fake news

Unholy cow! The persecution of sanity continues - Sunday 19th-Saturday 25th of November

Just when one thought that the brazen public apostasy in the Novus Ordo cannot get any clearer one gets surprised. This time it is an 'art' exhibition in Belgium which feature sa 'crucified' cow sitting atop 5,000 litres of milk. It was, allegedly, supposed to highlight the wastefulness of consumerism, in its own morbid way, of course, it did.

This is not one of those things which are one by some obscure apostate priest in a far-off parish. No, this particular blasphemous act had the express permission of the bishop in question. He even defended it on the grounds that the shock value might bring back people into what are otherwise empty churches.

The good news about this is that the display took place in a church which appears deserted - i.e., not an active church in which we have Mass. The bad news is that the Church is unused the rest of the time, of course. It's no wonder why because with a bishop like that, one cannot help but wonder what other kind of madness takes place in the many unholy parish churches of Belgium.

"Double excommunication": A new term for this week. It turns out that Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella in Italy has been threatened with a double excommunication for speaking out against Amoris Laetitia - presumably in tones which were too direct for his bishop's liking. He received a 9-month gag order - with which he complied - but upon return resumed his criticism of Amoris Laetitia. 

The particular terms of his excommunication ( which I suppose has now been promulgated) I did not quite understand, but it was 2 execommunications all the same, both - it would seem - intended to persecute sanity and truth.

Given the madness at Svenska Kyrkan - the Swedish Lutheran church - it is difficult to know what is a fake news story and a real one. They seem to have been victims of a misinformation campaign in which it was alleged that there had been a proposal to get rid of masculine pronouns in reference to God. This story made the rounds internationally.

I have little doubt that somebody had indeed proposed that but nonetheless the falsity of the news story was that they would stop doing it. The  story as it was put out was denied, and with fair grounds.

The truth though, it turns out is not much farther from the false story. What they will start doing is allow an option to refer to The Holy Spirit in the feminine form, something which they say is generally allowed in spirit - where one can say "anda" or "ande" for spirit. So one will be able to say "Den heliga andan" instead of "Den Helige Anden". This should cause much outrage as well. The Holy Spirit is masculine, and it matters not whether one can use the feminine form for spirit in Swedish when Christ clearly refered to the Holy Spirit in the Masculine form. It is extremely disingenous of them to pretend that this is not a stark deviation from the Christian faith. What was clearly understood to be masculine may now be understood as feminine, by those not in the know - the vast majority, that is.

There is little doubt that as the Swedish language is debased by gender mainstreaming there will one day come a serious proposal to allow non-masculine pronouns for God, and at the rate of madness with which Svenska Kyrkan conducts itself, there is little doubt that this proposal accepted if not outright mandated. A tranny god is what they want to make themselves, instead of the true God. It is blasphemy, at the very least.

Over at Novus Motus Liturgicus, the eminent Dr. Peter Kwasniewski compares the collects of the Novus Ordo Missae with those of the authentic Roman Rite and finds the Novus Ordo gravely wanting. The theological differences are so great as to almost prove the charge that the Novus Ordo is a new religion altogether.

Bergoglian scandals at the Vatican continue, this time with a representative of the world's largest for-profit child-killing company invited to speak at another of Bergoglio's environmental/population control conferences.

Then we have William Kilpatrick wondering why it is that the Church's hierarchy is so friendly with Islam and glosses over the vast differences with regards to the dignity of man, and morality. His point is well-taken, but he is too tinged with a neo-con ideology in order to be taken as a fully-reliable analyst on this. A mark of neo-cons is that they speak of Iran all the time,  and so he does, so I assume that he is one of them.

Whilst I agree with him that NOChurch's stance on Islam is bizarre to say the least, the point he misses is that NOChurch is indifferent to all religions, not just Islam. Furthermore, NOChurch seems to have no stake in reviving what was once Christendom, and one might argue it seems to have a stake in destroying Christendom so as to create something anew.

Since Kilpatrick is a neo-Catholic and not a traditionalist, he seems oblivious to these aspects of the Novus Ordo, and that's why in the end his goal seems to be more to stop Islam (not a bad goal in and of itself) as opposed to reviving Christendom, or at the very least, Christianity.

This week's Bergoglio-victim-of-the-week is without a doubt  Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella of double excommunication infamy.


In Bergoglian times, fake papal news is indistinguishable from real papal news, and a novel idea - Sunday 6th of August to Saturday 12th of August

There was a statement alleged to have come from Vladimir Putin regarding Bergoglio. I cannot for the life of me figure out if the news is fake or whether it is real.

I came to the piece through Fr. Zuhlsdorf's site. In the piece we found the following (emphases from his site):

President Putin has slammed Pope Francis for “pushing a political ideology instead of running a church”, and warned that the leader of the Catholic Church “is not a man of God.”

“Pope Francis is using his platform to push a dangerous far-left political ideology on vulnerable people around the world, people who trust him because of his position,” Putin said. 

“If you look at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God. Not the God of the Bible,” Putin said at the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt.  

“He dreams of a world government and a global communist system of repression.

“As we have seen before in communist states, this system is not compatible with Christianity.”

The charges made against Bergoglio are certainly true, but the tone is certainly not that of Vladimir Putin, who is the most diplomatic statesman around. He is very cautious in his statements and I fail to even see why he would bother taking time from his busy efforts rebuilding Russia to criticise a man who is busy destroying the Catholic Church, of which he is not a member (the 'which' refers to Putin here but since heretics cannot be members of the Church...). I just don't see Putin making these statements, and at a cathedral no less.

Mind you, I would certainly not respect him less if he said it!

The truth is that Bergoglio's attack hounds have  been critical of Putin so it would be only fair of Putin to point out that Bergoglio is not a man of God and that he is deceiving people. I just don't think that Vladimir Putin said it, because I have not seen any confirmation of this piece from trustworthy newspapers or blogs, and even Fr. Zuhlsdorf seems to think it is fake news.

There were many comments on this piece at the website, but one in particular was noteworthy:

Fake news or not (I think it is largely invented), Pope Francis is to blame for having said things that make people wonder if articles like this are true. What this article says would not be remotely plausible if it pertained to either of our previous two popes. Not so with Pope Francis. Even if Putin never said what the article says he says, it is plausible that he did say those things and it is also plausible that there is some element of truth to at least some of them.

The truth is the more absurd a story coming from the Vatican nowadays the more likely that it is true, and the more anti-Catholic it is the less we can dismiss it. Even Bergoglio's defenders cannot pretend that the man is not a disaster for the Catholic Church.

The same priest writes about the 'North Korean' situatoin and suggests some solutions. There was only one contributor who wrote anything worthy of a Catholic response, while the rest showed off their americanism. As it turns out, he is British, and seemed generally to be the most informed. One of his responses captures his general attitude towards the 'problem', and he had many.

Simples. Don’t threaten North Korea. Don’t put THAAD missiles in South Korea. Don’t carry out massive battle manoeuvres in the south. In fact go back home and look after your own people.

I have a novel idea: Just leave North Korea alone!

My idea runs roughly along the same sentiments in other words. The fact is that most other countries have come to terms with the fact that North Korea is a nuclear power, including all of its neighbours, which are well within the range of North Korean weapons. It is only the U.S. which thinks it is so special that it has a right to prevent another country from defending itself.

North Korean concerns are not exactly unjustified, as the U.S. has been on a global campaign to take down anyone who opposes its policies and not strong enough for self-defence. We have seen Iraq, Libya and Syria attacked militarily by the U.S. and on top of that you can add other countries the U.S. has bombed int the recent past on multiple continents. As a sovereign country, North Korea have every right to defend themselves or at the very least to assure the destruction of anybody who attacks them, adn contrary to popular opinion, it is the U.S. which is the aggressor as it keeps holding military drills - some with such ominous names as "Operation Decapitation" - and imposing sanctions on what is already one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Truth is, sanctions are considered an act of war.

It is time for the U.S. to stop acting as if it is special - and being allowed to get away with it - and live with the rest of the international community as part of the community, and not as an overlord. It is the U.S. which is the real rogue state!

There is simply no good reason why anybody should accept the ridiculous notion that the U.S. has a right not to be under threat from other countries, given that it threatens virtually all countries on the planet. Furthermore, there is nothing irrational about the behaviour of North Korea: They simply seek the survival of their nation, as do most right-thinking people (which obviously excludes most of the Western politicians and electorate at this point in time). I would hope that at least Catholics can agree that it is unjust to threaten a country with annihilation simply for seeking the means to preserve itself,...


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