea of Humanae Vitae being prohetic, and he wrote:

Humanae Vitae was not a “prophetic” encyclical. It would have been, if it had dared to



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