Church revival

Basilica of St. Benedict: Thank you for the memories!

It is with great sadness I learnt that the Basilica of St. Benedict had been destroyed by an earthquake. It happened earlier today, on the feast of Christ the King.

The basilica itself was majestic. Upon entering one felt that it was a home away from home. One felt the closeness of hundeds of thousands, perhaps millions, of worshippers who had gathered there to celebrate the Holy Catholic faith throughout the centuries.

The Monks of Norcia had managed to revive the town and revive more importantly, the Christian spirit of the town. I have no doubt that they will continue with their good work, and will manage to rebuild the basilica over time, with the aid of the glorius St. Benedict and St. Scholastica.

The people of Norcia are warm and pleasant and very proud of their history, and with good reason. They will come back from this; of this I have no doubt. With the help of the monks, it would nor surprise me of Norcia once again becomes a bastion of orthodoxy in a decaying world.

I would now like to turn attention to the timing of the events.

As we all know by now, a ravenous wolf of a pope is coming to Sweden to celebrate one of the most successful heretics in the Church's history. I have little doubt that the man would rather be dragged half-alive to the site of the heresies' celebration than to cancel them.

If I was a ravenous wolf of a pope though, I would heed the warning of this earthquake. It was only a few days ago that I was watching a segment on Our Lady of La Salette, and the dire warnings she gave. In it she mentioned errant priests and earthquakes and other disasters befalling Italy. I am not normally one to seach for divine significance in natural calamities but this one I could not ignore.

Put it simply: This earthquake could not have been more pointed towards Bergoglio if it had produced in the earth an outline spelling out Bergoglio. Let us remember that the earthquake struck on the Feast of Christ the king, who was so viciously attacked and calumniated by the man Bergoglio is going to celebrate. It brought down the basilica dedicated to the man who is considered the father of Europe, a day before Bergoglio goes to celebrate a man who divided Europe line none before.

If this ravenous wolf in shepherd's clothing goes ahead with the celebration, history will remember that a pope decided to honour a great divider only a day after the basilica in honour of one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church had been destroyed. It will surely be one more nail in the coffin for our good future pope  who will no doubt condemn Bergoglio in the starkest terms.

May we keep the people of Norcia in mind, and with the intercession of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica, pray that out of the town of Nursia may once again arise a great Christian awakening!

Buildings do not talk and have no emotions. We are the ones to feel the emotions when what we have grown to love and appreciate gets destroyed and I was indeed very sad at the news.

Still, in honour of the basilica I cannot help but offer a heartfelt "Thank you for the memories!"

I feel privileged to have been inside the Baslicia of St. Benedict and look forward to setting foot to the one which will be built to replace it.


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