
"We are closer to the other side" or How I learned to stop worrying and love Bergoglio's "dog and pony show" - the Pan-Amazon synod

The title of the piece is obviously inspired by the movie classic "Dr. Strangelove - Or How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". It's a must-see Cold War movie.

The term "dog and pony show" was borrowed from Michael Matt, whose final take on the analysis I can heartily recommend.

I do disagree with his analysis on one point though: The synod was not so much about bringing one-world governance into the Church. It was, I would argue, the other way around. Most Novus Ordites wouldn't be able to tell a Catholic dogma from a fortune cookie note, and the devil and his minions - i.e., Bergoglio and his henchmen - are using this fact to introduce any number of false notions to further take advantage of their ignorance. The distinction is that Michael Matt sees the secular world breaking into the Church to do its bidding, whereas I see the devil and his minions using secular slogans to further de-Christianise the human element of the Church. The eco-lunacy is simply a tool for the devil and his willing agents, and not an end-goal in and of itself.

The difference is in the intentions. It seems implausible that Bergoglio - or his merry band of buffoons - would genuinely care about saving  God's creation - while granting  that as atheists they probably don't view Earth as God's creation - not least since Bergoglio's carbon footprint with all his jet-setting is larger than almost all but a handful of people. Since they obviously claim to do so, I can only take it that they view environmentalism as the most potent tool to further their diabolical agenda.

What occurred to me though in considering the disastrous synod of doom - the Pan-Amazon synod - is that reality is proving me right in something I have said quite frequently since 2013: The Novus Ordo Mass is not going to be the same in 20 years as it is today. With talk of a new rite for the Amazonians, we are likely to have a Novus Novus Ordo Mass. At first it will be for the Amazonians, but we can count on the Germans wanting in and wanting to make their many liturgical abuses regularised by a rite of their own, possibly with semi-nude dancers at the sanctuary and cardiansl in cages. After that we can expect a virtual free-for-all. 

I have been just as upset as any Catholic at witnessing the mass apostasy from leading figures in the Church on full display, and just as much with the total absence of any courage or sense of duty among the many bishops who surely do not agree with any of this nonsense.

Nonetheless, I have to remind myself that I actually vowed not to oppose any innovations in the NOChurch liturgy or in NOChurch in general on the basis of canon law, simply because if there is one thing that NOChurch has been good at, it is institutionalising abuse. What starts out as abuse in one place, soon becomes commonplace, and before you know it there is an indult from Rome, and not long after the indult it becomes virtually universal practice. This is the case with Communion in the hand, and female altar boys, to name but a few. More informed readers than I can probably list others. In other words , it is a waste of "our precious bodily fluids" (to hearken back to Dr. Strangelove) to spend any time passionately defending current NOChurch practice, when the whole basis of NOChurch practice is a movement away from authentic Catholicism and towards neo-paganism.

So I came to reflect on a scene from the movie "Gattaca" - one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. The movie is especially topical on account of all the move towards a greater acceptance of eugenics, whether it is in the killing of children or adults deemed unworthy, or in the greater acceptance of artificial conception, and nowadays, even genetic screening of embryos before they are implanted, but that is not the point of today.

There is a scene towards the end of the movie in which the genetically weaker brother, Vincent, is challenged to prove once more that he can win a chicken race by swimming farther than his genetically superior younger brother, Anton. At the point of exhaustion, the Anton concedes and decides to go back.  The exchange goes: "We have to go back". Vincent replies "No, it's too late for that; we're close to the other side." To that, Anton replies: "What other side! You wanna drown us both!". Then Vincent finally "You wanna know how I did it! This is how I did it Anton: In never saved anything for the swim back."


It's a powerful scene by any measure.

In reflecting upon the destruction wrought upon us by the Novus Ordo - its liturgy, its non-theology, its vacuous gestures, is ugliness, its non-Catholicism, its anti-Catholicism - I am always tempted to say "Stop: We have to go back!", as if there is a version of Novus Ordo that would bring us back to sanity, because, of course, it is out of the question convincing our Novus Ordites that we can return to authentic Catholicism.  Another part of me - the one which believes in God's providence - thunders back, "No, it's too late for that. We are closer to the other side!"

The Novus Ordo cannot be reformed towards anything even close to holy or santifying. It was forged from the darkest parts of the human soul, perhaps the darkest parts of the netherworld itself, with the intention of de-Catholicising the Church and the world. It has worked wonders. The devil himself could not have devised a better plan to destroy the Church from within.

Almost every time I debate someone who has any adherence to the Novus Ordo, they make it seem as though all...


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