
What Is Ideology?

Public Discourse - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 02:00

The following is an excerpt from What Is Ideology? by Mark Shiffman (Wiseblood Books, July 2023). This excerpt was reprinted with permission from the publisher.

Ideology is compelled to distort reality and so is inherently dishonest and distorting of truth, and it is therefore inherently violent. It also naturally tends toward totalitarianism. But even if it does not attain totalitarian state authority, it has an insidious tendency to possess and transform the human being from the inside out. This is the tendency of ideology to destroy, with one’s own cooperation, the humanity or free personhood of those who adhere to it or are seduced by its view of the world, and to some extent even those intimidated into being collaborators. It is the tendency of ideological politics to turn human beings into instruments, not only through compulsion and intimidation, but through their own choice to behave and think according to its dictates.

The ideology substitutes its interpretive framework for the mind’s submission to a reality of complex particulars, competing goods, and a sometimes elusive order requiring humble interpreting. The discipline accepted and self-imposed by the adherent helps to continually force the mind into the narrow channel of the ideology’s logic. The intensity of the zealot comes from belief in the totality of the ideological vision, from enchantment by its hubristic assurance in its own capacity to draw the blueprint and marshal the power to create the world over in its image, from feeling like an empowered participant in its supplanting of God the Creator. This tendency inherent to ideological movements, regardless of how much coercive state power they have attained, is dramatically portrayed in one of the greatest of American novels, Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.

Ellison’s anti-ideological novel was published in 1952, one year after Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism. With the ideologies of Nazism and Fascism (what we might call ideologies of the right) fresh in the minds of those who fought against and defeated them, Ellison did not seem to see the need to respond to them. His narrator finds himself instead coming under the spell and domination of ideologies of the left, which is to say progressive ideologies. The first is the paternalistic philanthropic vision of wealthy white East Coast liberals who are trying to support the uplift of the suitably motivated black Americans into the industrial-commercial economic system making its comeback after the Great Depression. Booker T. Washington promoted this agenda, while W. E. B. DuBois criticized it as a bartering of one’s social, political, and intellectual dignity for an uncertain chance at economic dignity.

After literally being ground up by the machinery in a factory, Ellison’s narrator, disillusioned with this vision of black economic striving, is recruited by an organization whose principles are recognizably Marxist to speak on behalf of its ideology and to organize its Harlem branch. . . .

The language of the Brotherhood carries verbal echoes of the liberal commercial progressivism it is attempting to overcome, but the words are given a more dehumanizing turn. A rich white philanthropist early in the book talks about the young narrator as a cog in the machine of his great project of organizing human life (according to the standards of advanced civilization). The Brotherhood brings him to the point of taking pride in being a cog in the machine that organizes human energies in the service of their physics-like science of history. The ideology of the Brotherhood explicitly maintains that individuals do not count in comparison to the historical process: they only serve to prepare the way for the humanity of the future, and so are politically meaningless in themselves. As the protagonist learns much too late, in both liberal and communist versions of progressive ideology the historical experiences of black Americans, with their particular cultural ideals and personal aspirations and indignities, do not matter except to the extent that they serve or can be made to serve the larger ideological agenda. Ideology renders their reality invisible.

Describing the height of his entrancement with the Brotherhood’s vision, Ellison’s narrator provides a succinct portrait of his ideological consciousness:

The world was strange if you stopped to think about it; still it was a world that could be controlled by science, and the Brotherhood had both science and history under control. Thus for one lone stretch of time I lived with the intensity displayed by those chronic numbers players who see clues to their fortune in the most minute and insignificant phenomena. . . . I was dominated by the all-embracing idea of Brotherhood. The organization had given the world a new shape, and me a vital role. We recognized no loose ends, everything could be controlled by our science. Life was all pattern and discipline; and the beauty of discipline is when it works. And it was working very well.

The contradiction between the depersonalization imposed by the Brotherhood and the richness and depth of human dignity and suffering comes to a head after the narrator witnesses the police shooting of a black comrade. The ideology claims all right to interpret the meaning of the life and death of this unique person—a person with whom the narrator seemed to be developing his first real friendship, until the organization, by compelling the narrator to act under the domination of the ideology and the discipline of the party, makes him complicit in this friend’s disappointment, frustration, and death.

As he conducts the funeral in Harlem, the narrator’s personal response finds expression only through resonance with the response of the black community, drawing upon its history of suffering and its Christian musical tradition. He suddenly finds himself chafing against the Brotherhood’s insistence on judging the feelings of the black multitude only in terms of whether they can or cannot be put to political use in the present moment. Before the funeral, the narrator had believed that “nothing lay outside the scheme of our ideology.” When the mourners find a unified voice for their grief in an old black spiritual about slavery and liberation, he recognizes that the song is able to say something to him “for which the theory of Brotherhood had given me no name.”

White progressive ideology cannot recognize the black American inflection of the human condition for what it is but can only force it into its own narrative. In Ellison’s view, however, this complex relationship of a historical experience and musical tradition to the mysteries of reality fares no better under the eye of black ideological thinkers. In his 1964 review of the book Blues People by LeRoi Jones (later Amiri Baraka), Ellison expresses reservations about the author’s imposition of a social theory framework upon the blues tradition, combined with the “straining for a note of militancy” and the “dissonance of accusation” introduced by his political agenda. Ellison remarks:

Jones attempts to impose an ideology upon this cultural complexity . . . But his version of the blues lacks a sense of the excitement and surprise of men living in the world. … It is unfortunate that Jones thought it necessary to ignore the aesthetic nature of the blues in order to make his ideological point, for he might have come much closer had he considered the blues not as politics but as art.

The blues as art, according to Ellison, “speak to us simultaneously of the tragic and comic aspects of the human condition and they express a profound sense of life shared by many Negro Americans precisely because their lives have combined these modes.” They (like the Sorrow Songs drawn upon at the funeral in Invisible Man) are “part of a total way of life, and a major expression of an attitude toward life.”

Ellison suggests that a book like Blues People would be more illuminating if it were to develop this tragicomic sense of life as a counterpoise to the dominant American sensibility of optimism:

Perhaps more than any other people, Americans have . . .  fled the past and trained ourselves to suppress, if not forget, troublesome details of the national memory, and a great part of our optimism, like our progress, has been bought at the cost of ignoring the processes through which we’ve arrived at any given moment in our national existence.

Such inveterate forgetful optimism may itself offer fertile ground for ideological simplifications of reality, both economistic and nationalistic. For any adequate response to such tendencies, “the critical intelligence must perform the difficult task which only it can perform.” Racial identity channeled through ideological simplification only leads to the militant clash of ideologies, with no attentive connection to experienced reality providing a means of adjudication.

As Ellison indicates, ideological thinking, confident in its redemptive agenda and its theoretical reduction of reality, cannot acknowledge tragedy or comedy any more than it can the mystery and wonder of the given world. It cuts off access to these dimensions of shared experience, which would otherwise nourish critical intelligence by opening it onto complexity. As Arendt puts it, the adoption of ideological thought exchanges “the freedom inherent in man’s capacity to think for the strait jacket of logic with which man can force himself almost as violently as he is forced by some outside power. . . .

As Ellison renders more explicit, part of the intoxicating and animating zeal of this self-inflicted violence is the sense of exercising participatory agency in the great forward-moving force of redemptive history.

The attraction of subjecting oneself to ideological thought, then (as is suggested by both Dostoyevsky’s Demons and C. S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength), is a new form of something very old: the desire to escape the limitations and uncertainties of the human condition of knowledge and action by availing ourselves of a greater-than-human power. As in traditional tales of bargains with spirits and devils, while we think the superior source of knowledge and power is granting us greater freedom to achieve our desires and control our fate, we discover that the implicit terms of the agreement entail bargaining away our very humanity.

Public domain image: cropped and resized

Categories: All, Organisations

Taylor Caldwell-- Feminism Spoiled "Nature's Great Con" - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 01:04

Satanist social engineers have succeeded in undermining heterosexuality for the purpose of depopulation. 
Have you noticed? YouTube is full of videos of women complaining that men have lost
interest in courting them. Here's an example.   
Having eschewed the roles of wife and mother, they have no value to men except for sex which is widely available without marriage.  
Woman's stock-in-trade always has been to nurture and empower husbands and children. 
They are loved and cherished in return. 
Unable to love, they get no love. Men are going  their own way (MGTOW.)  Men are not stupid. The courts are rigged against them. They see that woman's game is to seduce some sucker, have children and then live off of him.
As with God, they have been brainwashed to reject the thing they most need, and now they are roadkill. Their stock-in-trade is love but they can't love men anymore.

Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love. Men want power. Women want love. The heterosexual bond is based on this exchange. Women empower their men by accepting their leadership. By competing for power, they emasculate them. The destruction of the nuclear family is a plank in the Communist Manifesto. Feminism is Communist, (Satanist) subversion.

Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) a British-born American novelist is a prime example of the (((Communist))) control of American culture. Despite being 
one of the most successful writers of the mid-20th century and author of 30 novels, there are no biographies or movies about her or her work.  Our liberal cultural commissars
 flushed her down the memory hole. All art now must be agitprop, i.e. politically correct, because we live in a de facto Communist society.  Taylor Caldwell was anti-Communist, and anti-feminist, as the following quote attests: 

 "There is no solid satisfaction in any career for a woman like myself. There is no home, no true freedom, no hope, no joy, no expectation for tomorrow, no contentment. I would rather cook a meal for a man and bring him his slippers and feel myself in the protection of his arms than have all the citations and awards and honors I have received worldwide, including the Ribbon of Legion of Honor and my property and my bank accounts. They mean nothing to me. And I am only one among the millions of sad women like myself."

In the article below, written in 1970, she laments that feminists are ruining "nature's great con" where men provided for wives and children. 
"I fear that men are beginning to suspect that we women conned them through the centuries. I fear they are asking themselves -- to women's terrible hurt -- why they should support an able-bodied woman who can earn a good living too, and why should they be responsible for providing a home for women." 

Men provided a home for women because women raised their children. Being a wife and mother was a respected and necessary role in society before the Communist cockroaches destroyed it. Unless a woman has exceptional talent, she finds her highest expression as a wife and mother. Women used to empower men (by being submissive) in exchange for his love and fidelity. Love is not free. It must be earned. Women earn lifelong love by nurturing husband and children. The Communists convinced them they can find permanent love by sex appeal or career achievement. People forget that the Communist goal is societal destruction.

Feminism brainwashed women to seek power instead of love. Now everyone is suffering. A woman was created by nature to bear children. Now many are rotting on the vine.

Below Taylor Caldwell relates how she wanted to be a traditional woman, but society wouldn't permit it.

Updated from 29 July 7, 2023

"Feminism is the Real Enslavement of Women" 

Abridged from Caldwell's prescient 1970 classic "Women's Lib: They're Spoiling Eve's Great Con Game."  

By Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) 

The left, alas, is now running yet another "Liberation Movement," this one championing females who believe that the male sex has somehow done the ladies wrong. The members of this Front say they want all the spoils the boys appear to be getting out of life. 

They're quite mad, of course. What these "girls" are about to do is ruin the biggest Con Game, and the most ancient, which one section of humanity has ever imposed on another, since Eve invented it. 

I'm just jealous, myself, having been deprived by circumstances from getting into that Big Con Game...alas, alas, alas.  But I've stood on the sidelines and seethed with envy, and now I hope - I say with a grin over clenched teeth - that the Liberation "girls" will get exactly what they want. It's all they deserve.

As for myself, I am ... plenty happy that my two beautiful daughters are in on the Game and enjoying every minute of it, and wouldn't even dream of Female Liberation. I brought them up to appreciate their blessings -- and to shut their mouths around their husbands, for fear the boys would catch on and demand liberation for themselves, which is exactly the calamity these rampant females in the "Liberation Movement" are going to precipitate. God help the contented women who will be their victims!


At eighteen, I fell desperately in love with a true man, a man of strength and masculine vitality and courage. He was attracted to me, too. But then one night he said to me, "Janet, you aren't the gentle little woman my mother was.  My father worshiped her, and no wonder. You are too strong, yourself, and too independent for me. There'd be conflict in the house. You wouldn't be satisfied just to be taken care of; you'd want to do something on your own, and be a 'partner' to me." 

It's just no use." I was struck dumb at this horrifying statement. I wasn't very articulate then. He gently picked up my hands and shook his head at the old callouses, and as gently put them down. 

traditional-gender-roles.jpgI wanted to cry out to him, " But I want to be like your mother! I want you to take care of me and deliver me from my hateful daily job! I want you to cherish me! I want only to be your wife and have your children and keep your house! I don't want a career or anything else. I just want you." 

But I couldn't say it. I had no words. My rearing silenced me. And so I never saw him again. But I saw the creeps, all right! They hung on me like leeches. Charity prevents me from elaborating on the matter. After all, a girl has to marry someone, doesn't she, when her yearning for love and protection overcomes her. And, believe me, unless she is a dyke or a Liberated Commie, that yearning is natural and heart-breaking...


I fear that men are beginning to suspect that we women conned them through the centuries. I fear they are asking themselves -- to women's terrible hurt -- why they should support an able-bodied woman who can earn a good living too, and why should they be responsible for providing a home for women. 

Why can't women be architects and bricklayers and plumbers and stone-masons and lawyers and doctors and businesswomen too, and pile up a fat bank account to be inherited by husbands? 

Why should a man give his ex-wife alimony and child-support checks, when she is just as capable, if not more so, of rolling up her sleeves and getting on the 8:00 bus of a morning for an arduous day in the factory or the office? 

After all, men whisper among themselves -- I have heard -- that women in Russia are treated exactly as men, and are farm-laborers plowing and seeding and harvesting, and they manhandle big machines in factories, empty garbage, and shovel snow, learn to be bricklayers and steel-workers as well as doctors and lawyers, serve in the armies, drive trucks, wear felt pants, dig sewers and lay pipes, clean chimneys and work in the forests, and do the heaviest of manual labor.

Men, in short, are licking their lips and, for the first time in history, are readying themselves to be exploiters in their turn -- to be the soft gentle creature in the house, the soother of exhaustion, the serene person who has nothing to worry about in his pleasant life. Mom's out there, plugging and "fulfilling" herself, and why should Pop worry? He's had it coming to him since Eve.

It is a woman's nature to make a sanctuary of love and delight in her home. That is the true "career" for women. Alas, alas, that so many multitudes of women are now forced -- or choose -- to abandon that career, and to become imitation men in society. The true men won't marry them. The creeps will throng about them. They will reap the bitterness I have had to reap -- though I never wanted a career, never wanted to be "stalwart." I just wanted to be a woman.


You really can't change human nature, and the instincts of that nature, for good or evil. I know a prosperous young man in New York, in his early thirties, who has a "pad" in a penthouse and is up-to-date on everything, including Ladies' Liberation. He highly approves of it. It is time, he told me, that women "stopped being parasites" and worked to the day they dropped dead or retired, as men do, and not expect a man "to support them." 

He is very enthusiastic, too, about women's "sexual liberation," and always manages to get a girl who, the dupe and dope, heartily agrees with him. "After all," says the young man, "women get as much fun out of it as men do, so why should a man feel obligated to marry them, or give them more than a drink and a dinner in exchange? I'm all for this new freedom for the girls."

He belongs to the Key Club. You know the kind I mean. When I was in New York recently he invited me to meet his "newest girl" at the Club. The "girl" happened to be a member of an advertising agency, a smart, pretty cookie with swinging hair and bright cheeks and eyes, and good manners and an engaging way with her. Only her eyes were vulnerable and soft and tender as she gazed at my young masculine friend. The lovelight shone in those eyes, deep and passionate and devoted. 

I thought those two hit it off wonderfully well, and I thought, too what a wonderful marriage they would make and what handsome and intelligent children they would have. After all, the girl came from a good family, had a master's degree in publications and advertising, and money of her own. And I could plainly see that marriage was fixed in her own ardent wishes and hopes.

When she went to the "powder room" I said to my sophisticated, progressive, and with-it young pal: "Are you going to marry Sally soon?" He looked absolutely shocked! Suddenly the primitive man was there and not a "modern" man in a dinner jacket and black tie, in a Key Club with bunnies running around and the smell of winey cooking in the air. He was aghast.

He said "Excuse me, but you can't be serious, can you? Sally's all right. But, after all, she is a modern girl -- she likes a romp as well as I do. No inhibition." He paused. Then he said, "Playmates for play-time. But only maidens for marriage!" And he laughed.

When I still stared at him cynically, he got a little mad. "Let's face it," he said. "The liberated girls have made their own public bed, and they can lie in it, and we men love it. but if they think we are going to marry them, they're due for an awakening. No man wants a woman who's been out on the town with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. When we marry, we don't want a 'modern' woman." He laughed again. "Oh, we encourage the women to be 'liberated'! It's cheap for us, and we get all the free sex we want before we settle down with a decent girl."

Sally came back, glowing at the boyfriend, her heart in her eyes. No one ever told Sally that she was being used, that her womanhood had been cheapened and degraded by her sister-women in the name of "liberation." 

Sure, Sally had her "identity," as they wickedly call it, and her "freedom," and she was being fulfilled all right, all right! She had her good job and her independence and her nice little apartment...and she was twenty-seven years old and she would soon be middle-aged, and all she could marry then (and even now) would be some "Liberal" creep eager to live on her salary and permit her to support him. 

The young man now opposite her, with his urbane manner and excellent income and ambitions, would never marry Sally. He would marry some sweet, untouched creature who would not "stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the battle for life," but who would make him a pleasant little wife of whose decency he would be proud, and who had never heard the phrase, "women's liberation." Well, I suppose, it serves Sally right and all her deluded and pathetic sisters who sprint off to work every morning and take care of themselves and are as "free as men." But deep in their deprived hearts, they know how tragic they are.


Girls, the men are catching on -- through your sister-women who have been "liberated -- that they have been victims for ages of the Big Con Game, and the first thing you know they will be demanding Civil Rights and Equality for themselves, too! It's up to you, in behalf of future generations, to lull them back and to again become superior. Who wants Equality with men? No woman in her right mind.

Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. It is notable that in Communist nations women are exhorted, and compelled, to do what has traditionally been men's work. American women, some of them, feel triumphant that they have broken down the "barricades" between the work of the sexes. 

I hope they will still feel triumphant when some commissar forces a shovel or an axe into their soft hands and compels them to pound and cut forests and dig ditches. I hope they will be "happy" when a husband deserts them and they must support their children and themselves alone. (After all, if a woman must be "free" she shouldn't object to men being free too, should she?")

 I hope they will feel "fulfilled" when they are given no more courtesies due to their sex, and no kindnesses, but are kicked aside on the subways and buses by men, and jostled out of the way by men on busy sidewalks and in elevators. I hope that no man will extend mercy to them because of obvious pregnancies, but will rudely tell them that that is no excuse to shirt a day's heavy labor, and they should be like Russian women. I hope they will be proud when some court demands that they support "delicate" husbands for a lifetime, and pay alimony. I hope, when they look in their mirrors, that they will be pleased to see exhausted and embittered faces, and that they will be consoled by their paychecks.

The decay and the ruin of a nation has always lain in the hands of its women. So does its life and strength, its reverence for beauty, its mercy and kindness. And, above all, its men.


Taylor Caldwell was born in England and emigrated to the US with her parents when she was a child in 1907. She was an outspoken conservative and wrote for many publications until her death in 1985. The preceding article was reprinted from the 1970 issue of American Opinion.

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

It’s hard to be this wrong

PeakProsperity - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 22:48
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

What One Priest Had to Say About Crisis

Crisis Magazine - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 21:58

Every spring, when we set out to raise the necessary funds to sustain Crisis Magazine throughout the rest of the year, I have an incredible opportunity to reflect on what it is that makes this publication so important. As donations come in (and they are coming in, alright! We are now almost 50% of the way towards our crucial $100,000 goal. Will you join the campaign now if you haven’t already?)…


Categories: All, News

The Paleo-Christian Basilica of St Simplician in Milan

Novus Motus Liturgicus - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 21:45
On the Ambrosian calendar, today is the very ancient feast of a group of three martyrs called Sisinnius, Martyrius and Alexander. They were originally from Cappadocia in Asia Minor, but in the days of St Ambrose, came to Milan, then the de facto imperial capital. At that time, all of northern Italy belonged to the ecclesiastical province of Milan, and St Vigilius, the bishop of Trent, had asked Gregory DiPippo
Categories: All, Clergy, Liturgical, Traditional

Roger Foley: A Passion to Live

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 21:10
Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Amanda Achtman, who is leading a project called Dying to Meet You, visited Roger Foley in London Ontario. Roger lives with Cerebral Ataxia and says that he has been pressured on several occasions to ask for euthanasia. (Link to the youtube video)

In the video, Foley gives Achtman context from his life concerning his disability. Foley states that as a child he was always uncoordinated and very tired. He was not diagnosed with his condition, so he thought that he could work through it.

Roger said that he is bedridden and has severe pain levels every day. He needs to take medications or he can't even function.

Amanda AchtmanAchtman asked him why he is living in a hospital and not a home. Roger responds:
Unfortunately we live in a country where persons with disabilities aren't allowed to choose who's around them.

You're worked at; not worked with.Foley then gave the example of a care worker who helped him get into the bath tub. He washed himself but when he needed help getting out of the tub, he called but got no answer. So he crawled out of the tub over the slippery floor, without full control of his limbs. As he was crawling down the hallway he hears snoring. He finds the caregiver stretched out on one of his chairs in a deep sleep. When he reported it to the agency, the care-giver confessed to the act but they didn't care.

Achtman asked him if he has been offered euthanasia? Roger replied:
Yeah, multiple times.

A nurse asked him if he had thoughts of self-harm? Foley responded honestly that he has thought about ending his life because of what he is going through. Out of nowhere, the nurse told him that he could apply for an assisted... you know what I mean.Achtman asked him what is the impact on him, as a patient, of having euthanasia suggested? Foley responded:
It's completely traumatized me. Now it's this overlying option, where, in my situation, when I say I'm suicidal, I'm met with, Well, you know, the hospital has a program to help you with that, if you want to end your life.

That didn't exist before MAiD was legalized, but now it's there.Roger says that he is having flash backs from this experience and that this has devalued him and all that he is.

Achtman asks about the accusation that it is only religious people who are trying to prevent euthanasia. Foley responds:
That's the ultimate gas lighting statement. Like, I'm not religious. I respect people who are religious. Saying that its just religious persons who oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide are completely wrong. And these people who usually say it have an ableist mindset and they look at persons with disabilities and see us as just better off dead and a waste of resources.Foley has hope is that one day he will be able to break through the wall of the system and get access to the services he needs.

Foley wants to live at home with workers who want to work with him as a team.

Foley concludes the interview by saying:
I have a passion to live.
I don't want to give up on my life.Previous articles about Roger Foley: 
  • UN disability envoy demands protection for people with disabilities from euthanasia in Canada (Link).
  • People with disabilities oppose expansion of MAiD in Canada (Link).
  • Canada is getting comfortable with killing people with disabilities (Link).
Categories: All, Health, Medicine

Fat Faggoty Frankie Really Is A Poor, Apologising Sod.

Mundabor's blog - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:37
Ah, we had it then, the a-po-lo-geeee. Frankie The Faggoty Fatso did apologise for the use of that most apposite most, frociaggine, in the seminaries. Reading the press, it seems he has said that there is too much of it. Pray tell us, fat Faggoty Frankie, how much faggotry are you fine with in the […]
Categories: All, Lay, Traditional

May 29 - NATO & Russia Play Nuclear Chicken - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:27

oops-just-a-mistake-v0-ikg78ehcwb3d1 (1).png
(Left. Bombing refugees sheltering in tents was a "tragic" mistake but demolishing buildings full of people and massacring 35,000 wasn't? Is there anyone more sleazy than the Israeli government?)

Nuclear chicken articles are below Israeli massacre. Please send links and comments to 

Survivors recount Israel's Rafah camp massacre, describing headless children and charred bodies:

The attack took place around 10 pm local time. Israeli jets dropped bombs on the makeshift camp, causing a fire that burned some 14 tents, according to one eyewitness. The camp is located in the Israeli-designated 'humanitarian zone' near a UN storage facility, according to analysis by Al Jazeera Arabic. The Palestinian health minister said 45 people were killed in the attack. Another 249 were wounded, some seriously, including people with severe burns and severed limbs.
More and more European officials and NATO countries are on board with allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory. Among the latest to speak openly about this are NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, and the government of Sweden, which is the NATO alliance's newest member state.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine...

Russian foreign policy commentator and TV presenter Dmitry Suslov has called for his country to conduct a "demonstrative" nuclear explosion in response to calls by European politicians to allow Kyiv to use Western arms against targets inside Russia

"I hope that the political and psychological impact of a nuclear mushroom, which will be shown by all the world's TV channels, will return to Western politicians the only thing which has prevented wars between great powers since 1945 and which they've now largely lost - the fear of a nuclear war"


Russia has moved 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean
Quote: "Vice-Admiral Sir Clive Johnstone, former Commander of NATO's Maritime Command, who died on May 16th, 2024 said in a recent interview: "The Alliance sees more activity from Russian submarines than we've seen since the days of the Cold War....A lot of what the Russians are doing at the moment we don't understand, and is obscure... and is shrouded in other activity which makes us nervous, and makes nations nervous."
 Biden's economy crumbling while EU leaders push MILITARY DRAFT to send millions of young Europeans to their deaths

They are gangsters.

Israeli spy chief 'threatened' ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry

Protesters set Israeli Embassy in Mexico City on Fire

Savage Jews of Israel, led by the savage Benjamin Satanyahu, say that 'Gaza war likely to last another seven months'

Israel sent tanks on raids into Rafah on Wednesday and predicted its war on Hamas in Gaza would continue all year, after Washington said the Rafah assault did not amount to a major ground operation that would trigger a change in U.S. policy.

Yuval Harari and WEF belong to Commie wing of Jewish dialectic---Supports two-state solution

Yuval Noah Harari: Israelis and Palestinians 'each have good reason to suspect their existence is at stake'

He compares Netanyahu to Bar Kochba who led a rebellion against the Romans in 132 BC and was crushed. 

Harari--Can Judaism Survive a Messianic Dictatorship in Israel?
What will happen to Judaism if Israeli democracy is destroyed by supremacist zealots?


( Harvey Milk. Why are so many Jews gay? Overbearing mothers and browbeaten fathers.)

RFK Jr celebrates an infamous Dem gay rights leader Harvey Milk who was accused of grooming minors

On Wednesday, independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. posted an homage to Harvey Milk, an infamous Democrat politician accused of grooming minors, on the day established in 2009 to celebrate his life. Kennedy posted on X, "I want to take a moment to celebrate Harvey Milk Day and honor a man whose bravery transformed our society. Harvey Milk was a trailblazer for LGBTQ+ rights and the first openly gay individual elected to public office in California."


Scott Ritter- Israel has shot itself in the foot

The world was prepared to recognize Israel. Now everyone is turning their back on Israel, including Jews. Ritter predicts Israel will depopulate. 

People like Ritter and MacGregor don't realize that there is a plan to start the third Masonic Jewish world war. 


Open Letter From Sanhedrin to Donald Trump Concerning Dividing the Land of Israel and Jerusalem in 2019
 Quote: "The Creator of the World did not grant any rights of settlement in the borders of the Holy Land to other nations, and certainly not to the enemies of the People of Israel. "
"Fool me twice- I told you I was a snake," Traitorous Jew- Trump says he will deport anti-Israel protesters if elected

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Jewish donors earlier this month that if elected in November he would deport anti-Israel protesters and defeat the "radical revolution" he said the campus demonstrations were part of.

Karoline Leavitt, the campaign's national press secretary, wrote to the Post in email that "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end."

Nikki-Haley-1024x1024-use-this.jpegNikki Haley Visits Israel, Writes 'Finish Them' on Israeli Artillery Shell
Trump recently said that he's sure Haley will be on 'his team'

Cold-blooded killer.

Reminder: U.S. Doctors in 2020 Requested Supply of DEATH PENALTY Drugs To "Treat" COVID Patients


Brad Salzberg- Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes "Systemic" In Canada

"The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets."

All the things we were raised to believe in - family, personal freedom, patriotism- are now "far-right extremism" because we have had a Communist takeover. Our government and mass media are all communist.


Salvini: 'The bill to reintroduce the draft in the Chamber'
'Six months of civil or military service for 18-26 year olds'

Mikhail Khodorkovsky Names Lord Jacob Rothschild As Ultimate Beneficial Owner

 In a groundbreaking interview, former Russian Oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has named none other than Lord Jacob Rothschild (deceased) as the ultimate beneficial shareholder of Russian interests during Privatization.

We always knew he was just a proxy for Rothschild.

WATCH: The mainstream media, which once characterized 15-minute cities as a conspiracy theory, is now covering the plans set to be implemented in Edmonton


So much for "peer review" -- Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers


Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

Modi tries to sow discord between Christians and Muslims during the election campaign - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:26
At a rally in Jharkhand on the eve of the last voting round, the Indian prime minister attacked some schools that chose Friday as a public holiday instead of Sunday, claiming that after Hindus, Muslims are also 'fighting with Christians". He also vowed that Muslims would never be eligible for benefits meant for Dalits and tribal people.
Categories: All, Asia, News

Putin warns West about consequences of long-range strikes on Russia

non veni pacem - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:20

From RT:

Kiev’s Western backers need to understand that long-range strikes on Russian territory using weaponry they have supplied would represent a conflict escalation and lead to “serious consequences,” Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters at the end of a two-day visit to Uzbekistan, Putin addressed recent Ukrainian demands for NATO to permit the use of its weapons to attack deep inside Russia as well as comments by the US-led bloc’s head, Jens Stoltenberg, appearing to endorse the tactic.

“To be honest, I don’t know what the NATO secretary-general is saying,” Putin told reporters, adding that Stoltenberg “did not suffer from any dementia” when he worked constructively with Russia as the prime minister of Norway (2005-2013).

“This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the US behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? Hard to say. Do they want global conflict?”

Putin explained that long-range precision strikes require space reconnaissance assets – which Kiev does not have, but the US does – and that this targeting is already done by “highly qualified specialists” from the West, without Ukrainian participation.

“So, these representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, especially in small countries, must be aware of what they are playing with,” the Russian president said, noting that a lot of these countries have “a small territory and a very dense population.”

“What caused this? They did, with their own hands. Well, then, they will reap what they have sown. The same thing can happen if long-range precision weapons are used,” the Russian president added.

Categories: All, Lay, Traditional

Let’s Not Get Rid of the Dead Donor Rule

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:55

800x600 By Sara Buscher, Attorney, Past Chair, EPC USA 

The Dead Donor Rule requires that a person to have died before organs can be harvested for transplant. 

EPC supports the dead donor rule and we recognize that the Dead Donor Rule will prevent the approval of euthanasia by organ donation. In a recent Tulane University Medical School lecture, Law Professor Thaddeus Pope said violations of the dead donor rule are rampant.

Brain death was created in 1968 as a workaround to the Dead Donor Rule to generate more transplant organs and free up ICU beds. It eventually became legal in the 1980’s through adoption of the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) by countries and the each US state.

The latest effort to legitimize harvesting organs from living people suffered a set back when the Uniform Law Commission chose to stop its effort to revise the UDDA. The revision to the UDDA was designed to give legal cover to all the ways in which organs are being taken from living persons. Professor Pope attributes the shortage of organs to fewer car accident deaths. He also expressed concern that people who support the Dead Donor Rule could demand more accountability and enforcement of existing laws. I would say disability groups could also demand more accountability and enforcement.

Before continuing this report on the lecture, I want our readers to know that some of the people whose organs are being harvested could recover, if given enough time, and doctors cannot predict which ones will recover. People are declared brain dead, on average, in 4 days, but it takes about 2 weeks for a coma to resolve and 3 to12 months after injury to recover consciousness. According to a recent study:

“Predicting who will recover following severe traumatic brain injury, and to what degree, can be challenging. Yet, families are often asked to make decisions about continuing or withdrawing life support, such as mechanical breathing, within just 72 hours of the injury” 

The same study found 40% of those whose life support was not withdrawn recovered at least some independence. According to a federal fact sheet, people who are in a state of permanent unconsciousness (coma) survive 60% to 80% of the time; coming out of the coma within 4 weeks, usually moving to a vegetative state or partial consciousness and slowly continuing to improve. For those whose condition was caused by a physical impact, 60% to 90% will regain consciousness by 1 year after injury.

The Uniform Determination of Death Act says:
An individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.

Professor Pope says there are four ways the Dead Donor Rule and UDDA are being violated. About two-thirds involve brain death and one-third cardiac death.

  1. Brain Death. People are being labelled brain dead even though parts of the brain are still functioning and their condition may be reversible. There is “massive variability” in how brain “death” is determined, from state to state, hospital to hospital and doctor to doctor.
  2. Donation by Cardiac Death (DCD). Here organs are being taken before there is certainty heart stoppage is irreversible. When life support is stopped, the transplant team waits for the heart to stop before harvesting organs. Research shows the heart could restart on its own within 5 minutes, but some teams are waiting only 2 minutes for the first incision. Organs obtained this way may be slow to start after transplant due to oxygen deprivation before being harvested.
  3. Normothermic Regional Profusion (NRP). After the person’s heart stops and does not restart during the waiting period for cardiac death, the person is attached to a heart-lung machine. Before turning it on to circulate oxygenated blood, arteries to the brain are clamped off. Then, organs are harvested. This method minimizes the time transplantable organs are deprived of oxygen.
  4. Premortem Interventions. The family of a patient on life support is told the patient has died and what they view as life support is really organ support. The living person is then turned over to the transplant team.

To solve the problem of rampant dead donor rule violations, Professor Pope says the UDDA should be changed. As already stated, a four year effort to do this within the Uniform Law Commission failed in 2023. A few months ago Professor Pope called for a new federal revised UDDA that would override state UDDA statutes. He is now calling for changing public opinion to allow families to agree to organ harvesting for people who are nearly dead. This could also be done by an advance directive. He pointed to a national public opinion survey about death and organ donations.

The national public opinion survey supports organ donation from nearly dead people, but is flawed. Respondents were asked questions about the following vignette.

Jason has been in a very bad car accident. He suffered a severe head injury and is now in the hospital. As a result of the injury, Jason is completely unconscious. He cannot hear or feel anything, cannot remember or think about anything, he is not aware of anything, and his condition is irreversible. Jason will never wake up. He also cannot breathe without mechanical support, but is on a breathing machine that keeps his lungs working. Without the machine, Jason's heart and all other organs would stop within minutes. Although he will never wake up and cannot breathe without the support of the machine, Jason is still biologically alive. Before the injury, Jason wanted to be an organ donor. The organs will function best if they are removed while Jason's heart is still beating and while he is still on the breathing machine. If the organs are removed while Jason is still on the machine, he would die from the removal of organs (in other words, the surgery would cause Jason's biological death).

The vignette says the doctors know Jason will never improve or recover, yet this cannot be predicted as indicated earlier. Other problems with the survey include the respondents were self-selected and tended to be in categories that would be more supportive such as more liberal and less conservative than the general population.

We have a better idea. Let's not get rid of the Dead Donor Rule.

More articles on this topic:

  • No to killing for organs (Link).
  • Organ donation procedure violates the Dead Donor Rule (Link).
  • Proposed changes to the UDDA will cause more litigation (Link). 
  • Are people who are declared brain dead always dead? (Link).
Categories: All, Health, Medicine

Kachin: environmental, health costs up as rare earths exports to China reach record level - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:48
Global Witness updated its report on the situation in the Myanmar state, which is rich in rare earths needed in modern technologies. Local armed groups loyal to the military junta and ethnic resistance militias are fighting each other. Both sides rely on mostly unregulated mining to boost revenue, with huge problems for the local environment and population.
Categories: All, Asia, News

9 Things to Know About Future Saint Carlo Acutis, the Teen Who Loved & Promoted Eucharistic Miracles

ChurchPOP - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:16

Blessed Carlo Acutis is an Italian Catholic teenager known for his love for the Eucharist and extraordinary path to holiness.

He lived from May 3, 1991, to Oct. 12, 2006.

Carlo Acutis is unique because he was familiar with modern-day cultural difficulties and opportunities. His story is considered very relatable, especially among young people.

His short life has had a lasting impact on the Church.

Recently, Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to his intercession, making way for him to become a saint!

Here are nine things you may not know about Blessed Carlo Acutis:

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

1. Carlo Acutis was born in London but raised in Milan.

2. Although his parents were not especially devout, Carlo developed a love for the Rosary and the Mass from a young age. His witness of faith led to his mother’s conversion.

3. He loved to play sports and video games. He enjoyed things like Pokémon and Super Mario!

4. As a programmer, he built a website promoting Eucharistic miracles.

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

5. He was passionate about using media and technology to spread the Gospel.

6. Carlo was diagnosed with Leukemia as a teenager. He offered his suffering to the Lord for the Pope and the Church.

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

7. He requested to be buried in Assisi due to his love for Saint Francis of Assisi.

8. Carlo was beatified by Pope Francis on Oct. 10, 2020, and is the first millennial to be beatified.

9. Carlo Acutis will be the first millennial saint! Pope Francis recognized the miracle needed for his canonization.

Here is a prayer for the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis:

Oh God, Our Father,
thank you for giving us Carlo,
a life example for the young
and a message of love for everyone.

You made him become enamored with
Your Son Jesus, making the Eucharist
his “Highway to Heaven.”

You gave him Mary, as a most loving Mother,
and, with the Rosary, you made him
a poet of her tenderness. Receive his prayer for us.

Above all, gaze upon the poor,
whom he loved and helped.
Grant for me too, by his intercession,
the grace that I need...

(mention your request here)

And make our joy fulfilled,
placing Carlo among the saints
of your Church, so that his smile
may shine again for us in the glory of your name.


Pater, Ave, Gloria
(“Our Father”, “Hail Mary”, “Glory Be”)


You can find more information on the miracle attributed to his intercession here.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, please pray for us!

Categories: All, History, Satire

China's emissions drop as renewables grow, but coal remains - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:11
For the first time since post-COVID reopening, emissions fell in March by 3 per cent. Stabilised thanks to increased solar and wind power generation, they fell by 8 per cent in the steel industry and 22 per cent in construction. Still, several coal powered plants are in the planning stage.
Categories: All, Asia, News

The Failure of Conservatism

Mises Institute - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 17:00
The neoconservatives are prime examples of what happens when the temptation to empire and hegemony, far from being resisted, is eagerly embraced by conservatives.

Pope starts a new cycle of catechesis on the Holy Spirit - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 16:39
In today's general audience in St Peter's Square, the pontiff kicked off a new round of reflections, this time on the action of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation. 'The Spirit is harmony," Francis explained. He also talked about the "havoc" humanity is visiting upon Creation, as well as how to undertake the "way of contemplation" like Francis of Assisi. The Holy Father spoke about the victims of a landslide in Papua New Guinea. ...
Categories: All, Asia, News

The Jury Is Out

Steyn Online - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 16:00
Steyn fields questions on many topics, starting with jury deliberations in the Trump kangaroo court...
Categories: All, Journalists, Non-Catholic

US Arms Sales Are a Clear and Present Danger

Mises Institute - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 16:00
The US government’s recent arms sale to Israel is a reminder that arms sales have become a significant part of US foreign policy, as well as a major source of instability around the world.

Live Around the Planet: Wednesday May 29th

Steyn Online - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 16:00
Mark takes questions from Steyn Club members around the world...
Categories: All, Journalists, Non-Catholic

Sanctions Are for Losers

Ron Paul Institute - Featured Articles - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 15:59

On April 13, Iran launched an unprecedented retaliatory drone and missile attack on Israel, leading the U.S. and its allies to reach once again for their favorite weapon of war—sanctions.

This knee-jerk reaction was as predictable as it was ill-founded, according to the scholarly research. In Nicholas Mulder’s 2022 treatise The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War, he traces the history of sanctions from the blockades in World War I to today’s morass of economic sanctions. Mulder concludes that “the historical record is relatively clear: most economic sanctions have not worked.”

Mulder’s treatise was followed by the book Backfire: How Sanctions Reshape the World Against U.S. Interests by Agathe Demarais. Drawing on her experience as an economic policy adviser for the diplomatic corps of the French Treasury, Demarais observes that sanctions tend to unite rather than isolate countries that are at odds with the U.S. and its allies, thereby transforming the geopolitical landscape and global economy to the detriment of U.S. influence.

The case of Iran is particularly illustrative of these points. In the recent How Sanctions Work: Iran and the Impact of Economic Warfare, authors Vali Nasr, Narges Bajoghli, Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, and Ali Vaez present a detailed study on the long-term impacts of economic sanctions on Iran. Nasr is an Iranian-born distinguished professor of international affairs and Middle East studies, a veteran diplomat, and a member of the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board. He and his collaborators studied the economic data and conducted long-form oral history interviews with 80 residents of Iran. The authors demonstrate that decades of Western sanctions, including the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign of 2018, have neither modified Iran’s international behavior in ways intended by policy makers nor precipitated any semblance of regime change.

Instead, sanctions have inflicted severe hardships on ordinary Iranians. The middle class has shrunk significantly from 45 percent in 2017 to 30 percent in 2020. If that wasn’t bad enough, Nasr and his colleagues estimate that the death toll attributable to the humanitarian catastrophes triggered by sanctions—such as food shortages and the breakdown of critical medical systems—has amounted to “hundreds of thousands.”

By imposing sanctions, the U.S. sought to crush Iran’s economy and make life so difficult for ordinary Iranians that they would rise up and either change the regime’s behavior or overthrow it altogether. However, this strategy relied on the assumption that Iranians would blame their misery on their own government and not those imposing the sanctions. Rather than blaming their government, Iranians have experienced a classic rally-’round-the-flag effect with sanctions inadvertently solidifying support for the regime. By creating animus against the U.S., sanctions have turned Iran’s hurting middle class into either de facto or de jure supporters of Iran’s leaders.

This is reflected in the interviews conducted by Nasr and his colleagues. Hamid, an interviewee and a disaster management specialist in Iran’s civil society sector, said of sanctions: “All they’ve done is make the Revolutionary Guard more powerful. Those of us in civil society are suffocating.”

Reza, a disillusioned university professor, echoed Hamid’s concerns: “If it’s not the nuclear issue, it’s our ballistic missiles. If it’s not our ballistic missiles, it’ll be human rights. If it’s not human rights, [the U.S.] will find another reason [to sanction Iran].”

Furthermore, Nasr and his co-authors contend that sanctions have driven the Iranian government to adopt more defensive and aggressive postures—the very behaviors that spurred the U.S. to impose sanctions on Iran in the first place. This pattern of behavior, where a sanctioned state becomes more militaristic and risk-taking, is well-documented and aligns with what economic theory predicts about actors with “nothing to lose.” This was highlighted by William L. Silber in The Power of Nothing to Lose: The Hail Mary Effect in Politics, War, and Business, in which he elucidates how extreme pressure during times of “war” can lead nations to take bold, often reckless actions.

It’s clear that the sanctions landscape is littered with failure—not just in Iran but also in Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, and, most recently, Russia. Despite their dismal track record, a 2021 Treasury Department report showed that the use of sanctions had surged by a stunning 900 percent since 2000. The persistence in using this tool highlights a disconnect between expected and actual outcomes in U.S. foreign policy strategy.

If the U.S. and its allies had aimed to create a more moderate Iran or change the regime with sanctions, they have failed. What is needed is a more nuanced and effective foreign policy that rests on diplomacy and does not inadvertently strengthen the very behaviors and regimes the U.S. aims to modify.

Reprinted with permission from The Independent Institute.

Categories: All, Political


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