Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 23:30
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Rational says:


Thanks, Sir. Great points, like usual.

The crook Joe Biden, with advanced Alzheimer’s disease, was appointed as a sham “President” by the Judaists who stole the election for him, covered up his and his son’s crimes and corruption in their Jewish controlled MSM, etc.

See the article by Michelle Malkin entitled: Malkin: The Zuckerberg heist.

After stealing the election, the sham “President” Biden has appointed so many Judaists, that the white house now has a minyan:

(I hope the Republicans will wake up and do all they can to block the alien invasion, in the legislature and through the Court, as that is the Judaists’ #1 plan to exterminate the goyim. The crook Biden must be sued and stopped from doing more human trafficking. )

Biden should also resign and let Trump become President of this country, or they should shut up about Burma, as the USA is much worse, more corrupt, more election theft by the Judaists, etc. than any 3rd world country.''''


Exile says:

This sounds more like the Pat Buchanan of the 1990’s and 00’s. Good to hear.

Pat’s at his worst when trying to excuse the shortcomings of “his own” party (his in his heart, not theirs – the GOP does not want him) and pulling his punches.


Is the US’s Imperialism really “ideological” in nature? After all, the US has been more than happy to prop up etc fascists, tyrants & vicious countries of all shades of black. The KSA, Sth Vietnam, the Shah’s Iran & so on. Nor has the US been too picky about helping overthrow democracies, like Chile in the 70’s.
The US is simply about Empire & the benefits it returns to its Oligarchs.
Imagine a clenched fist, with brass knuckles, grasping an untidy wodge of $100 notes. Who the hell needs ideology ? 


El Dato says:

the overthrow of the democratically elected pro-Russian regime in Kiev

It was NOT a “pro-Russian regime”. That is an MSM canard.

From Richard Sakwa writes in “Frontline Ukraine”:

The problems were compounded by Ukraine’s NATO aspirations, which provoked harsh statements from Moscow. A Russian foreign-ministry statement on 13 January 2008 ‘warned that further expansion of NATO could produce a serious political–military upheaval that would affect the interests of Russia’. Potential integration with NATO, an issue that was to be discussed at the Bucharest summit in April, ‘would force Russia to undertake “appropriate measures”’. In his 14 February annual press conference, Putin, in the words of the cable, ‘lashed out against Ukraine’s MAP [Membership Action Plan] request, saying that the majority of Ukrainian citizens were against their country’s NATO membership but Ukrainian leaders did not ask their opinion […] “What kind of democracy is this? he asked.”’ Bucharest backed off the immediate issuance of a MAP, but Ukraine’s NATO aspirations were recognised. The Americans had been clearly warned just how concerned Moscow was about potential NATO enlargement to its borders, yet it took the combined efforts of the French and Germans to dissuade President George W. Bush from starting the process of Ukrainian and Georgian accession then and there. The Russo Georgian war of August 2008 was in effect the first of the ‘wars to stop NATO enlargement’; the Ukraine crisis of 2014 is the second. It is not clear whether humanity would survive a third.

Well, Ukraine seems to be ready to have another go at it.

Ukrainian President Zelensky admits he’s ‘angry’ with Trump over leaked phone call, expresses hope Biden will help Kiev join NATO

How does “Rump Ukraine” as in “anything west of Kiev” sound? Then Rump Ukraine can accede to NATO, the EU or anything else it wants.

And also:

As the Russo-Georgian war progressed, on 12 August Yushchenko visited Tbilisi and issued two decrees more closely regulating Russia’s Black Sea Fleet (BSF) operating out of Sevastopol [the fleet is Russian but Ukraine manages Sevastopol at that point in time], and reaffirmed that the basing rights agreed in 1997 would be terminated in 2017. The issue could hardly have been more painful for Moscow, but the torture was enhanced by making the announcement in Georgia. Yushchenko was indeed a ‘visionary’ in his inability to put himself in the shoes of the other. The cables demonstrate that, for
the US, Russian concerns were not so much ignored as simply not considered worthy of consideration. This blindness was prevalent among the monists in Kiev, compounded by the campaign, spearheaded by Yushchenko, to obtain international recognition of the Holodomor as genocide. On the other side, those who were more inclined to take Russian concerns into account were associated with corruption and bad governance practices.

Guess the Black Sea Fleet problem has been decisively solved.


FerW says:

LMAO @ “ideological imperialism”.

As animalogic mentioned, by looking at the effective results of so many US regime-change interventions and “sponsorships” around the world we realise that for the US, ideology is just the excuse and rhetoric, the foundation upon which the “moral mandate” to rule the world is constructed (the US “exceptionalism”).

The Western empire (US + Judea + vassals) is an economic, cultural, and military empire, like so many before it. Its ideology (so often summarised in slogans: “democracy”, “freedom”, “human rights”, “equality”, …, materialism, multiculturalism, disgenics, sexual depravity, …, ;^) is circumscribed to the sphere of mainstream, i.e. state, public opinion.



Weaver1 says:


There was potential in Trump, but he got lazy.

Pat knows as well as any the wars will be blamed on WASPs. No matter what happens, WASPs pay for, fight in, and get blamed for the warring.

While many even support the wars, they should be seen as innocent savages, akin to Polynesian cannibals who didnt know better. WASPs arent calling the shots, arent directing policy, and the policy doesnt serve our interests. 


Being in a state of continuous conflict with neighbors and rest of the world, proves beyond doubt (if any were needed) that the Jews control the US government.


Weaver1 says:


Why are we against Venezuela and Cuba if not ideology? Similarly Brazil, Bolivia. I dont disagree with you, but many believe in the ideology. It seems to have some small level of importance.

End of History, Fukuyama, seems to have some small impact.


Emslander says:

The presidential election processes of 2020, even if they hadn’t resulted in the fraudulent result, were no shining example of the blessings of democracy. Our convoluted, indirect, multi-layered and unaccountable manner of choosing the “most powerful man on earth” is a tale of caution to the rest of the planet. It’s only going to get worse from now on, so our insistence on ourselves as the model will never convince any country to follow.

Does that mean constant wars against peoples who want to establish their own kinds of governance? I suspect so, until the house of cards collapses. I seem to recall this happening to various prominent empires of the past. 


Rurik says:

These are the standards by which other nations are to be judged. And nations that do not conform to these standards are candidates for U.S. interference in their affairs. Ours is an ideological imperialism of a rare order.

Where did we Americans acquire the right to intervene in the internal affairs of nations — be they autocracies, monarchies or republics — that do not threaten or attack us?

might means right, Pat

basically Orwell as foreign (and domestic) policy

2 + 2 = 5

..if America says it does.

if Victoria Nuland was spending 5 billion of our money funding democracy in Ukraine, and America says so, then it’s for you to get your mind right.

If America says Russia hacked the election, or Assad gassed his people, or Iran is a threat to global freedom and peace, then it’s for you to get your mind right.

If America says Putin’s (nonexistent) aggression in Ukraine is untenable, but Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is noble, then it’s for the world to get their mind right.

I’ve come to think that the more insulting and ‘in your face’ the hypocrisy is, the better they like it.

America is like Jerry Sandusky or Jeffry Epstein lecturing the world on children’s rights.

They should have Biden touring Gitmo, (perhaps as a detainee is being force-fed) while White House correspondents ask him what is to be done about human rights violations in Myanmar.

The more stark the hypocrisy, the more the message gets across. We are not appealing to your sense of justice or decency- America is saying to the world. Rather, we are telling you to get your mind right.

It has nothing to do with justice or truth or democracy, quite the contrary.

the point is to impress upon the people of the world, that raw power is now the ruling force.

First they came for the Palestinians…



Some of you suggest that Pat has become senile, but he sounds very clear-thinking here to me. 


When it was learned in 2016 that Russia may have hacked the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and passed the fruits on to WikiLeaks to aid candidate Donald Trump…

That never happened. Who killed Seth Rich? 


Chris Moore says: • Website

The implications of Buchanan’s article are obvious: the corrupt “American” government has become an imperial juggernaut that has turned its guns on the American people.

But this is no normal imperial juggernaut. This one is being run by a Zionist elite that has as its essence a deep-seated and even murderous hostility to non-kosher, non-“Party” citizens — particularly ones with the temerity to criticize the “chosen.” They’re on the list of deplorable undesirables and untouchables right along with the ones with the cheek to actually march on the Imperial seat of power.

What are the implications of this for average Americans? The same as they are for average Palestinians, Arabs and Persians in Israel’s proximity for the last 50 years: War, both Cold and Hot.

Stuttering Joe Biden is an appropriately warped and perverted “victim” front-man for a warped and perverted “victim” ruling class. 

Own comment: 

If the U.S. has any ideology at all, it is destroying foreign lands and spilling blood. Why exactly they do this is anyone's guess, but just as the Incas had a religion which required human sacrifice, it seems that whatever god is worshipped by the power-brokers in the U.S. requires blood sacrifice, and in greater quantities than any civilisation before it.

Kudos to the comments' section for being fee of white cupremacist comments for once! It is a rare occurence on that site.