Following Purge of Left-Wing Fruitcakes at EWTN -- Voris is in Talks to Merge With EWTN


Anonymous, Tancred , Dan from Danville 

Sunday, January 17, 2021 - 23:15
Article link: 


Anonymous said...

EWTN will bait him by appealing to his narcissism. He will take the bait.
His type cannot resist.
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.


January 4, 2021 at 3:49 PM 


Tancred said...

Voris works like a beast. Whatever else you can say about the man, he works long hours, so he might have quite a war chest built up, assuming he doesn't bleed a bunch of subscribers.


January 4, 2021 at 6:16 PM 


Dan from Danville said...

I suspect EWTN wants them for their mailing list. It was interesting that Fr. Pacwa took a short trip from Alabama to Mississippi to do a lame show with #1 Voris, Milo, Sirico fan boy Timothy J. Gordon.


January 4, 2021 at 8:48 PM 


Anonymous said...

Very sad that the V2 church has betrayed its mission so totally that the faithful feel compelled to watch the moronic video crap on EWTN and CM as a substitute.


January 5, 2021 at 7:15 AM 


Own comment: 

Interesting news if true, that ChurchMilitant might merge with or be bought up by EWTN. I definitely do not watch ChurchMilitant anywhere near as much as I do, given his hysterical attacks on the SSPX which have drained much of his credibility.

EWTN for its part I hardly watch, unless I want to know which neo-con lies are being fed to neo-Catholics. The only show I glance at occasionally is The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, and that's when he has an interesting guest and topic, and only through its online vidoes. In all the time I have known of EWTN - the TV network - videos, I have never seen them do a news report on the SSPX, so they are nowhere near as obsessed with attacking traditional Catholics who don't go along with the platform as ChurchMilitant has been. It is my fervent hope that ChurchMilitant is not being recruited to do exactly that.

Still, it is difficult to think that ChurchMilitant will be as hard-hitting if it is bought by EWTN. After all, much of the reason why ChurchMilitant appeals is because it generally doesn't take a deferential tone to bad bishops, whereas one would not even know there were such thing as wolf bishops if one watched EWTN given the soft questions they peddle to the NOChurch hierarchy.

If it goes go ahead it will certainly be interesting to see who takes whom in that union.