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Driver’s Licenses Waive Personal Responsibility and Contribute to Disorder on the Road

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 16:00
People often stubbornly hold to false beliefs, one of them being that government regulation of driving prevents chaos. However, the opposite seems to be true: government involvement in anything, including driving a car, creates the chaos we claim we want to avoid.


Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Preface to Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 2. Political Anarchy Is How the West Got Rich

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 2 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 5. Secession as a Path to Self-Determination

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 5 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 8. Why the US Supports Secession for Africans, but Not for Americans

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 8 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 11. How Small Is Too Small?

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 11 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 14. Why “One Man, One Vote” Doesn’t Work

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 14 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 17. Before Roe v. Wade, Abortion Policy was a State and Local Matter

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 17 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 20. Sovereignty for Cities and Counties: Decentralizing the American Statesbal Sovereignty Is Important

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 20 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Introduction: Universal Rights, Locally Enforced

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Introduction to Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 3. Why Regimes Prefer Big States and Centralized Power

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 3 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 6. Nationalism as National Liberation: Lessons from the End of the Cold War

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 6 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 9. From Taxes to Trade, More Secession Means More Freedom

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 9 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 12. When It Comes to National Defense, It’s More than Size that Matters

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 12 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 15. Democracy Doesn’t Work Unless It’s Done Locally

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 15 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 18. When Immigration Policy Was Decentralized

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 18 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Postscript: A Tale of Two Megastates: Why the EU Is Better (In Some Ways) than the US

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Postscript to Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Foreword by Carlo Lottieri

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Foreword to Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 1. More Choices, More Freedom, Less Monopoly Power

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 1 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.

Chapter 4. Why the Classical Liberals Wanted Decentralization

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 15:15
Chapter 4 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.
