
Why the Rich Feel So Poor

Henrymakow.com - Mon, 12/02/2024 - 20:50
During a trip to Hong Kong, the billionaire duo decided to grab lunch at McDonald's. To Gates' amusement, when Buffett offered to pay, he pulled out a handful of coupons.

Warren Buffett is a billionaire. He gets his meaning from making or saving a dime. Most of the super-rich suffer from spiritual poverty.

Whether we are poor or rich, money holds us prisoner. The rich feel poor because of GREED. No matter how much they have, their identity ("feeling good, important, secure") was forged by a society dedicated to making and spending more money. 

Money is supposed to free us from material concerns. Paradoxically it does the opposite. We become its prisoners.

"Enough is a little more than one has."    Samuel Butler

Updated from May 4, 2022 and Oct. 6 2023
by Henry Makow PhD

Few people take a rational approach to money. 

This would involve calculating how much money they need in relation to how much money they have, and how much money they make.

Rather, people tend to focus on their last 2%. Did their "net worth" increase or derease on a given day?

Depending on their tax bracket, this may involve their last $100, $1000, $10,000, $10 million or $10 billion. They ignore their big bank balance or stock portfolio. They always feel poor. 

Money is supposed to free us from material concerns. Paradoxically it does the opposite. We become its prisoners.

We are satanically possessed. This means we identify with money rather than our Divine soul. We are money rather than God's personal representative on earth. The more money we have, the bigger and better we feel. These values are inculcated by our satanist-controlled mass media.

I am addressing the roughly 50% of my readers who, according to my Gab poll, have enough or more money than they need. I don't fault the other 50% who don't have enough or are broke for feeling oppressed.


Paradoxically the rich suffer from a spiritual impoverishment.

The more they identify with their money, the smaller they are. The more money they have, the smaller they are.

In the case of the Illuminati bankers, this inner poverty is toxic. They are a cancer that threatens to destroy mankind.

They want to "absorb" (their word) all the world's wealth leaving nothing to support humanity. They want it all!

We're indoctrinated to seek money. Within limits, money is a great motivator and measure.

I know someone who doesn't have to work. He works because he has nothing else to do, and it makes him feel productive and rewarded.

Another friend is independently wealthy from investments. He retired a couple of years ago but is returning to his old profession out of sheer boredom.


I am as satanically possessed as anyone. I have had a lifelong struggle with greed. At age 74, I am just starting to master this demon.

Recently I did the calculation above and realized that I have more money than I'll ever spend.

My spending habits were formed during eight years as a graduate student living on roughly $10,000 per year. I really don't need or care about material things.

Paradoxically, this lack of concern for money did NOT stop me from developing a gambling addiction. When I didn't have much money, I didn't care about it. When I sold Scruples to Hasbro in 1986, I became a money manager and thought my game smarts would extend to the stock market. MISTAKE.

Scruples had been a labor of love. I did it because It was a workshop on everyday morality.

After my windfall, I became satanically possessed (i.e. GREED.)  If someone asked how I was, I said, "I'll ask my broker."  

We have to be on guard constantly because the voice in our head often is the devil!

Then another voice arises from our soul and says, "Cool it, you greedy moron."

You gamble with money you'll never spend. More or Less. What is the point? You don't even know your balance.

We have a Mexican cleaning woman who supports an extended family. I have never met a woman whose smile exudes such warmth.

Surely, these human qualities represent our true riches.

Money is the lowest common denominator. People today are consumed by money. They are charmless. 

YouTube is packed full of "how I got rich" stories.

While the world descends into Communist tyranny or faces a nuclear catastrophe,  they act like money will save them.

For people who have enough, freedom lies in eschewing money. Just not caring about it.

Can you do that?

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

Mike Stone - NFL Stands Against Heterosexuals

Henrymakow.com - 15 hours 53 min ago
(Harrison Butker looking positively Christ-like)

"NFL football is for trannies, homosexuals, the sexual mutilation 
of children and more. By the way, they don't just declare it, 
they donate money to organizations that promote homosexuality 
and trannyism. 

"To support the NFL is to support little boys getting their penises chopped off and little girls getting their breasts chopped off. It's to support the murder of innocent babies.

Feminized Men Go All-In on Faggot-Loving Football
by Mike Stone

Just when you think you've seen it all, American behavior sinks even lower. Last month, Harrison Butker, the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs football team, gave a college commencement speech in which he spoke out against homosexuality, trannyism, abortion, and a whole host of other sins. Reaction to his speech was immediate.

Jonathan Beane, senior Vice President and chief diversity inclusion officer at the NFL (what kind of a weasel holds a job title like that?) said, and I quote, "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger."

So there in the NFL's own words you can see that they stand for homosexuality, trannyism, abortion, and all of the other sins that Butker spoke out against. If that's not conclusive enough for you, watch the NFL's own video in which they declare that football is gay - that football is for trannies, homosexuals, the sexual mutilation of children and more. By the way, they don't just declare it, they donate money to organizations that promote homosexuality and trannyism. It's not me telling you the NFL said this, it's them saying it in their own words:

Because the NFL openly supports trannyism, which consists of the molestation and sexual mutilation of children, it's clear to anyone who is honest enough to admit it that only a feminized man could support such a league. No truly masculine man would do such a thing, because it would mean abdicating his natural role as a protector of children.

Here's what I wrote about feminized men in Teen Boys Success Book: "One of man's natural roles is that of protector, particularly a protector of women and children. There isn't a man on earth who upon seeing a woman or child attacked, doesn't feel an instinctual urge to protect them. . . .
"Knowing that one of man's primary roles is that of protecting women and children, it becomes obvious that anyone opposed to that role - anyone opposed to men being able to protect women and children - is also someone not in possession of masculine energy. Since femininity is the opposite of masculinity, a person in opposition to the masculine role of protecting women and children must by logical extension be a feminized person."

To support the NFL is to support little boys getting their penises chopped off and little girls getting their breasts chopped off. It's to support the murder of innocent babies. What kind of a man would do such a thing? Only a man who has completely abandoned his role as a protector of children. In other words, a feminized man.

And yet support for the NFL has never been higher, particularly among white men and white women. The women are onboard because their "hero" Taylor Swift is dating an NFL player. (The NFL could not have scripted that one up better if they tried, and maybe they did script it.) The men are onboard because they are losers. 

White Men Wear Dresses

The NFL held its annual college draft last April in Detroit. Over 700,000 braindead football fans went to Detroit to watch that draft, and almost all of them were white men. Note, this wasn't a game they went to see, it was the draft, where a guy stands on stage and tells the audience which college players each team is picking to potentially make their roster. It's done in a form of pseudo drama that only a retard would find the least bit interesting. Yet 700,000 people attended.

Think about that and remember that we just went through four years of living hell. Millions of people were brutally murdered and millions of more people were seriously injured by our own medical establishment. We had two stolen elections. We watched mobs of violent rioters loot and ransack stores - while the police did nothing. We watched peaceful college protesters being savagely beaten and arrested by those same police. For months, we've been seeing women and children bombed into oblivion in Palestine. There are hundreds of "transgender clinics" all over the country, where thousands of little boys and little girls are being sexually molested and mutilated. All of this is going on and 700,000 people, almost all of them white, went to Detroit to watch the NFL draft. Can Americans possibly sink any lower?

These are the same feminized men who are addicted to porn. The same feminized men who cheer the murder of Palestinian children (once again abandoning their role as a protector of children) and the brutal beatdown and arrest of peaceful protesters. The same feminized men who refused to boycott the hoax pushers all through the phony pandemic. The same feminized men who hid behind face diapers (some of them still are) all through the same phony pandemic. And almost all of them are white.

This is why I keep telling everyone, including and especially cuckservatives who think Trump's return to the White House is going to instantly solve everything, that the longterm problems we are facing are not going to change one iota in the long run. How can they when American men have become faggotized to the degree that they are?

If you believe in any type of afterlife, it's even worse. Remember, God nuked entire cities for practicing homosexuality. Not only that, but the Bible says the sin of homosexuality is one of only four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. And keep in mind that Jesus said it were better for someone to have a millstone tied around their neck and be cast into the sea than to suffer the punishment allotted to someone who harms children.

The Man in the Mirror

There's an old hippy slogan that is actually quite relevant today. It goes: "Be the change you want to see in the world." I try to do that myself. I boycotted all of the hoax pushers and still do today. I refused to wear a faggot face diaper. I've purged all sports from my life. I told everyone I know, often at great personal cost, not to take the fake vaccine. I don't own a television. I wouldn't watch pornography if you paid me. I do what I can and try not to worry about the things that I can't do.

By the way, if you're addicted to pornography, the problem isn't physical or psychological, it's spiritual. I have some advice on how to purge that most vile of vices in Teen Boys Success Book. The first step is to ask God for help. The second step is to pray more, a LOT more. 

The secret weapon, of course, is the Rosary. Praying the Rosary has helped more men purge pornography from their life than all other solutions combined. As you follow their example and purge pornography from your own life, a funny thing will happen. You will become much more masculine. 


Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

June "Pride" -- Homosexuality is Depopulation & Destablilization

Henrymakow.com - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 15:48

Why-Is-Pride-Month-Celebrated-in-June-600x300-2510960418.jpg(Most of these young women will not have successful marriages and children)

The promotion of homosexuality is designed to depopulate and destabilize society by destroying the nuclear family. How can Lefties be so stupid?
In honor of June, "Gay Pride" month, I re-post
the classic 1995 essay by Charles Socarides, a psychiatrist
who treated hundreds of gays for arrested development
over his 40-year-career and cured about a third. 
Until 1975, homosexuality was recognized for what it is, a developmental disorder. The massive crusade to mainstream homosexuality is characteristic of Satanism, which pretends that sick is healthy and unnatural is natural. Society is satanically possessed.   Mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, Freemasonry (Jewish Cabalism) which is a proxy for the Cabalist Jewish central banking cartel. Our political, economic and cultural leaders are traitors, factotum for the satanist banking cartel that controls society through credit.

gay-logos.jpegAren't you suspicious that every single corporation is promoting this developmental disorder? Homosexuality is another depopulation psy op like COVID which was nothing but the flu rebranded. We have compassion and affection for individual gays who often are very kind and talented. It's not their fault that their mothers were overbearing or they were sexuually abused as youths. We feel no more animosity toward them than we would for someone who was autistic. But we oppose the Illuminati plan to subvert society by spreading this disorder until it becomes the social norm. 

The real issue is heterophobia, not homophobia.

"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order...We shall destroy every collective force except our own." Protocols of Zion 16   

"We will destroy all collective forces except our own." Protocols of Zion (16-4). Collective forces include race, religion (God), nationhood and family (gender.)

     Charles W. Socarides, M.D., (1922-2005) was a clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
Part One: "How America Went Gay" 
Updated from Feb. 8, 2014 and May 25, 2023

by Charles Socarides MD
(Edited & Abridged by henrymakow.com)

For more than 20 years, I and a few psychiatrists have felt like an embattled minority, because we have continued to insist that gays aren't born that way.
For most of this (20th) century, we have considered this behavior aberrant...a pathology. We had patients who would seek out one sex partner after another--total strangers--on a single night, then come limping into our offices the next day to tell us how they were hurting themselves. Since we were in the business of helping people learn how not to keep hurting themselves, many of us thought we were quietly doing God's work.

Now, in the opinion of those who make up the so-called cultural elite, our view is "out of date." The elite says we hurt people more than we help them, and that we belong in one of the century's dustbins. They have managed to sell this idea to a great many Americans, thereby making homosexuality fashionable and raising formerly aberrant behavior to the status of an "alternate lifestyle."...


How did this change come about? Well, the revolution did not just happen...

altman.jpgIt was all part of a plan, as one gay publication put it, "to make the whole world gay." I am not making this up. You can read an account of the campaign in Dennis Altman's The Homosexualization of America. In 1982 Altman, himself gay, reported with an air of elation that more and more Americans were thinking like gays and acting like gays. There were engaged, that is, "in numbers of short-lived sexual adventures either in place of or alongside long-term relationships." Altman cited the heterosexual equivalents of gay saunas and the emergence of the swinging singles scene as proofs that "promiscuity and 'impersonal sex' are determined more by social possibilities than by inherent differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals, or even between men and women."

Heady stuff. Gays said they could "reinvent human nature, reinvent themselves." To do this, these re-inventors had to clear away one major obstacle. No, they didn't go after the nation's clergy. They targeted the members of a worldly priesthood, the psychiatric community, and neutralized them with a radical redefinition of homosexuality itself. In 1972 and 1973 they co-opted the leadership of the American Psychiatric Association and, through a series of political manoeuvres, lies and outright flim-flams, they "cured" homosexuality overnight-by fiat. They got the A.P.A. to say that same-sex sex was "not a disorder." It was merely "a condition"-as neutral as left-handedness.


This amounted to full approval of homosexuality. Those of us who did not go along with the political redefinition were soon silenced at our own professional meetings. Our lectures were cancelled inside academe and our research papers turned down in the learned journals. Worse things followed in the culture at large. Television and movie producers began to do stories promoting homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle.

"For some years now, gays have been disrupting our meetings, shouting down people trying to deliver their scientific papers, threatening individual doctors like myself...The gay activists have a ferocious irrationality. They turn every scientific agreement into a political issue -- which is all they can really do since the only science they have going for them is pseudoscience." Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far pp.153-154]

A gay review board told Hollywood how it should deal with or not deal with homosexuality. Mainstream publishers turned down books that objected to the gay revolution. Gays and lesbians influenced sex education in our nation's schools, and gay and lesbian libbers seized wide control of faculty committees in our nations' colleges. State legislatures nullified laws against sodomy.

If the print media paid any attention at all, they tended to hail the gay revolution, possibly because many of the reporters on gay issues were themselves gay and open advocates for the movement. And those reporters who were not gay seemed too intimidated by groupthink to expose what was going on in their own newsrooms.

And now, what happens to those of us who stand up and object? Gay activists have already anticipated that. They have created a kind of conventional wisdom: that we suffer from homophobia, a disease that has actually been invented by gays projecting their own fear on society. And we are bigots besides, because, they say, we fail to deal with gays compassionately.

Gays are now no different than people born black or Hispanic or physically challenged. Since gays are born that way and have no choice about their sexual orientation, anyone who calls same-sex sex an aberration is now a bigot. Un-American, too. Astoundingly now, college freshmen come home for their first Thanksgiving to announce, "Hey, Mom! Hey, Dad! We've taken the high moral ground. We've joined the gay revolution."


ball2.jpgMy wife, Clare, who has an unerring aptitude for getting to the heart of things, said one day recently in passing, "I think everybody's being brainwashed." That gave me a start. I know "brainwashing" is a term that has been used and overused. But my wife's casual observation only reminded me of a brilliant tract I had read several years ago and then forgotten. It was called After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen.

That book turned out to be the blueprint gay activists would use in their campaign to normalize the abnormal through a variety of brainwashing techniques once catalogued by Robert Jay Lifton in his seminal work, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China.

These activists got the media and the money to radicalize America-by processes known as desensitization, jamming and conversion. They would desensitize the public by selling the notion that gays were "just like everyone else." This would make the engine of prejudice run out of steam, i.e., lull straights into an attitude of indifference.

They would jam the public by shaming them into a kind of guilt at their own "bigotry." Kirk and Madsen wrote:

   All normal persons feel shame when they perceive that they are not thinking, feeling, or acting like one of the pack....The trick is to get the bigot into the position of feeling a conflicting twinge of shame...when his homo-hatred surfaces. Thus, propagandistic advertisement can depict homophobic and homo-hating bigots as crude loudmouths....It can show them being criticized, hated, shunned. It can depict gays experiencing horrific suffering as the direct result of homo-hatred-suffering of which even most bigots would be ashamed to be the cause.

Finally-this was the process they called conversion-Kirk and Madsen predicted a mass public change of heart would follow, even among bigots, "if we can actually make them like us." They wrote, "Conversion aims at just this...conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media."

In the movie "Philadelphia" we see the shaming technique and the conversion process working at the highest media level. We saw Tom Hank's character suffering (because he was gay and had AIDS) at the hands of bigots in his Philadelphia law firm. Not only were we ashamed of the homophobic behavior of the villainous straight lawyers in the firm; we felt nothing but sympathy for the suffering Hanks. (Members of the Motion Picture Academy felt so much sympathy they gave Hanks an Oscar.) Our feelings helped fulfil Kirk and Madsen's strategy: "to make Americans hold us in warm regard, whether they like it or not."

hanks.jpegFew dared speak out against "Philadelphia" (1993) as an example of the kind of propaganda Kirk and Madsen had called for. By then, four years after the publication of the Kirk-Madsen blueprint, the American public had already been programmed. Homosexuality was now simply "an alternate lifestyle."

Best of all, because of the persuaders embedded in thousands of media messages, society's acceptance of homosexuality seemed one of those spontaneous, historic turnings in time-yes, a kind of conversion. Nobody quite knew how it happened, but the nation had changed. We had become more sophisticated, more loving toward all, even toward those "afflicted" with the malady-excuse me, condition.

By 1992 the President of the United States said it was the time that people who were openly gay and lesbian should not be ousted from the nation's armed forces. In 1993 the nation's media celebrated a huge outpouring of gay pride in Washington, D.C. Television viewers chanted along with half a million marchers, "Two, four, six, eight! Being gay is really great." We felt good about ourselves. We were patriotic Americans. We had abolished one more form of discrimination, wiped out one of society's most enduring afflictions: homophobia. Best of all, we knew now that gay was good, gay was free.

Part Two-  https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/05/Excuse-Me-Gay-is-Not-Good%20%20.html
Note - A sign of things to come. Searched Google images for "gay zealots" and all I got were anti-gay zealots.  They are filtering perception. It's also nearly impossible to find an unattractive lesbian on search engines.

Socarides was a co-founder of NARTH, National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. 

Related- E Michael Jones - Gay Marriage form of Political Control   
First response from James:  Essentially the Russians won't permit this psychological war on heterosexuals.
Contrary to the media spin, Russia's family values bill does not make homosexuality a crime.  Homosexuality is not illegal in Russia. 
What the bill prohibits is "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations,"  defined as "relations not conducive to procreation."  The law imposes significant fines of up to $31,000 for providing information about the LGBT community to minors, holding gay pride events, speaking in defense of gay rights, or equating gay and heterosexual relationships.
It's a pro-life, pro-family bill, which is exactly why liberals hate it.  There is no valid reason for providing information about the LGBT community to prepubescent youth.  And some of the so-called "gay pride events" get rather obscene and should not be held in public.  Furthermore, the media throws a hissy fit whenever a heterosexual speaks out about their values, witness A&E's suspension of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson.  The gays want the right to speak out, but they want to deny the same right to everyone else.  Neither can gay and heterosexual relationships be equated:  man + man = man + woman?  That's not a true equation.

Sunshine Mary: "for being such a small part of the population, homosexuals sure are the belle of the ball in the American coverage of the Olympic games. "

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

Brad Salzberg - Threats Against Trudeau Liberals Skyrocket

Henrymakow.com - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 23:06

Liberal MP Dzerowicz took the vandalism of her office as a threat and  contacted police. "Toronto will burn," is a threat, she said.

Liberal MP Pam Damoff continues to complain about being harassed by constituents. Three recent articles from Canada's National Post speak of a rapid rise in cases of Member of Parliament intimidation, particularly toward representatives from our current Liberal government.

 Never does the press consider the reason: a visceral hatred of the Communist prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, matched only by the hatred felt for his faux father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

By Brad Salzberg

Why omit the obvious? To say that this polarizing political figure has overstayed his welcome is a pathetic joke. Trudeau and his woke regurgitations are so long-in-the-tooth they make a T-Rex's overbite look mild in comparison.

In this regard, the PM maintains a steady discourse:

During a 24-minute interview released by a French-language broadcaster, Trudeau stated that he:  "could not be the man I am and abandon the fight at this point."

And what kind of "man" is that, Mr. Trudeau? The kind who is willing to put the health and safety of 155 Liberal MPs at risk? The type of people-kind who places globalist ideologically above economic health of our nation?

May 29th, 2024: "MPs have been told to follow a 'locked door' policy and welcome constituents only by appointment as threats and harassment of parliamentarians are skyrocketing."

And still, the "altruistic one" remains. The selfishness inherent in Justin Trudeau's character knows no bounds. Yes, he believes that he has a mission to fulfill. But what happens when a year of polling is laced with feedback indicating that voters no longer want him in Canada's political driver's seat?

He remains regardless, as propped up by Communist New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh, left, facilitated by their whopping 7% of seat capture in the House of Commons.

What does it take to remove the woke canker sore from our political arena? Will it take a "hyper-egregious" attack on an MP to motivate Trudeau to relegate his prime ministership to the past?

It all seems so incredibly selfish, and in truth, even Liberal MP's are sick of this situation.

"Liberal MP Julie Dzerowicz's Davenport constituency office in Toronto was vandalized early Tuesday morning. Dzerowicz said she took the vandalism as a threat and has contacted Toronto police."

"Toronto will burn is a threat," she said.

Not a single mainstream journalist in Canada has juxtaposed this with Trudeau's "sunny ways" proclamation in the nascent years of forming a Liberal government.

"From Sunny Ways to Toronto Will Burn"-- the Justin Trudeau Story. With media under-the-thumb of government, it will be a burning hot winter's day in Nunavut when this headline hits the printing press.

It's all so very sad, as Canada continues its journey from freedom and democracy to neo-authoritarian national status.

"We do not sign up for our families to be threatened, for people to protest in front of our personal houses. We don't sign up for our staff to feel unsafe and to not be able to do their jobs."

And who, according to government and media, shall be held responsible for our nation's journey from relative peace and harmony to an embittered, conflict-infused society? Dollars to Tim Horton's donuts responsibility will fall to the "usual suspects"-- average Canadian citizens.

Fidelito meets his real father at his faux father's funeral. A mother's face doesn't lie. He's a Communist like both his fathers.

Within Trudeau's post-modern society, here's how the powers-that-be roll:

First, cultivation of social chaos. Next, blaming citizens for that chaos. Then-- and likely most important of all-- justification for government to crack down on the general public, as exemplified during the Trucker's Convoy to Ottawa in early 2023.

What's the plan, Stan? To push the public so far that a terrible crime is committed, thereby justifying implementation of martial law? Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] wouldn't put past the Feds for all the farms in Cuba.

Yes-- this is how much Trudeau wants to see through the fulfillment of Canada's transition to a socialist state. A fanatic at heart, the man stands at the epicentre of a post-modern form of social revolution.

No surprise in that-- it merely "runs in the blood."

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Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

The Miraculous Power of Carlo Acutis: Here's the Official Prayer for the Future Saint's Intercession

ChurchPOP - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 19:51

Carlo Acutis is set to become the first millennial saint!

The Vatican broke the exciting news last week.

Blessed Carlo Acutis is known for his deep love of the Eucharist and Blessed Mother. He launched an entire website dedicated to Eucharistic miracles and attended daily mass. You can find more on Blessed Carlo Acutis here.

According to ACI Prensa,

“The miracle of the healing of the child Matheus caused him to be proclaimed blessed on October 10, 2020 in the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, in the presence of his parents Andrea Acutis and Antonia Salzano.On May 23, 2024, Pope Francis approved a new miracle attributed to his intercession, for which he will be proclaimed a saint: the inexplicable healing of Valeria Valverde, a young Costa Rican woman who was on the verge of death due to an accident.”

In addition to the recognized miracles leading to his beatification and, eventually, his canonization, people shared the power of his intercession in their lives across social media when the news broke of his future canonization.

Seeking the intercession of our saintly brothers and sisters in heaven is a practice deeply rooted in scripture and Christian tradition. As Catholics, we believe that canonized saints–individuals recognized by the Church for their exceptional lives of holiness–have a special role in delivering our prayers and petitions.

Below you will find the official prayer requesting the intercession of future Saint Carlo Acutis:

Oh God, our Father, thank you for giving us Carlo,
a model of life for young people
and a message of love for all.
You have made him fall in love
with your son Jesus,
making the Eucharist
his "highway to heaven."

You have given him Mary
as a very beloved Mother,
and you have made him,
with her Rosary,
become a singer of her tenderness.
She welcomes his intercession for us.
He looks above all at the poor,
whom he loved and helped.

[Grant me also, through his intercession, the grace I need...]

And make our joy full,
leading Carlo among the saints
of the universal Church,
so that his smile continues
to shine for us and for the glory of your name.


Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be.

Imprimatur + Domenico Sorrentino Bishop of Assisi Nocera Umbra Gualdo Tadino Foligno

Categories: All, History, Satire

May 31 - Trump Distracts from Imminent World War

Henrymakow.com - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 18:28

They are turning Trump into a Nelson Mandela/Mahatma Ghandi figure

Groundswell of support. He has already released a video vowing to destroy the deep state and globalism. He also has some swampland in FL if you are interested. He has been"chosen" to lead the US into WW3.

"NATO is cooking up something big" and Putin is ready for all-out war" Benny Morris- Redacted News   

Insiders says the decision has been made to initiate direct conflict with Russia.

NATO Deep State media and politicians want to give missiles to Ukraine, a move that Russia warns would lead to the use of strategic nuclear weapons. COVID didn't work. There is a banking crisis. Benny Morris says they will use war and martial law to control us. Includes Tucker Carlson predicting World War ten months ago. Watch this excellent video.

Ominous sign: Ukrainian drones are attacking Russia nuclear defence radar, making Russia vulnerable to nuclear attack.
Russia threatens to attack sources of NATO aid to Ukraine

"NATO representatives, especially in Europe, should be aware of what they are playing with," Putin said at a press conference in Uzbekistan on Tuesday. Western countries don't fear allowing Kiev to strike inside of Russia because they already have and those countries didn't suffer any significant consequences, noted Sleboda. "They don't believe that Russia will strike back except against Ukraine, which they don't really care about," he said.

Oklahoma becomes 2nd US state to pass a law that denies jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF
No edicts coming directly or indirectly from WHO, UN or WEF will be enforced in Oklahoma

24 Governors, 22 state Attorneys-General and 49 Senators said NO to globalism, and the states are passing legislation to implement it. This will protect the citizens of Oklahoma in perpetuity from these captured organizations.


CAF-Pic-10.15.22-300x192.pngCatherine Austin Fitts

Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move...there are rumors that the current [UK] PM doesn't want to be a wartime PM and they're going to move in somebody who...is a member of the Trilateral Commission..."

"[O]ur risk levels just went up, so it's not good...This is not good, it's the opposite," Fitts says. The investment banker notes that "we're seeing this in many positions across the establishment" and adds that she's dubbed the phenomenon "The Hitman Cometh." 

Fitts goes on to say that "They're moving...someone like [Klaus Schwab] into a behind-the-scenes role where he can work more effectively on big moves--so he's not leaving, he's putting his wife as the public face [of the WEF], and then he's going into the backroom to sort of engineer things." Fitts adds, "of course, as I said, all of this is subject to the approval of the Swiss government, which tells you who's really in control--and I would say it's the Bank of International Settlements in Basel." 

Fitts goes on to say, "be that as it may, we are watching positions all across Europe and the United States...[where] the last guy's being moved out and a new guy's being moved in." Fitts adds, "They are building up to another big move. We really see that by the head of the UK calling for a general election. There are rumors that the current PM doesn't want to be a wartime PM, and they're going to move in somebody who basically is a member of the Trilateral Commission, I think, who is happy to be a wartime leader. So don't celebrate this. This is not a good look."

Childhood Vaccine Injury - Aviana died 12 hours after her 4-month vaccinations

Not covid-- Hep B - this was in 2017

Within around 12 hours of receiving her 4-month vaccinations, my precious Aviana was dead.


Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government

Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land expanded to approximately 43.4 million acres in 2022, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

According to the USDA, Chinese investors' ownership of U.S. agricultural land has skyrocketed from merely 13,720 acres in 2010 to an astounding 346,915 acres by 2022 out of the 43 million acres. Chinese entities hold ownership of farmland across 29 of the 50 U.S. states.

Ottawa sells $170 million in ventilators for scrap. $22,000 ventilators gp for $20 in scrap

Read the comments! Just another Liberal Trudeau scandal, if you dig deep enough, you will probably find the Trudeau Foundation's finger prints all over ventilator deal, who spends 169 million and then scraps the product, only thieves and crooks, how about 169 million for the poor and elderly to make their lives a little better. What A-hole statement, it helped us understand the scrap industry, that was one hell of a
tuition fee to pay for such a education.
Explosive Hearing: Philippines' House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Correlated with Experimental Vaccines
DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60-70

An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines' House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths. As people start to connect the dots to the roll-out of experimental vaccines, heated discussions ensued, revealing shocking testimonies and data.


JUST IN: Furious Malaysians Unite in Rage and Prayer Against WHO, Showing Solidarity with Victims of Genetic mRNA
"As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!"


Now they test the vax on rats?  

A new peer-reviewed study has warned that Covid mRNA shots have been found to cause brain damage in offspring when administered to mothers during pregnancy.

However, they found that the rats often give birth to brain-damaged offspring. The offspring, who didn't receive direct Covid shots themselves, exhibited autism-like behaviors as well as physical ineptitude.


Report: Iran provides ballistic missile to Houthis in Yemen
Iranian media reports that the sea-launched ballistic missile Ghadr has been made available to Yemen's Houthi rebels.

The Iranian sea-launched ballistic missile Ghadr has been made available to Yemen's Houthi rebels, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency.

"Now, the missile ... has become a weapon capable of presenting serious challenges to the interests of the United States and its main ally in the region, the Zionist regime," Tasnim said.

"The Rothschilds have been known to breed thousands of illegitimate children under different names to serve the family's agenda..."

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel


Les Visible is Profound!  

"Everything outside of you is a distraction from what is inside you. It is the reason that God is lonely and... so are you."

"I walk through... have walked through many crowds of people, and I don't like crowds. I've sat on park benches for hours watching people go by... standing near them and listening to their conversations... watching their postures and their mating dances, and the sex hustlers at work. They're not much different from the pigeons I see every day; a little more complicated, but... that's about it. Any life that does not have The Divine... as the centerpiece of its existence... is a wasted life. You may not think so now, but you most certainly will at a later point.

The Military Industrial Complex and Israel Are Threatened by Student Protests

Students' college and university tuition is used by the schools for investments that support the military industrial complex and Israel by purchasing its military equipment. Pro-Israel supporters aim to shut down student protests across the US because the student protesters are calling for their schools to divest from "Israel and the military-industrial complex" under the boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) campaign.

Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply

Russ Winter-A Prima Facie Examination of Satanism

There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming

This is Satanism. Evil is not part of God. Evil is the antithesis

Duality - The Illuminati Religion (Part 1)

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

5 Inspiring Ways Saint Thomas Aquinas Showed His Profound Devotion to the Eucharist

ChurchPOP - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 15:22

Saint Thomas Aquinas is one of the most important theologians in the history of the Catholic Church.

One of the defining aspects of his sainthood was his lifelong devotion to the Eucharist--a love he dedicated to the entirety of his soul and intellect.

As we prepare for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi and the National Eucharistic Congress, how fitting it is that we look towards the Angelic Doctor to strengthen our love towards Our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist.

Here are five of the ways Saint Thomas Aquinas showed his devotion to the Eucharist: 

1) His Devotion to the Mass. 

Before becoming a theologian or a philosopher, Aquinas was first a priest and friar. That meant daily communal prayer, especially through the celebration of the liturgy of the Mass.

Not only did he celebrate Mass every day, but he also attended a second Mass and often served at the altar.

Aquinas was also known to experience great emotion and even ecstasy during Mass. Through his example, Aquinas shows that the best and most fitting way to grow in our love of the sacrament of the altar is through the sacrifice of the Mass, which provides us the most intimate relationship with Our Lord through the adoration and consumption of his body and blood. 

2) His contemplation before the Tabernacle. 

Much like his spiritual father Saint Dominic, Aquinas was known for his prayer before the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle.

Whenever he struggled with a complex intellectual question, he would go to the chapel and rest his head against the tabernacle to find solace and direction.

His early biographers said that he was able to hear the beating heart of Jesus when he did so.

Aquinas always turned towards the Eucharist, and likewise, we should never hesitate to find consolation and guidance in the source and summit of our faith. 

3) His contribution towards the theology of the Eucharist. 

No theologian has contributed as much towards our understanding of the sacraments and the Eucharist as Aquinas.

Aquinas’ marrying of Aristotelian philosophy with Catholic theology helped form the formulations and language used to explain the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

Aquinas’ commentary on scripture and his theological treatises, such as the Summa Theologiae, further expounds upon the glorious mystery that is at the center of our faith.

The depth of Aquinas’ published work speaks to the wonder that is contained in our belief in the Eucharist. 

4) His contributions towards the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. 

When the idea of dedicating a solemnity exclusively for the Eucharist was proposed in the 13th century, Aquinas was charged with composing the texts for the Mass and Office for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi by Pope Urban IV.

Aquinas would go on to create hymns and prayers so rich in their theology and beautiful in their poetry that they continue to be widely known to this day, including Pange Lingua, O Salutaris Hostia, and Adoro Te Devote.

The elegance and reverence of the public worship of the Eucharist as authored by Aquinas points towards the unity of worship and belief that the sacrament signifies and causes. 

5) His deathbed profession of love for the Eucharist. 

Aquinas’ love for God was at the heart of everything he did. His driving purpose in life was to serve Our Lord and do right by His Church in explaining Christian doctrine, especially regarding the Eucharist.

No greater illustration of this was when he remarked upon receiving communion on his deathbed:

“I receive Thee, the price of my redemption, for Whose love I have watched, studied, and labored. Thee have I preached; Thee have I taught. Never have I said anything against Thee."

The Eucharist truly was Aquinas’ viaticum– the holy bread that sustained him during his earthly life and raised him into God’s loving embrace in heaven. 

Like Saint Thomas Aquinas, let us never forget to pay homage to Our Lord for his sacrifice which enables his body and blood to be made present in the Eucharist. Let us pray that we approach the Eucharist with reverence and exaltation, recognizing it as an opportunity to grow in holiness by partaking in the greatest expression of God’s love for humanity.

Categories: All, History, Satire

Cabalist Jews Control Russia and China Too

Henrymakow.com - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 02:03
(They're both Freemasons)
World War3 is Totally Contrived

"The victory of the Eurasian axis of the Revolution will be the Judaic Supremacy and it's the world Soviet centered in Eurasia. I am sure they will resurrect Israel as a Eurasian capital."

"The International Judenstaat owns/controls all geo-political blocks through its financial arm - the central banking cartel. If it can not get its Convergence and world order through the UN (which is its instrument), then it will get it through a world war."

"Savvy Granny" is a longtime contributor who has a deep knowledge of the Masonic Jewish (satanic) conspiracy. Here she comments on my statement that radical Islam is part of the bogus Masonic-Jewish Communist-Zionist (left-right) dialectic needed for WW3. Radical Islam is alligned with the Communist (Soros) wing which condemns Israel's rogue behavior. Like WW2, WW3 is being fought between these two branches of Freemasonry. Russia, Iran & China Vs. the Zionist West (which can also wear the Communist hat.)

(Disclaimer - I post this for your consideration. I reserve judgment)

from Oct 29, 2023
by Savvy Granny

Hitler and the Zionist Jews are collectively the Father of Israel as a Zionist power that is the political overseer of the Western power block of post-Christian nations currently undergoing 'satanization', Communist subversion, and implementation of its sistema: crime, chaos, and corruption. 


Putin / Xi and the Eurasian Jews are collectively the Father of Eurasia as the 'empire of empires' according to Alexandr Dugin (left.) Their societies have no need for rigorous subversion - they have already built their Communist sistema.


The victory of the Eurasian axis of the Revolution will be the Judaic Supremacy and it's the world Soviet centered in Eurasia. I am sure they will resurrect Israel as a Eurasian capital. That is probably where the world judiciary will sit under the Sanhedrin for the adjudication of Noachide Law. The resurrected UN will be in Bazra - the capital of Edom. H.G. Wells said the UN would ultimately be in Bazra.

This is the Grand Finale of the permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution. The Great Freemasonic commanders of this war are leading the power blocks of nations behind the leadership of Marxist / Leninist Eurasian Jews and the Zionist Jews.

I believe that what you are calling: 'Agendas', historically belong to what The Protocols of Zion call our 'Great Revolution' (inaugurated in France 1789) because 'we alone know its secrets'. And you have covered all this history extensively on your website over the years.

This is what Isaac Disraeli contemplated as 'the phases of our revolution' in his Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I King of England. What Nahum Goldman called: "our world revolution." 

What Anatoliy Golitsyn called: 'the permanent, worldwide Revolution'. What Alan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation meant when he told Norman Dodd in his interview for the Reece Committee: "All of us who have a hand in making of policies here, had had experience operating under directions, the substance of which is that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with life in the Soviet Union'."

These Big Tax Exempt 501(c)s of the manufactured billionaires (manufactured by the Central Banking Cartel) were, of course, the WEF / SPIEF of their day.  Super Jew Dr. Kissinger initiated both these fora. 

In light of this, and with your permission, I would elaborate upon your summary statement: 

Communist (Islamic) vs Zionist Jewish Axes of the Great Revolution Ready Us for World War in accordance with the Meir / Kaganovich Pact.

I say this because the 'Agendas' to which you refer are also axes of the Great Revolution formed up by geo-political blocks: Russia/Soviet Islam and its Red Jihad - all controlled by KGB/FSB, the Western ZOGs - the US and NATO, China - the old relic communist state, BRICs, Belt and Road.

And, of course: Israel - the world fulcrum across which the Great Revolution has laid all axes of geo-political power.

What could go wrong?

Jack Bernstein - an American Jewish hero assassinated by the Mossad lays all of this out in The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel. (1 Dec. 1984)

At this dark and diabolical hour, his work can not be too much appreciated in light of:

Precis from Bernstein's work:

"A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1831. Most of these were communist Jews. So many of these communist/Bolshevik Jews settled in New York City that New York has been referred to as 'Moscow on the Hudson.'

It has been pointed out, and with good reason, that decisions regarding communist policies come not from Moscow, but from New York City. Whether this is a fact or not is immaterial. What is important is the fact that there is a close tie between the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews in New York City and the Zionist/ Bolshevik Jews in Moscow, and it extends to include the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews who dominate Israel's government.
Meir had been born in Russia, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and in 1921 migrated to Israel. In 1949, Golda Meir became Israel's first ambassador to the Soviet Union.

Representing Israel, Ambassador Golda Meir, a Bolshevik Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Jew, and Stalin, who had married a Bolshevik Jewess. They made a secret agreement--a pact. The Meir - Stalin/Kaganovich Pact was made to entrap the Arabs in the Soviet Net.

Terms of the pact

From the terms of this pact, you can see it was, and still is, the aim of the Soviet Union and Zionist/Marxist Israel to prevent peace between the Arab countries and Israel until all the Arab countries were forced to adopt socialism under Soviet leadership.

In the conduct of the 1973 War, you can see part of this deceitful agreement being utilized, in particular, the part about the Soviet Union helping the Arabs - but not helping enough to defeat Israel.

In the current Six Day War Re-run - it looks like the US has come in on the Meir-Stalin/Kaganovich Pact and is the one supplying Hamas through all the hardware left to the Taliban as well as donations to Iran. Since the DINO / RINO tag team executed the manifesto of the Communist Takeover in the US.

We are now in the Convergent and global totalitarian 'phase' of the Great Revolution.  This is its true Communist phase which according to Karl Marx, Vol. III of The Capital is (by definition) global.

The Hamas false flag and atrocities in Israel, as well as Israel's decades-long democide of the Palestinians, are of the same treasonous ilk as the NKVD 'Polish' atrocity in the Danzig Corridor in 1939. It is of the same treasonous ilk as Roosevelt's use of the executive office to enable the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. And like all those Black Ops, it has a purpose. 

It is the necessary rigging for the world war of complete leveling and Convergence.

The International Judenstaat owns/controls all geo-political blocks through its financial arm - the central banking cartel. If it can not get its Convergence and world order through the UN (which is its instrument), then it will get it through a world war. 


Divine intervention. The Christians say Christ is King and His feast will be celebrated this Sunday, Oct 29, 2023. The materialists, naturalists, modernists, etc say impossible no-way. The Communists, of course, oppose this, as do the ZOGs. The Muslim world? We will know soon enough.
Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

The Fascinating Story of Two Relics: Saint John Paul II's Signed Zucchetto & Bishop Fulton Sheen's Favorite Mitre

ChurchPOP - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 23:16

At the red carpet premiere for the upcoming film, "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," two relics were displayed: Saint John Paul II's signed zucchetto and Bishop Fulton Sheen's mitre.

Producer and relic owner Oscar Delgado explained the meaning of each item and how he received them.

Both are second-class relics, which means they are items that belonged to a saint (or in the case of Fulton Sheen, a Venerable).

Saint John Paul II Relic: Signed Zucchetto

relic meaning, relic definition, saint relicSaint John Paul II's Zucchetto / Photo credit: Jacqueline Burkepile

Delgado, also a former NBC News war reporter, met Saint John Paul II and told him of his plans to change careers.

"When I told him I was transitioning from news to entertainment, he was very moved because I want to do something with the faith. He took off his Zucchetto, he put it on my head, and he signed it."

Delgado then went on to be an associate producer for the film “Love and Mercy: Purgatory,” and produced “St. Michael—Meet the Angel," in addition to his work on "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist."

Here's Saint John Paul II's signed Zucchetto:

relic meaning, relic definition, saint relicOscar Delgado holds John Paul II's signed Zucchetto / Photo credit: Jacqueline Burkepile

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's Favorite Mitre

relic meaning, relic definition, saint relicArchbishop Fulton Sheen's favorite mitre / Photo credit: Jacqueline Burkepile

"This is the mitre given to me by Joan Cunningham– [Archbishop Sheen's] great niece. It was his favorite mitre," Delgado explains.

As ChurchPOP mentioned in this article, Delgado helps create Eucharistic adoration chapels throughout the world.

"I opened up the first adoration chapel dedicated to Archbishop Sheen at the University of Chicago: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom."

Delgado said Cunningham attended the opening of the adoration chapel and "was very moved."

"She said, 'My uncle would want you to have this because of what you're doing with the Eucharist.' So she gave me this mitre."

Here are more interviews from the red carpet premiere of "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist":

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

"Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," opens in theaters nationwide on June 4, 5, and 6. Visit Fathom Events for tickets.

Categories: All, History, Satire

May 30 - Israel Could be Destroyed

Henrymakow.com - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 20:00

(Sept 2012 - He is just one year off)

This page from seven months ago (28-10-2023) is more interesting than today's headlines, so I repost it as a reminder that the basics don't change.

Makow- I believe in the two-state solution but I fear that Israel is, in the words of banker Louis Marshall in 1914,  "but an incident of a far-reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon." 
This weapon is a third world war that will wipe out billions and clear the field for a dystopian tyranny.

Hitler flattered the German people into thinking they were the "Master Race." The same fate may await the "Chosen People" and their backers.

The moral arithmetic does not look good.  Israel's eradication of Palestinians gives its enemies permission to genocide them. The West's support of this genocide gives its opponents a similar permission. Israel's threats to destroy Lebanon and Iran add more weight.  Israel and the West have endorsed collective punishment that could be used against them.

There is little doubt that Israel will use nuclear weapons if it feels its existence is at stake. Moreover, the Illuminati need a diversion from the emerging COVID-19 hoax/"vaccine" scandal. 

Here Douglas MacGregor lays out the scenario leading to WW3. He says Hezbollah has a huge army and thousands of missiles aimed at Israel's heart. He says neighboring Arab states and Turkey could gang up on Israel. Russia would be forced to enter the war if Iran were attacked. 

"In 24 hours EVERYTHING changes for the U.S., Iran is Ready" - Douglas Macgregor's Last WARNING

Col. Macgregor to Tucker: Biden admin is driving the US into an 'Armageddon' war in Middle East
'It's going to be very difficult for Russia and Turkey not to also come into this fight against us because they will not tolerate the sort of collective punishment that Israel plans for Gaza,' the retired colonel said.

VIDEO: Netanyahu Invokes Biblical Prophecy As Israel Launches Invasion Of Gaza

Bill Cooper - Israel was created to bring about the fulfillment of prophecy and Armaggedon


Putin Warns Gaza War Could Spread Beyond Middle East

The aim, he said, is to "launch a real wave of chaos & mutual hatred not only in the Middle East but also far beyond its borders.

Putin denounced Hamas' Oct.7 attack on southern Israeli communities as terrorism but also decried Israel's bombing campaign which has left much of Gaza in ruins, as Reuters reports: He made it clear though that he thought Israel was wrong to keep bombing Gaza in retaliation for the slaughter and hostage-taking of Israeli citizens by Hamas.

"It is also clear to us that innocent people should not be held responsible for crimes committed by others," said Putin.

"The fight against terrorism cannot be conducted according to the notorious principle of collective responsibility when old people, women, children, entire families and hundreds of thousands of people are left without shelter, food, water, electricity and medical care," Putin continued.


In the Jewish War on Whites ( Or J-WOW) and Palestinians, the Jewish Supremacist Zio-Glob Regards White Patriots and Palestinian Nationalists as the Biggest Threats to Their Hegemony

An interesting fact: Two Peoples most repressed by Jewish Supremacist Globo-Homo Power are (1) White Patriots and (2) Palestinian Nationalists. Why? Jewish supremacism fears them most because:

(1) Jewish supremacism cannot sustain itself around the world without cucky-wuck White Submissivism. Jews don't have the numbers to rule the world. White numbers and talent must be in service of the Jewish Agenda. In order to make whites serve Jewish interests more than white interests, Jews must 'pathologize' the slightest hint of white identity and white interests as 'white supremacism', 'nazism', or 'far right'(even though genuinely far-right elements in Israel are rarely called such by the New York Times and the Jewish-run MSM).

World Wars Are Orchestrated

"You will be crushed. Great Britain is always victorious,"  the Abwehr told the Romanians. "Great Britain" of course is the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel.
 Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
 Scott Ritter Loves Jews and thinks Zionism is a Threat to Jews
 Security, Protection For Trudeau Highest In Canadian History
It cost more than $30 million annually in each of the last two fiscal years to protect Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family.

Brad Salzberg--"No political leader in the history of our country has carved up Canada into a collective of oppositional communities held together by nothing more than a common geographic location. At each other's throats is a reasonable description of contemporary society. Gay and transgender communities and bitter woke educators backing them brand heterosexual citizens as "homophobic" and "transphobic."

Is Elon Musk naive or pretending to be?

Globalism and satanism are the answer.


 Your Chuckle of the Day-

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger explained in an interview recently that Europe had made a serious mistake by creating within itself, through mass immigration, populations that reject all its norms, values, and a "constitutional basis". He deplored the fact that in 2023 in Berlin, almost 80 years after the Holocaust, people, with complete impunity, were shouting "Death to the Jews" in the streets.

 EV Sceptic Toyota Chairman Says People Are 'Finally' Waking Up to Reality of Electric Vehicles
The chairman of Toyota said that falling demand for electric vehicles is a sign people are waking up to the reality that EVs are overhyped and have drawbacks.

Israeli Poll Finds 49% Support Holding Off on Gaza Ground Offensive

Nearly half of all respondents believe Israeli should wait with its ground operation in Gaza, while just over a quarter believe the IDF should embark on the offensive immediately



Two Secret Israeli Bases In Eritrea Came Under Attack - Report

I don't care anymore. An American says he will not support a government "that hates him" in the coming war.


"This is Part 2 of an interview with Nathan Reynolds who escaped his Illuminati family in order to save his soul and his firstborn child. He has since dedicated his life to exposing the rulers of the darkness of this world. In this segment, Nathan explains J.A.S.O.N. groups, ritual abuse, and how he was groomed to be a child assassin.

Here's the link to Part One: Wickedness in the Highest Places
Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

Saint Joan of Arc - A Catholic Heroine: 9 Things to Know & Share

ChurchPOP - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 19:12

Saint Joan of Arc's extraordinary life serves as a testament to the power of faith and obedience to God's will.

Her unwavering commitment to her Catholic beliefs, determination to fulfill her divine mission, and ultimate sacrifice embody the essence of a true Catholic hero.

Today, she is venerated as a saint within the Catholic Church, a source of inspiration for believers worldwide, and a reminder that God can work through the most unlikely of vessels to accomplish great things!

Saint Joan of Arc continues to shine as a guiding light for Catholics, encouraging us to trust in God's plan and fearlessly live out our faith.

Here are nine things to know and share about Saint Joan of Arc:

joan of arc saint, joan of arc died, joan of arc death, joan of arc the messenger, joan of arc painting, joan of arc mark twainCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

1. She was a young French peasant born in 1412.

2. Joan of Arc was not a knight or a trained soldier, and she could not read or write. She didn’t even know how to wield a sword before she began her mission!

3. At one point, she took the name “Jehanne la Pucelle,” meaning "Joan the Maid," claiming she did not know her last name.

joan of arc saint, joan of arc died, joan of arc death, joan of arc the messenger, joan of arc painting, joan of arc mark twainCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

4. She reportedly heard the voices of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret of Antioch, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. They informed her of a special mission from God to crown the rightful king of France and end the Hundred Years’ War.

5. Encouraged receiving confession before battle and committed her life to contemplation and prayer. She is considered a heroine of the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. Her life and journey are well-documented.

joan of arc saint, joan of arc died, joan of arc death, joan of arc the messenger, joan of arc painting, joan of arc mark twainCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

6. She was burnt at the stake in 1431 after a corrupt Church trial found her guilty of heresy. The Church later nullified the trial!

7. Pope Benedict XV declared Saint Joan of Arc a saint in 1920.

8. Patroness of soldiers and of France.

9. Mark Twain wrote a book about her heroic life!

Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc in Times of Trouble:

St Joan of Arc, give me strength.

In this, my time of need, I beg thee to come to my aid.
I humbly ask thee to help me bear my trials with honor,
As I remember you in your earthly agonies.

Blessed Joan, duty bound to God, give me courage:
You who left family and friends to enter into God’s service,
Devout and valiant to uphold righteousness to the end,
While being insulted and harmed by your enemies.

Holy Joan, daughter of God, give me fortitude:
Help me to prevail in life and death over evil,
While bearing my injuries with the dignity you showed
When wounded in the breast, head, thigh, and heel.

Pious Joan, help me to be fearless:
Abandoned by the king you yourself had crowned,
Captured and sold to the highest bidder,
You put your trust in the King of Heaven to deliver you.

Venerable Joan, help me to be unwavering in my faith:
Beaten, bruised, questioned, and accused,
You were denied that which you loved most:
Communion, confession, Mass, and public prayer.

Heroic Joan, help me to uphold justice:
Imprisoned, neglected, threatened, and condemned,
Sentenced to die as a heretic, the cruelest death,
To die by the fire and be raised in heaven!

Glorious Virgin, please intercede for me:
(Share your request…)
Hear this petition and my heartfelt plea.
Pray for me in this, my time of need,
For I believe God will deny you nothing.


Prayer Source: Andrea Oefinger, Diocese of New Orleans

Categories: All, History, Satire

The Josias Podcast Episode XLIII: St. John Henry Newman on the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Josias - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 16:27

As May—the month of Our Lady—comes to a close, Matthew Walther, editor of The Lamp Magazine, joins Amanda and Fr. Jon Tveit for a conversation on St. John Henry Newman and Our Blessed Mother.


Header Image: Sir John Everett Millais, John Henry Newman (1881)

If you have questions or comments, please send them to editors(at)thejosias.com.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Many thanks to our generous supporters on Patreon, who enable us to pay for podcast hosting. If you have not yet joined them, please do so. You can set up a one-time or recurring donation in any amount. Even $1 a month would be splendid.

Taylor Caldwell-- Feminism Spoiled "Nature's Great Con"

Henrymakow.com - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 01:04

Satanist social engineers have succeeded in undermining heterosexuality for the purpose of depopulation. 
Have you noticed? YouTube is full of videos of women complaining that men have lost
interest in courting them. Here's an example.   
Having eschewed the roles of wife and mother, they have no value to men except for sex which is widely available without marriage.  
Woman's stock-in-trade always has been to nurture and empower husbands and children. 
They are loved and cherished in return. 
Unable to love, they get no love. Men are going  their own way (MGTOW.)  Men are not stupid. The courts are rigged against them. They see that woman's game is to seduce some sucker, have children and then live off of him.
As with God, they have been brainwashed to reject the thing they most need, and now they are roadkill. Their stock-in-trade is love but they can't love men anymore.

Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love. Men want power. Women want love. The heterosexual bond is based on this exchange. Women empower their men by accepting their leadership. By competing for power, they emasculate them. The destruction of the nuclear family is a plank in the Communist Manifesto. Feminism is Communist, (Satanist) subversion.

Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) a British-born American novelist is a prime example of the (((Communist))) control of American culture. Despite being 
one of the most successful writers of the mid-20th century and author of 30 novels, there are no biographies or movies about her or her work.  Our liberal cultural commissars
 flushed her down the memory hole. All art now must be agitprop, i.e. politically correct, because we live in a de facto Communist society.  Taylor Caldwell was anti-Communist, and anti-feminist, as the following quote attests: 

 "There is no solid satisfaction in any career for a woman like myself. There is no home, no true freedom, no hope, no joy, no expectation for tomorrow, no contentment. I would rather cook a meal for a man and bring him his slippers and feel myself in the protection of his arms than have all the citations and awards and honors I have received worldwide, including the Ribbon of Legion of Honor and my property and my bank accounts. They mean nothing to me. And I am only one among the millions of sad women like myself."

In the article below, written in 1970, she laments that feminists are ruining "nature's great con" where men provided for wives and children. 
"I fear that men are beginning to suspect that we women conned them through the centuries. I fear they are asking themselves -- to women's terrible hurt -- why they should support an able-bodied woman who can earn a good living too, and why should they be responsible for providing a home for women." 

Men provided a home for women because women raised their children. Being a wife and mother was a respected and necessary role in society before the Communist cockroaches destroyed it. Unless a woman has exceptional talent, she finds her highest expression as a wife and mother. Women used to empower men (by being submissive) in exchange for his love and fidelity. Love is not free. It must be earned. Women earn lifelong love by nurturing husband and children. The Communists convinced them they can find permanent love by sex appeal or career achievement. People forget that the Communist goal is societal destruction.

Feminism brainwashed women to seek power instead of love. Now everyone is suffering. A woman was created by nature to bear children. Now many are rotting on the vine.

Below Taylor Caldwell relates how she wanted to be a traditional woman, but society wouldn't permit it.

Updated from 29 July 7, 2023

"Feminism is the Real Enslavement of Women" 

Abridged from Caldwell's prescient 1970 classic "Women's Lib: They're Spoiling Eve's Great Con Game."  

By Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) 

The left, alas, is now running yet another "Liberation Movement," this one championing females who believe that the male sex has somehow done the ladies wrong. The members of this Front say they want all the spoils the boys appear to be getting out of life. 

They're quite mad, of course. What these "girls" are about to do is ruin the biggest Con Game, and the most ancient, which one section of humanity has ever imposed on another, since Eve invented it. 

I'm just jealous, myself, having been deprived by circumstances from getting into that Big Con Game...alas, alas, alas.  But I've stood on the sidelines and seethed with envy, and now I hope - I say with a grin over clenched teeth - that the Liberation "girls" will get exactly what they want. It's all they deserve.

As for myself, I am ... plenty happy that my two beautiful daughters are in on the Game and enjoying every minute of it, and wouldn't even dream of Female Liberation. I brought them up to appreciate their blessings -- and to shut their mouths around their husbands, for fear the boys would catch on and demand liberation for themselves, which is exactly the calamity these rampant females in the "Liberation Movement" are going to precipitate. God help the contented women who will be their victims!


At eighteen, I fell desperately in love with a true man, a man of strength and masculine vitality and courage. He was attracted to me, too. But then one night he said to me, "Janet, you aren't the gentle little woman my mother was.  My father worshiped her, and no wonder. You are too strong, yourself, and too independent for me. There'd be conflict in the house. You wouldn't be satisfied just to be taken care of; you'd want to do something on your own, and be a 'partner' to me." 

It's just no use." I was struck dumb at this horrifying statement. I wasn't very articulate then. He gently picked up my hands and shook his head at the old callouses, and as gently put them down. 

traditional-gender-roles.jpgI wanted to cry out to him, " But I want to be like your mother! I want you to take care of me and deliver me from my hateful daily job! I want you to cherish me! I want only to be your wife and have your children and keep your house! I don't want a career or anything else. I just want you." 

But I couldn't say it. I had no words. My rearing silenced me. And so I never saw him again. But I saw the creeps, all right! They hung on me like leeches. Charity prevents me from elaborating on the matter. After all, a girl has to marry someone, doesn't she, when her yearning for love and protection overcomes her. And, believe me, unless she is a dyke or a Liberated Commie, that yearning is natural and heart-breaking...


I fear that men are beginning to suspect that we women conned them through the centuries. I fear they are asking themselves -- to women's terrible hurt -- why they should support an able-bodied woman who can earn a good living too, and why should they be responsible for providing a home for women. 

Why can't women be architects and bricklayers and plumbers and stone-masons and lawyers and doctors and businesswomen too, and pile up a fat bank account to be inherited by husbands? 

Why should a man give his ex-wife alimony and child-support checks, when she is just as capable, if not more so, of rolling up her sleeves and getting on the 8:00 bus of a morning for an arduous day in the factory or the office? 

After all, men whisper among themselves -- I have heard -- that women in Russia are treated exactly as men, and are farm-laborers plowing and seeding and harvesting, and they manhandle big machines in factories, empty garbage, and shovel snow, learn to be bricklayers and steel-workers as well as doctors and lawyers, serve in the armies, drive trucks, wear felt pants, dig sewers and lay pipes, clean chimneys and work in the forests, and do the heaviest of manual labor.

Men, in short, are licking their lips and, for the first time in history, are readying themselves to be exploiters in their turn -- to be the soft gentle creature in the house, the soother of exhaustion, the serene person who has nothing to worry about in his pleasant life. Mom's out there, plugging and "fulfilling" herself, and why should Pop worry? He's had it coming to him since Eve.

It is a woman's nature to make a sanctuary of love and delight in her home. That is the true "career" for women. Alas, alas, that so many multitudes of women are now forced -- or choose -- to abandon that career, and to become imitation men in society. The true men won't marry them. The creeps will throng about them. They will reap the bitterness I have had to reap -- though I never wanted a career, never wanted to be "stalwart." I just wanted to be a woman.


You really can't change human nature, and the instincts of that nature, for good or evil. I know a prosperous young man in New York, in his early thirties, who has a "pad" in a penthouse and is up-to-date on everything, including Ladies' Liberation. He highly approves of it. It is time, he told me, that women "stopped being parasites" and worked to the day they dropped dead or retired, as men do, and not expect a man "to support them." 

He is very enthusiastic, too, about women's "sexual liberation," and always manages to get a girl who, the dupe and dope, heartily agrees with him. "After all," says the young man, "women get as much fun out of it as men do, so why should a man feel obligated to marry them, or give them more than a drink and a dinner in exchange? I'm all for this new freedom for the girls."

He belongs to the Key Club. You know the kind I mean. When I was in New York recently he invited me to meet his "newest girl" at the Club. The "girl" happened to be a member of an advertising agency, a smart, pretty cookie with swinging hair and bright cheeks and eyes, and good manners and an engaging way with her. Only her eyes were vulnerable and soft and tender as she gazed at my young masculine friend. The lovelight shone in those eyes, deep and passionate and devoted. 

I thought those two hit it off wonderfully well, and I thought, too what a wonderful marriage they would make and what handsome and intelligent children they would have. After all, the girl came from a good family, had a master's degree in publications and advertising, and money of her own. And I could plainly see that marriage was fixed in her own ardent wishes and hopes.

When she went to the "powder room" I said to my sophisticated, progressive, and with-it young pal: "Are you going to marry Sally soon?" He looked absolutely shocked! Suddenly the primitive man was there and not a "modern" man in a dinner jacket and black tie, in a Key Club with bunnies running around and the smell of winey cooking in the air. He was aghast.

He said "Excuse me, but you can't be serious, can you? Sally's all right. But, after all, she is a modern girl -- she likes a romp as well as I do. No inhibition." He paused. Then he said, "Playmates for play-time. But only maidens for marriage!" And he laughed.

When I still stared at him cynically, he got a little mad. "Let's face it," he said. "The liberated girls have made their own public bed, and they can lie in it, and we men love it. but if they think we are going to marry them, they're due for an awakening. No man wants a woman who's been out on the town with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. When we marry, we don't want a 'modern' woman." He laughed again. "Oh, we encourage the women to be 'liberated'! It's cheap for us, and we get all the free sex we want before we settle down with a decent girl."

Sally came back, glowing at the boyfriend, her heart in her eyes. No one ever told Sally that she was being used, that her womanhood had been cheapened and degraded by her sister-women in the name of "liberation." 

Sure, Sally had her "identity," as they wickedly call it, and her "freedom," and she was being fulfilled all right, all right! She had her good job and her independence and her nice little apartment...and she was twenty-seven years old and she would soon be middle-aged, and all she could marry then (and even now) would be some "Liberal" creep eager to live on her salary and permit her to support him. 

The young man now opposite her, with his urbane manner and excellent income and ambitions, would never marry Sally. He would marry some sweet, untouched creature who would not "stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the battle for life," but who would make him a pleasant little wife of whose decency he would be proud, and who had never heard the phrase, "women's liberation." Well, I suppose, it serves Sally right and all her deluded and pathetic sisters who sprint off to work every morning and take care of themselves and are as "free as men." But deep in their deprived hearts, they know how tragic they are.


Girls, the men are catching on -- through your sister-women who have been "liberated -- that they have been victims for ages of the Big Con Game, and the first thing you know they will be demanding Civil Rights and Equality for themselves, too! It's up to you, in behalf of future generations, to lull them back and to again become superior. Who wants Equality with men? No woman in her right mind.

Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. It is notable that in Communist nations women are exhorted, and compelled, to do what has traditionally been men's work. American women, some of them, feel triumphant that they have broken down the "barricades" between the work of the sexes. 

I hope they will still feel triumphant when some commissar forces a shovel or an axe into their soft hands and compels them to pound and cut forests and dig ditches. I hope they will be "happy" when a husband deserts them and they must support their children and themselves alone. (After all, if a woman must be "free" she shouldn't object to men being free too, should she?")

 I hope they will feel "fulfilled" when they are given no more courtesies due to their sex, and no kindnesses, but are kicked aside on the subways and buses by men, and jostled out of the way by men on busy sidewalks and in elevators. I hope that no man will extend mercy to them because of obvious pregnancies, but will rudely tell them that that is no excuse to shirt a day's heavy labor, and they should be like Russian women. I hope they will be proud when some court demands that they support "delicate" husbands for a lifetime, and pay alimony. I hope, when they look in their mirrors, that they will be pleased to see exhausted and embittered faces, and that they will be consoled by their paychecks.

The decay and the ruin of a nation has always lain in the hands of its women. So does its life and strength, its reverence for beauty, its mercy and kindness. And, above all, its men.


Taylor Caldwell was born in England and emigrated to the US with her parents when she was a child in 1907. She was an outspoken conservative and wrote for many publications until her death in 1985. The preceding article was reprinted from the 1970 issue of American Opinion.

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

May 29 - NATO & Russia Play Nuclear Chicken

Henrymakow.com - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:27

oops-just-a-mistake-v0-ikg78ehcwb3d1 (1).png
(Left. Bombing refugees sheltering in tents was a "tragic" mistake but demolishing buildings full of people and massacring 35,000 wasn't? Is there anyone more sleazy than the Israeli government?)

Nuclear chicken articles are below Israeli massacre. Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmil.com 

Survivors recount Israel's Rafah camp massacre, describing headless children and charred bodies:

The attack took place around 10 pm local time. Israeli jets dropped bombs on the makeshift camp, causing a fire that burned some 14 tents, according to one eyewitness. The camp is located in the Israeli-designated 'humanitarian zone' near a UN storage facility, according to analysis by Al Jazeera Arabic. The Palestinian health minister said 45 people were killed in the attack. Another 249 were wounded, some seriously, including people with severe burns and severed limbs.
More and more European officials and NATO countries are on board with allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory. Among the latest to speak openly about this are NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, and the government of Sweden, which is the NATO alliance's newest member state.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine...

Russian foreign policy commentator and TV presenter Dmitry Suslov has called for his country to conduct a "demonstrative" nuclear explosion in response to calls by European politicians to allow Kyiv to use Western arms against targets inside Russia

"I hope that the political and psychological impact of a nuclear mushroom, which will be shown by all the world's TV channels, will return to Western politicians the only thing which has prevented wars between great powers since 1945 and which they've now largely lost - the fear of a nuclear war"


Russia has moved 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean
Quote: "Vice-Admiral Sir Clive Johnstone, former Commander of NATO's Maritime Command, who died on May 16th, 2024 said in a recent interview: "The Alliance sees more activity from Russian submarines than we've seen since the days of the Cold War....A lot of what the Russians are doing at the moment we don't understand, and is obscure... and is shrouded in other activity which makes us nervous, and makes nations nervous."
 Biden's economy crumbling while EU leaders push MILITARY DRAFT to send millions of young Europeans to their deaths

They are gangsters.

Israeli spy chief 'threatened' ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry

Protesters set Israeli Embassy in Mexico City on Fire

Savage Jews of Israel, led by the savage Benjamin Satanyahu, say that 'Gaza war likely to last another seven months'

Israel sent tanks on raids into Rafah on Wednesday and predicted its war on Hamas in Gaza would continue all year, after Washington said the Rafah assault did not amount to a major ground operation that would trigger a change in U.S. policy.

Yuval Harari and WEF belong to Commie wing of Jewish dialectic---Supports two-state solution

Yuval Noah Harari: Israelis and Palestinians 'each have good reason to suspect their existence is at stake'

He compares Netanyahu to Bar Kochba who led a rebellion against the Romans in 132 BC and was crushed. 

Harari--Can Judaism Survive a Messianic Dictatorship in Israel?
What will happen to Judaism if Israeli democracy is destroyed by supremacist zealots?


( Harvey Milk. Why are so many Jews gay? Overbearing mothers and browbeaten fathers.)

RFK Jr celebrates an infamous Dem gay rights leader Harvey Milk who was accused of grooming minors

On Wednesday, independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. posted an homage to Harvey Milk, an infamous Democrat politician accused of grooming minors, on the day established in 2009 to celebrate his life. Kennedy posted on X, "I want to take a moment to celebrate Harvey Milk Day and honor a man whose bravery transformed our society. Harvey Milk was a trailblazer for LGBTQ+ rights and the first openly gay individual elected to public office in California."


Scott Ritter- Israel has shot itself in the foot

The world was prepared to recognize Israel. Now everyone is turning their back on Israel, including Jews. Ritter predicts Israel will depopulate. 

People like Ritter and MacGregor don't realize that there is a plan to start the third Masonic Jewish world war. 


Open Letter From Sanhedrin to Donald Trump Concerning Dividing the Land of Israel and Jerusalem in 2019
 Quote: "The Creator of the World did not grant any rights of settlement in the borders of the Holy Land to other nations, and certainly not to the enemies of the People of Israel. "
"Fool me twice- I told you I was a snake," Traitorous Jew- Trump says he will deport anti-Israel protesters if elected

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Jewish donors earlier this month that if elected in November he would deport anti-Israel protesters and defeat the "radical revolution" he said the campus demonstrations were part of.

Karoline Leavitt, the campaign's national press secretary, wrote to the Post in email that "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end."

Nikki-Haley-1024x1024-use-this.jpegNikki Haley Visits Israel, Writes 'Finish Them' on Israeli Artillery Shell
Trump recently said that he's sure Haley will be on 'his team'

Cold-blooded killer.

Reminder: U.S. Doctors in 2020 Requested Supply of DEATH PENALTY Drugs To "Treat" COVID Patients


Brad Salzberg- Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes "Systemic" In Canada

"The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets."

All the things we were raised to believe in - family, personal freedom, patriotism- are now "far-right extremism" because we have had a Communist takeover. Our government and mass media are all communist.


Salvini: 'The bill to reintroduce the draft in the Chamber'
'Six months of civil or military service for 18-26 year olds'

Mikhail Khodorkovsky Names Lord Jacob Rothschild As Ultimate Beneficial Owner

 In a groundbreaking interview, former Russian Oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has named none other than Lord Jacob Rothschild (deceased) as the ultimate beneficial shareholder of Russian interests during Privatization.

We always knew he was just a proxy for Rothschild.

WATCH: The mainstream media, which once characterized 15-minute cities as a conspiracy theory, is now covering the plans set to be implemented in Edmonton


So much for "peer review" -- Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers


Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

9 Things to Know About Future Saint Carlo Acutis, the Teen Who Loved & Promoted Eucharistic Miracles

ChurchPOP - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:16

Blessed Carlo Acutis is an Italian Catholic teenager known for his love for the Eucharist and extraordinary path to holiness.

He lived from May 3, 1991, to Oct. 12, 2006.

Carlo Acutis is unique because he was familiar with modern-day cultural difficulties and opportunities. His story is considered very relatable, especially among young people.

His short life has had a lasting impact on the Church.

Recently, Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to his intercession, making way for him to become a saint!

Here are nine things you may not know about Blessed Carlo Acutis:

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

1. Carlo Acutis was born in London but raised in Milan.

2. Although his parents were not especially devout, Carlo developed a love for the Rosary and the Mass from a young age. His witness of faith led to his mother’s conversion.

3. He loved to play sports and video games. He enjoyed things like Pokémon and Super Mario!

4. As a programmer, he built a website promoting Eucharistic miracles.

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

5. He was passionate about using media and technology to spread the Gospel.

6. Carlo was diagnosed with Leukemia as a teenager. He offered his suffering to the Lord for the Pope and the Church.

 carlo acutis miracle, carlo acutis website, carlo acutis death, carlo acutis eucharistic miraclesCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

7. He requested to be buried in Assisi due to his love for Saint Francis of Assisi.

8. Carlo was beatified by Pope Francis on Oct. 10, 2020, and is the first millennial to be beatified.

9. Carlo Acutis will be the first millennial saint! Pope Francis recognized the miracle needed for his canonization.

Here is a prayer for the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis:

Oh God, Our Father,
thank you for giving us Carlo,
a life example for the young
and a message of love for everyone.

You made him become enamored with
Your Son Jesus, making the Eucharist
his “Highway to Heaven.”

You gave him Mary, as a most loving Mother,
and, with the Rosary, you made him
a poet of her tenderness. Receive his prayer for us.

Above all, gaze upon the poor,
whom he loved and helped.
Grant for me too, by his intercession,
the grace that I need...

(mention your request here)

And make our joy fulfilled,
placing Carlo among the saints
of your Church, so that his smile
may shine again for us in the glory of your name.


Pater, Ave, Gloria
(“Our Father”, “Hail Mary”, “Glory Be”)


You can find more information on the miracle attributed to his intercession here.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, please pray for us!

Categories: All, History, Satire

Bride Surprised with Eucharistic Adoration at Bachelorette Party in Viral Video

ChurchPOP - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 14:50

Marriage is not about the dress or the dream party, and Daniela and Gabriel are very clear about that. For this reason, her friends decided to have a different bachelorette party: a moment of prayer before Jesus in the Eucharist.

Digital content creator María Paula Aldana shared on her Instagram account “Somos Suyos” a video of the surprise they organized for Daniela, a very close friend who is getting married.

In her post, Aldana pointed out that both young people fought to live a holy courtship that would lead them to God. This experience of love helped them understand the depth of the sacrament of marriage.

“One day eating a hamburger, Daniela told me that for many years she had a Pinterest board with all the things she dreamed of for her wedding (even before she had a boyfriend)… she knew exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it."Then she met Gabriel and they struggled to live a courtship that would always please God. They are 'normal' people: we go together to dances, pro-life marches, concerts, parties, dinners, conferences, retreats... and when Gabriel proposed to Daniela, the first thing I said to her after the engagement was: 'you're going to be able to use your Pinterest board'. To which Daniela replied: 'the board doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters to me is that it is with Gabriel'…. God is faithful. Because it removes the additions from the heart and helps us put our hearts in His Kingdom, in what is most important, in what brings us to Him. Because marriage is not about the wedding, the dress or the perfect party, but about the decision to love someone for something specific: taking them to heaven.”

That decision to live this sacrament correctly led her friends to organize an unusual bachelorette party. On Pentecost night, they organized a moment of prayer in front of Jesus in the Eucharistic adoration chapel.

“For her bridal shower, we wanted many things, but 'only one is important' says the Gospel. So on the night of Pentecost, we asked Jesus in the Eucharist to organize a bachelorette party for us and as friends we gathered to ask him to send his Holy Spirit upon them and also upon us, to appreciate the testimony of what God has done in them and what he wants to do in each of us."The truth is that EVERYTHING that human love promises (happiness, passion, pleasure, company)… without having Divine love as its source is and will be A FALSE PROMISE. But in God, by God, and for God, they will be springboards for eternity.”

Here's the video below:

Here's the translated video text:

"The girlfriend. Today is her bachelorette party. She thinks we're taking her to a party. And yes! The promised. The husband of her soul. They do not say goodbye to their time of freedom. They come to live the vocation that was given to them from eternity because there is no other way to love. But at the feet of LOVE."

María Paula asked for prayers for Gabriel and Daniela, and pointed out to all those seeking their vocation that true waiting is not in vain.

“I also ask you to pray with faith for your vocations. You are not 'waiting' in vain... whatever path God has for you, what you are living now (and what you are not) is a necessary preparation to be able to embrace Him later. Trust.”

The bachelorette party video went viral with over two million views and almost 100,000 likes.

Many users left supportive messages, highlighting similar experiences with Jesus in the Eucharist.

“Heaven is Jesus. Living each stage with Him, no matter the pain, is heaven, because we are with Him and we believe in Him," one user said.

“The best gift they could have given her," another person said. "How beautiful to begin the journey together, hand in hand with God, and surrounded by people so full of light. I was very excited to see it.”

“ I am excited to see so many young people testifying to their faith and forming a home with God's blessing. Many blessings to the future spouses." someone else said.

"How gorgeous! What a great touch on your part! My husband asked me to be his bride in [front of] the Blessed Sacrament," another user explained. "I never really expected it like that and it was wonderful– a beautiful detail on his part since he always knew that my life is Christ and he wanted it to be the center of our lives as well.”

“I have some friends who met in the parish and had their Hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in the Perpetual Adoration chapel on Saturdays from 9:00 to 10:00 at night," another person said. "They got married on a Saturday and the dance started at 9:00 at night. They arrived at the dance almost at 11 and they were dressed as bride and groom with the best guest at the banquet in the best possible place."

Categories: All, History, Satire

Where You Can Find the Largest Eucharistic Monstrance in the World

ChurchPOP - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 00:03

Have you ever visited the largest monstrance in the world?

The Eucharistic monstrance, "Our Lady of the Sign - Ark of Mercy," resides in Saint Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church, or the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Chicago, Ill.

The monstrance is believed to be the largest in the world in overall size.

It depicts Our Lady of the Sign with the Eucharist on her heart. She sits atop a moon and an ark. Two angels kneel next to her worshipping the Eucharistic Jesus.

In the film "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," independent Hollywood producer and philanthropist Oscar Delgado explains this phenomenon.

Delgado helps build many Eucharistic adoration chapels around the world. He also helped build this one!

"It's the biggest monstrance in the world because it's from angel to angel--the overall size," Delgado told ChurchPOP. "It's not just the height, but also the width. It's the square footage."

The monstrance's design is based on Revelation 12. Delgado said they wanted to combine both the text of Revelation and Our Lady of the Sign.

"Our Lady of the Sign, which is very important in terms of scripture, points everything to Jesus," Delgado explained. "Then the Ark of Mercy. She [Our Lady] is the Ark of Mercy. He [Jesus] is the Ark of Mercy. So we put everything together."

The parish completed the monstrance in May 2008 and has remained open 24/7 for perpetual Eucharistic adoration ever since. (Excluding the 2020 pandemic restrictions for a brief period.)

"It's just an incredible experience for people when they get in there. They can feel the presence of Our Lord...and the presence of Our Lady there," Delgado continued. "It's good because it brings us back to Jesus. It just shows the beauty of everything put together."

Here's a video of Delgado explaining the monstrance:

"Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," opens in theaters nationwide on June 4, 5, and 6. Visit Fathom Events for tickets.

Check out more info about the film below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Categories: All, History, Satire

Patrick O'Carroll- The Ten Deadliest Plandemics in History

Henrymakow.com - Tue, 05/28/2024 - 23:14
The central banking cartel has found a novel way
 to eliminate freedom and kill us.

Satanists worship death and suffering - ours. They sacrifice us to Satan.

They control by corrupting our morals and making us sick.

(No headlines today. Nothing new stands out.)
by Parick O'Carroll


 The patents for the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JABS show that they are quite literally deadly. Rumor has it that 5G and the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB will work together as a Binary-Weapons-System to induce new PLANDEMICS in "Marburg", "Disease X", "Bird Flu" or a catastrophic "bleeding disease" that visionary John Leary says is imminent.

In 2020-40, the death-toll of the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE (and the imminent MARBURG-5G Holocaust) may reach a total of 1.7 billion "useless eaters" based on an average of estimates by Dr Elizabeth Eads MD, Prof Dolores Cahill, Mike Adams, Todd Callender, et al. Note: "useless eaters" is the "Illuminati" term for slaves.

 Dr Mike Yeadon, ex-top-executive of the Big Pharma Mafia corporation PFIZER, stated: "Without an insurrection, we can expect a new [PLANDEMIC] event that will trigger a Digital ID connected to a Digital Currency and a wave of [PLANDEMICS] with mandated shots until the population reaches their desired levels. And, as long as we remain stubbornly divided, we do not stand a chance".


 «Team Antichrist» launched the HEART-DISEASE PLANDEMIC after WW1 by weaponizing chlorine and placing the weaponized-chlorine in refined salt (NaCl), in pharmaceuticals, and by using it widely in the dairy business and in swimming-pool sanitation under the guise of "disinfection".

In the late 1960s, Dr Joseph M Price proved that 95 percent of chickens drinking chlorinated water developed atherosclerosis and he concluded: "The basic cause of atherosclerosis, heart-attacks and most forms of strokes is CHLORINE, the chlorine contained in processed water". In his book "Coronaries, Cholesterol, Chlorine" (originally published in 1969), Dr Price proved this link, and that a protective plaque composed mainly of cholesterol builds up inside the arteries and may eventually result in heart-attacks and strokes.

 The UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO) says that the HEART-DISEASE PLANDEMIC kills 18 million people per year. Thus, the HEART-DISEASE PLANDEMIC is better defined as a Genocide Operation. If only half the heart-disease deaths since 1914 were down to chlorine, that would mean a death-toll of about 1 billion "useless eaters".


 Starting in 1944, geneticist Dr Norman Borlaug worked for the Rockefeller Foundation to hybridize wheat. Borlaug is credited with developing the exceptionally high-yielding DWARF WHEAT that is much shorter and stockier than wheat was in 1930. After 1960, «Team Antichrist» introduced dwarf wheat widely. It replaced most other wheat strains in the world and launched the twin DIABETES and OBESITY PLANDEMICS.

 In his 2011 book "Wheat Belly", Dr William Davis MD recommended replacing wheat-based foods with other low-glycemic whole foods. He showed how TODAY'S "BREAD" IS HIGHLY FATTENING. Davis advised that people eat vegetables, meat, eggs, raw nuts, dairy products, some fruits and he recommended them to "UNDO Prediabetes or Diabetes by scheduling your RADICAL WHEAT-ECTOMY".

The UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO) says the DIABETES PLANDEMIC kills 1.5 million "useless eaters" each year, that about 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, and that the OBESITY PLANDEMIC kills 2.8 million "useless eaters" each year. Hence, over the past 50 years, the overall death-toll was 215 million "useless eaters".


 The INFLUENZA PLANDEMIC of 1918-21 was willful genocide launched by an "experimental" meningitis "vaccine" that was first created by the Rockefeller Institute for "Medical" Research in NY and then profusely injected into US troops at Fort Riley, Kansas. This INFLUENZA PLANDEMIC of 1918-21 genocided a total of around 35 million "useless eaters". It was perpetrated predominantly by the US Regime, the British Regime, and the French Regime, and by the "Illuminati" bloodlines Rockefeller and Windsor.



 Starting in 1975, disease-tainted smallpox "vaccines" were given to millions of Africans, often using deliberately contaminated needles. There were many perpetrators of this Holocaust, including the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), the Big Pharma Mafia, the Zionist powers (US, GB, EU, CH), and corrupt African dictators. The total death-toll in this PLANDEMIC is estimated at around 26 million "useless eaters".

Peter Duesberg of UC Berkeley proved that there is no link between AIDS and HIV, which is now a well-known fact.


 Starting in 1975, disease-tainted HepB "vaccines" were given to millions of homosexuals in San Francisco, often using deliberately contaminated needles. The total death-toll is around 9 million "useless eaters" and it was done by the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), the Big Pharma Mafia, the Zionist US Regime, and one Anthony Fauci.


 Portuguese neurologist António Egas Moniz invented the physical lobotomy in 1935 and it was illustrated in Ken Kesey's 1962 novel "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" and in the 1975 film adaptation thereof.

 Since around 1980, "advanced" nations have used chemical lobotomies instead of physical ones. "Medications" such as benzodiazepines or antidepressants will cause the frontal cortex to disintegrate when given in sufficiently heavy and prolonged doses, and that often results in a chemical lobotomy.

 The LOBOTOMY PLANDEMIC claimed about 1 million "useless eaters" (half in 1935-80 and the other half later).


 Apart from MEDICAL PLANDEMICS, "Team Antichrist" deployed warfare to genocide 400 million "useless eaters" in the twentieth century alone. These included:

150 million "useless eaters" in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2;
100 million "useless eaters" in the Chinese Holocaust of 1949-69;
77 million mostly Orthodox Christians in the Russian and East European Holocaust;
10-40 million Arabic Semites (Muslims and Christians) in the Arab-Semitic Holocaust, in which the Zionists genocided 10 million Arabic Semites in 1948-2024, or 40 million according to Australian-Jewish historian Gideon Polya who also included the effects of deprivation and the after-effects of depleted uranium (DU);
120 million more "useless eaters" in other wars and in Zionist false-flag terrorism.


 The PUPPETICIAN PLANDEMIC was launched in 1717, when Freemasonry was founded (or re-founded) in London. Originally, Freemasonic puppeticians were a front for the English monarch, who stayed aloof as parasitic puppeticians took the blame for bad decisions and policy-errors done by monarch the oligarchy. Later, the satanic ritual called "democracy" was exported to all Zionist- or Bolshevik-Zionist-run dictatorships in the world. It is quite possible that the PUPPETICIAN PLANDEMIC killed at least 1 billion "useless eaters". By far the biggest criminal conspiracy in history is called "government" or "governance", and its two top purposes and aims are theft and genocide in accordance with the Talmud. Government is organized crime.


 The CENTRAL-BANKSTER PLANDEMIC was launched in 1694 in Britain (Bank of England), in 1913 in the USA (Federal Reserve), in 1800 in France ("Banque de France"), in 1876 in Germany ("die Deutsche Reichsbank"), in 1860 in Russia (State Bank), in 1922 in communist Russia ("Gosbank") etc. It is quite possible that the CENTRAL-BANKSTER PLANDEMIC killed at least 1 billion "useless eaters".

In the Central-Bankster Warfare-Model, the central-banksters design an empire-building war from which they are set to benefit. They deploy the wholly-fictional national "debt" to "justify" to the slaves that they "must" pay taxes to finance that empire-building war. When "Team Antichrist" and its "allies" are victorious, the vanquished nation also pays war "debts" and compound interest to "Team Antichrist", which grows richer and richer from war to war. Eventually, the cumulative effect of hundreds of empire-building wars is the Talmudic "new" world order, and an absolute worldwide tyranny under "Team Antichrist".

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History

The Eastern Catholic Church Explained: 7 Fascinating Facts All Roman Catholics Should Know

ChurchPOP - Tue, 05/28/2024 - 20:56

Everyone knows the Christian faith started in the East—specifically, in Jerusalem where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected.

Although Rome in the West became the Church’s “headquarters,” (aka, the Vatican), the other Catholic Churches were founded by the Apostles in the East.

Eastern Catholic Churches are sui juris, meaning each one retains its own laws, hierarchy, and ecclesiastical disciplines. 

Here are seven fun facts about the unity in diversity found in the Catholic Church: 

1) There are 24 Catholic Churches—only one of them is Western– the Roman Catholic Church!

2) Eastern Catholic Churches “look and feel” like Orthodox Churches but are united under the Pope. So, you can go to Mass at an Eastern Church on Sundays and it “counts” for your Sunday obligation.

3) There are more people in the Roman Church than in all 23 other Churches combined.

eastern catholic church, eastern rite catholicClick here for chart.

4) There are six different rites among the 24 Churches. See the chart above!

5) Eastern Catholic priests can get married before ordination. Celibacy is mandatory for the priesthood only in the Roman Catholic Church with some exceptions.

6) The Second Vatican Council has a Decree on the Eastern Churches which became a precursor to the 1991 Eastern Code of Canon Law!

7) Eastern Catholics are baptized, confirmed, and receive Holy Communion as infants with some exceptions—but Baptism and Confirmation (“Chrismation”) are always received at the same time!

Eastern Catholics LOVE visitors from the Roman Catholic Churches. Consider going to the liturgy at one of the Eastern Churches next Sunday and say "hi" to your brothers and sisters in the East! And prepare to stay a little longer than an hour!

Have you ever attended an Eastern rite Catholic Mass?

Categories: All, History, Satire

CK - Satanists Represent an Alien Force

Henrymakow.com - Tue, 05/28/2024 - 01:44
HM - Geometry Painting.png
A painting full of symbolism of the Mystery Schools. "Allegory of
Geometry", 1649, Laurent de La Hyre displayed at the Palace of the
Legion of Honor, San Francisco. The snake covers the Earth, geometry and pyramids play key roles. What is seen depends on the viewer's level of initiation and wisdom.

The secret of the Occult Arts and Mystery Schools is that a Cult formed around a spirit or force from a different universe/dimension actually controls the initiates and thus, much of the Earth.

(Disclaimer - I reserve judgment. As you know, I believe the central banking cartel explains enough, but who knows what inspires them?)

by CK

Stop blaming "The Jews", "The Jesuits", "the Nazis", "the Illuminati" or "the Secret Societies" for the destruction of our civilization. Those labels are on the surface -- what is hidden inside is what controls everything. If someone follows Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, they are a good person. 

If a person's thoughts are controlled by an inter-dimensional spirit or entity that does not follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, they can become evil. The secret of secrets of the Occult Arts and Mystery Schools is that a Cult formed around a spirit or force from a different universe/dimension actually controls the initiates and thus, much of the Earth.

Egypt Horus gold relief.png
The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol used by one of the
Mystery Schools that have infiltrated every element of our civilization.

This includes the top levels of all secret societies (Masons, Jesuits, Kabbalah, etc.) Humans are normally protected from these beings, but wishes for fame and profit lead them to "join up" and invite these entities onto their bodies. Most initiates are born into this Cult and others are occasionally invited to be initiated based on their accomplishments  -- it's not possible to apply for membership. 

Low-level initiates are not told the high-level secrets, which helps maintain a cover story of legitimacy for the group. High-level secrets are revealed after initiation rituals at each level, which can involve blood sacrifices, blood oaths and strict secrecy. The penalty for revealing secrets is death. 

Everything is compartmentalized on a "need to know" basis and the levels are like a pyramid (hence the symbol). As you go higher, there are fewer people. At the top levels are the people who control the world. The biggest secret is what controls the pyramid.

Only the initiated are allowed to gain enough wealth or power to affect society.  That level starts at several hundred million dollars of personal net worth. In terms of media influence, anyone over 500k followers should be assumed to be controlled. Control is maintained through bribery, blackmail, defamation and murder.

In history, it had many names: Baal, Shiva, Lucifer, Satan, Pindar, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Horus, and Iblis, as well as others not known to history. The Egyptians called it the "Eye of Horus"; the Chinese call them "futi" (spirit and animal possession), the Indians call them "asura" (inter-dimensional beings), Arabs call them "Jinn" -- in the West we call them "spirits" or "demons". Initiates cultivate super-normal powers that can be used on ordinary people through geomancy (placement of buildings and roads), ritual sacrifice, magic symbols, members and signs, as well as sorcery and spells. 

Israeli Supreme Court Pyramid.png
Israeli Supreme Court. Symbols are placed in prominent locations to signal control by the Cult, in this case over the Law. 

Signaling is Literally "Carved in Stone"

Their signs and symbols are pyramids, hexagrams, hexagons and the number 6, the "all seeing eye", certain handshakes and other forms of signaling, and they appear on buildings, advertisements, in shops, on clothing, art and sculptures, etc. The snake is one representation of this entity.

Here is an example that was literally carved in stone 4,500 years ago in Egypt:

King Kahfra Egypt Horus.png
An ancient Egyptian statue from the 4th dynasty of King Kafhre (2,550 BC to 2,480 BC) in the Cairo Museum (acc. no.: JE10062 or CG14) clearly show he is possessed by a falcon, which is known as the God Horus.

Many people believe the King is "protected" by Horus, but he is in fact possessed and controlled by Horus. This kind of spirit possession ("The Eye of Horus) is quite common and an ultimate secret of the Mystery Schools. Individual people can also attract these entities by pursuing fame or money, you don't need to be initiated into the Cult to become possessed. You want to get something you shouldn't have and it can help you get it if you let it attach itself to you. It can place thoughts in the minds of other ordinary people..."go watch that movie" or "go to that shop and buy this product". It doesn't give these things to you without getting something in return; it gets use of your physical body for its purposes and you get some fleeting fame or trinkets in this lifetime. It takes your soul.

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol used by one of the Mystery Schools that have infiltrated every element of our civilization.

The Best Description of this Phenomenon

The best description I have found of this inter-dimensional phenomena can be found in the book Zhuan Falun ("Turning the Law Wheel") by Master Li Hongzhi English LINK HERE to full pdf.
From Zhuan Falun Lecture 2, The Issue of Pursuit:
"If you have a pursuit, an animal will see it and come to possess you. This is precisely animal or spirit possession. Don't you want to treat illness? It will help you do this. But it does not help you treat illness without a reason. No loss, no gain. It is very dangerous, and you will end up inviting it."

Those who invite these kinds of things onto themselves are pursuing fame and fortune.  How do you protect yourself from this kind of possession? Righteous religions have warned about these entities for millennia and they suggest following Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. If you never have an evil thought or deed (which is very hard to do), nothing can touch you.

Revelation of the Method

Here is a video of a rabbi making the "big reveal" to a room of people who are astounded to learn Jews are aliens who have been sent to conquer the earth. 

Occasionally things leak out or reveal themselves through predictive programming or "Revelation of the Method" in popular culture or news stories. The film "They Live" is showing you what is really happening and the star, pro-wrestler/actor Roddy Piper, later called They Live "a documentary".

If you have supernormal abilities and your third eye is open, you can "see" these things. Inter-dimensional beings exist in other dimensions; they have a different frequency to what we can see with our human eyes. With the right glasses or frequency shifting tech, could you see them? Yes. Dicyanin glasses can enable some to see these entities, like the sunglasses in the movie "They Live ". Here's an example from ebay, where you can buy them:

HM - ebay dicyanin goggles.png
An eBay listing for dicyanin googles. They are not easy to find (or inexpensive). This seller is a reliable source on eBay.

I have pointed out this phenomenon so you can avoid it and you will know when you encounter a person who is possessed. I told you to follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance and to eliminate the evil. These things can't exist in a righteous field and you can ward them off.  You are the one making the choices. If you have attracted this kind of force, you still have a choice. The Creator is here. If you follow a righteous path and purify yourself, these things will be driven away.

Nearly everyone will experience this force at some point in their life. Now you know what you encountered.

Categories: All, Conspiracies, History


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