U.S. aggression

A week of wonderful anniversaries - Sunday 8th to Saturday 14th of October

The major news this week were of course the 100th anniversary of The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. Even I took the time to write down some thougths about this great and truly unique event.

Much was written about the Fatima anniversary, the best of which was by Roberto di Mattei on Rorate Caeli, in which he went through how 9 popes have failed to consecrate Russia ever since the Fatima apparitions.

In Poland they had a Rosary Crusade of sorts, although that particular Rosary Crusade was held in honour of the Feast of the Holy Rosary, some few days earlier. The Church in Poland encouraged the event and even senior of the governments got in on the act. It is very nice to see the Carholic faith flourishing in Poland, but I do fear that Catholicism in Poland has a nationalist strain to it which tends more to be a national marker than true discipleship. I hope I am wrong, because it would be terrible if the faith in Poland went the way of the faith in Ireland, where it seems more and more as though for the majority of the Catholics, the faith was something to mark them as not being loyal subjects of an occupying power. It's difficult to analyse the collapse post-Vatican II in any other way.

While it is always good to see Rosaries being prayed, there was a political aspect to the campain in Poland and that was the anti-immigration stance. The Rosary stations formed a perimeter around the whole country, in a symbolic gesture to the EU to leave Poland alone and stop forcing Islamisation upon it.

The aim of the Poles in wanting to protect their cultural, religious and even ethnic identity is very laudable and I very much support them in that. However, I cannot but point out that it is very hypocritical of the Poles to cry when their sovereignty is threatened while at the same time supporting the attacks on the sovereignty on others.

The truth is that Poland, according to polls, is the most pro-American country in the world. I do not have any direct memory of Poland's stance, but I would be extremely surprised, even shocked, if it was to turn out that Poland had been against any of the American misadventures in Muslim countries which have acted as the catalyst for what is commonly dubbed the "refugee crisis", a very misleading label, of course. The attacks that spring most to mind are those of Iraq, Libya and most recently Syria, although we should also remember Yemen and Afghanistan, from where many of the refugees who make it to Sweden hail, for some unkown reason.

It would be one thing if the Poles resisted for some other reason, but Poland resists, and I have to argue plays the victim card, precisely because its sovereignty was attached first by the Germans, then the Soviets and now lately the EU. Given that it is precisely soverignty, territorial and cultural integrity that the U.S. has been attacking the most, with Polands presumed backing if not encouragement, I would like to argue that the Poles have no recourse to the moral high ground in their stance against the EU. Nonetheless, I do stand with Poland on that particular issue, hypocritical as the country may be.

We had Trump repealing the contraceptive mandate, among others, from the Obama regime which came before him, something very much welcomed by all non-leftists. It is a bit of a scandal that it took so long. It was actually part of a series of administrative policies which the Trump administration took which were very encouraging. It was not all plain sailing though as they for some reason still continue to defend the homosexualisation, demoralisation and immoralisation of American society by insisting that homosexuals are a protected civil rights group as defined by the Civil Rights Act, in plain contradiction of the act. The U.S. bishops, as is par for the course, have been worse than worthless on this issue and many like it.

Staying on the topic of the U.S. and the aforementioned foreign aggressions, a very interesting piece was published on the Ron Paul Institute titled "US Violence Abroad Begets Violence at Home". A new study shows that the number of deaths caused by the U.S. since the Second World War, if I undrstand the piece properly. The number of countries the U.S. has attacked is staggering, and worth remembering is that not a single one of those nations actually attacked the U.S. or posed a threat to U.S. security - as if posing a threat was in any way a justification for attacking them, it must be noted. As I wrote on the day, we have become somewhat desensitised to American brutality: "It's what they do" thinks the world, and "It's what we do", Americans seem to think, but we owe it to the victims of this violence to remember them.

The context of his piece was the recent Las Vegas massacre, whose narrative, it must be admitted, grows all the more unbelievable.

We had an article by Jennifer Lahl on egg 'donation', written by a woman who had donated her eggs. She suffered adverse effects on which she had not counted and about which she had not been informed. It was a sad read, and one thing that struck me was how bad she felt at realising that the doctors saw her as nothing but a product to produce eggs, while of course, she was there in essence facilitating the treatment of children as products through IVF technologies. It just goes to show how much trouble a little abstract thinking can save us, especially when it comes to morality.

A week's summary would hardly be complete without a Bergoglio scandal, or a Bergoglio heresy, or not infrequently both. This time it is the death penalty, which Bergoglio says...

Another dubia cardinal's death leaves us close to full suspicion mode - Sunday 3rd September to Saturday 9th of September

The major news this week was of course the death of Cardinal Caffara.

I must admit that my first reaction at the death of Cardinal Meisner was "Was it suspicious"? I did not even know the circumstances at the time but I found it strange that someone without any apparent illness could simply drop dead.

Fast forward 2 months later and we have the death of yet another cardinal, also in a surprising death and without any apparent illness.

I am already in semi-suspicion mode over this because I am convinced of the absolute malice of Bergoglio and those surrounding him. If any of the other 2 cardinals was to pass away I would go into full suspicion mode. Like they say in the Godfather, this would be the case even if he got struck by lightning!

We have been informed that Bergoglio had/has the dubia cardinals monitored, and this coming from Cardinal Caffara will have to be counted as the trustworthy given it was essentially the last testament of a dying man. If anything happens to either Cardinal Brandmüller or Cardinal Burke, then the whole Catholic world should rise up and demand an autopsy because we would be derelict in our duty to protect our brethren if we did not.

Not content with not answering the dubia, Bergoglio found time to issue new legislation regarding the translation of the Novus Ordo Missae. The message was loudly received and unambigious: Do what thou wilt! Now it is up to the local episcopal conferences to produce translations and for the Vatican to approve them, instead of the Vatican's liturgy commissions being in charge of the process.

It would seem he has given up on his plan of doctrinal devolution, so the next best thing is liturgical devolution. We need not wonder whether the motives were sinister or benign, as with Bergoglio they are always against the faith. It was nonetheless another demonstration that the only thing this oaf of a man does not have time is putting down 5 little words on a piece of paper in answer to the dubia.

Over at the Fatima Center, we had yet more traditionalist infighting. It is most unbecoming and I sure wish it would stop. It is rather tragic that there is so much infighting among those who agree on the basic premise: Fighting Vatican II and its spirits. At the very least we ought to ask those involved not to air their dirty linen in public.

One thing I shall say though is this: Among traditionalists, truth reigns supreme, and this is what gives this counter-revolution so much vigour. In that sense I can find it more irritating than off-putting, because the search of truth definitely involves troubling revelations, and that involves a certain amount of friction.

We also had news of North Korea testing the hydrogen bomb. My stand on the North Korean situation is  very clear: They have both the legal and moral right to pursue any means to defend their national sovereignty. North Korea is not a signatory to the non-proliferation nuclear treaty (NPT), nor is any country prohibited from testing missiles, and its security concerns are not unfounded given the U.S. world bombing tour seems to have put North Korea on its perfomance list. The leader of a country has a natural right and a natural obligation to protect the civilisation within his jurisdiction. Even awful morally decrepit countries have natural rights, and that applies just as much to the U.S. as it does to North Korea.

The U.N., of course, responded with a set of yet more illegal sanctions. It is unbecoming of Russia and China to allow the imposition of these sanctions, especially since the U.S. keeps imposing sanctions on even them at the same time. It is unfathomable to me just why the go along with this bullying given that they are both individually, and certainly combined, great enough powers to resist it.

On the other hand, of course both Russia and China have an interest in preventing more countries from joining the nuclear club, so maybe they secretly get what they want but end up looking good by not being the driving power behind what is clearly illegal actions on the part of the U.N. Security Council. Either way, it is unsightly to behold.

We also had a chance to witness the priorities of NOChurch when the bishops of the U.S. ligned up almost in unison to condemn Donald Trump on simply removing a provision which prevented, or at least downplayed, the enforcement of law, a law not exactly unjust since a country has a right to decide who gets to enter and under what conditions. Bergoglio, rather predictably, also got in on the grandstanding, and yet again showed his hypocrisy.

It was also interesting to see Bergoglio called an "attention whore", since I have previously expressed similar sentiment, and I even have a tag for it called "Bergoglio attention-whoring" . The article was by Mundabor, which comes as no big surprise but I don't recall him doing it earlier. Christopher Ferrara, in the piece linked to in that particular article, expounds on Bergoglio's fake magisterium and showcases more of his rap sheet in the interview book just recently released.

On a final note, the list of Bergoglio victims grows longer, with Professor Josef Seifert now added to the list. I suppose in these mad times, not being on the Bergolio hit-list is a sign that you are not doing your job in one sense or another and being on the hit-list is more often than not a mark of  honour. It is nonetheless remarkable how distinguished are those who have found themselves as victims of Bergoglio's dreadful pontificate. The non-arguments of those who percecute them are also interesting.

If I were high-profile or distinguished enough I might have ended up on that list, a point Roberto de...


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