Novus Ordo anti-Catholicism

Ecclesia Dei is rewarded with abolition for its good work, as Catholic kids are threatened with similar reward - Sunday 6th to Saturday 26th of January

This will probably be one of the last if not the last of the time-period chronicles. There is simply too much happening too fast for me to write effectively about it. I hope to transition to shorter pieces which cover one topic and I have several in the pipeline, but I have to get through some of the time period stuff, so I shall make this brief...

In "Not Just More Scripture, But Different Scripture — Comparing the Old and New Lectionaries ", Peter Kwasniewski mada a point of pointing out that the Novus Ordo Missae doesn't have what the Roman Rite have plus some add-ons, but that there are significant substractions from the lectionary. Things get even more interesting when we analyse what got left out and realise that many of the 'hard' teachings were left out entirely from the Sunday readings, and some entirely over the whole 3-year cycle. He also had an article on non-reasons for preferring the Novus Ordo, which was written as a response to a famous convert priest who had written a piece with purpoted reasons to prefer the Novus Ordo.

The biggest issue for the U.S. domestically was the case of the kids of Covington Catholic High School, who were villified in the media for something they never did , on top of which the diocese joined in on the unjust condemnation, and added threats of expulsion to it without even ever having heard their side of the story. For once, Donald Trump kept his keyboard close to himself, which proved wise because after the storm had blown off and the story found to be false, he could then stand back and point to yet another example of the fake news media.

Before we get too praisy on Trump, we should remember that he is quite adept at producing fake news himself, as evidenced with his attempted coup in Venezuela, in which his vice president spoke to a relative nobody in the Venezuelan parliament, assuring him that the U.S. would recognise him president if he swore himself in, which he promply proceeded to do, followed by prompt U.S. recognition of this rouge politician, with Trump following suit with lies about dictator Maduro this-and-that, with Nicolas Maduro being the duly-elected president. This story has lots of legs left on it so I shall not write much on it today, apart from noting that the major event was triggered on the 23rd of January, and that the story being told in the U.S. - which has suddenly decided to back Trump - is the exact opposite of the truth. This was the major story internationally.

As always, fake news is not limited to the secular media, with neo-Catholic sites never far behind. In Christian groups cautious on U.S. troops leaving Syria, EWTN proceeded to tell us about how worried Syrians are about the U.S. withdrawing from its illegal occupation of Syria, without so much as citing one Syrian  - not even a fake one.

We all know that modern Western nations do not care one bit about children, so it was amusing when the U.K. used , the chldren excuse to introduce a pornography licence of sorts in which we are told that people will have to register with the government in order to view pornography. When governments pretend to care about children, you know it is not about them. If we accept the premise that the government is setting forth, soon you will need read alternative news.

The ever-empty Bergoglio decided to give some parental advice, and his advice was as bad as ever. He informed parents that they should fight, but not in front of the children. I suppose love and honour no seemed too old-fashioned for him.

Much more could be written about U.S. roguery or Bergoglio madness, but I shall conclude with the following...

In a widely-speculated-on move, Bergoglio decided to abolish the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. His stated argument is that the traditional orders have reached a degree of stability which no longer requires that the Ecclesia Dei commission be kept going and that the SSPX wanted to have negotiations directiely with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This, of course, neglects the fact that the Ecclesia Dei commission was about more than just handling negotiations with the SSPX. It was about preserving and normalising the Tridentine Rite, and issuing clafirications about how the authentic Latin Rite Mass should be celebrated according to the 1962 Missal - including even granting permissions to use other older missals. It saddened me to see the kind of normalism which has become all too common in the Novus Ordo, with people unquestioningly for the most part accepting this pathetic excuse.

It stands to ponder, for example, what will happen to traditional orders or nuns and monks which no longer have Ecclesia Dei protection. Will they be handed over to the wolves at the Congregation for Religious? How about those who wish to switch to authentic Catholicism? Will they find themselves under a Bergoglian commissar who instructs them to use the Novus Ordo, as the Franciscans of the Immaculate were forced to do? We shall soon find out.

This month's Bergoglio victim was the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which was finally de-commissioned on account of its often-laudable work in re-establising authentic Catholicism.


The Christmas octave clarified, and reverence loses out again, starring your favourite whatever-he-is - Sunday 30th of December 2018 to Saturday 5th of January 2019

As part of my vow to try and be more timely in my weekly reviews - and to have proper weekly reviews - I thought I would release one in record time. I hope, as usual, to be brief, but given that I've been hoping for an end to the Bergoglian plague for over 5 years now with no end in sight, be prepared to learn that my hopes do seem to often end in disappointment! Anyway, here goes...

The year starts with what used to be called "The Feast of the Circumcision", but which was renamed to "The Solemnity of Mary" in the Novus Ordo deforms, on the 1st of January. Fr. John Hunwicke has often written about how this is a return to ancient tradition and not a proper novelty, strictly speaking. I have been willing to accept this notion, even though I have had my doubts, given how all the readings of the Mass have to do with the Circumcision and do not even mention the Blessed Virgin Mary. That is even without going into the question of whether reverting to ancient practice would not fall into the heresy of antiquarianism, given there was no particular need for it.

Well, I need not have worried much because Gregory DiPippo over at the beautiful blog Novus Motus Liturgicus had my back covered. He explained in The Ancient Character of the Feast of the Circumcision first of all how stunning it is that historians who ought to know better manage to get this issue wrong despite all evidence to the contrary. He also explained why the confusion came about, and why the feast is not called "The Feast of the Circumcision" until much later: It seems as though in the early Church there were 2 celebrations which fell on that day - none of which were particularly Marian -, these being the Circumcision and the Presentation.

Here are my first reflections of his piece, as commented on that day:

I am indebted to Gregory DiPippo over at Novus Motus Liturgicus for clearing up a few points of irritation I have had with the whole notion of the Octave of Christmas. It has become fashionable to say that it only acquired the name of circumcision later and that traditionally it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This would seem to vindicate at least in part NOChurch practice.

He manages to slay that notion entirely by showing that the most ancient sacramentaries all have reference to the Circumcision and that possibly the only reason it was not called the Feast of the Circumcision is because it might have been united with the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Given what  I know - however inadequate - about the Tridentine Reform, it would have been odd to see them innovating on titles. The explanation given in his piece titled  The Ancient Character of the Feast of the Circumcision does much to bring clarity to this whole issue.

He then followed his initial article with another one titled The Marian Character of the Feast of the Circumcision. That is also well-worth reading.

It often gives me pause to disagree with the good Fr. Hunwicke, but Gregory DiPippo is a very meticulous scholar, and he provides very strong evidence for his assertions - which Fr. Hunwicke does not even attempt to do - so I have no hesitation in following Gregory DiPippo's line on this. Ultimately, whether or not there may have been observance of some Marian feast on this day, the theological significance of Christ's Circumcision is much more necessary to commemorate on that day, especially given that it cannot escape anyone that all of Christmastide is a celebration of the divine motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and we detract nothing from it by not celerbating it on the octave day of Christmas, the day on which Jesus Christ was circumcised.

The Bergoglian apostasy tour continues as do his attempts to try and prove to anyone paying attention that he absolutely abhors anything that Catholics hold sacred. The latest installment in his displays of irreverence was standing and absolutely refusing to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament  during Eucharistic Adoration on new year's eve. The man will kneel for all and sundry, but not for God. I commented the following:

The Bergoglio menace - a beast of irreverence - does it again, refusing to kneel in front of the Holy Eucharist. Quite how anybody can claim that Bergoglio is a Catholic of any stripe is beyond my comprehension, because I doubt there are many who have worked harder to prove that point than Bergoglio has.

In fact, I would be willing to wager he is a satanist, a free-mason, a Talmudic Jew, even a Muslim, before I can call him a Catholic, and I can't even wager on him being a  believing protestant because although most such protestants, though they do not believe in reason, natural law or Sacred Tradition, at least they pretend to believe in the Bible, which Bergoglio clearly does not.

I don't know who or what Bergoglio is, but as I have often remarked, if there is a problem with perceiving Bergoglio as an anti-Catholic, the problem is not on the broadacasting side, but on the reception side. He has been broadcasing in high-fidelity audio ever since at least Maundy Thursday of 2013 that he has little regard for the Catholic Faith.

No doubt the Novus Ordites will tell us that standing is the new kneeling,  but anybody using his mind ought to be able to see that Bergoglio is now simply mocking us, and is being very forthright in his atheism. If  you don't believe me, then keep in mind that the Bergoglian Vatican press had written in celebration of...


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