
The man may not be totally useless after all - Sunday 24th to Saturday 30th of December

The last full week of the year came, and this naturally included the Feast of the Nativity, or Christmas as it is more popularly known.

As one might intimate from my blog, I am not a fan of Bergoglio in the slightest. However, he is not totally useless, as he at least keeps me away from home on Christmas Eves.

To be fair, I had more or less decided to attend the Christmas Midnight Mass even before Bergoglio popped up dressed as pope, but he nudged me over the edge, and now I attend Christmas Mass every time, or the closest approximation we have of it anyway.

I used to enjoy watching Pope Benedict XVI celebrate Midnight Mass, even though I had come more and more to despise the Novus Ordo mass he used for the celebration, so chances are that I would have stopped watching sooner or later. I remember that they had a very beautiful statue of the baby Jesus who they put in the crib after the Midnight Mass.

Then came Bergoglio and the beautiful baby Jesus statue was replaced by something which looked more like what one picks up from one of those cartons they dish out with children's meals at fast food restaurants, except much bigger. Some claimed it looked like something from a Lidl store, but having bought a lot of quality stuff from that store, I can assure my readers that it has far better quality than whatever they made that statue from. It was more or less the most plactic thing I had seen, and the sad thing is I am not even sure it was made from plastic/rubber. It looked like one of those rubbery shapes one fills up with water to float in a bathtub.

As we now know, turning to ugly is part of Bergoglio's main strategy for destroying the Catholic faith and it has gone even more downhill from there.

It was a quiet week in the Church - at least I did not pick up on any scandals or any overly good news. The one thing that made the news was how much Bergoglio's attendance numbers at the Urbi et Orbi speech have dwindled. There is no doubt that he has fewer numbers now than he had during his first speech, and definitely far fewer than Pope Benedixt XVI had at his last.

It was indeed interesting to compare the two images as one can clearly note that Pope Benedict XVI on his final Urbi et Orbi speech had a far larger crowd coming to listen to him in 2013  in less pleasing weather, than Bergoglio had on a sunny day in 2017.

The word is out: If I want to be insulted for being Catholic I can save money and time and avoid the Vatican and simply get my insults from any third-rate raving leftist closer to home, or failing that, on the television.

In other Church news, one of Bergoglio's closest perverts, Cardinal Tobin, says that he is in favour of female cardinals. He says he sees no reason why that should not be the case, and then adds "maybe my theology isn’t sophisticated enough". In other words, he is trying to say that he doesn't get it, surprising nobody, since the list of what Tobin gets would seem to be shorter than the number of times the man has skipped a meal. That we can have lay cardinals is one thing, but of course, cardinals have always been considered part of the Church hierarchy, and the hierarchy in the Church is partriarchal. Maybe he deos have a good - by his standards - intention. It could be that he realises that news of homosexual orgies at the Vatican is extremely negative and he wants to tidy up some headlines by spicing up the orgies at the Vatican or some such thing. One is inclined to conclude something to that effect as we can almost certainly rule out a moral motive.

We were also informed that another of Bergoglio's close associates - perhaps his closest - is suspected of huge financial corrpution in Honduras. He naturally denied it, and Bergoglio even went as far as offering his condolences to him for the trouble that others are causing for him. This is, of course, the cardinal who was revealed - through Wikileaks - of having accepted a large sum of money in order to help Bergoglio's trip to the U.S. have a decidedly leftist bent - as if Bergoglio or his advisors needed any help with that agenda.The Eponymous Flower titled their article "Pope Intimate and Poverty Poser Receives $600,000 a Year to Do Nothing" which, if it were true, I would happily approve - if all it took to get Maradiaga to do nothing was to pay him a small fortune.

Whatever one may think of Bergoglio, one cannot avoid at the very least the fact that he keeps very corrupt and perverted company, and then we ought to recall something about birds of a feather and flocking together.

Over at the Southern Orders Page, Fr. Allan J. McDonald once again proves that celebrating the Tridentine Mass is no guarantee of Catholic sanity as the man argues that Pope Paul VI should be canonised - there are rumours that a secodn miracle has been approved or soon will be in any case. The intersting thing is that he offers Humanae Vitae as the reason why Paul VI should be canonised, and the fact that he put aside Bugnini. So he is asking us to believe that although Pope Paul VI allowed the heretical notion that contraception could be permitted before condemning that notion, although not in any way enforcing that condemnation by means of ecclesiastical penalties, and then tossed Bugnini away from Rome after Bugnini had managed to ruin the Church's liturgies and disciplines he showed "heroic virtue" or can be held up...

Some good news out of Europe for a change - Sunday 26th of November to Saturday 2nd of December

Given the general somewhat-negative emphasis of this blog, I feel duty-bound to begin with some rare good news - Catholic or secular - coming out of Europe. These news come from Poland, perhaps not entirely surprisingly.

I have my misgivings about the apparent re-Catholicisation of Poland, being generally wary of the nationalistic bend it seems to have. Anyone who knows me will know that I support nationalists in all their stripes, so long as they don't bring with them baggage of ethnic or racial ideologies. I can't claim that I have seen much of that in Poland, but I am still suspicious that the modest but noteworthy increase in Catholic social life in Poland has more to do with the Poles trying to craft out a national identity. In this  context, turning to Catholicism works very well since it unites a large chunk of Poles - presumably even German Poles - given that it is not on purely ethnic lines, and they can be unified in Catholic grandeur, which built all that is good about Europe. It also manages to differentiate Poland from its secularist/atheist enemies to the West and North - primarily Germany and the Nordic countries -  and it's long-time Orthodox adversaries - in the form of Russia - to the East. It also allows them to keep out Muslims on the culture card, without getting into issues of Islam itself.

Credit where credit is due though, and the news that Poland was going to phase out Sunday trade by the year 2020 was some of the best news that I have heard or read in a very long time. It is something which wreaks of a true religious revival - which whatever the intentions from the political class - might actually end up being long-lasting, regardless of who comes to or stays in power in the country. Naturally the leftists, or so I have been informed, were opposed to it, but it would seem as though the cultural marxist's general treachery to the Polish people will not be soon forgotten and it would seem as though the Law and Justice party or some similar nationalistic entity in Poland will be there for a while.

Furthermore, it is politically difficult to get rid of Sunday as a day of rest given that I am pretty sure that the Sunday rest was abolished by the communists, and one does not make many friends in Poland by making oneself a defender of Soviet policies. It's a very shrewd political move, and I applaud it unhesitatingly.

Sticking to Europe, we have more proof of its downfall in a handful of stories. In Germany and other places they have started decorating their 'diversity barriers', wrapping them up as Christmas presents. That's the most appropriate term for the barriers that they have put up on pedestrian walkways and roads leading to Christmas markets. Since we all know why they have to be put up in the first place, it would be much more honest to just paint a picture of Mohammed on them rather than pretend that they are part of the Christmas attire. I should point out that the town centre close to where I live has also put up diversity barriers - presumably to protect its Christmas market -, but alas has not gone to the trouble of wrapping up.

We were also informed that the Muslim population in Europe is set to grow, up to 25% of the population in some places, by the year 2050, and that is with zero immigration.

The Muslims do the right thing in having children, and that is to be applauded. It is the West which is to be chided for deriding the miracle of procreation. That snobbery may well prove to be its downfall, and it will be just reward for its open-armed embrace of the culture of death.

In the U.K. there was a feminist march, and feminists did what they do best which is to display their stupidity and entitlement. One of them even took the trouble to inform people that the Bible is more violent than the Koran. She should know, she told us, being a former Catholic herself. It has featured as one of my day's comments, but I'll reproduce 2 very poignant parts of the analysis from Tantumblogo. The first one clearly lays the blame for the woman's ignorance for the Novus Ordo, and I naturally agree:

“I’ve read passages [of the Koran] and the Bible is a lot more violent.  I should know, I’m a former Catholic.”  Another triumph for the post-conciliar Church!

The second one was his take on feminism itself, and feminists in general:

Which brings me to my final point – I will probably offend some in saying this, or how I say this, but I have long had a sense that many feminists are really little more than out of control teenage daughters who keep acting more and more outrageously in the increasingly forlorn hope that “dad” – society, males at large, whatever – will rein them in.  And the longer they are allowed to continue acting out, the more hurt and upset and, subsequently radicalized, they become.  It’s like they are a toddler constantly trying to find some boundary that daddy will set for them.  In their rage in finding none in the collectively weak Western men of the past 60 years, they will even turn to the cruel, draconian authoritarianism of islam to find some entity that seems to care about them enough to tell them no, to set firm limits, and make them turn over the dang car keys.

It is difficult to disagree with that either. As I wrote in my comment to the bizarreness of the whole spectacle:

I am also at a loss to understand what these women are marching for, given that the laws in most formerly Christian countries can hardly favour women more. The


Unholy cow! The persecution of sanity continues - Sunday 19th-Saturday 25th of November

Just when one thought that the brazen public apostasy in the Novus Ordo cannot get any clearer one gets surprised. This time it is an 'art' exhibition in Belgium which feature sa 'crucified' cow sitting atop 5,000 litres of milk. It was, allegedly, supposed to highlight the wastefulness of consumerism, in its own morbid way, of course, it did.

This is not one of those things which are one by some obscure apostate priest in a far-off parish. No, this particular blasphemous act had the express permission of the bishop in question. He even defended it on the grounds that the shock value might bring back people into what are otherwise empty churches.

The good news about this is that the display took place in a church which appears deserted - i.e., not an active church in which we have Mass. The bad news is that the Church is unused the rest of the time, of course. It's no wonder why because with a bishop like that, one cannot help but wonder what other kind of madness takes place in the many unholy parish churches of Belgium.

"Double excommunication": A new term for this week. It turns out that Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella in Italy has been threatened with a double excommunication for speaking out against Amoris Laetitia - presumably in tones which were too direct for his bishop's liking. He received a 9-month gag order - with which he complied - but upon return resumed his criticism of Amoris Laetitia. 

The particular terms of his excommunication ( which I suppose has now been promulgated) I did not quite understand, but it was 2 execommunications all the same, both - it would seem - intended to persecute sanity and truth.

Given the madness at Svenska Kyrkan - the Swedish Lutheran church - it is difficult to know what is a fake news story and a real one. They seem to have been victims of a misinformation campaign in which it was alleged that there had been a proposal to get rid of masculine pronouns in reference to God. This story made the rounds internationally.

I have little doubt that somebody had indeed proposed that but nonetheless the falsity of the news story was that they would stop doing it. The  story as it was put out was denied, and with fair grounds.

The truth though, it turns out is not much farther from the false story. What they will start doing is allow an option to refer to The Holy Spirit in the feminine form, something which they say is generally allowed in spirit - where one can say "anda" or "ande" for spirit. So one will be able to say "Den heliga andan" instead of "Den Helige Anden". This should cause much outrage as well. The Holy Spirit is masculine, and it matters not whether one can use the feminine form for spirit in Swedish when Christ clearly refered to the Holy Spirit in the Masculine form. It is extremely disingenous of them to pretend that this is not a stark deviation from the Christian faith. What was clearly understood to be masculine may now be understood as feminine, by those not in the know - the vast majority, that is.

There is little doubt that as the Swedish language is debased by gender mainstreaming there will one day come a serious proposal to allow non-masculine pronouns for God, and at the rate of madness with which Svenska Kyrkan conducts itself, there is little doubt that this proposal accepted if not outright mandated. A tranny god is what they want to make themselves, instead of the true God. It is blasphemy, at the very least.

Over at Novus Motus Liturgicus, the eminent Dr. Peter Kwasniewski compares the collects of the Novus Ordo Missae with those of the authentic Roman Rite and finds the Novus Ordo gravely wanting. The theological differences are so great as to almost prove the charge that the Novus Ordo is a new religion altogether.

Bergoglian scandals at the Vatican continue, this time with a representative of the world's largest for-profit child-killing company invited to speak at another of Bergoglio's environmental/population control conferences.

Then we have William Kilpatrick wondering why it is that the Church's hierarchy is so friendly with Islam and glosses over the vast differences with regards to the dignity of man, and morality. His point is well-taken, but he is too tinged with a neo-con ideology in order to be taken as a fully-reliable analyst on this. A mark of neo-cons is that they speak of Iran all the time,  and so he does, so I assume that he is one of them.

Whilst I agree with him that NOChurch's stance on Islam is bizarre to say the least, the point he misses is that NOChurch is indifferent to all religions, not just Islam. Furthermore, NOChurch seems to have no stake in reviving what was once Christendom, and one might argue it seems to have a stake in destroying Christendom so as to create something anew.

Since Kilpatrick is a neo-Catholic and not a traditionalist, he seems oblivious to these aspects of the Novus Ordo, and that's why in the end his goal seems to be more to stop Islam (not a bad goal in and of itself) as opposed to reviving Christendom, or at the very least, Christianity.

This week's Bergoglio-victim-of-the-week is without a doubt  Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella of double excommunication infamy.



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