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Theology from a wandering priest
Updated: 2 hours 58 min ago

Ascension Thursday Sermon 2024

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 20:57
We buried John-Paul, a ten-year old, just two days ago. Today, I reference the loss of their son at a private Mass at their home on Ascension Thursday.
Categories: All, Clergy

Is Homeschooling the Ideal?

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 11:00
Since however the younger generations must be trained in the arts and sciences for the advantage and prosperity of civil society, and since the family of itself is unequal to this task, it was necessary to create that social institution, the school. But let it be borne in mind that this institution owes its existence [...]
Categories: All, Clergy

The Second Commandment by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Tue, 05/07/2024 - 11:00
Many good Catholics today have now become acutely aware of sexual sins (the Sixth and Ninth Commandment) as well as the First Commandment (partly due to public violations of this like the worship of the Pachamama statue near the Vatican a few years ago.)  In light of this, I believe that the most underrated of [...]
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TCE 56: True Ecumenism

Sat, 05/04/2024 - 17:26
What kind of people will we win to Catholicism if we put relativism first?  If we put objective truth first?
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Archaeologism Part II: Not Real Archeology

Thu, 05/02/2024 - 11:00
In Archaeologism Part I, I demonstrated that Popes from 1786 to 1947 condemned the heretics projecting Protestant notions of liturgy onto the early Church under pretext of "archeology" or "Church history."  This modernist fad is also called "antiquarianism." Realize first that Pope Pius XII basically warned the faithful not to believe the Holy Spirit was [...]
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Archaeologism Part I: The Synod of Pistoia

Tue, 04/30/2024 - 11:00
Before looking at the Synod of Pistoia, let's define Archaeologism (also called antiquarianism.)  Unam Sanctam defines it: Archaeologism is not so much a heresy as a fad, a certain approach to Catholic liturgy and practice. Its distinguishing characteristic is an excessive value placed on those Catholic practices which came earlier in historical-chronological succession. For the [...]
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Reconnaissance Mission in the Mediterranean

Sun, 04/28/2024 - 13:52
If we see the prophesied "Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" before the end of the world, there is reason to believe we'll get a traditional Pope (as miraculous as that would be) and my hope in that would begin the resuscitation of the international missions of the Catholic Church.  Perhaps I would leave [...]
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St. Mark’s and the Pyramids

Thu, 04/25/2024 - 17:00
On why the Son of God chose to die as a slave before rising from the dead, and why modern martyrs will follow in His footsteps on both.  (Correction:  I said St. Mark's feast is coming up, but it's today.)
Categories: All, Clergy

Does a Priest Need a Lay Person at His Mass?

Thu, 04/25/2024 - 11:00
p/c Notre-Dame De Fontgombault Several years ago, as I was switching from the new sacraments to the ancient Roman sacraments, I stopped at a parish in Tampa one afternoon.  I asked the parish secretary if I could offer Holy Mass there.  She asked who was going to attend my Mass.  I said I was alone. [...]
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Better to Attend a Parish That Lacks Truth? Or One That Lacks Love?

Tue, 04/23/2024 - 11:00
Should you attend a parish that promotes truth or charity?  The obvious answer is both.  But what if you had to choose?  I ask this parish-based question because I have been hearing horror stories lately on some unbelievably mean things that traditional priests have said in the confessional to lay people.  Also, we just saw [...]
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Arab Culture and Secularism

Mon, 04/22/2024 - 17:00
How do you maintain your convictions when your culture is smothered?
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Bill Maher Admits Abortion is Murder.

Thu, 04/18/2024 - 11:00
Recently on his show, Bill Maher shocked his audience in admitting that pro-lifers are correct: "They think it’s murder—and it kind of is." The audience enters a nervous silence. Then he adds a shocking line: "I’m just okay with that." The audience enters another nervous silence, not sure if he's joking. But he is not. [...]
Categories: All, Clergy

Bill Maher Admits Abortion is Murder.

Thu, 04/18/2024 - 11:00
Recently on his show, Bill Maher shocked his audience in admitting that pro-lifers are correct: "They think it’s murder—and it kind of is." The audience enters a nervous silence. Then he adds a shocking line: "I’m just okay with that." The audience enters another nervous silence, not sure if he's joking. But he is not. [...]
Categories: All, Clergy

Indifferentism on “Abrahamic Religions” From Virgin Most Powerful Radio

Wed, 04/17/2024 - 11:49
Mr. Jesse Romero and Mr. Paul Clay and I discuss: Why do American evangelicals see the need to maintain a strong military state in Israel? Is there one or three "Abrahamic Religions"? The Biblical answer leads into no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
Categories: All, Clergy

Indifferentism on “Abrahamic Religions” From Virgin Most Powerful Radio

Wed, 04/17/2024 - 11:49
Mr. Jesse Romero and Mr. Paul Clay and I discuss: Why do American evangelicals see the need to maintain a strong military state in Israel? Is there one or three "Abrahamic Religions"? The Biblical answer leads into no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
Categories: All, Clergy

Fr. David Nix in Patmos: Who Was St. John the Apostle?

Tue, 04/16/2024 - 16:00
Can you be a loving heresy-hunter?  
Categories: All, Clergy

Fr. David Nix in Patmos: Who Was St. John the Apostle?

Tue, 04/16/2024 - 16:00
Can you be a loving heresy-hunter?  
Categories: All, Clergy

God: Spes Única Mundi

Tue, 04/16/2024 - 11:00
p/c R.P. at Holy Ghost. The pre-55 Easter Vigil's 12th Prophesy (sung before Holy Mass) ends with a prayer naming God as the "Only Hope of the World" (Spes Única Mundi.) I went to that very long vigil on Saturday night at a traditional parish in my area and then on Sunday Morning, I offered [...]
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God: Spes Única Mundi

Tue, 04/16/2024 - 11:00
p/c R.P. at Holy Ghost. The pre-55 Easter Vigil's 12th Prophesy (sung before Holy Mass) ends with a prayer naming God as the "Only Hope of the World" (Spes Única Mundi.) I went to that very long vigil on Saturday night at a traditional parish in my area and then on Sunday Morning, I offered [...]
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