Starting Lent Out Right, with Fr. Lasance

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - 23:45
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    Fr. Lasance never disappoints. I have finally settled in and found a home at a Sede chapel. I am quite grateful to the Bishop and Brothers who have continued to offer mass and the sacraments throughout this chaos.

    No mask required at my chapel. Ash Wednesday was celebrated as usual.

    I found this chapel after the SSPX left our county for one an hour north of us.

    Many of the long time parishioners were devastated when the Society abandoned them. I will pray for those who still have not found a home. God Bless.


Why did the Society leave? We drive oven an hour to get to the SSPX in Australia. Until very recently we didn't know Tradition existed. I guess it is one thing to thank Bergoglio for .. he got us looking into things and we found SSPX. So sad you were 'abandoned'. Have you reached out to Paglianrini for help? I guess it all comes down to money and viability but I've seen where SSPX priests are flying into Alaska to give the mass so it makes no sense if you have a congregation for them to have left you. Godbless.

Well, last year, when the COVID restrictions began. The city where the chapel is located enforced lockdowns. The lockdown included business, schools, etc., but the Governor allowed for worship services to continue. Many at the now-closed chapel were accepting of the decision to close the chapel temporally.

The Society moved to another chapel they owned about 1-2 hours away, give or take. Since the Diocese(being the cowards that they are) closed all their churches, the word spread that the only church opened in the area was the SSPX church up north.

So, you began having new folks from the Novus Ordo flooding this tiny chapel. The chapel is so small it simply can’t accommodate so many people. Meanwhile, the folks down south were under the impression that the chapel would reopen once the restrictions were lifted. The restrictions were raised, and the parishioners from the chapel down south received a letter stating that the chapel to the south would not reopen; the Society wanted to “take advantage” of the current situation in their words, not mine.

So now you have folks who were parishioners at the closed chapel for nearly 30 years having to decide whether to make the drive up or find a new home. Keep in mind many are elderly and have no transportation.
In the end, I believe it was a money grab. Call me old-school, but I think you never leave your post, especially during the worst of times. The move reminded me of something right out of the Novus Ordo playbook.


The "mandatory" mask, being escorted to where you sit and receiving the Eucharist in the hand and all the other folderol imposed on us means I haven't attended Mass or gone to confession in almost a year. Traditional Mass is six hours away. I feel abandoned.
I like the meditation but like Doug Brown, it doesn't quite connect with today's Church.


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  • The manditory mask at Mass has emptied churches, churches that were already mostly empty. The cup is gone also. Now to get ashes? Our Church in Bastrop, Texas, says it's just too risky to get ashes on the forehead, but the priest is willing to sprinkle ashes onto your top of your head.
    This meditation was nice but doesn't quite connect with the mask and plastic protective face shield our priest wears. Vatican employees are being threatened with losing their job if they refuse getting the covid vaccination.
    Our Church stands for very little.



    I don't have a Traditional Mass to attend, but I do have my Fr Lasance Missal. Such a treasure. Thank you Jacinta.....your post was inspired


    Own comment: 

    It is certainly not difficult to understand the pain of those who have been without the Sacraments all this time. 

    This was the now-obvious fruit of the NOChurch revolution.