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  1. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 11 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    California State Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Ban Excessive Homework

    Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness,

    A state lawmaker in California has introduced legislation that would severely restrict a teacher’s ability to hand out homework assignments to students that are deemed to be too much.

    As reported by Breitbart, State Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo (D-Calif.) introduced AB 2999, formally known as The Healthy Homework Act, in February.

    The bill would mandate public school officials to “develop, adopt, and update” their policies regarding homework “at least once every five years.”

    The bill would also require schools to take into account research which allegedly shows the physical and mental health impacts of homework.

    “I think this is going to make a huge impact for the students,” said Schiavo.

    “The times have changed and our homework policies don’t always change with the times, so we need to make sure we are addressing issues that are effective and also don’t harm kids.”

    Schiavo was partially influenced by the fact that her sixth-grade daughter, Sofia, hates homework; she described homework as “exhausting” and “overwhelming.”

    “It’s depressing that my whole day, from when I wake up to when I go to bed, is nearly all taken up with schoolwork,” said Sofia.

    Several alleged “experts” have agreed with Schiavo’s view that homework largely needs to be banned. Harris Cooper, professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, claimed that “there is a limit to how much kids can benefit from home study,” and that students should have no more than 10 minutes of homework per day.

    A recent survey by Stanford University found that, of over 300,000 student respondents, 45% said that homework was their top source of stress.

    “If it’s such a source of stress for kids, and we know taking stress off kids’ plates will make a difference in their mental health, this is something that can practically impact kids’ mental health overnight,” Schiavo continued.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 20:20
  2. Site: Public Discourse
    4 days 12 hours ago
    Author: Samuel Gregg

    Editors’ Note:

    This essay is adapted from a James Madison Program event on April 10, 2024, in Princeton, New Jersey. Oren Cass and Samuel Gregg discussed the right and the future of capitalism in the American founding and offered their perspectives on the conservative approaches to markets and the economy.

    The editors lightly revised the transcripts for clarity and added the links to sources with more information on the points discussed.

    Yesterday, we shared Oren Casss remarks. Today, we are sharing Samuel Greggs. 

    Over the past eight years, we’ve witnessed major debates about the market’s place in American conservatism. The Right is now fractured on this topic. That seems unlikely to change—at least in the near future. 

    As a participant in those debates, I found they have enhanced my understanding of why some conservatives have become more inclined to interventionism. It has underscored two things.

    First, these conservatives are asking good questions that merit considered responses. They are right, for example, to highlight the dysfunctionalities that presently mark America. Who can deny the rise in social pathologies among particular demographic groups?

    Second, however sympathetic I am to these worries, I think these conservative critiques of markets—and the proposed remedies—are problematic. I think that they overlook insights patiently developed through sound economic theory for the past 250 years. Such insights include our tendency to act in self-interested ways, the dysfunctionality of state bureaucracies, the dangers of meddling with free prices, and the need for what I call epistemological humility. 

    But let me start in a different place. Many conservatives’ concerns about markets begin not with America but with another country. 

    Since 2012, China’s behavior has caused many conservatives to question whether economic freedom is a force for magnifying liberty around the world. In the 1990s, many argued that the more that nations like China allowed scope for economic liberty, the harder they would find it to put the freedom genie back in the bottle. That idea is now clearly discredited. Incidentally, Milton Friedman arrived more or less at the same conclusion not long before he died in 2006. 

    Expanding China’s access to global markets certainly brought many benefits to America. It significantly reduced the cost of many products for American consumers, especially poor Americans. It opened up new export markets for American businesses that created millions of jobs for Americans in areas as different as farming and high-tech manufacturing. It also exposed the American economy to more competitive pressures, and I think that the more competition to which the U.S. economy is exposed, the better for America.

    But contrary to expectations, Beijing has never shown any interest in relaxing its grip on Chinese society. Beijing’s authoritarianism is accelerating, and that tightening has now extended to China’s economy. 

    I should mention that Beijing’s embrace since 2008 of more state-centric economic policies is costing China dearly. The problems include massive capital misallocations as state-controlled banks lend to inefficient state enterprises, the growing corruption that inevitably goes along with that, as well as falling productivity and declining foreign investment. 

    Scott Lincicome’s extensive analyses of the Chinese use of industrial policy, for instance, show massive failures in areas like semiconductors, 3G mobile technologies, and automotive manufacturing. It’s not coincidental that China’s National Bureau of Statistics is becoming progressively more selective about what economic data it releases. In August 2023, China stopped releasing information about its youth unemployment rate. I wonder why.

    But putting aside these facts, China’s behavior has caused many conservatives to become more skeptical of things like free trade and more open to things like industrial policy. 

    I think adopting such policies would be counterproductive. For one thing, there’s no evidence that these policies will change China’s behavior. We know, for instance, that the 2017 Trump tariffs didn’t change China’s behavior—something publicly conceded on pages 502–504 of the 2019 Economic Report of the President. The report went on to say that it only produced retaliation against groups like farmers.

    Which leads me to another point. Economic nationalist policies aimed at other countries end up hurting America and Americans. The historical evidence for this is conclusive.

    Consider, for example, the 1930 Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act and its disastrous effects on the American economy at the worst possible time. It produced massive retaliation from countries across the globe. Or consider Henry Clay’s American System, much of which was underpinned by Clay’s hostility to Britain. As the economic historian John Larson illustrates, the internal improvements constructed under the American system were largely determined by congressmen and senators pursuing their pet projects, which were justified, Larson shows, on increasingly dubious claims of national significance. Likewise, as Phillip W. Magness has stressed, the setting of tariffs by Congress accentuated regional tensions between North, West, and South as politicians struggled to devise a tariff schedule that could reconcile conflicts between manufacturers, raw material producers, and agriculture. 

    Tariffs, in fact, had little to do with the emergence of America as an economic superpower in the nineteenth century. America’s emergence as an economic superpower was a result of entrepreneurship, rich natural resources, imports of capital, lots of immigration, free internal trade, and private property rights and the rule of law being maintained. Tariffs actually retarded growth. One reason that we know this is that the parts of the American economy that grew the fastest in this period were those that were not subject to tariffs. That was recognized at the time by the economist Frank W. Taussig but also confirmed by subsequent research by Douglas Irwin and Brad DeLong. Irwin comes loosely from the “conservative” side of the economic spectrum. DeLong comes loosely from the more “progressive” side. 

    Trade issues don’t agitate some conservatives just because of foreign actors. Some maintain that trade liberalization has wreaked havoc on America’s manufacturing regions. Blue-collar communities, they argue, can no longer look to the local factory for jobs that once allowed people with relatively low education to earn wages sufficient to marry and have children in economically secure environments. As we know, many young men in these communities have turned to alcohol and narcotics to fill the void.

    When I hear conservatives say that we can’t leave entire communities of Americans to rot, I can only agree. But solutions to problems require accurate diagnoses of the sickness and prescriptions likely to help rather than hurt, and I think some conservatives are misdiagnosing the problem and proposing counterproductive solutions. 

    Let’s begin with the claim that America has deindustrialized. I think that’s mistaken. Certainly, the number of people employed in manufacturing declined from 19 million in 1972 to about 12 million in 2016. And it has maintained that level more or less since then. But in the same period, total employment in America grew from 99 million to 150 million, dwarfing the loss of manufacturing jobs. Millions of people who might have been employed in manufacturing fifty years ago are now employed elsewhere, especially in the service sector. 

    But here’s the other important number. Real U.S. manufacturing production grew by 180 percent between 1972 and 2007. There was a blip because of the Great Recession, but by 2019, America was back to pre-Great Recession levels in manufacturing output. According to all the major international manufacturing indices, America is still in the top three manufacturing countries in the world.

    That doesn’t sound like de-industrialization to me. 

    Solutions require prescriptions likely to help rather than hurt. Some conservatives are misdiagnosing the problem and proposing counterproductive solutions.


    It’s important to remember that an industry’s productivity isn’t measured by the number of people that it involves. The growth in manufacturing output and fall in manufacturing employment primarily reflects technological improvements and a shift in America’s comparative advantage toward high-tech manufacturing as well as the service sector. The most up-to-date studies illustrate that the China Shock from roughly 2000 to 2009 accounted for only 16 percent of manufacturing employment decline in that decade. 

    I think conservatives should consequently ask themselves some questions. Should we pretend that technology has not displaced certain types of manufacturing employment? Should we ignore the fact that manufacturing employment is declining across the world as millions shift—often quite happily—into economic sectors where they are generally paid more for less strenuous work?

    Perhaps some conservatives’ response to this would be: “Yes, the government should intervene directly to help distressed communities throughout Rust Belt regions. We cannot stand by and do nothing. Surely, everyone should be willing to pay a little more to help communities economically reliant on steel and aluminum production.”

    Fair enough, but unfortunately, such aspirations encounter problems.

    First, neither protectionism nor industrial policy is effective in achieving goals like preserving (let alone bolstering) steel and aluminum production jobs. Such efforts have failed overwhelmingly. Yes, you can subsidize manufacturing, but, as the economist Veronique de Rugy writes, it won’t produce manufacturing jobs anywhere near the scale imagined, precisely because manufacturing today relies heavily on automation.

    Let me say that again: industrial policy won’t significantly bolster manufacturing jobs. Even if it produced a manufacturing boom—about which I have doubts—it wouldn’t produce a boom in manufacturing jobs.

    Moreover, a 2021 Brookings study of the Northeast and Midwest suggests that of the 185 counties identified as having a disproportionate share of manufacturing jobs in 1970, 115 had managed to successfully switch away from manufacturing by 2016. Of the other 70 counties, 40 exhibited strong economic performance.

    Also revealing is that the most successful transitions in places like Grand Rapids, Michigan, or Greenville, South Carolina, by and large didn’t use industrial policy. Changes occurred through bottom-up innovation that changed Grand Rapids from primarily a furniture and car town to also being a medical, aeronautical, and educational hub that has provided jobs in health care support, banking, education, health sciences, etc.: jobs that required more education than a 1970s factory worker but not the education of a lawyer or a doctor or, God forbid, an economist.

    By contrast, less than 200 miles away, Detroit opted not to adapt. It opted to lobby for tariffs and subsidies. And Detroit’s subsequent decline is a poster child for the economic inefficiency and cronyism that is part and parcel of industrial policy. 

    Second, using tariffs to try to protect blue-collar communities has backfired, not least by taking away jobs from other blue-collar workers. Let’s go back to the Trump steel and aluminum tariffs. A 2019 Federal Reserve study estimated these tariffs resulted in a net loss of 75,000 jobs. Why? Because as Irwin observes, “Many more workers are employed in steel-using industries than in the steel industry itself. Higher steel prices penalized domestic producers of steel-intensive products, like farm equipment and machinery, harming their competitive position in domestic and foreign markets (by reducing their exports and increasing other imports).”

    How did steel-using industries react? They lowered their costs by cutting jobs. Those 75,000 lost jobs were mostly blue-collar jobs, mostly located in blue-collar towns.

    Those are just a few economic critiques of economic nationalism. And if they’re accurate, conservatives should be skeptical about interventionist policies.

    Let’s turn to another part of the discussion: the social pathologies that characterize parts of American society, such as prime-age blue-collar men dropping out of the workforce or collapsing marriage rates among similar demographics. Some conservatives have argued that these pathologies resulted from economic changes. I agree that economic changes can have powerful social effects, but I think some of these pathologies owe more to factors other than economics.

    Consider the decline of work among prime-age American males without college degrees. That’s a real trend and it’s a worrying trend. But as the economist Nicholas Eberstadt points out, the prime-age American male’s long march out of the labor force began in the 1960s and it’s been rising at a remarkably consistent rate since then.

    Eberstadt also shows that events like the Great Recession and China’s entry into the WTO had little impact on American prime-age male inactivity rates. He then suggests that the more relevant pieces of the puzzle are factors like changing family structures, government benefit dependence, and mass incarceration.

    I think there’s little reason to imagine that state interventionism can fix these problems. No family income supplement is going to encourage these men to get out of their parents’ basements. Substance addiction can’t be addressed by tariffs. In fact, there’s evidence that not even economic prosperity will necessarily change some of these dynamics. 

    Take, for example, the fracking boom. It certainly created higher wages and well-paid jobs in many blue-collar communities. Yet as one 2017 NBER working paper by two University of Maryland economists illustrates, there was no change in the low marriage rate among these populations or any reduction in out-of-wedlock births.

    The problems that I’ve highlighted haven’t inhibited conservatives from proposing policies like direct family payments, promoting unions, and even a return to the activist state of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. But such policies have a track record. And when we examine that record, we discover hard lessons.

    Here, may I draw your attention to two books written by the economic historian Amity Shlaes. Her 2008 study of the New Deal, The Forgotten Man, illustrates the Roosevelt administration’s failure to reduce unemployment substantially. It also failed to ignite a significant economic recovery. Likewise, Shlaes’s 2019 book Great Society is a severe indictment of interventionist programs implemented by very intelligent, often well-meaning people and how these policies harmed many communities—especially black communities that they were designed to help.

    What remains from these programs is an institutional landscape littered with legacy bureaucracies from these two systematic efforts to reorient the U.S. economy by intervention: bureaucracies, I might add, full of people who have little sympathy for conservative ideas. 

    Let me close with some thoughts about the future. I agree that our economic status quo is not tenable. American conservatives do need to embrace an economic reform agenda. For me, such a reform agenda would go broadly something like this:

    One: Creating space in America for bottom-up-driven entrepreneurship, fierce competition, and dynamic trade inside and outside America’s borders.

    Two: Creating that space by de-clogging the U.S. economy of the regulatory and bureaucratic sludge that envelops it.

    Three: Reforming the Federal Reserve to focus it on a single mandate of monetary stability.

    Four: Decentralizing as many welfare responsibilities as possible to civil society.

    Five: Reforming our immigration system so it is easy for migrants to come here, but to do so legally and in a way that affirms American sovereignty.

    Six: Focusing government on fulfilling those particular economic responsibilities that it alone can do—like defending property rights, upholding the rule of law, providing monetary stability, and providing a last resort rather than a first resort welfare function.

    These are not small economic responsibilities for the government. Moreover, I’d argue that government in America is presently performing sub-optimally in these areas because it’s doing so many other things that it’s not well equipped to do.

    The truth is that America isn’t a dynamic market economy. We’re a mixed economy with huge amounts of regulation, interventionism, welfarism, bureaucracy, and cronyism, all of which benefit politically connected businesses and political insiders at everyone else’s expense. Our federal code of regulations alone has grown from 77,000 pages in 1975 to 154,000 pages today. The Index of Economic Freedom shows that America’s economy is less free than some European nations that we used to deride as welfare addicted social democracies.

    That’s the institutional side. But I think there’s something else in many ways more substantive that conservatives can bring to thinking about capitalism. The best free market thinkers (people like Adam Smith, Michael Novak, Friedrich Hayek, etc.) have always understood that markets must be grounded in a specific type of culture. In a 1978 interview, for example, Hayek said: “Capitalism presumes that apart from our rational insight we also possess a traditional endowment of morals.”

    Adam Smith was a powerful proponent of markets, but he acknowledged the social challenges associated with commercial societies. Smith recognized how greater wealth can seriously warp our sense of what’s important. How many people, he lamented in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, ruined themselves “by laying out money on trinkets of frivolous utility”?

    In the section entitled “Of the Character of Virtue,” Smith explains that commercial virtues require supplementation by classical virtues like magnanimity and justice, as well as habits of benevolence like charity, generosity, and friendship. Smith didn’t see these virtues simply as extra grease for market exchanges. Virtue, Smith wrote, is nothing less than “excellence, something uncommonly great and beautiful.” Virtue civilizes our use of liberty in markets while also expanding our horizons beyond the achievements of markets. 

    Here, it seems to me, lie real opportunities for conservatives to shape American capitalism. How do we help people in dynamic markets understand that certain things should never be bought and sold? How do we revive Tocquevillian and Burkean ideas about bottom-up associationism that binds people together in extra-economic ways and exorcizes the demon of soft despotism?

    I don’t underestimate the difficulties in trying to shape the culture in which our markets operate. They are indeed formidable. But undertaking that type of work helps define, I suggest, what it means to be a conservative in the modern world.

  3. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 12 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Cocoa Crash Unfolds As "Liquidity Evaporates" 

    Cocoa futures in New York crashed Monday in their biggest daily drawdown on record, driven mostly by improved weather forecasts and sliding liquidity. 

    "Cocoa prices are melting down. New York and London cocoa futures are down ~15% today (that's, by far, the largest one-day % drop in data going back nearly 65 years)," Bloomberg's Javier Blas wrote on X. 

    CHART OF THE DAY: Cocoa prices are melting down. New York and London cocoa futures are down ~15% today (that's, by far, the largest one-day % drop in data going back nearly 65 years). #cocoa #chocflation https://t.co/hzcOgHkC2U pic.twitter.com/a3BxC9XjCw

    — Javier Blas (@JavierBlas) April 29, 2024

    Futures fell 15% to $8,931 a ton, having hit a record high of $11,722 on April 19. 

    On April 9, during the surge from $9,000 to nearly $12,000, Blas warned: "Liquidity in cocoa markets is quickly evaporating." 

    Saxo Bank's head of commodity strategy, Ole Hansen, explained to Dow Jones Newswires that today's selloff was triggered by an improving weather forecast for rain in West Africa, the mecca of cocoa farming. This will only boost the bean outlook for mid-season crops. He also noted that the front contract showed strong signs of 'buyer fatigue.' 

    "Liquidity in the market due to the intense volatility of cocoa's prices has also disappeared, so any kind of news--good or bad--will trigger strong fluctuations in price," Hansen said, adding that the latest commitment of traders report exhibited broad selling from commercial traders, with the long exposure sliding to a 14-month low as traders panic exit the chaotic market. 

    Despite the cocoa plunge, London-based trading and agricultural consultant Paulo Torres told Bloomberg, "The shortage is not over" and "the elephant in the room is the fact that Ivory Coast and Ghana do not have cocoa, so there is no way prices can fall significantly." 

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 20:00
  4. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 12 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    California's Tax Revenue Projections Weakening As Newsom's Budget Revision Deadline Looms

    Authored by Travis Gillmore via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    With the state facing a record-high budget deficit, tax collections are failing to meet California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal projections, which could put further pressure on the state’s finances.

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks in Los Angeles on Jan. 3, 2024. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

    As of April 25, the state’s franchise tax board is showing personal income tax collections on track to approximately match estimates for the month.

    However, corporate tax revenues of $4.16 billion equate to more than $500 million below forecasts for the month and are off by $1.4 billion for the fiscal year.

    Some economists point to disruptions in the technology industry—with thousands of California jobs slashed across several companies in recent months—as a contributing factor in declining corporate and personal income taxes.

    “The loss of tech jobs has also hurt California’s public finances, which have grown heavily dependent on Silicon Valley,” Joseph Politano, independent writer for online data and economy newsletter Apricitas Economics, posted April 14 on Substack. “It will mean less future potential revenue—forcing the state to raise tax rates or pare back spending on investment, social services, and more.”

    Sales and use taxes are also driving the shortfall, missing estimates by $1 billion since November.

    In March, such receipts came in $653 million below forecast, which the finance department said, “reflect ongoing weakness in taxable sales.”

    Data analysts blamed inflation and high-interest rates, in part, for the lackluster sales tax collections, as cash-strapped consumers are managing their finances by reducing spending on some items.

    “This decline reflects consumer challenges balancing higher prices and financing costs with essential household needs,” Andy Nickerson, president and CEO of HdL Companies—a data and consulting services provider for local governments—said in an April 16 tax report summary. “As the Federal Reserve considers a delay in softening rates, [we anticipate] consumer spending may continue to stagnate, delaying a return to normal historical growth trends in 2024.”

    Cumulative March tax receipts came in $243 million below estimates and contributed to a $5.8 billion shortfall since November—representing a 4 percent miss—according to a recently released report from the state’s Department of Finance.

    While personal income tax receipts exceeded expectations in March, estimated payments since November were down $4.7 billion, suggesting weakness in tax collections for the 2023 tax year, the finance department reported.

    With the income tax due date of April 15, more details will be available in the first week of May once calculations are complete. Preliminary information from the state’s controller’s office suggests the governor’s estimate could be $6 billion or more higher than actual revenues collected.

    While Mr. Newsom’s January proposal was based on forecasts, a revision due in May will be able to incorporate receipts received, which should provide more clarity.

    “All of these results suggest that April revenues, in the aggregate, may come in several hundred million dollars below monthly estimates,” Jason Sisney, budget director for Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, said in a Substack post April 25. “It is virtually certain that the May Revision will downgrade revenue projections from those the Governor released in January.”

    Mr. Newsom is expected to provide the revision on or before the May 14 deadline.

    The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office predicted earlier this year after weak tax collections in January that revenues would miss the governor’s estimates by about $16 billion for the 2023–2024 fiscal year and another $9 billion for 2024–2025.

    But following personal income tax revenues in February and March that were closer to estimate, Mr. Sisney believes the shortfall will not be as large as the analyst’s office suggested.

    Based on revenue trends to date ... it is difficult for me to see revenues dropping quite that much,” he said.

    Disparities in estimates between the governor and the analyst’s office have existed since January regarding the severity of the budget deficit.

    Mr. Newsom estimates a $38 billion shortfall, while analysts forecast a $73 billion gap in funding. Some of the differences lie in the governor’s calculation of solutions proposed, which the analyst’s office says accounts for about $20 billion of the discrepancy.

    With the numbers in flux, lawmakers and policy experts are awaiting final totals so that budget proposals can be debated in earnest.

    Mr. Newsom recently approved a “budget bill junior” crafted by Democratic lawmakers as an early action plan to address a portion of the deficit.

    Approximately $17 billion to chip away at the deficit—including deferrals, delays, borrowing, and some $3.6 billion cuts—primarily to one-time funding—were enacted by his signing of Assembly Bill 106 on April 15.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:40
  5. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 12 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    "The Only Safe Asset" - Chinese Consumers Overtake India In Gold-Buying Frenzy

    Who could have seen this coming?

    ICYMI from Nov 2023, when gold was still 1900

    Behind The Mysterious Explosion In Gold Prices: China's "Massive Accumulation Of Gold"https://t.co/6Yg2HPmMwf

    — zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 28, 2024

    In November 2023, with gold trading around $1900/oz, we highlighted the beginning of a precious metal buying-binge from China, noting that the prcie for physical gold had never been more expensive at the time (while western gold prices were still below their prior record highs).

    Additionally we noted the total lack of demand for so-called 'paper gold' via ETFs as holdigs underlying these vehicles was declining, as investors rotated from paper to physical:

    “The rising interest in gold bars and coins was primarily driven by investors’ safe-haven demand, supported by global geopolitical instability and weak performance of investment products denominated in Chinese yuan.”

    Source: Bloomberg

    Now, a few months later, we get confirmation as The South China Morning Post reports that consumers in China bought 308.9 tonnes (10.9 million ounces) of gold in the first quarter, representing a 5.9% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

    Having burned out in Chinese gold ETFs, we recetly noted that, amid a notable pick up in capital flight that the Chinese had "grabbed gold by the throat."

    Sure enough, as SCMP points out, Chinese consumers are increasing their appetite for gold, seeking to protect their assets amid a volatile stock market, a depreciating yuan and property doldrums, which analysts said would continue to boost international gold prices coupled with geopolitical uncertainties.

    Purchases of gold bars and coins, which largely reflect investment and hedging demand, surged by 26.8 per cent year on year to 106.3 tonnes, while gold jewellery sales declined by 3 per cent from a year earlier to 183.9 tonnes.

    “Gold represents the only safe asset for [Chinese consumers] to protect their wealth against domestic inflation, asset price declines as well as against geopolitical risks,” said Chen Zhiwu, the chair professor of finance at the University of Hong Kong.

    “I expect Chinese household demand for gold to rise more in the future. And the Chinese central bank will also continue to purchase more gold to prepare for more geopolitical turmoil ahead.

    China’s central bank bought 160,000 ounces of gold bullion in March, marking its 17th consecutive monthly purchase and bringing its total reserves to 2,262 tonnes (72.74 million ounces), as it aims to diversify holdings away from US bonds amid strained bilateral relations.

    “The escalation in gold holdings by global central banks, coupled with heightened gold demand in the Chinese market, has emerged as significant drivers propelling recent gold prices beyond market expectations,” the Bank of China said on Friday.

    “In the future, gold prices are expected to sustain their robust upwards trajectory, driven by ongoing global central bank efforts to de-dollarise, escalating geopolitical uncertainty, and shifts in the [US] Federal Reserve’s monetary policy,” the report said.

    China eclipsed India as the largest purchaser of gold jewellery in 2023, with consumption totalling 630 tonnes last year, representing an annual increase of 10 per cent.

    “The China story is one of the reasons supporting gold prices, but the global risk-off sentiment is also fuelling the demand,” said Gary Ng, senior economist at Natixis Corporate and Investment Bank, who expected China’s demand for gold to remain resilient in 2024.

    “Beyond China, whether the US can take inflation is another determinant for future gold prices, which is probably the biggest uncertainty.”

    However, as TD Securities' Daniel Ghali points out another potential source of gold strength.

    With little trace in exchange data, buying activity must be OTC. However, price action in basis, forwards, and BoE gold suggest the buying program is price insensitive, has a sense of urgency, and deep pockets. This mysterious bid may point to curiously aggressive OTC buying activity, which appears to be highly correlated with acute currency depreciation pressures.

    Ongoing currency pressures could explain the sense of urgency behind this bid, with a high correlation with the CNY's deviation from its fix inching towards its fixed band.

    Historically, this has been associated with a significant outperformance as the exceptional buying activity underpins a squeeze from those using the traditional playbook.

    Finally, US election dynamics are a positive for gold, according to TD Securities' Bart Malek.

    A Republican administration is likely to push lower taxes, with spending largely unchanged. The resulting higher deficit projections, from the already very high numbers, should help gold, as it suggests higher inflation, lower real rates and continued central bank buying. A likely even more adversarial stance toward China and Iran taken by a Republican administration would also contribute to gold's good fortune and should see oil well supported.

    Simply put, gold remains a good sanction-proof private- and central-bank-diversifier.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:20
  6. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 13 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Mammas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Activists

    Authored by Roger Simon via The Epoch Times,

    I am writing this column in the hopes you will pass it around.

    To be honest, I write every column in the hopes it will be passed around, times being what they are. I’m arrogant enough to think what I have to say is at least somewhat needed. More humbly, G-d gave me a modicum of writing skill I have concluded for a reason and, more than ever in my life, I, at the age of 80, seem constrained to use it. I rarely stop, and when I do, all I seem to think about is what I’m going to write next, except when I’m playing tennis... And even then...


    Today’s title is, of course, a knock-off of “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys,” written by Ed and Patsy Bruce, but made famous, as these things go, by others—the estimable Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. If you’ve been living under the proverbial rock and haven’t heard their fabulous recording—and even if you have; I listen to it all the time—it’s right here.

    It begins: “Cowboys ain’t easy to love/And they’re harder to hold.” If you replace “Cowboys” with “Activists,” it still makes sense, maybe more. Trust me—I’ve been there myself, years and years ago. We were wrong then. They’re worse now.

    This is all a long way around to what my theme is - the cause of the civilization-threatening unholy mess we are in with so many of our supposedly premier institutions of higher learning - indeed the world’s supposedly premier institutions of higher learning - Ivy League on down, turned into satanic campgrounds celebrating a group of bloodthirsty maniacs that make the Nazi Party seem like... well, let’s just leave it there.

    Except that 1939 has come back. From Wikipedia:

    “On February 20, 1939, a Nazi rally took place at Madison Square Garden, organized by the German American Bund. More than 20,000 people attended, and Fritz Julius Kuhn was a featured speaker. The Bund billed the event, which took place two days before George Washington’s Birthday, as a pro-‘Americanism’ rally; the stage at the event featured a huge Washington portrait with swastikas on each side.”

    Déjà vu all over again? The proverbial canary in the coal mine come back for yet another bow?

    Yes, but now it’s arguably worse. No more wrapping themselves in the flag. George Washington, no longer revered, is just another statue to be toppled. It’s “Death to America” all the way down at our leading universities and it’s spreading.

    It’s Rashida Tlaib’s world. We just live in it.

    Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be activists—see what I mean?

    I’m not talking about the loyal readers of this site. I’d be astonished if they were the kind of parents or grandparents who would countenance that kind of thing. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they (you) know plenty who are.

    Also, I know many fine people who have done their bests with their progeny only to find that years of critical race theory (flagrant or masked) and other assorted “woke” excrescences in the schools, not to mention the inability to concentrate brought on via the supposed gifts of Silicon Valley, have made it impossible anyway.

    When looking for blame for what happened to this generation of college students, half or near of whom seem to prefer Hamas to Israel, most point at the educational system itself, so neo-Marxist “woke” from kindergarten up it’s hard to imagine how they could be more so, and to the media who cheer it along, amplify it, and excuse its excesses.

    But it all starts in the home. In other words, someone was not home to give these young people guidance and rein in at least some of their excesses—the parents.

    It’s not been just an abdication of responsibility. In more cases than we would like to know, the parents may also have cheered them on, seeing in their rebellious children the vindication of their own, much more tepid, rebellions years ago.

    In yet other cases it’s more direct, and worse.

    As illustration, recall how, back in 2020, former president Barack Obama proudly announced his daughters’ participation in protests led by Black Lives Matter, an organization that proved to be a financial rip-off not just of other blacks, but of all who contributed to their racialist con game. (That link, by the way, comes to you via the oh-so-chic folks at Harper’s Bazaar.)

    Of the three causes mentioned, the parents may, in the end, be the most to blame, though needless to say a fourth element, our government, has its portion too, an amazingly large one, fomenting what Christopher Rufo sees as internal “color revolutions” via such amusements (for children yet) as “Drag Queens for Palestine.”

    It’s impossible to know how many of these protestors come from single-parent homes, but it’s almost certain to be a high percentage. This is a national disaster in itself.

    It’s hard to know in general how many of them there are or even who they are because they wear masks or keffiyehs covering their faces (for fear of COVID or, more likely, identification by future employers).

    What we are seeing on our campuses is the product of a family environment imploding or, sadly, already imploded. Much of this is and has been intentional.

    I apologize to all of you for being so “hobbyhorsical,” as Laurence Sterne termed it hundreds of years ago, on this topic, but the situation we are in is indeed civilizational. One can only praise the few governors—Texas, Florida—who have stood up to the onslaught and properly used the National Guard to return their universities to what was supposedly their real purpose—something called education.

    So let’s end with some good news. It was long overdue, but the Ivy League and similar institutions are finally losing their luster. It is being widely reported that many students and their families—not just Jewish ones—are deciding to go elsewhere, to the Midwest and South, for their studies that might be more even-handed.

    Others are deciding that college isn’t such a great thing after all and are going to trade schools. Good on them. (I wonder how many of those trade schools are having pro-Hamas demonstrations. Not many, I’d wager.)

    Finally, a word about a word—“activists.” It is used as well to characterize adherents of what we often think of as good causes. I say—bag it. Let’s leave that term to the Left. That way you don’t have to let your babies grow up to be “activists,” because, chances are, they’re not going to be the kind you want.

    Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:00
  7. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 13 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    "Do Not Disclose This Is An Ad": OnlyFans Creator Says Biden Admin Paid For "Full On Political Propaganda"

    OnlyFans creator and TikTok star Farha Khalidi says that the Biden administration paid her to push "full on political propaganda," and asked her not to disclose that she was advertising for them.

    Speaking with commentator Richard Hanania, Khalidi said she'd been asked to boast about Ketanji Brown Jackson after Jackson was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Biden.

    "I was doing full-on political propaganda," she said, adding "The funny thing is they're like, do not disclose this is an ad because technically it's not a product so you don't have to disclose it's an ad. Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say “as a person of color,” you know, that you feel “reflected”?’"


    NEW: OnlyFans creator Farha Khalidi says she was paid by the Biden Administration to spread "political propaganda" & was told to not disclose her videos were ads.

    Everything about Biden is fake.

    Khalidi says the Biden admin reached out to her because they wanted someone with… pic.twitter.com/CQ40K5IHID

    — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 28, 2024

    Khalidi has 1.8 million TikTok followers.

    Speaking of propaganda, and we'll save you the eye bleach by not posting his picture... director Steven Spielberg is also helping the Biden campaign with reelection, NBC News reported on Friday.

    The filmmaker will help to "convey the president’s successes and his vision for the country" to delegates and viewers of the Democratic National Convention, scheduled to take place August 19-22 in Chicago. Spielberg has been meeting event organizers, who expect more than 5,000 delegates from across the country to officially select Biden as the presidential nominee.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:40
  8. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 13 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    The Travesties Of The Trump Trials

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,

    Do not believe the White House/mainstream media-concocted narrative that the four criminal court cases - prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis - were not in part coordinated, synchronized, and timed to reach their courtroom psychodramatic finales right during the 2024 campaign season.

    These local, state, and federal Lilliputian agendas were designed to tie down, gag, confine, bankrupt, and destroy Trump psychologically and physically. They are the final lawfare denouement to years of extra-legal efforts to emasculate him.

    Indeed, the nation is by now worn out by these serial assaults on constitutional norms: the Hillary-funded Steele dossier subterfuge; the pre-election Russian laptop disinformation campaign; the two impeachments without special counsel reports; the impeachment Senate trial of a private citizen; the effort to remove Trump’s name from state ballots; the ongoing attempt to emasculate the Electoral College; or the radical opportune changes in state election laws to ensure massive mail-in balloting.

    Recently, Andrew McCarthy has reviewed in depth this coordination between White House personnel and prosecutors, long known and long denied by the left.

    Biden, for example, had complained to aides about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s tardiness in getting special federal prosecutor Smith appointed - and thus apparently ensuring Trump was convicted before the election.

    Nathan Wade, Fani Willis’s now-fired paramour prosecutor, visited and consulted with the White House counsel’s office when he was acting supposedly as a purely local county prosecutor. The January 6th left-wing-dominated congressional committee consulted with the Biden administration in sending forth its criminal referrals about Trump’s purported role in the protests. And to handle his pseudo-indictment against Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hired Biden Justice Department official Vincent Colangeio.

    Two, the prosecutors’ delayed criminal indictments and E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit were predicated only on Donald Trump running for reelection. After his 2020 defeat, the loss of the two Republican senate seats in Georgia, and the January 6 demonstrations/riot, Trump was written off by pundits as politically toxic.

    Then his historic comeback in the subsequent year terrified the left. The reboot prompted the subsequent indictments and suits years after the purported crimes. It was left unsaid that had Trump not been a conservative Republican and leading presidential candidate, he would have never been indicted.

    Three, most of the indictments either had no prior precedent in criminal law or will likely never be used again, at least against anyone left-wing. Moreover, many of the writs relied on manipulation of statutes of limitations.

    Neither Bragg nor any other local prosecutor had previously transformed a supposedly local affidavit misdemeanor into a supposed federal campaign finance violation, a gambit so preposterous that it had been passed on by federal attorneys.

    Letitia James was the first New York Attorney General to indict a state resident for the supposed crime of overvaluing real estate to obtain a loan, which was paid back timely and in full, to the profit of lending institutions. No bank, after auditing Trump’s assets and viability to pay back loans, was unhappy to loan to him. But all were quite happy to profit from the hefty interest—and would likely be happy to loan to him again.

    James sought to make Trump a criminal without ever finding a crime, much less a victim. Nor, until the checkered and unethical career of Fani Willis, had any local prosecutor ever indicted an ex-president for a supposedly improper phone call questioning whether all the state’s votes had been fully counted.

    Alvin Bragg’s case was nonexistent given the statute of limitations on supposed misdemeanors committed over six years prior—until Bragg transmogrified the accusations of minor crimes into felonies and, with them, extensions granted supposedly due to the COVID lockdowns.

    In Carroll’s case, her unsubstantiated accusations of a sexual assault were also well past the statute of limitations until a left-wing New York legislator and unapologetic Trump hater passed a special law—a veritable bill of attainder aimed at Trump—waiving the statute of limitations for a year in cases of accusations of long-past sexual assault in the state of New York.

    Four, all the indictments and suits took place in either blue cities, counties, or states. And most of the jury pools in or near New York, Atlanta, or Miami were or will be heavily Democrat. So far, the New York judges who have overseen Trump’s civil and criminal trials—Justices Engoron, Kaplan, and Merchan—were all liberals, appointed by Democrat or liberal politicians, and some have donated to Democrat causes. They were not shy about expressing disdain for defendant Trump. No changes in venues were ever allowed.

    Five, all the prosecutors, Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis, are likewise either Democrats or associated with liberal causes. In the case of Bragg, James, and Willis, all three ran for office and raised money on promises and boasts of getting Donald Trump. And all three have now set the precedent that local and state prosecutors can warp the law and use it to go after an ex-president and leading presidential candidate of the opposite party for naked political purposes.

    Six, all these cases were equally applicable to high-profile Democrat politicos. E. Jean Carroll’s defamation suit was the most laughable of all the court dramas, but its outline and protocols just as easily could have applied to Tara Reade. She came forward to accuse candidate Biden of having sexually assaulted her years earlier—roughly about the same period’s as Carroll’s fluid timelines. Her story is about as believable or unbelievable as Carroll’s. But the difference was that whereas the media canonized the delusional and self-contradictory Carroll as a useful anti-Trump tool, it demonized Reade as a crazy loon and liar—and a potential impediment to Biden’s 2019-20 primary campaign.

    Bragg had to torture the law to fabricate a federal campaign finance indictment against Trump. But Hillary Clinton clearly violated federal campaign statutes—and was variously fined—when she tried to hide her “opposition research” payments to Christopher Steele as “legal expenses.” In truth, Steele was hired and paid to concoct a fake anti-Trump dossier and likely should have been barred from working for a presidential campaign given he was not a U.S. citizen.

    In the case of Smith, simultaneously with his case against Trump, his twin special prosecutor, Robert Hur, found that Joe Biden had unlawfully removed classified files for much longer than Trump (30 years plus), in a much less secure location (his rickety garage), and without a president’s authority to declassify his documents. Moreover, he had disclosed their contents to his ghostwriter, who destroyed evidence under subpoena by Hur. Yet unlike Trump, Biden was not charged, given that Hur claimed that Biden, in his opinion, was so old and amnesiac that he might win sympathy rather than a conviction from a jury.

    Willis indicted Trump for supposedly trying to pressure officials to “find” missing Trump ballots, thus supposedly violating “racketeering” statutes, as he oversaw an attempt to find troves of ballots he thought had been cast for him. Of course, in the same state, Stacy Abrams, after losing the gubernatorial race of 2018, claimed she had actually won, despite losing by over 50,000 votes. She sued to overturn the election and then made a celebrity-political career touring the nation, falsely claiming she was the real governor and her victorious opponent was an illegitimate governor.

    For that matter, in 2016, left-wing organizations, celebrities, and thousands of political operatives sought to overturn the Trump victory by appealing to the electors to renounce their states’ popular vote tallies and thus become “faithless electors.” In sum, there was a true conspiracy, or, better, a “racketeering” scheme, to use Willis’s parlance, to coordinate various groups to overturn the constitutional duties of electors to throw the election to Hillary Clinton. Clinton, along with the likes of ex-president Jimmy Carter and soon-to-be House Minority Leader Hakim Jeffries, would continue to deny that Trump was the legitimately elected president.

    In sum, the number of suits against and indictments against Trump grew in correlation to his political fortunes. They were designed in the election year 2024 to do what Democrat voters likely cannot. They are ridiculous and sui generis, and will never be used against anyone other than Trump. They have done more damage to democracy, the rule of law, and equal justice to the law than all of the antics that Trump is accused of.

    Moreover, they will set in motion a dangerous tit-for-tat cycle of weaponization that threatens the very constitutional order of the United States.

    If Trump is elected to restore the rule of equal justice, will a Republican special counsel revisit Robert Hur’s work and find ex-President Biden quite capable of standing trial for the crimes Hur has already investigated and confirmed?

    Will then a new Republican-appointed FBI director order a SWAT-like raid, with Fox News forewarned and Newsmax reporters on the scene, to descend into the Biden beach house?

    Will county and state prosecutors in Utah, Montana, and Oklahoma feel that to stop this cycle of illegality, they must charge the Biden family members by bootstrapping local indictments onto federal crimes?

    Will conservative women in the future come forward in Arkansas, Idaho, and Alabama to claim that in their past, they now suddenly remember that decades ago a prominent Democrat candidate harassed them? Will their right-wing lawyers cherry-pick the proper red-state judge?

    Will conservative district attorneys find ways to indict Joe Biden on the various imaginative bookkeeping and “loan repayments” used to disguise the fact his corrupt family received well over $20 million from illiberal foreign interests, much if not all of it camouflaged to avoid income taxes?

    Will some South Carolina legislator get a bill of attainder passed in the legislature, ending the statute of limitations for a year for all those in 2016 who sought to undermine the electors and flip them to Hillary Clinton?

    In August or September, will a right-wing state prosecutor and a conservative judge find that Joe Biden’s creative bookkeeping warrants a $450 million fine, payable before appeal?

    And will Republican officials and judges in purple states move to get Biden’s name off the ballot?

    Such scenarios are endless and, given the current precedents, could all be justified as desperate deterrent measures to shock the left into ceasing their efforts to sabotage our constitutional system and rule of law.

    A final note.

    There is a divine order of balance in the world, one known variously by particular civilizations as kismet, nemesis, karma, or what goes around, comes around payback. We’ve already seen such forces at work: Sen. Schumer at the head of a mob at the doors of the Supreme Court, calling out threats to justices by name, only now finding pro-Hamas thugs circling his own home. Or Democrats during the Trump years straining to find ways to invoke the 25th Amendment, now humiliated into claiming a non-compos-mentis Joe Biden is “sharp as a knife.”

    Tragically for the country, to stop this left-wing madness, the Trump travesties may not be the end, but the beginning of precisely what the Founders feared.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:20
  9. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 14 hours ago
    Author: Ben Johnson, Steven Ertelt

    While a dozen pro-life advocates face over 10 years in prison for protesting abortion at an abortion center, a radical abortion activist won’t face any prison time for attacking a pregnancy center.

    That’s even though both abortion businesses and pro-life pregnancy centers are covered by the same FACE Act.

    On April 15, Whitney M. Durant, 20, of the Columbus suburb of Worthington, scrawled “abort God” on the HerChoice pro-life women’s center of Bowling Green in northwestern Ohio. She also wrote “Jane’s Revenge,” “fake clinic,” “liars,” and “fund abortion” messages on the pregnancy center during her attack.

    Durant — a transgender-identified socialist activist who goes by the name “Soren Monroe” — was caught on surveillance footage wearing a surgical mask and a hat vandalizing the facility at 3:26 a.m.

    She later posted a social media video praising the attack, which no one knew she had perpetrated. After public outrage that the Biden administration had not fulfilled its legal obligation to protect all Americans, the DOJ prosecuted Durant under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

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    But the Biden administration’s Justice Department announced on April 12, that Magistrate Judge Darrell A. Clay sentenced Durant/“Monroe” to two years’ probation and a $2,000 fine. But the radical activist, who faced a year in jail, reportedly had a history of violet outbursts toward pro-life advocates. Falcons for Life President Morgan Reece revealed that Durant/Monroe barged into a pro-life display at Bowling Green State University and repeatedly beat her fists on the table while screaming that pro-life students were “racists” and “fascists.”

    U.S. Attorney Rebecca C. Lutzko for the Northern District of Ohio said the sentence proves the “United States Attorney’s Office is committed to neutrally enforcing federal laws that protect uninterrupted access to all clinics providing reproductive health services, whether those clinics provide women with options that include abortion care or whether they solely encourage women to consider non-abortion alternatives.”

    But the Biden administration’s record on FACE Act prosecutions calls that into question.

    Here’s more on the Durant situation:

    “Durant was a Bowling Green State University student” at the time, according to the department. A Students for Life of America blog post this week referred to Durant as a former student.

    Morgan Reece, president of Bowling Green’s pro-life club Falcons for Life, said she is happy Durant was held accountable, but she wishes the punishment was more than a “slap on the wrist.”

    “The assistant U.S. prosecuting attorney told me and the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center’s executive director that Durant will not be getting jail time since this is only her first offense,” Reece wrote on the Students for Life blog.

    The post Radical Abortion Activist Won’t Go to Prison for Attacking Pregnancy Center appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  10. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 14 hours ago
    Author: ProLife Campaign

    A reply to a parliamentary question by Deputy Carol Nolan from the HSE has revealed the levels of spending as part of its Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme. A total of 28 organisations received funding under the programme between 2019 to 2023 which totals €18,752,332.

    Avowedly pro-abortion campaigning organisations are on the receiving end of funds which are earmarked for ‘counselling’, this includes the likes of the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) which receives €550,000 – €600,000 annually. Their total funding for 2019-2023 adds up to €2,849,401.

    Meanwhile, the reply letter states that “My Options service – One Family & Caredoc” received a total of €3,376,254 in the same period. A research project undertaken by Students for Life in 2021-23 revealed that MyOptions counsellors are failing to provide non-directive counselling and the findings showed that they frequently tell women to book their first abortion appointment, even in situations where the women make it clear that they are unsure if they want an abortion.

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    The problems with MyOptions’ counsellors’ practices could also be seen in the recent RTÉ Investigates programme (15 April) which featured a phone call between a woman and a MyOptions counsellor. In the clip, the woman told the counsellor she was over 12 weeks pregnant and the counsellor immediately brought up abortion and sought to refer her to an abortion provider in the UK. Unless the clip was highly edited, no attempt was made to ask whether the woman would like to avail of counselling or receive information on the support available should she decide to keep her baby.

    The lack of funding for genuine counselling services which aren’t simply abortion providers or advocates is shocking. Since the 2018 referendum, the government has gutted funding previously made available to organisations which provided genuine support and counselling to women in unplanned pregnancies.

    Commenting on the answers she received to the latest questions she submitted, Deputy Nolan said: “Once again we see clear evidence that the Government is actively directing massive amounts of taxpayers’ money toward services that reflect the positions of abortion advocacy rather than genuine crisis support. It needs to be reminded that the exchequer is not there to act as a fundraiser for the promotion and support of such a narrow range of views.”

    The post Ireland Sends Funds Meant to Help Women in Crisis Pregnancies to Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  11. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 14 hours ago
    Author: Anna Callahan

    Thirty-three-year-old Neesha smiled as she talked about the state law that led her to choose life for her son.  In 2022, Neesha lived in Georgia and was a busy single mom to four beautiful children.  When she found out that she was expecting a fifth child, she worried about having the time and resources to give her baby the life he deserved while also caring for her other children. 

    “I kept thinking that I can’t do another pregnancy alone, and I had to look at other options,” she said.  

    Neesha told a friend that she felt like abortion was the only answer.  She had already experienced eight abortions, and while she was familiar with the process, each abortion had left her feeling empty and, as she put it, more “desensitized” to life.  She thought often about her aborted children, and she wondered what their life would have been like.  

    Feeling as though she had no other options, Neesha called an abortion center to schedule the procedure.  She was told that Georgia’s heartbeat law limits abortion once a baby’s heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks’ gestation. At this stage of fetal development, a baby’s heart is already beating at 110 beats per minute and the unborn baby has over a 90 percent chance of surviving to birth and beyond.   

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    Neesha’s unborn baby already had a heartbeat, so she didn’t proceed with an abortion.  Recounting her experience now, she said that she is grateful and thankful for the heartbeat law because it opened her eyes to the other options available for her and her child.  

    A friend at church connected her with a whole network of resources in Georgia to support women facing unplanned pregnancies before, during, and after the birth. One of these organizations was Abiding Love, an adoption agency that works to support birth mothers through an open adoption. Neesha said adoption was never really discussed among her family, and she had many questions about the process. 

    After meeting with the team at Abiding Love, Neesha chose life for her unborn son and decided to move forward with adoption. As the process started, Neesha faced an incredible hurdle when she was laid off from her job. The Abiding Love team never left Neesha’s side and assisted her financially so that she could focus on her health and her family. 

    When Neesha was ready, she selected a couple from Florida to adopt her son, and they met for the first time at a local restaurant. Months earlier, Neesha had been encouraged to write down everything she was looking for in an adoptive family, and this couple perfectly aligned with what she envisioned. 

    Over the next several months, Neesha bonded with the adoptive couple, and they supported her during her pregnancy and helped prepare for the new baby’s arrival. 

    “They loved him before they even knew who he was,” Neesha said. “They gave me a tour of his room, and they had clothes for him. They were ready for him.” 

    The adoptive parents stayed with Neesha at the hospital during her delivery of a beautiful and healthy baby boy. “I was able to bask in the moment and to see that his new parents were there for me and for him.” 

    Today, Neesha has a loving and open relationship with her 10-month-old son and his adoptive parents.   

    “Even though I didn’t plan for this pregnancy, even though I didn’t have a plan in place, there were people who did,” Neesha said. “There were people who were waiting for his arrival. There were people who already loved him before they met him. There were people ready to embrace him. There were people ready to conquer everything with him no matter what.” 

    Neesha credits Georgia’s heartbeat law with opening her eyes to the beauty of adoption.  “I love my son so very much. The heartbeat law not only saved his life, but it blessed another family’s life. It’s an all-around beautiful story,” she said. 

    Today, Neesha openly shares her story to help other women who face unplanned pregnancy and to draw attention to the importance of life-affirming laws like the heartbeat law.   

    “I get to live a life of freedom and rejoicing, and I get to show women that there is another way. It doesn’t make you any less of a mother if you choose adoption for your child. It makes you a strong individual.” 

    LifeNews Note: Anna Callahan writes for SBA Pro-Life, where this column originally appeared.

    The post Mother Confirms Abortion Ban Saved Her Baby’s Life appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  12. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 14 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Uranium Stocks Rise After White House Mulls Russian Import Ban 

    Uranium stocks moved higher late in the US cash session after a report from Bloomberg, citing "people familiar with the matter," revealed that the Biden administration is considering an executive order to ban Russian imports of enriched uranium after congressional efforts stall. 

    Officials from the White House National Security Council, the Department of Energy, and other top-level officials have discussed reducing reliance on Russian uranium imports. The people said the potential ban could include waivers similar to legislation that quickly passed the House last year

    "Because of procedural rules, the next best potential legislative vehicle to attach the uranium ban in the Senate to is must-pass legislation needed to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, which is slated for the Senate floor this week," Bloomberg said. 

    Certainly, final decisions have yet to be reached on the matter. According to sources, the administration and the nuclear industry favor Congress enacting the ban. However, if push come to shove, executive authority could be used, they said. 

    After Russia invaded Ukraine, Washington imposed sanctions on Russian-produced oil and gas—yet Russian-enriched uranium is still being imported. 

    In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti shows how much America's nuclear power plants rely on Russian uranium. 

    According to the Energy Information Administration, Russia supplied about a quarter of all enriched uranium used in more than 90 commercial reactors. 

    Bloomberg estimated that America's power plants spend at least $1 billion a year on Russian-enriched uranium. The White House has warned that dependence on Russian sources of uranium "creates risk to the US economy." 

    "At the same time, replacing that supply could be a challenge and is poised to raise the costs of enriched uranium by as much as 20%," the media pointed out. 

    In markets, the world's largest publicly traded uranium company, Cameco Corporation, caught a slight bid after the Bloomberg story was released. Miner Uranium Energy Corp and Sprott Uranium Miners ETF (URNM) also rose. 

    The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated that a ban on Russian uranium imports could raise nuclear fuel costs by at least 13%, if not more. 

    Late last month, Jonathan Hinze, president of UxC, a nuclear industry research firm, told Bloomberg that uranium prices have likely "reached a bottom." 

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 17:20
  13. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 15 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    The Fed's Game Of "Make Believe" Comes To An End

    Authored by James Hickman via SchiffSovereignMan.com,

    It’s barely been a year since the 2023 bank crisis in which several large banks, including Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, failed.

    At the time, I wrote that the bank failures weren’t over, and that there would be more.

    But it’s been quiet for most of the last year; the banking system has been pretty calm thanks in large part to an emergency program that the Federal Reserve created to bail out other troubled banks.

    They called it the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), and it essentially expired a few weeks ago. In other words, no more emergency lending to troubled banks.

    Barely a month later, we have already witnessed our first casualty: Pennsylvania-based Republic First (not to be confused with First Republic, which failed last year) was shut down by regulators on Friday afternoon.

    Republic First had the same issues as the others that failed last year — too many ‘unrealized bond losses’ on their balance sheet.

    Just like Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, etc. last year, Republic First had used their customers’ deposits to buy US Treasury bonds in 2021 and 2022, back when bond prices were at all-time highs.

    By early 2023, the situation had reversed. Bond prices had plummeted; even supposedly ‘safe’ and ‘stable’ US Treasury bonds had fallen substantially in price, and banks were sitting on huge losses.

    Remember that bond prices fall when interest rates rise. So when the Fed jacked up interest rates from 0% to 5% in an attempt to control inflation, they were simultaneously creating huge losses in the bond market… which also meant huge losses for banks.

    Silicon Valley Bank was just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty of other banks (including Bank of America) had racked up enormous bond losses. In fact the total unrealized losses in the banking sector last year amounted to a whopping $620 billion.

    The Fed knew they had an enormous problem on their hands. So they created this Bank Term Funding Program, which was basically a giant game of ‘make believe’.

    Through the BTFP, banks were allowed to borrow money from the Fed using their cratering bond portfolios as collateral. But instead of valuing the bonds at the actual market price, everyone simply pretended that the bonds were still worth 100 cents on the dollar.

    In other words, the banks just made up prices for their assets, and the Fed allowed them to do it.

    (It’s ironic that a certain former President is on trial in New York City for inflating the value of his assets, even though banks were inflating the value of their bonds through the BTFP.)

    The Fed managed to prevent any further embarrassing bank failures last year by sprinkling this magical fairy dust across the banking system.

    But now that the BTFP has expired, it has become obvious that problems in the banking system haven’t gone away. Republic First’s failure a few days ago is just one symptom.

    Think about it: Bond prices are still down (because interest rates remain much higher than they were in 2021-2022). Banks are still sitting on massive unrealized losses.

    And now that the Fed has stopped playing ‘make believe’, the bank failures have started up again.

    It’s not to say that ALL banks are in terrible shape; some banks wisely used the last twelve months to get their financial houses in order.

    Unfortunately most didn’t… which is why there’s still more more than HALF A TRILLION dollars in unrealized losses in the US banking system. This means that Republic First probably won’t be the only failure, unless the Fed steps in with its magical fairy dust again.

    Also bear in mind that losses from their US Treasury portfolios aren’t the only problem in the banking system; for example, plenty of banks are sitting on huge potential losses from loans they made on office properties.

    I don’t think the scope of this problem is anywhere near the 2008 financial crisis, which brought down some of the world’s largest banks. Not even close.

    But the reality is that there are still a lot of banks with a lot of unrealized losses. And the biggest one of all happens to be the Federal Reserve.

    According to its own financial statements, just released last month, the Fed’s total unrealized losses are almost $1 TRILLION — $948.4 BILLION to be more precise. And the vast majority of those unrealized losses come from US Treasuries.

    So just like Silicon Valley Bank, Signature, First Republic, and now Republic First, the Federal Reserve has rendered itself completely insolvent.

    In fact, total Federal Reserve capital is just $51 billion… versus $948 billion in losses. This means the Fed is insolvent 19 times over.

    Think about that: the largest, most important central bank in the world… the steward of the global reserve currency… is completely insolvent on a mark-to-market basis.

    You’d think that would be front page news. But no one ever talks about it. No one even wants to talk about it.

    Of course plenty of people will insist that it doesn’t matter, just like they insist that the national debt doesn’t matter.

    But this is yet more absurd fantasy; just look at the facts:

    • The FDIC’s published reports show more than $500 billion in unrealized losses in the US banking sector.

    • The Federal Reserve, which in theory would bail out the banking sector, is itself insolvent by $900 billion.

    • The US government, which would bail out the Fed, is insolvent by more than $50 trillion.

    It’s just debt on top of debt on top of debt. Losses on top of losses on top of losses.

    Just like the BTFP, everyone wants to play a giant game of ‘make believe’ and pretend that the Fed’s solvency is not a problem, that the US government’s enormous debt is not a problem.

    On the contrary, they’re huge challenges. And the ultimate consequence is going to be the loss of the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 17:00
  14. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 15 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Biden Rejects World Court Investigation Of Israel As Netanyahu Arrest Warrant Looms

    The Biden administration is reportedly in the midst of a diplomatic full court press in efforts to prevent the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing arrest warrants for top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The ICC is also expected to issue warrants for Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Herzi Halevi, in connection with alleged large-scale human rights abuses related to the war in Gaza.

    Axios reports Monday that the Israeli government is growing "increasingly concerned" over the possible action, while Walla news has written that Netanyahu is "under unusual stress" over what will be a largely symbolic, albeit still deeply embarrassing reputational black eye for his government at a moment he's facing immense domestic pressure at home to bring back the hostages.

    Via AFP

    The Israeli leader has personally asked President Biden to intervene. Axios details of the call: "The officials said Netanyahu expressed his concern to Biden in a phone call on Sunday, where the two leaders also discussed hostage negotiations, Israel's defense against Iran's missile attack, and the need to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to a White House readout."

    The White House has issued a fresh statement Monday stressing that the United States "does not support" the ongoing ICC investigation into Israeli war crimes.

    The ICC's investigation actually goes all the way back to the 2014 Israel-Hamas war. But also following Oct.7 and Israel's invasion of Gaza, South Africa brought a fresh war crimes case - which has gained the support of countries like Turkey, but especially a number of countries of the Global South.

    The Hague-based court in March 2023 issued an arrested warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine war, so this means that ironically Netanyahu could soon be a "wanted" man right alongside Putin.

    On Friday Netanyahu defiantly said, "We will never stop defending ourselves. Whereas decisions of the court in the Hague will not affect Israel’s actions, they would be a dangerous precedent threatening the soldiers and officials of any democracy fighting criminal terrorism and aggression," in a message on X.

    Israel is now warning that an ICC warrant could blow up a hostage deal being mediated by Egypt and Qatar:

    If the International Criminal Court does issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, continues the official, it will lead to “a wave of antisemitism around the world” that could blow up a potential hostage deal. This is not an Israeli threat to walk away from talks in the case of an ICC decision, explains the official, but reflects Israel’s belief that international pressure on Israel will remove pressure on Hamas to make compromises necessary for a deal.

    Reacting to the US State Department report that found five IDF units guilty of “gross human rights violations,” the official says that Jerusalem “categorically rejects any attempts to harm the IDF and Israel’s right to defend itself.”

    In January, the ICC issued an interim ruling which stated that South Africa's case has legal merit and can proceed while ordering Israel to take all measures capable to prevent acts of Genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. 

    Ultimately the ICC has no enforcement power on its own, but can call on member states to arrest leaders on its blacklist if they ever travel through their territories. Putin back in August canceled an in-person trip to South Africa for a BRICS summit precisely to avoid a potential embarrassing situation at a moment Pretoria was being pressured to act.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 16:40
  15. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 15 hours ago
    Author: Alex Schadenberg

    Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses.

    Due to a publication ban, the media refers to the father as (WV) and his daughter as (MV). WV contends that MV does not qualify for euthanasia because she is physically healthy, even though she is experiencing suicidal ideation.

    I reported on April 9, 2024, that the father was granted an injunction preventing the euthanasia death of his 27-year-old autistic daughter–at least until the Alberta Court of Appeal decides on his challenge to the decision approving his daughter’s euthanasia death.

    This case is particularly distressing for me since I have an autistic son.

    Please follow LifeNews on Rumble for the latest pro-life videos.

    The Calgary father has already accumulated more than $100,000 in legal expenses in his attempt to prevent the euthanasia death of his healthy autistic daughter.

    The legal expenses will continue to climb as his lawyers prepare for the Alberta Court of Appeal hearing in October 2024.

    Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses.

    LifeNews.com Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.

    The post Father of Daughter With Autism is Trying to Stop Her From Being Euthanized appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  16. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 15 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    "We Live In An Age Of Full-Spectrum Deception"

    Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com,

    Pep Talk On A Dark Day

    “We live in an age of full spectrum deception.”

    - Edward Dowd

    You realize, don’t you, that what’s going on in our country is the collapse not just of an empire, or an economy, but a comprehensive paradigm of human progress. The hallmark of post-war life in Western Civ was supposed to be a return to sanity after the mid-twentieth century fugue of mass psychotic violence. The wish for just and rational order was not entirely pretense. But that was then. Now that we are going medieval on ourselves, the not-so-ironic result will be our literally going medieval, sinking back into a pre-modern existence of darkness, superstition, and penury, grubbing for a mere subsistence in the shadow of scuffling hobgoblins, our achievements lost and forgotten.

    What’s most appalling is that our governing apparatus is visibly willing that to happen. When Barack Obama warned America to not underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up, was that some kind of joke? After all, it was Mr. Obama and his fellow blobsters — the cabal of Intel spooks, covert Marxist bureaucrats, lawfare ninjas, globalist megalomaniacs, post-liberal think tankers, weapons grifters, degenerate billionaires, and assorted mentally-ill camp followers — who inflicted Joe Biden on the body politic. And then ran him on the country like some demon algorithm designed to wreck the USA as fast as possible.

    The source of anguish in all that is the struggle to understand why they would want that to happen. What debauched sense of history would drive anyone to such lunatic desperation? It’s a cliché now to say that the Democratic Party has turned its traditional moral scaffold upside down and inside out. It acts against the kitchen table interests of the working and middle classes. It’s against civil liberties. It demands mental obedience to patently insane policy. It’s avid for war, no matter how cruelly pointless. It’s deliberately stirring up racial hatred. It despises personal privacy. It feeds a rogue bureaucracy that has become a veritable Moloch, an all-devouring malevolent deity. And now, rather suddenly, it aligns itself with a faction that seeks to exterminate the Jews.

    And how did the opposition to that epic divergence into bad faith turn so flabby? How did the Republican Party roll over and wheeze so feebly while the FBI ran amok swatting grandmothers in dawn raids, and the US attorney general made justice a whore, and a Republican Congress allowed the Frankenstein agency of Homeland Security to flood the country with its enemies and give them gobs of operational cash? If Mr. Trump was unappetizing to them as a leader, why were they unable to produce an alternative figure of standing and stature at least equally resolute? They look like traitors and cowards.

    For the moment, the country lies mired, inert, and demoralized in the face of in those terrible mysteries. But events are still tending and the hidden hand of emergence still operates backstage, preparing surprises for us. You are necessarily aware that the center did not hold. It’s even hard to locate where the center used to be with the action so heavy on the far-out margins. You’re watching drag queens importune young children to shove all the Jews into the sea. And the kids are sitting next to their mommies. What happened to the mommies’ brains that permits them to think this spectacle is okay? How will the mommies ever get their minds right?

    In some quarters, a great rage is building. Not a few resent the overthrow of common sense, common law, and common decency. You better believe they will be aiming to do something about it. They will stand up for their dignity, their culture, their history. Virtue isn’t dead; it’s just broke down on a lonely highway waiting to hitch a ride back to where the lights are still on. Don’t forget that this really is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Meanwhile, prepare for action. It’s obvious that the enemies of the people don’t intend to rest. They are going to try to play out this string to the last move because otherwise a lot of them will be going to jail, or might even hang for their wickedness. Once they turned criminal, there was no turning back. They have dishonored themselves and they’re trying to dishonor their country.

    It’s true nonetheless that we’re moving into a new disposition of the human project. It’s going to be smaller and leaner, and not nearly as complex as the tottering Rube Goldberg apparatus we’re currently trapped in. We don’t know yet what the shape and texture of that America is going to be. As the sage Yogi Berra observed, our whole future is ahead of us. If you’re not among the insane, have faith. We’ll get there and everything is going to be all right.

    *  *  *

    Support his blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page or Substack

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 16:20
  17. Site: PeakProsperity
    4 days 16 hours ago
    Author: Chris Martenson
    The US has lost its diplomatic clout and is making demands that are so lopsided and historically ungrounded that they come off as petulant and childlike. But Antony Blinken apparently lacks the necessary perspective and context to know that. He's an embarrassment. Or he's doing a bang-up job of intentionally destroying America. One or the other.
  18. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 16 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Yen & Yellen Yank Stocks, Bonds, & The Dollar On Otherwise Quiet Day

    A quiet micro and macro-economic day was dominated by Treasury's refunding size estimates (which spoiled all the fun by coming in less than some hyperbolic expectations a but generally in line with expectations), and Japanese intervention the FX markets.

    As Goldman's trading desk noted, a quiet start to a busy week with the S&P trading within a 15 handle range (volumes -11% vs 20dma) and largely traded in a vacuum for the majority of the session as the market awaits macro (QRA, ISM, ECI, FOMC, JOLTS, NFP) and micro (24% of SPX reports including AAPL, AMZN and AMD) catalysts slated for later this week.

    And that prompted a rapid kneejerk down-draft in stocks shortly after 3pmET (led by Small Caps which had been outperforming). However, that didn't last long as traders quickly remembered that the buyback window reopens later this week. All the majors ended higher on the day with Small Caps leading and the S&P and Nasdaq lagging. By the last few minutes, all the QRA anxiety was long-gone and stocks were surging back towards the highs...

    The Dow and Russell 2000 both found support at their 100DMA on the initial QRA dip and bounced right off it...

    'Most Shorted' stocks dumped on the QRA news, after extending the large two-day squeeze from Thurs/Fri. The basket still ended green on the day...

    Source: Bloomberg

    TSLA made headlines with news from China that the carmaker's full-self-drive will be cleared for us, rallying 15% for its best day in three years...

    Yields also kneejerked higher on the QRA news but not enough to ruin the day, with yields down 2-4bps across the curve (with the belly outperforming)...

    Source: Bloomberg

    By the end of the day, yields were at the low of the day and stocks at the high of the day...

    Source: Bloomberg

    Elsewhere the reaction was muted as traders tried to figure out what the QRA news meant.

    The dollar index was dominated by Japanese officials fiddling while Tokyo burns...

    Source: Bloomberg

    ...after yen plunged overnight to its 1990 lows and the very visible hand stepped in...

    Source: Bloomberg

    Did Japan's "benign neglect" come to an end?

    Source: Bloomberg

    Gold was magnificently unmoved by the Borrowing and BoJ buggery, ending very modestly lower...

    Source: Bloomberg

    Oil ended lower on the day, legging down three times, interestingly in tune with Japan's intervention...

    Source: Bloomberg

    Bitcoin was lower today after a modest rollercoaster over the weekend. Notably BTC found support at $62,000 and bounced this afternoon...

    Source: Bloomberg

    Finally, fear is being rapidly rinsed out of the markets once again...

    Source: Bloomberg

    ...and financial conditions will start easing...

    Source: Bloomberg

    ...too much (again) for Powell's liking (even in an election year)

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 16:00
  19. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 16 hours ago
    Author: Steven Ertelt

    The Biden administration is under fire for selectively prosecuting pro-life advocates who protested abortion inside abortion centers while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.

    That political persecution is bad enough, but a new report indicates at least one pro-life advocate jailed for protesting abortion has been treated in a horrific manner that can only be described as a human rights abuse.

    Heather Idoni is one of the dozen pro-life advocates who have been charged or convicted of violating the bogus FACE law that denies free speech rights to pro-life Americans. As LifeNews reported, the pro-life advocates have been found guilty of violating a federal law protecting abortion centers and now face the possibility of 11 years in prison.

    Idoni was found guilty on all counts the Biden administration brought against them for allegedly violating the FACE law. The jury found all of the defendants guilty of both charges they faced in court and they were taken into custody.

    Now a new report indicates Idoni has been treated shoddily while in prison and was shackled like a death row inmate during a court appearance – and was subjected to 22 days of solitary confinement for sharing food with other prisoners.

    In an exclusive interview, she said that she received this punishment for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Idoni alleged that she was allowed to walk outside her cell only for two hours in the middle of the night for two hours each day and that the lights of her cell were continually kept on. Idoni has been in prison since she was convicted last autumn.  

    Follow LifeNews on the MeWe social media network for the latest pro-life news free from Facebook’s censorship!

    Fellow pro-life advocate Cal Zastro, who joined Idoni in another traditional pro-life rescue in Tennessee and has also been convicted of violation of the FACE Act, told LifeSiteNews that when Idoni was brought into the courtroom for a trial in Nashville, the U.S. marshal had the middle-aged woman shackled at the wrists, waist, and feet, as if she were a dangerous criminal. 

    Zastro said that, upon entering the courtroom, the shocked judge ordered the shackles removed. Initially the marshal agreed to remove the shackles from only one wrist to allow Idoni freedom to write, a concession necessary for her to take notes, as she was then representing herself in court. Only at the insistence of the indignant judge were the shackles of both wrists finally removed, although the marshal left the bars around her waist and feet. 

    According to the report, Idoni is relying on her faith in God saing that, despite the prison harship “God is going to be glorified” and she has “never not felt His presence.” 

    Idoni and the other pro-life advcoates are appealing the bogus convictions.

    The post Pro-Life Advocate Placed in Solitary Confinement for 22 Days for Sharing Food appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  20. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 16 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Treasury Estimates Borrowing Needs For Q3 Which Sneak Below The Median Estimate

    Ahead of today's big event - the Treasury borrowing estimates publication - we said that contrary to hyperbolic expectations of $300BN in revised Q2 funding needs and a whopping $1.2 trillion in Q3, the most likely range of Q2 and Q3 borrowing estimates is as follows: a ranges of $120bn to $240bn for Q2, and $650bn to $850bn for Q3, to wit:

    Well, at exactly 3:00pm the Treasury published the numbers, and while we were almost spot on correct, they did come on the high end of our forecast range, specifically:

    • Q2 funding needs were revised higher to $243 billion (just above the upper end of our range of $240 billion) from $202 billion projected last quarter.  According to the Treasury, the borrowing estimate was "$41 billion higher than announced in January 2024, largely due to lower cash receipts, partially offset by a higher beginning of quarter cash balance."
    • Q3 funding needs (released for the first time) were estimated at $847 billion, just below the upper end of our range of $850BN.

    But wait, there's more, because while the Treasury projects $750BN cash balance at end of Q2, this number rises to $850BN at end of Q3, and since the streetwide estimate for Q3 end of quarter cash was $750BN, this suggests that the real funding needs (on an apples to apples basis) is actually $747BN, which is below the median Wall Street estimate.

    Source: Treasury

    Bottom line: amid some ridiculous speculation and even conspiracy theories that the BOJ intervened today because it was expecting a surge in funding needs, the Treasury reported numbers that came in in line with expectations for Q2, and actually below the estimate for Q3, which is precisely what we said, because the number is driven not so much by financial but by political considerations.

    The real question should be not what the Treasury projects for Q2 and Q3, but Q4, which is after the election, and when all the lipstick on this pig will finally wash off.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 15:25
  21. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 16 hours ago
    Author: Steven Ertelt

    Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin issued the following statement after co-leading, alongside Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, a coalition of 17 states in suing the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) over its new rule mandating workplace abortion accommodations through an erroneous interpretation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2022 (PWFA):

    “This is yet another attempt by the Biden administration to force through administrative fiat what it cannot get passed through Congress. Under this radical interpretation of the PWFA, business owners will face federal lawsuits if they don’t accommodate employees’ abortions, even if those abortions are illegal under state law. The PWFA was meant to protect pregnancies, not end them.

    “The new rule, passed by a bare 3-2 majority of unelected EEOC commissioners, goes beyond what Congress authorized under the PWFA.”

    The PWFA fills a gap in federal law by ensuring pregnant workers receive accommodation to protect their pregnancies and unborn children. A diverse coalition of bipartisan lawmakers, business groups, and nonprofit organizations supported the pro-family aim of the 2022 legislation.

    LifeNews is on TruthSocial. Please follow us here.

    Seventeen states have brought this lawsuit to enjoin and set aside the EEOC’s unprecedented and unlawful abortion-accommodation mandate. The states joining Arkansas and Tennessee are: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia.

    The lawsuit, which was filed in the Eastern District of Arkansas, can be accessed here.

    The post 17 States Challenge Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Facilitate Abortions appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  22. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 17 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    "He's Back": Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas Say Musk's China Trip Is "Gesture Of Tesla Commitment"

    Tesla bears are getting their nuts squeezed in the US cash session Monday after Elon Musk's surprise weekend trip to Beijing landed the EV carmaker a deal with tech giant Baidu to roll out its driver-assistance system, known as "Full Self-Driving," or FSD, in the world's largest car market.

    Earlier, we noted Wedbush Securities senior analyst Dan Ives' comment on Musk's trip as a "watershed moment" for Tesla and "this could open up FSD in China, which I view as unlocking what really could be the golden opportunity for them." 

    Now Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas, one of Tesla's most prominent Wall Street bulls, states in bold print on the top of his note to clients today, "He's back." 

    "Elon Musk's visit to China means far more than seeking approval for self driving tech on Chinese roads. Whether Tesla's CEO is sleeping on a floor or on a plane... the message is clear: he's back," Jonas said. 

    Jonas wrote there had been mounting investor concerns about whether Musk was "all in" on Tesla, considering the billionaire spends some of his precious time (only appears) on an anti-woke crusade on his X platform. The analyst said Musk's weekend trip to China was a "gesture of commitment" to Tesla:

    • Commitment. Investor concerns around whether Elon Musk was 'all in' on Tesla have been weighing heavily on the stock since the compensation package was rejected by Delaware judge. Even the smallest gesture of commitment (an unannounced trip to Beijing) has elevated meaning here, combating concerns over Musk's commitment to Tesla relative the broader Musk ecosystem of companies (SpaceX/X.AI/etc.).

    Jonas made a very interesting point about Musk's national security clearance, saying it must be "higher than that of the typical American CEO due to his control of SpaceX and the range of missions it conducts with NASA, Space Force and the broader DoD." 

    He added that China's "blessing" of an FSD rollout in the country "seems to address embedded fears of Tesla's China profit (we estimate China accounts for as much as one half of profit)." 

    Jonas reiterated an overweight rating on Tesla with a $310 price target. 

    Here's how the analyst arrived at the $310 figure: 

    He also touched on notable upside and downside risks to the future outlook. 

    Musk's timing of the China trip comes as Tesla's short interest hit a three-year high, or about 3.84% of the float short, equivalent to about 106 million shares. 

    For all those technicians out there... 

    Meanwhile, on X, Musk posted this image...


    — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 29, 2024

    There's nothing like a good ole' squeeze. 

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 14:55
  23. Site: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
    4 days 17 hours ago

    Alex Schadenberg
    Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

    The assisted suicide lobby announced in their fundraising email on April 29, 2024 that they are spearheading a bill to force American to pay for assisted suicide (Medically approved killing by poison) with their tax dollars. The fundraising letter states:
    The Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act would end a ban on federal funding to help terminally ill people pay for medical aid in dying where it is currently authorized or will be authorized in the future.The Patient Access to End-of-Life Act is sponsored by Representatives Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) and Scott Peters (D-CA) and would essentially replace the Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997 which prohibited the use of appropriated funds for: 

    1. causing or assisting in suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing;
    2. compelling any person or entity to provide or fund any item, benefit, program, or service for such purpose; or 
    3. asserting or advocating a legal right to cause or assist such actions.

    The act is titled: The Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act because the assisted suicide lobby intends to promote the funding of medically approved killing in conjunction with other end-of-life care, such as palliative care.

    Based on the current political configuration, it is unlikely that this bill will pass, but it indicates the direction of the assisted suicide lobby and it makes the issue of medically assisted killing, which has essentially been a state by state issue, into a federal issue.

    Oppose the Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act. Don't let your tax dollars be used to kill people.

  24. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 17 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    'Crying Out For Justice': Female Athletes Sue NCAA Over "Dangerous" Transgender Policies

    Authored by Liliana Zylstra via The College Fix,

    Female college athletes are “crying out for justice,” safety, and privacy in a lawsuit challenging the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s transgender policies, their attorney told The College Fix in an exclusive interview.

    Attorney William Bock III said the 16 plaintiffs, all current or former collegiate athletes, are challenging the NCAA and the University of Georgia for violating Title IX’s provisions for equal opportunity in sports by allowing males to compete in the women’s category.

    The lawsuit also alleges female athletes’ right to bodily privacy under the 14th Amendment was violated.

    According to the suit, the NCAA authorized “naked men possessing full male genitalia to disrobe in front of non- consenting college women and creating situations in which unwilling female college athletes unwittingly or reluctantly expose their naked or partially clad bodies to males.”

    Bock told The Fix in a recent phone interview that many athletes sent letters sharing their concerns about these policies to the NCAA, but they were ignored.

    “They’re crying out for justice and the NCAA won’t even talk to them,” he said.

    It isn’t even willing to respect their concerns enough to give them an audience. So it became clear that the only thing that would have a chance of changing their policy is filing a lawsuit.”

    Bock told The Fix, “The NCAA is so committed to radical gender ideology that they have completely lost concern for women’s rights.”

    “It’s very clear that the NCAA violated the law,” he said.

    Bock formerly worked as general counsel for the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and served as the lead attorney for USADA in the case against professional cyclist Lance Armstrong.

    “The advantage that Lance Armstrong got through doping pales in comparison to the advantage that male athletes have when competing against females in collegiate sports,” he said.

    “The NCAA suggests that one can reduce or eliminate the performance gap [between men and women] by suppressing testosterone and that’s ludicrous from a matter of science,” Bock told The Fix.

    Bock also served on the NCAA Committee on Infractions for several years. However, he quit earlier this year after expressing concerns about transgender athletes like former University of Pennsylvania swimmer William “Lia” Thomas, a male who identifies as female who won an NCAA Division I championship on the women’s team in 2022.

    Safety is among female athletes’ biggest concerns, Bock said. “The NCAA is not in many instances even telling women that they’re competing against a male. And that’s dangerous … in a contact sport where you can get a concussion.”

    Female athletes speak out

    Two of the plaintiffs also spoke with The Fix in a phone interview about their concerns for safety, fairness, and the overall future of women’s sports.

    Ainsley Erzen (pictured right), a soccer and track athlete at the University of Arkansas, said, “We want the stories that people are seeing now to be the last ones. We don’t want the generations in the future to deal with that.”

    Erzen said she and her fellow athletes are fighting so women will have the opportunities to set records, win championships and earn college scholarships.

    “What kind of message are we sending to women — but especially to young girls — when we tell them that their safety doesn’t matter, their rights don’t matter, their opportunities don’t matter, their futures don’t matter?” she told The Fix.

    Kaitlynn Wheeler (pictured left), a former swimmer for the University of Kentucky, said the protection of women’s sports is a ”common-sense issue.”

    Wheeler told The Fix speaking up is important “because the overwhelming majority of people are on our side.”

    “This lawsuit is really not about hurting anyone. It’s about helping the women who have been hurt and preventing it from happening in the future. It’s about ensuring fair, equal, and safe competition and I think that just about everyone should want that,” she said.

    An NCAA spokesperson declined to comment on the lawsuit in response to a request from The Fix.

    “College sports are the premier stage for women’s sports in America, and while the NCAA does not comment on pending litigation, the Association and its members will continue to promote Title IX, make unprecedented investments in women’s sports and ensure fair competition in all NCAA championships,” the association said in an emailed statement.

    Others involved in the lawsuit include Riley Gaines, a former 12-time All-American swimmer at the University of Kentucky and current advocate for women’s sports. The Independent Council on Women’s Sports is supporting the athletes’ case.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 14:35
  25. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 18 hours ago
    Author: Olivia Summers

    Just recently, we informed you of the coordinated efforts across the country by the abortion industry and its political allies to target pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) – an effort that we detailed in an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Now, California Attorney General Rob Bonta has become the latest pro-abortionist to target PRCs by issuing individual subpoenas to at least ten PRCs in California – one of whom we are representing – requesting information regarding their compliance with a law that was newly enacted in January of this year, Cal. Health & Saf. Code Section 123621.

    The law is an attempt to limit how ultrasounds can be performed, especially by pro-life centers. The pro-abortion bureaucrats who wrote the rule know full well that an ultrasound – actually getting to see the baby on the monitor – is the most effective way anyone can be convinced to allow an unborn child to live.

    Specifically, the regulation, in effect, requires that ultrasounds only be performed in licensed clinics, outpatient settings, and licensed health facilities by a physician, a surgeon, a medical group practice, a chiropractic practice, a physical therapist practice, or a facility affiliated with those settings. The law specifically exempts licensed midwives and other entities listed elsewhere in California law.

    Follow LifeNews.com on Instagram for pro-life pictures and videos.

    Any person or entity found in violation of Section 123621 is liable for a fine of $2,500 for a first offense and $5,000 for subsequent offenses, and the California Attorney General, a district attorney, a city attorney, or a county attorney may bring an action to impose the fines. In addition to the fines, the same state actors may seek costs, fees, and additional civil penalties.

    PRCs and the pro-life community know just how powerful and life-saving ultrasounds can be and will tenaciously guard their ability to provide ultrasounds to women seeking them. Our client has meticulously followed the law.

    However, it is clear that Attorney General Bonta is on a fishing and intimidation expedition by issuing these subpoenas to the California PRCs. We already know what he thinks about pro-life PRCs since he was the lead attorney general on an open letter condemning them and accusing them of “us[ing] deceptive and unethical methods to lure pregnant [women] who are seeking comprehensive reproductive healthcare—including abortion—into their centers. And when those people visit, [PRCs] often provide inaccurate and deceptive information about reproductive health.”

    If that weren’t egregious enough, the letter also calls the abortion pill reversal—a high dose of progesterone such as has been prescribed by doctors for years to stop miscarriages—“an unproven and potentially risky medical protocol.”

    Bonta and the other attorneys general who signed the letter are leading a dangerous smear campaign across the country against PRCs, which are needed now more than ever in pro-abortion states.

    We know how important the work is that PRCs do every day, and we will continue to fight for and support them however we can. We are representing one of the PRCs and are coordinating with the others to ensure that  Attorney General Bonta receives a strong and unified response and that he is aware that these centers are represented by legal counsel who stand ready to defend the centers the moment he steps beyond the bounds of the law.

    If you are the director of a PRC and need our assistance, contact us at ACLJ.org/HELP. If you want to help these PRCs take a stand to protect their rights as they fight for innocent human life, then stand with us as we engage in this battle.

    LifeNews Note: Olivia Summers is Senior Litigation Counsel with the ACLJ, focusing on pro-life advocacy and protecting the freedoms of speech and religion.

    The post California is Trying to Stop Pregnancy Centers From Showing Moms Ultrasounds of Their Babies appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  26. Site: The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles
    4 days 18 hours ago
    Author: robert.t.morrison@gmail.com (Robert Morrison | Remnant Columnist)
    “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Go, get thee down: thy people, which thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, hath sinned. They have quickly strayed from the way which thou didst shew them: and they have made to themselves a molten calf, and have adored it, and sacrificing victims to it, have said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 32-7-8)
  27. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 18 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Alvin Bragg And The Art Of Not Taking Law Too Seriously

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    Rube Goldberg, the inventor of bizarre machines that performed simple tasks through dozens of mechanical steps, was once asked about the essence of creating such fantastic, illogical machines. He replied “An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn’t take his education too seriously.”

    After the first week of testimony, the trial of Donald Trump is increasingly looking like a mad prosecution machine by lawyers who don’t take law too seriously.

    I have long been a critic of the Bragg indictment as legally incomprehensible. However, I must confess that after a week of testimony, some of us have developed a weird fascination with the utter madness of the scene unfolding in Manhattan. It was not until the second week of proceedings that Bragg even revealed part of his theory of criminality. For months, even liberal legal analysts have expressed dismay that Bragg’s indictment had not clearly stated what specific crime that Trump sought to conceal by allegedly misrepresenting payments to former adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

    The premise of the prosecution always had that Rube Goldberg feel. It was so implausible as to be impossible. After all, the base charge is a simple misdemeanor under a New York law against falsifying business records. Trump paid Cohen hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs, including $130,000 for a nondisclosure agreement with Daniels.

    Bragg is vague as to what should have been noted on the ledgers for the payments. It is not even clear if Trump knew of this expense’s designation as a legal cost.

    However, it really did not matter, because the misdemeanor has been as dead as Dillinger for years.

    The dead misdemeanor was shocked back into life by claiming that it was committed to conceal another crime. Under New York’s penal law, section 175.10, it can be a felony if the “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

    For months, Bragg has suggested that the “other crime” was the violation of federal election laws, suggesting that the payment was really a campaign contribution Trump made to himself that was not properly recorded. The problem is that the Justice Department investigated that crime already and decided that it was not a viable criminal claim. It did not even seek a civil fine.

    Bragg’s predecessor and Bragg himself rejected the theory behind this prosecution.

    But then a pressure campaign led Bragg to green-light a prosecution roughly eight years after the 2016 campaign.

    In the trial, Bragg added a type of frying pan flip to his Rube Goldberg contraption by arguing that Trump may have been trying to hide his violation of another dead misdemeanor under yet another New York election law prohibiting “conspir[ing] to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”

    In other words, Trump was conspiring to try to win his own election. This even though the notations were made after he had won the election, and even though Trump was running for a federal, not a state office.

    So again, what is the unlawful means?

    The machine then flips you back to the beginning — seeking “to influence the election.” There are still the federal election violations, but that theory was rejected after an investigation. And if it were a real crime, it would be brought by federal, not state prosecutors.

    There are also the misdemeanor falsifications of business records under section 175.05. So Bragg would use one dead misdemeanor to trigger a second dead misdemeanor to create a felony on the simple notations used to describe payments for a completely legal nondisclosure agreement.

    This circular reasoning is already incredibly creative, but the actual evidence used to propel this ball through the machine is even wackier. Bragg decided to start with a witness to discuss an affair that is not part of the indictment. David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer tabloid, had supposedly been paid to kill a story of a Trump affair with a different woman, Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model.

    Pecker proceeded to make the prosecution case even more convoluted. On cross examination, Pecker admitted that had Trump told him that he knew nothing about any reimbursement to Cohen for any hush money, that he had killed or raised such stories with Trump for decades before he ever announced for president and that he had also killed stories for other celebrities and politicians, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Rahm Emanuel and Mark Wahlberg.

    He also testified that Trump told him that paying hush money never really worked because stories still get out. And he understood that Michael Cohen was working as Trump’s personal counsel, not his campaign counsel. Finally, he testified that Trump had no direct involvement in arranging any payments to McDougal.

    Pecker added that Bragg’s star witness, Michael Cohen, commonly exaggerated and often became loud and argumentative. Cohen will effectively ask the jury to send his former client to jail for following his own legal advice.

    Bragg will now call to the stand Cohen, whom a judge just recently denounced as a serial perjurer who is continuing to game the system.

    Even as legal experts debate what crime can be found in any of these flips and dips, Judge Juan Merchan seems content to listen as this weird machine bleeps and whirls in his courtroom.

    That is why Bragg has created the perfect Rube Goldberg attraction. The artist himself explained his unlikely success by saying, “It just happened that the public happened to appreciate the satirical quality of these crazy things.”

    In New York, that appreciation has moved from the satirical to the legal.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 13:40
  28. Site: Henrymakow.com
    4 days 18 hours ago

    Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com      

    Gold is near all time highs due to war, USD and banking fears. The more terrified we are, the richer we get! We'll be burned to a crisp in a nuclear war but the important thing is we'l die rich!

    NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
    The plan to try and ward off disaster seems to be to fill in gaps in Ukraine's forces by importing 'advisors'



    Israel-Gaza latest: Hamas must leave Gaza for two-state solution, UK says - as European countries to recognize Palestinian statehood 'in next month'
    Several European states are expected to recognize Palestinian statehood by the end of May, the EU's foreign policy chief says. Overnight, strikes on the Gaza city of Rafah are said to have killed at least 22 people, including five children. Listen to a Daily podcast episode as you scroll.


    If you thought that the US building a pier to "deliver aid" to Gaza was suspicious, you were right. They aren't just building a pier. They're building an entire military base
    Opposition leader threatens to topple Israeli govt if there is cease fire without captive release 
    War cabinet minister Benny Gantz wants a deal to return Israeli captives as long as no permanent agreement with Hamas to end the war is made

    branco-jpgVIDEO: PeterSweden EXPOSING the WEF agenda
    Watch my interview with OAN.

    Peter Sweden--"Recently I went on One America News to talk about the World Economic Forum agenda. At the annual WEF meeting in Davos this year, Klaus Scwhab said that they were the "trustees of the future". Meanwhile, another speaker at Davos wanted to label farming and fishing as "ecocide". Yet another speaker at the WEF talked about how it was important to have digital ID so that they could track who has been vaccinated."

    With the new right-wing government, Sweden has suddenly done a lot of things right. They SCRAPPED climate taxes on fuels.
    They SCRAPPED Agenda 2030 goals from government directives. They SCRAPPED renewable energy goals, will focus more on nuclear power. Going AGAINST cashless agenda looking at forcing shops to accept physical cash. Good news!



    Conrad Black - Canada Becoming a Failed State


    Canada now has 4.1-million public-sector employees, more than 10 per cent of our entire population. public-sector employees are paid 31 per cent more on average than those in the private sector.
    "The medical system will kill you."


    THREAD: "Our health care system is a hoax," declared Dr. Paul Marik, who is the second-most-published critical care physician in the world.

    "And so, my advice to you: don't get sick, don't go to the hospital, because they're going to kill you."


    fitts56.jpgGreg Hunter--Insane vs Sane - Demonic vs Divine - Catherine Austin Fitts


    "The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal."  Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, "This has turned into warfare against "We the People" on a spiritual level."

    CAF goes on to point out, "There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it's hopeless.  Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future.  You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out.  That's the control grid getting built."

    What can you do to fight for freedom?  CAF says, "Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash.  If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system.  Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them.  Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war.  The devil wants you to believe it's hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It's not true.  The sane cannot go along with the insane.  The divine cannot go along with the demonic.  You have to say NO!  I am seeing this all over the country.  I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane.  You cannot go along with this."

    Lena Petrova- TABLES TURNED: Blinken's BOLD Threats to China Receives a STRONG Response Back


    Blinken threatens to sanction China if it expands trade with Russia


    branco-climate-change-boogie.jpgChemtrails destroying the Ozone layer


    Generational tornado outbreak" and "huge hailstorm causes extensive damage, could challenge records", both new headlines are from AccuWeather. Are atmospheric pressure zone manipulation and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations core components behind these headlines? The latest surface UV radiation readings are beyond grim, the ozone layer is nearing functional collapse which would mean the end of crop production along with most life on Earth. Coral reefs are dying all over the world in parallel with imploding fish populations. But nothing to worry about, the military industrial complex is spending more than ever on bigger and better weapons of mass destruction, welcome to the asylum.

    For more information go to the full Geoengineering Watch article: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-april-27-2024-455/
    Ozone hole: Why Antarctic wildlife is being 'sunburnt'


  29. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 18 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Supreme Court Rejects Elon Musk's "Free Speech" Appeal In SEC Case

    Another day, another chapter in the Elon Musk vs. SEC saga.

    The US Supreme Court declined to hear Elon Musk's appeal regarding his ongoing "Twitter sitter" case, Bloomberg reported on Monday, keeping Musk's agreement with the SEC to have a company lawyer approve his social media posts in place.

    Musk, without success, had argued that the 2018 agreement infringed upon his constitutional right to free speech.

    The decision marks the latest development in Musk's lengthy, ongoing dispute with the SEC, which started after he tweeted in August 2018 that he had "funding secured" for a potential $80 billion take-private deal for Tesla.

    As a result, Tesla stock rocketed higher the day of. 

    Following Musk's tweet, the SEC filed a lawsuit alleging shareholder deception and, shortly after, Musk settled with the SEC, agreeing to step down as Tesla chairman and pay a $20 million fine.

    In 2021, Musk reopened the dispute by conducting a Twitter poll regarding selling 10% of his stock. This prompted the SEC to issue subpoenas to Musk and Tesla. Musk then sought to annul his pre-screening agreement, but his arguments were dismissed by a federal appeals court last year.

    Musk’s lawyers had argued to the Supreme Court that the agreement was a “quintessential prior restraint that the law forbids.”

    They said in their appeal: “The pre-approval provision at issue continues to cast an unconstitutional chill over Mr. Musk’s speech whenever he considers making public communications.”

    In its brief, the SEC responded: “This court has consistently held that, in resolving litigation, parties may choose to waive even fundamental constitutional rights."

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 13:20
  30. Site: non veni pacem
    4 days 19 hours ago
    Author: Mark Docherty

    Originally posted April 29, 2020

    Happy Feast! (April 29th in the Novus Ordo, April 30th in the Traditional calendar)

    Excerpt reblogged from a longer post here: https://nonvenipacem.com/2020/02/09/to-confound-their-arrogance-i-will-raise-up-women-endowed-with-strength-and-divine-wisdom/

    Next, let’s turn to Saint Catherine of Siena, 14th Century mystic and healer of schism. Her masterpiece, The Dialogue, is available online HERE.  Much to her dismay, she was called to teach and instruct out in the real world, when all she wanted to do was be alone to contemplate our Lord. Among other things, it was left to her to publicly rebuke a bunch of scheming traitorous Cardinals who had invalidly faux “elected” an antipope after invalidly convoking a faux conclave while the throne was already occupied.

    Funny that.

    The Life of Catherine of Siena, written by her confessor and spiritual director, Blessed Raymund of Capua, reveals how Catherine discovered that she was to have a teaching role:

    The virgin, lying prostrate at the feet of the Lord, had spoken more by way of tears than with her lips, He would reply: “Be quiet, sweetest daughter; it is necessary for you to fulfill your every duty, so that with my grace you may assist others as well as yourself. I have no intention of cutting you off from me; on the contrary, I wish to bind you more closely to myself, by means of love of the neighbour…

    What is there to be astonished at or to lament about if I lead you to do what in infancy you desired to do?” And Catherine, somewhat comforted by this reply, would say, as once Blessed Mary had said, “How shall this thing be?” And the Lord: “According as my goodness shall ordain.” And Catherine, like a good disciple imitating her Master, would answer: “Let your will, not mine, be done in all things, Lord, for I am darkness and you are light; I am not, whereas you are He who is; I most ignorant, and you the wisdom of God the Father. But I beg you, O Lord—if it is not too presumptuous of me—how can what you have just said come about; that is to say, how can I, wretched and frail as I am, be of use to souls? My sex, as you know, is against it in many ways, both because it is not highly considered by men, and also because it is not good, for decency’s sake, for a woman to mix with men.”

    To these words the Lord would reply, as once the Archangel Gabriel had replied, that nothing is impossible to God, for He said: “Am not I He who created the human race, and divided it into male and female? I spread abroad the grace of my spirit where I will. In my eyes there is neither male nor female, rich nor poor, but all are equal, for I can do all things with equal ease. It is as easy for me to create an Angel as an ant, and to create all the heavens is as easy for me as to create the merest worm. It is written of me that I made whatever I willed to make, for nothing is impossible to me. (Psalm 113). “Do you still remain doubtful? Do you imagine that I am unable to find ways of achieving whatever I have determined and predetermined on? However, I realize that you do not speak thus from lack of faith but from humility. Therefore you must know that in these latter days there has been such an upsurge of pride, especially in the case of men who imagine themselves to be learned or wise, that my justice cannot endure them any longer, without delivering a just chastisement upon them that will bring them to confusion. But since my mercy transcends all else I do, I shall first give them a salutary lesson, to see whether they will come to their senses and humble themselves; as I did with the Jews and the Gentiles, when I sent amongst them idiots whom I had filled with divine wisdom. To confound their arrogance, I will raise up women ignorant and frail by nature but endowed with strength and divine wisdom. Then, if they will come to their senses and humble themselves, I will behave with the utmost mercy towards them, that is to say, towards those who, according to the grace given them, receive my doctrine, offered to them in fragile but specially chosen vessels, and follow it reverently. Those who will not accept this salutary lesson, I shall with perfect justice reduce to such confusion that the world will look upon them as objects of contempt and derision.

    The Life of Saint Catherine of Siena, Part Two, Chapter One HERE

  31. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 19 hours ago
    Author: Matthew Clark

    Planned Parenthood’s latest 2022–2023 annual report, “Above & Beyond,” celebrates the most abortions it has ever committed as it rakes in all-time high taxpayer funding and exorbitant profits. While Planned Parenthood remains the nation’s largest abortion provider, it deceptively claims to be expanding health care services – yet what it really means is more abortions. And it has gone above and beyond to achieve that goal.

    In fact, Planned Parenthood went above and beyond, committing 392,715 abortions for an appalling record high number of babies killed. That’s 18,560 more lives ended than the previous year.

    Further, Planned Parenthood provided 552,721 “emergency contraception kits.” As we’ve explained before, Planned Parenthood does not count these potential abortifacients (any drug or chemical that induces abortion) in its already shocking abortion total. Yet we know that “emergency contraception kits” can be used to end the lives of innocent babies.

    Sharp Decline in Non-Abortion Services

    While Planned Parenthood celebrates its ghoulish abortion expansion and excessive taxpayer funding, it continues a downward trend in adoption referrals. It reports the lowest number of adoption referrals in 10 years: a mere 1,721 adoption referrals. That’s only 1 adoption referral for every 228 babies killed. Is this what they call “unbiased care”?

    Follow LifeNews.com on Instagram for pro-life pictures and videos.

    Adoption referrals are not the only non-abortion service in decline. In the past year, Planned Parenthood decreased the number of cancer screenings and prevention provided, well-woman exams, preventative care visits, and contraceptive services. It also decreased in several of its non-abortion procedures, including colposcopies, LEEP procedures, and cryotherapy.

    This is a disturbing trend we’ve seen for years. In the past five years:

    • Well-woman exams and preventative care decreased by 39.35%.
    • Prenatal services decreased by 35.48%.
    • Cancer screening and prevention decreased by 18%.
    • Adoption referrals decreased by 60%.

    And while non-abortion services plummeted, in the same five-year period, abortions increased by nearly 14%, private funding shot up by almost 70%, and taxpayer funding increased by 13%. Year after year, Planned Parenthood funding reaches record highs – all while playing the victim.

    All-Time High Funding

    This year, Planned Parenthood laments facing “the most trying of times;” but in the past year alone, its private contributions increased 44% from the previous year, to just shy of $1 billion. And it closed the year with a shocking all-time high of $2 billion in revenue.

    That’s right. Planned Parenthood raked in $2 billion, including another hike in taxpayer funding. As inflation soars and Americans struggle to make ends meet, taxpayer funding reached nearly $700 million – another all-time high for the abortion giant. At a time when government spending should be curbed, your hard-earned money is being used to commit the slaughter of unborn children – for profit. Planned Parenthood ended the year with over $178 million in profits, fueled by its big abortion business – its third-highest year EVER. In fact, Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinic revenue (“Non-Government Health Services Revenue”) set a record high.

    Abortion Across State Lines

    With the massive coffers lining its pockets, Planned Parenthood is going above and beyond to facilitate abortion across state lines, focusing its devious efforts on those living in states with abortion bans. Since the overturning of Roe, Planned Parenthood has ramped up its deadly efforts to transport expectant mothers across state lines for abortions.

    In 2023, Planned Parenthood launched a study focused on how it could more effectively prey on expectant mothers who must travel out of state for abortions. The abortion giant coordinated efforts to transport at least 33,000 unborn children across state lines to be killed (providing transportation, travel support, financial assistance, and referrals) – all in the name of “abortion care.” Planned Parenthood covered travel costs for more than 15,000 abortions; and more than 50,000 received money to pay for their abortions.

    Planned Parenthood also went above and beyond to strategically target states with litigation. In the wake of Dobbs, numerous states reassessed their abortion laws. But prior to Roe v. Wade being overturned, many states already had laws banning abortion on the books. In a relentless attempt to expand abortion on demand to every state, Planned Parenthood has 30 open cases that challenge abortion policies in 16 states. Its plan is to create a “better future;” for Planned Parenthood, that means more abortion, not more health care.

    Global Target

    Planned Parenthood’s better future also includes a global target. Through training and litigation, Planned Parenthood Global is infecting hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with its radical pro-abortion ideology.

    In the name of reproductive rights, it partners with 80 organizations worldwide and even admits that 90% of the countries it focuses on have so-called “restrictive or highly restrictive” abortion laws. Planned Parenthood is all about abortion and will stop at nothing to expand its evil empire.

    The Myth of Reproductive Rights

    Repeatedly, the far Left equates abortion with “reproductive rights” or “choice.” However, we know they don’t celebrate the freedom to choose life. And while Planned Parenthood boasts of “unbiased care,” where’s its data on assisting women or families who choose life and parenthood? For each individual prenatal service provided in 2022–2023, Planned Parenthood performed 62 abortions. How many women chose parenthood? This data is notably absent from its report.

    Think of it this way: There are over 3.6 million live births in the U.S. each year, and tragically about a million abortions. That’s nearly four babies born for every baby killed. Yet Planned Parenthood kills – aborts – 62 babies for every single individual prenatal service it provides. We know that Planned Parenthood bloats its data on “services” to hide its abortion figures, such that a single prenatal service can be as simple as an ultrasound. In fact, we know from prior reports that Planned Parenthood could rack up six to seven “services” in a single prenatal visit. As we’ve explained before:

    With the accounting shenanigans that Planned Parenthood uses to inflate its numbers, we know it’s referring to individual services, not women or babies helped. For every ultrasound, 60 babies are killed. For every second-trimester exam, another 60 babies are killed.

    The Biden Administration uses the same euphemism (“reproductive rights”) for abortion. Earlier this year Vice President Kamala Harris launched her “Reproductive Freedoms Tour.” Her goal? To fight back against “extreme attacks” on abortion (“reproductive freedoms”). She even made a so-called “historic” tour of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota, where she celebrated Planned Parenthood’s “true leadership.” Of course, to the Biden Administration, “leadership” means expanding abortion.

    We’ve warned you how the Biden Administration is more committed to serving the abortion lobby than ever before. President Biden declared in his State of the Union Address: “I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again.” However, the ACLJ has not lost hope. We are fighting back against this unconstitutional attack on life.

    We filed three amicus briefs in the Supreme Court abortion pill case. This case is particularly important as the abortion pill has become the most common method of abortion in the United States. We also stepped in to protect the First Amendment rights of pro-life sidewalk counselors and those targeted simply for wearing pro-life apparel in federal institutions – and won. We took action on behalf of Native American leaders opposing the expansion of abortion. We filed a brief at the Supreme Court on behalf of pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) to defeat the coordinated assault on PRCs’ lifesaving services.

    The ACLJ’s mission is straightforward. We defend your religious and constitutional liberties, and the right to life is fundamental to liberty. We honor life because God is the author of life. While Planned Parenthood goes above and beyond to destroy life, the ACLJ will always fight to protect the right to life and defend those who cannot defend themselves.

    LifeNews Note: Matthew Clark is Senior Counsel for Digital Advocacy with the ACLJ in the Washington, D.C. headquarters.

    The post Planned Parenthood Made $178 Million in Profits From Killing Almost 400,000 Babies in Abortions appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  32. Site: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
    4 days 19 hours ago

    The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition upholds that the Canadian federal budget announcement that people with disabilities, who qualify, can receive $200 more per month, is an insufficient amount to meet the basic needs of Canadians with disabilities. Alex Schadenberg

    Meghan Schrader
    Message from the Meghan Schrader

    Instead of robustly funding the Disability Benefit that Canadian disability rights advocates had hoped would lift poor people with disabilities at least up to the poverty line, Justin Trudeau’s government allocated only $200 a month for the new benefit (twitter comment) and attached qualification for the benefit to the Disability Tax Credit, making it difficult to qualify for. (CTV news article).

    The gutted sobbing of disabled people on disability benefits who were so hoping that they would finally be able to eat three times a day is an indictment of a government that prioritizes everything but disabled people. The fact that Canada’s government would give their starving and demoralized disabled citizens only an extra $6.18 a day is truly vile, and speaks to how much Canada, and the world, don't understand the needs of (Twitter comment) disabled people.

    Moreover, the current Canadian government responded to the cries of disabled people with excuses and statements that Conservatives will simply cancel the benefit entirely. Every conservative voted for the benefit. The current government’s response is a hallmark of an abusive relationship: the government is telling the disabled people that they are killing and starving “no one will ever love you but me.” (Twitter comment).

    One reason that I so strongly oppose assisted suicide is that there are too many in the United states who think like Justin Trudeau and the Canadian middle class (Article) and look longingly at Canada as a model (Article) for our country: “I want the free dental care, I want the $10 daycare, I want free lunches for my kids, I want the perfect autonomous death…” (Article) And those same people never consider the fact that they don’t actually need those entitlements in the same way that disabled people need accommodations and care; (Twitter comment) they don’t even think about the fact that disabled people exist. (Twitter comment) Others understand that their entitlements are coming at the expense of disabled people’s very lives, yet are willing to keep the people killing them in power because they want the free stuff.

    Well, guess what, ableds: disabled people don’t owe you anything; we especially do not owe you our lives. You’re not entitled to anything at disabled people’s expense just because you want it.

    All other Canadian political parties - the NDP, the Conservatives, the Greens - must roundly condemn the inadequate support for disabled people. (Twitter comment) And people in the United States need to stop looking at Canada as a model for how our society should function. All ethical people must join together and work hard to keep Canada’s degradation of the disabled people from oozing over our borders and making the already third class citizenship (Article) of disabled Americans (Meghan Schrader Twitter comment) even worse.

    Meghan Schrader is an autistic person who is an instructor at E4 - University of Texas (Austin) and an EPC-USA board member.

  33. Site: AsiaNews.it
    4 days 19 hours ago
    The Heal Foundation Pakistan provided medical care to 175 patients yesterday at a local Catholic church. Five people were diagnosed with TB and will be followed until they are completely treated. For the local parish priest, Fr Tahir Rauf, it is 'serving the people like the apostles'. Looking to the future, he promises, to 'conduct a second phase soon.'
  34. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 19 hours ago
    Author: Steven Ertelt

    Florida’s new heartbeat law will take effect on Wednesday that prohibits abortions on unborn babies who have a detectable heartbeat at 6 weeks.

    Unborn children who can feel pain will remain protected and a law protecting babies with a heartbeat will go into effect on May 1.

    The pro-life law will save thousands of babies from abortions and end Florida’s status as an abortion destination in the southeast. Florida is surrounded by states with pro-life laws in effect that protect babies and help women and the abortion industry has been directing customers to Florida for abortions instead of helping women and unborn children.

    As a result, thousands of babies are expected to be saved from abortion and will get a chance at life.

    Implementation of the new pro-life law comes after the Florida Supreme Court upheld pro-life legislation.

    HELP LIFENEWS SAVE BABIES FROM ABORTION! Please help LifeNews.com with a donation!

    On April 14, 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 5, known as the “Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act,” to protect the lives of Florida’s most vulnerable by prohibiting all abortions after 15 weeks of gestation. Florida Planned Parenthood affiliates and a group of independent abortionists sued the state on June 1, 2022. The complaint alleges that the 15-week ban violates a right to privacy within the Florida Constitution.

    Later, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to save babies from abortions who have beating hearts.

    DeSantis made Florida the next state to officially protect the lives of unborn children after Roe was overturned. Pro-Life Americans from across the country celebrated the new law, which protects babies whose heartbeats can easily be detected and whose lives have existed for a month and a half starting at conception.

    The law would save tens of thousands of lives annually and provide $25 million in aid to women and families but it was held up by the same lawsuit.

    Earlier this month, the state’s high court upheld both the 15 week and heartbeat laws. In a 6-1 ruling, the Florida Supreme Court upheld Florida’s law protecting preborn children from most abortions after 15 weeks. The decision paves the way for additional protections for preborn babies beginning at 6 weeks.

    “This is a big win for life and the Florida constitution,” stated Lynda Bell, president of Florida Right to Life. “We salute the Florida Supreme Court for getting this right!”

    Another pro-life group also applauded the ruling.

    “Today’s victory for unborn children who have a heartbeat and can feel pain is in line with the views of the majority of Floridians who want to protect babies and serve mothers and families. As Florida faces what may be its biggest ballot fight yet, Gov. Ron DeSantis must be at the forefront of protecting Florida from Big Abortion’s attempt to eliminate the rights of unborn children, parents, women, and girls. Gov. DeSantis signed protections for babies who feel pain and have a heartbeat into law and now he must lead in defending those protections,” said SBA ProLife State Policy Director Katie Daniel of Tampa in response to the ruling.

    Polling shows the heartbeat law is right in line with the views of Florida residents.

    Not only do a majority of Floridians support protecting babies from abortion, they support the heartbeat law by a strong 62% margin.

    Polling conducted by Ragnar Research for SBA Pro-Life America and the Florida Family Policy Council shows likely Florida voters strongly support protecting human life in the womb once a heartbeat can be detected. Almost three-quarters of voters oppose allowing abortion on demand up until birth. The poll, with a ±4% margin of error, surveyed 500 Floridians statewide from February 27-March 2.

    Key poll findings include:

    • 62% of Floridians support legislation to protect unborn babies when a heartbeat is detected, with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.
      • 61% of Independents and 58% of women surveyed support such legislation.
      • Hispanic voters were even more likely than others to support the legislation, at 76%.
    • Only 22% of likely voters support allowing abortion until the moment of birth.

    DeSantis signed the bill immediately so it could be defended in court. The bill would also provide $25 million in aid to women and families.

    “We are proud to support life and family in the state of Florida,” DeSantis wrote in a statement. “I applaud the Legislature for passing the Heartbeat Protection Act that expands pro-life protections and provides additional resources for young mothers and families.”

    The post Florida Heartbeat Law Takes Effect Wednesday, Will Save Thousands of Babies From Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  35. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 20 hours ago
    Author: Steven Ertelt

    The Kansas state House has voted to override vetoes from pro-abortion Democrat Governor Laura Kelly.

    The lower chamber of the legislature voted to override her veto of two pro-life bills.

    One measure promotes adoption by establishing adoption savings accounts, increasing tax credits for adoptive families, eliminating sales tax burden for pregnancy resource centers, and creating tax credits for donors to those organizations. The other bill would protect women from coerced abortions.

    The House voted 85-40 on both override votes and now the vote heads to the Senate, where successful override votes are expected.

    While abortion advocates often claim that pro-life Americans don’t support adoption, it’s a pro-abortion Democrat governor who made it clear that she doesn’t support adoptive families and children. The Democrat governor used her veto pen to block existing resources giving financial relief to families longing to adopt children and support to organizations that assist moms who want to choose life for their babies.

    SUPPORT LIFENEWS! If you want to help fight abortion, please donate to LifeNews.com!

    But thanks to the legislature, adoptive families will get more support once the vto override is concluded.

    Kansans for Life told LifeNews.com it was very disappointed with Kelly’s veto.

    “By her heartless veto, Governor Kelly has shown once again that her only allegiance is to the profit-driven abortion industry, and not to vulnerable Kansas women, children, and families. KFL calls on legislators to override the governor’s veto of HB 2465 when they return to Topeka next week,” said Jeanne Gawdun, KFL Director of Government Relations.

    “Four times this legislative session, Gov. Coercion Kelly has proved her abortion extremism,” said Jeanne Gawdun, Kansans for Life Director of Government Relations, in an email to LifeNews.

    “First, she vetoed protections for women who are coerced into abortions and shot down transparency in state statistics reporting; then she blocked financial relief to families hoping to adopt. Now she wants to remove resources for women facing unexpected pregnancies. It’s clear the only ‘choice’ the Kelly/Toland Administration supports is abortion.”

    Kansans for Life urges legislators to stand with Kansas women and families by overriding Gov. Kelly’s extreme, out-of-touch, veto.

    The post Kansas House Overrides Gov Laura Kelly’s Vetoes of Two Pro-Life Bills appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  36. Site: AsiaNews.it
    4 days 21 hours ago
    The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan swept three byelections yesterday. The ruling party even failed its seat in Shimane Prefecture, a conservative stronghold. Scandals over irregular fundraising but also the depreciation of the yen weighed heavily on voters' minds.
  37. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 21 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Early Tests Find Pasteurization Killed Bird Flu In Milk: FDA

    Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Results from early testing show that pasteurization killed highly pathogenic avian influenza in milk, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says.

    Containers of milk in El Paso, Texas, on March 17, 2021. (Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters)

    Results from “an initial limited set of geographically targeted samples” show that “pasteurization is effective in inactivating” the influenza, commonly known as the bird flu, the FDA said in an April 26 update.

    The FDA gathered samples from grocery stores with confirmed cases of the flu in cattle. The agency has said that one in five tested positive for avian influenza, but stressed that polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing can return positive due to residual fragments.

    This additional testing did not detect any live, infectious virus. These results reaffirm our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe,” the regulatory agency stated.

    Testing of samples of powdered infant formula sold at stores also returned negative.

    Many infectious disease experts and government officials have said they believe the pasteurization process will inactivate the virus, also known as avian influenza.

    “I’m not worried about the milk itself,” said Samuel Alcaine, an associate professor of food science at Cornell University. “It does indicate that the virus is more widespread among dairies than we had previously thought.”

    The FDA, which has refused to say how many milk samples tested positive, the sources of the samples that tested positive, and what other products were tested outside milk and formula, is in the process of conducting additional testing. That testing could find milk with live virus intact, agency officials acknowledged.

    “The FDA is further assessing retail samples from its study of 297 samples of retail dairy products from 38 states,” it said. “All samples with a PCR positive result are going through egg inoculation tests, a gold-standard for determining if infectious virus is present. These important efforts are ongoing, and we are committed to sharing additional testing results as soon as possible. Subsequent results will help us to further review our assessment that pasteurization is effective against this virus and the commercial milk supply is safe.”

    The bird flu has traditionally spread in birds. Cases of H5N1 in cattle began being confirmed in the United States earlier this year. The virus has since been detected in herds in nine states. A herd in Colorado tested positive on April 25, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.

    One person in Texas has had a confirmed case this year and survived the infection.

    Worldwide, 28 cases of H5N1 have been reported to the World Health Organization since the beginning of 2021, including the recent case in Texas and a case in the United States in 2022. Some of the patients survived, while others died.

    Authorities say that cow-to-cow transmission has occurred. Major questions that remain unanswered include the method of that transmission and whether cows have spread the virus back to birds.

    The White House has said that it is monitoring the avian flu situation, launching an “immediate response team” to ensure the safety of the nation’s food supply, monitor trends to mitigate risk and prevent the virus’ spread.

    Starting on Monday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will require dairy cows to test negative for bird flu before they are moved across state lines.

    In addition to Colorado, infections among cattle have been confirmed in Texas, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, Idaho, New Mexico, North Carolina, and South Dakota.

    In Indiana, officials are considering potential restrictions, such as testing within the state, even though there are no confirmed cases, according to Bret Marsh, the state veterinarian.

    “We’re taking a look here at the state level to see what we may need to do,” he said on a conference call.

    Reuters contributed to this report.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 11:00
  38. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 21 hours ago
    Author: Steven Ertelt

    In what appears to be the 250th attack on a Catholic Church since the Dobbs decision was leaked in early 2022, abortion activists vandalized a church in Oregon with graphic messages.

    People heading to church services Sunday morning at St. Patrick’s Church in northwest Portland, Oregon arrived to find disturbing pro-abortion messages on the church door and sidewalk. The front door bears a stain from where staff had to have a previous pro-abortion message removed.

    As Andy Ngo reported on Twitter about the latest attack, “Multiple Christian houses of worship have been attacked in Portland since 2020 by far-left extremists but the left-wing leadership, DA and law enforcement do not treat them as bias crimes.”

    According to the pro-lfie group CatholicVote, 249 attacks on Catholic churches have taken place since the Dobbs leak.

    SUPPORT LIFENEWS! If you want to help fight abortion, please donate to LifeNews.com!

    CatholicVote’s Violence Tracker has documented more than 400 attacks and vandalisms against Catholic churches across the United States since May 2020.

    Police are investigating an incident of vandalism that took place last week in Oklahoma, where a suspect forcibly toppled and broke a historic statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a statue of the Holy Family outside of a local Catholic church.

    The vandalism took place on April 19 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Upon discovering the toppled statues, the parish reported the vandalism, which was caught on security cameras, to local police.

    Three people were seen on camera when the vandalism took place, but only one of them is reportedly seen damaging the statues.

    Associate pastor Fr. Robert Dye told local news outlet the Muskogee Phoenix, “It looks like someone came up to both statues and pushed them over… One of them, you can see him pushing hard. It took some effort. It was bolted down.”

    The statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which parish members said was more than 100 years old, was found shattered on the sidewalk by the church.

    “I just remember how beautiful she is. She just had the most beautiful face ever,” parishioner Susan Lacey told the Muskogee Phoenix, describing the historic Marian statue. “It’s just breaking my heart.”

    The post Abortion Advocates Vandalize Church With Graphic Pro-Abortion Messages appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  39. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 21 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Key Events This Extremely Busy Week: Fed, Treasury Refunding, Jobs, JOLTS, ISM And Tons Of Earnings

    As DB's Jim Reid notes, with just two days left in a rollercoaster April for markets - and FX - last week actually saw the best week for the S&P 500 (+2.67%) and NASDAQ (+4.23%) since November, following several weeks of declines, as earnings gave markets a boost even if the US inflation data was on net worrying. And while the month is almost over, the new week is just starting and as Reid notes, it's shaping up an exceptionally busy week of important events.

    The FOMC on Wednesday is the obvious highlight of the week, but we also have payrolls on Friday to look forward to. DB expect a more hawkish-leaning Fed this week. While our economists expect the Committee will maintain an easing bias, they do expect the statement and press conference to echo Chair Powell’s view that firmer inflation prints suggest it will take longer to gain confidence about disinflation. The press conference will be fascinating to see the nuances in Powell’s responses as he justifies a likely unchanged easing bias, even if the rhetoric is more hawkish, in the face of rising inflation.

    In terms of the jobs report on Friday, our US economists see payrolls gaining +240k in April (consensus +250k), down from +303k in March. The consensus expects the unemployment rate and the hourly earnings growth rate to stay at 3.8% and +0.3% MoM, respectively, although DB expects the former to tick up a tenth. Overall the market sees a solid report.

    Other key data in the US includes consumer confidence tomorrow, the manufacturing ISM, JOLTS, and ADP on Wednesday, and the services ISM on Friday. We also see the latest US Treasury quarterly refunding announcement on Wednesday, after the borrowing estimate is due today. This was a big pivot point for global markets back in August (negative) and October (positive) but since then a commitment not to increase auction sizes has reduced its importance.

    Finally in the US, earnings season maintains its peak pace as 174 report in the S&P versus 180 last week with Amazon (Tuesday) and Apple (Thursday) the obvious highlights. Meanwhile, 66 Stoxx 600 companies will report this week.

    In Europe, preliminary CPI reports for Germany and Spain today, and the Eurozone tomorrow will have a lot of significance for the June ECB meeting and whether we will see the first cut. Our European economists preview the release here. For the Eurozone, they expect the headline HICP to fall one-tenth to 2.31% yoy, its lowest value since August 2021 and see core inflation slowing further to 2.45% yoy, 0.50pp lower than in March 2024. Staying in Europe the latest GDP data for Germany, France, Italy and the Eurozone are due tomorrow. In Asia, various China PMIs (tomorrow) will be a big focus and in Japan, several key economic indicators are also due, including industrial production and labour market data tomorrow.

    Day-by-day calendar of events:

    Monday April 29

    • Data : US April Dallas Fed manufacturing activity, Germany April CPI, Eurozone April services, industrial and economic confidence
    • Earnings : PetroChina, China Construction Bank, BYD, NXP Semiconductors, Domino's Pizza, Paramount Global
    • Auctions : US Treasury borrowing estimates

    Tuesday April 30

    • Data : US Q1 employment cost index, February FHFA house price index, April MNI Chicago PMI, Dallas Fed services activity, Conference Board consumer confidence, UK March net consumer credit, mortgage approvals, M4, April Lloyds business barometer, China April official PMIs, Caixin manufacturing PMI, Japan March retail sales, job-to-applicant ratio, jobless rate, industrial production, housing starts, Italy Q1 GDP, March hourly wages, April CPI, Germany Q1 GDP, April unemployment claims rate, France Q1 GDP, March PPI, consumer spending, April CPI, Eurozone Q1 GDP, April CPI, Canada February GDP, New Zealand Q1 jobs report , Denmark March unemployment rate
    • Central banks : BoE's APF report
    • Earnings : Amazon, Eli Lilly & Co, Samsung, Coca-Cola, AMD, McDonald's, Stryker, Starbucks, Mondelez, Mercedes-Benz Group, Volkswagen, PayPal, adidas, Diamondback Energy, Restaurant Brands, Pinterest, Vonovia, Covestro, Caesars Entertainment

    Wednesday May 1

    • Data : US March JOLTS report, construction spending, April total vehicle sales, ISM index, ADP report, Canada April manufacturing PMI
    • Central banks : Fed's decision
    • Earnings : Mastercard, Qualcomm, Pfizer, KKR, GSK, Marriott, Estee Lauder, DoorDash, Corteva, Haleon, Devon Energy, Barrick Gold, eBay, Albemarle, Etsy
    • Auctions : US quarterly refunding announcement

    Thursday May 2

    • Data : US Q1 unit labor costs, nonfarm productivity, March trade balance, factory orders, initial jobless claims, Japan April monetary base, consumer confidence index, Italy March PPI, April manufacturing PMI, new car registrations, budget balance, Canada March international merchandise trade, Switzerland April CPI
    • Central banks : BoJ minutes of the March meeting
    • Earnings : Apple, Novo Nordisk, Shell, Linde, ConocoPhillips, Booking, Cigna, Regeneron, Apollo, Pioneer, Universal Music Group, Block, Ares, Moderna, Blue Owl, Vestas, AP Moller - Maersk, Orsted, ArcelorMittal, Live Nation Entertainment, DraftKings
    • Other : UK local elections, OECD economic outlook

    Friday May 3

    • Data : US April jobs report, ISM services, UK April official reserves changes, Italy March unemployment rate, France March industrial production, budget balance, Eurozone March unemployment rate, Canada April services PMI, Norway April unemployment rate
    • Earnings : Hershey, Daimler Truck, Cheniere Energy

    * * *

    Looking at just the US, Goldman writes that the key economic data releases this week are the Employment Cost Index on Tuesday, ISM manufacturing and JOLTS job openings on Wednesday, and the employment report on Friday. The May FOMC meeting is on Wednesday. The post-meeting statement will be released at 2:00 PM ET, followed by Chair Powell’s press conference at 2:30 PM. Treasury will release its Q2 financing estimates on Monday and the Quarterly Refunding Statement on Wednesday.

    Monday, April 29

    • 10:30 AM Dallas Fed manufacturing activity, April (consensus -11.3, last -14.4)

    Tuesday, April 30

    • 08:30 AM Employment cost index, Q1 (GS +0.9%, consensus +1.0%, last +0.9%): We estimate the employment cost index rose by 0.9% in Q1 (qoq sa), which would lower the year-on-year rate by two tenths to 4.0% (nsa yoy). Our forecast reflects deceleration in the Atlanta Fed wage tracker and in average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory workers. We also expect a slower pace of ECI growth among unionized workers, following the 1.7% spike in Q4 (SA by GS, not annualized). On the positive side, we assume ECI benefit growth picks back up to 0.9% (vs. 0.7% in Q4), reflecting expanded benefit offerings at the start of the year.
    • 09:00 AM FHFA house price index, February (consensus +0.1%, last -0.1%)
    • 09:00 AM S&P Case-Shiller 20-city home price index, February (GS +0.07%, consensus +0.10%, last +0.14%)
    • 09:45 AM Chicago PMI, April (GS 46.4, consensus 45.0, last 41.4): We estimate that the Chicago PMI rose by 5pt to 46.4 in April, reflecting the rebound in global manufacturing activity.
    • 10:00 AM Conference Board consumer confidence, April (GS 104.3, consensus 104.0, last 104.7

    Wednesday, May 1

    • 08:15 AM ADP employment change, April (GS +185k, consensus +180k, last +184k): We estimate a 185k rise in ADP payroll employment in April, reflecting a solid underlying pace of job growth and a possible boost from residual seasonality: the ADP measure has picked up in April relative to Q1 in four of the last six years excluding 2020.
    • 09:45 AM S&P Global US manufacturing PMI, April final (consensus 49.9, last 49.9)
    • 10:00 AM Construction spending, March (GS +0.8%, consensus +0.3%, last -0.3%)
    • 10:00 AM JOLTS job openings, March (GS 8,650k, consensus 8,680k, last 8,756k): We estimate that JOLTS job openings fell by 0.1mn to 8.65mn in March, reflecting the pullback in online job postings.
    • 10:00 AM ISM manufacturing index, April (GS 50.8, consensus 50.1, last 50.3): We estimate the ISM manufacturing index rose by 0.5pt to 50.8 in April, reflecting the rebound in global manufacturing activity. Our manufacturing tracker rose 1.5pt to 49.9.
    • 02:00 PM FOMC statement, April 30-May 1 meeting: As discussed in our FOMC preview, the upside inflation surprise over the last three months has delayed the first cut and narrowed the path for the FOMC to cut at all this year. We have not changed our big picture inflation view because the surprises look idiosyncratic, the categories that are still hot reflect lagged catch-up rather than current cost pressures, and the key pillars of the disinflation narrative remain intact. We expect the next few inflation reports to be softer and have therefore stuck with our forecast of cuts in July and November, but even moderate upside surprises could delay cuts further.
    • 05:00 PM Lightweight motor vehicle sales, April (GS 15.8mn, consensus 15.7mn, last 15.5mn)

    Thursday, May 2

    • 08:30 AM Trade balance, March (GS -$69.0bn, consensus -$69.2bn, last -$68.9bn)
    • 08:30 AM Nonfarm productivity, Q1 preliminary (GS +0.8%, consensus +0.8%, last +3.2%); Unit labor costs, Q1 preliminary (GS +3.5%, consensus +3.3%, last +0.4%): We expect nonfarm productivity growth of +0.8% (qoq saar) in the Q1 preliminary reading. We expect unit labor costs—compensation per hour divided by output per hour—to grow 3.5% in the Q1 preliminary reading, which would increase the year-over-year rate to +4.2%.
    • 08:30 AM Initial jobless claims, week ended April 27 (GS 215k, consensus 210k, last 207k): Continuing jobless claims, week ended April 20 (consensus 1,798k, last 1,781k)
    • 10:00 AM Factory orders, March (GS +1.6%, consensus +1.6%, last +1.4%); Durable goods orders, March final (consensus +2.6%, last +2.6%); Durable goods orders ex-transportation, March final (last +0.2%); Core capital goods orders, March final (last +0.2%);Core capital goods shipments, March final (last +0.2%)

    Friday, May 3

    • 08:30 AM Nonfarm payroll employment, April (GS +275k, consensus +250k, last +303k); Private payroll employment, April (GS +225k, consensus +198k, last +232k); Average hourly earnings (mom), April (GS +0.20%, consensus +0.3%, last +0.3%); Average hourly earnings (yoy), April (GS +3.95%, consensus +4.0%, last +4.1%); Unemployment rate, April (GS 3.8%, consensus 3.8%, last 3.8%); Labor force participation rate, April (GS 62.7%, consensus 62.7%, last 62.7%): We estimate nonfarm payrolls rose by 275k in April (mom sa), reflecting a favorable evolution in the April seasonal factors and a continued boost from above-normal immigration. Big Data measures were mixed but generally indicate a solid or strong pace of job gains, and our layoff tracker continues to indicate that the pace of layoffs is low. We estimate that the unemployment rate edged down but was unchanged on a rounded basis at 3.8%, reflecting a rise in household employment and flat-to-up labor force participation (at 62.7%). Foreign-born unemployment normalized in March, falling sharply by 261k (SA by GS) and limiting the scope for further declines in April. We estimate average hourly earnings rose 0.20% (mom sa), which would lower the year-on-year rate from 4.14% to 3.95%. Our forecast reflects waning wage pressures and a nearly 10bp drag from calendar effects (mom sa).
    • 09:45 AM S&P Global US services PMI, April final (consensus 50.9, last 50.9)
    • 10:00 AM ISM services index, April (GS 52.1, consensus 52.0, last 51.4): We estimate that the ISM services index rose 0.7pt to 52.1 in April. Our non-manufacturing survey tracker edged up 0.3pt to 52.1.
    • 07:45 PM Chicago Fed President Goolsbee (FOMC non-voter) speaks: Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee will participate in a panel discussion at the Hoover Institution. A Q&A is expected. On April 19, Goolsbee said, "Right now, it makes sense to wait and get more clarity before moving [rates]." He added, "So far in 2024, that progress on inflation has stalled. You never want to make too much of one month’s data, especially inflation, which is a noisy series, but after three months of this, it can’t be dismissed."
    • 08:15 PM New York Fed President Williams (FOMC voter) speaks: New York Fed President John Williams will speak in a panel discussion at the Hoover Institution. Speech text and a Q&A are expected. On April 18, Williams said, "I definitely don’t feel urgency to cut interest rates...I think interest rates will need to be lower at some point, but the timing of that is driven by the economy." He added, "We have a strong economy… which means that the rates we have haven’t caused the economy to slow too much."

    Source: DB, Goldman

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 10:40
  40. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 21 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Biden Embraces G20-Proposed 2% Wealth Tax To Battle 'Racial Wealth Inequality'

    Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

    Biden and Yellen support a global minimum tax on corporations. And a new wealth tax scheme is now in the works...

    Watch Out for a Global Wealth Tax

    The Wall Street Journal says Watch Out for a Global Wealth Tax

    In our new socialist age, the demand to tax and redistribute income is insatiable. The latest brainstorm arrives in a proposal by four countries in the G-20 group of nations to impose a 2% wealth tax on the world’s billionaires.

    “The tax could be designed as a minimum levy equivalent to 2% of the wealth of the super-rich,” write economic ministers of Germany, Spain, Brazil and South Africa in the Guardian. They say the levy would raise about $250 billion a year from some 3,000 billionaires and “would boost social justice and increase trust in the effectiveness of fiscal redistribution.” The countries plan to float this at the next G-20 meeting in June.

    Presumably, the plan is to have the G-20 endorse the idea, including President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Then negotiate a global tax deal that would wait until Democrats control all of the U.S. government to approve it, even if that takes many years.

    That’s more or less what Ms. Yellen has done with her global minimum tax on corporations, and the four ministers are candid in saying this is their model. The wealth tax “is a necessary third pillar that complements the negotiations on the taxation of the digital economy and on a minimum corporate tax of 15% for multinationals,” the ministers write.

    Ms. Yellen went along with the first two pillars, though as we’ve written they subject American companies to foreign tax raids of the kind the U.S. government has long opposed. An architect of the wealth tax idea is French socialist Gabriel Zucman, who was also behind Ms. Yellen’s global minimum tax. Once a global wealth tax is in place, you can be sure that billionaires won’t be the last target.

    The Biden Administration is run by liberal internationalists who are happy to cede more power to multilateral institutions. President Biden is also campaigning on a wealth tax of his own that would impose the highest tax rates on Americans since before the Reagan tax reform. For this crowd, taxing American billionaires to redistribute income around the world is all too imaginable.

    I used to dismiss ideas like this. Not anymore.

    Letting the G-20 set US tax rates would be unconstitutional, but since when does Biden give a damn?

    Besides, if Democrats get control of the Senate, House and White House they may try to pack the courts.

    President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen embrace a massive wealth tax redistribution scheme including taxes on unrealized gains in their Fiscal Year 2025 proposal.

    Advancing Equity Through Tax Reform

    Please consider Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals on Racial Wealth Inequality

    The revenue proposals in the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget (U.S. Treasury, 2024) would raise revenues, help ensure the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share, expand tax credits for working families, and improve tax administration and compliance.

    Research has demonstrated that wealth gaps are one of the primary “mechanisms for
    perpetuating racial economic inequality”.

    The millions of African Americans who left the southern United States to escape Jim Crow laws faced formal and informal employment, educational, and housing discrimination in destination cities in the North and West, including discriminatory “redlining” policies that started in the 1930s. In addition to funneling Black households into neighborhoods with lower home values, research has illustrated the extent to which redlining introduced place-based policies that affected the employment, education, and health of residents in those neighborhoods, all of which are directly related to income and wealth accumulation.

    Biden’s Wealth Tax Remedy

    • A minimum tax of 25 percent on total income, generally inclusive of unrealized capital gains, for all taxpayers with wealth greater than $100 million.

    • Requiring the wealthiest taxpayers to pay at least 25% of their total income in taxes will reduce economic disparities among Americans and raise needed revenue

    • Inheritance Taxes: In 2019, thirty percent of White families received an inheritance compared to 10 percent of Black families and 7 percent of Hispanic families. The Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget would limit the duration of the GST [Generation Skipping Trust] tax exemption.

    • The Budget would tax long-term capital gains and dividends at ordinary rates for taxpayers with more than $1 million in income, curtailing a tax expenditure the benefits of which accrue disproportionately to White families. It would also treat transfers of appreciated property as realization events and impose a minimum tax on the wealthiest families, while expanding tax credits that improve equity.

    Biden Explanations

    There’s still more if you dive into General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals

    The explanations are 256 pages long. The following points do not represent all of the ways the administration is coming after you.

    I have a 15-point synopsis at the end for those just wishing to see general ideas.

    Here are some details.

    • The child tax credit would be expanded through 2025, would permanently be made fully refundable, determined monthly, and paid out in advance. Reforms to the delivery of the credit would facilitate take-up. The earned income tax credit would also be expanded to cover more workers without children. The premium tax credit expansion first enacted in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and extended in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 would be made permanent, making health insurance more affordable for millions of families.

    • Raising the corporate income tax rate is an administratively simple way to raise revenue to pay for the Administration’s fiscal priorities.

    • The proposal would increase the tax rate for C corporations from 21 percent to 28 percent. The effective global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) rate would increase to 14 percent under the proposal.

    • The proposal Revise the Global Minimum Tax Regime, Limit Inversions, and Make Related Reforms described later in this text would further increase the effective GILTI rate to 21 percent.

    • A new 25- percent minimum income tax would be imposed on extremely wealthy taxpayers. For high income taxpayers, gaps in the law that allow some pass-through business owners to avoid Medicare taxes would be eliminated and Medicare tax rates would be increased. Additional loopholes, including the carried interest preference and the like-kind exchange real estate preference, would be eliminated for those with the highest incomes. Together these reforms would sharply curtail tax preferences that allow the wealthy to pay lower tax rates on their investment income and exacerbate income and wealth disparities, including by gender, geography, race, and ethnicity.

    • The child tax credit would be expanded through 2025, would permanently be made fully refundable, determined monthly, and paid out in advance. Reforms to the delivery of the credit would facilitate take-up. The earned income tax credit would also be expanded to cover more workers without children.

    • The proposal would increase the tax rate on corporate stock repurchases to 4 percent.

    • The Secretary would be granted authority to promulgate any regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of the proposal, including (a) coordinating the application of the proposal with other interest deductibility rules, (b) defining interest and financial services entities, (c) permitting financial reporting groups to apply the proportionate share approach using the group’s net interest expense for U.S. tax purposes rather than net interest expense reported in the group’s financial statements, (d) providing for the treatment of pass-through entities, (e) providing adjustments to the application of the proposal to address differences in functional currency of members, (f) if a U.S. subgroup has multiple U.S. entities that are not all members of a single U.S. consolidated group for U.S. tax purposes, providing for the allocation of the U.S.

    • The proposal would repeal: (a) the enhanced oil recovery credit for eligible costs attributable to a qualified enhanced oil recovery project; (b) the credit for oil and gas produced from marginal wells; (c) the expensing of intangible drilling costs; (d) the deduction for costs paid or incurred for any qualified tertiary injectant used as part of a tertiary recovery method; (e) the exception to passive loss limitations provided to working interests in oil and natural gas properties; (f) the use of percentage depletion with respect to oil and gas wells; (g) two year amortization of geological and geophysical expenditures by independent producers, instead allowing amortization over the seven-year period used by major integrated oil companies; (h) expensing of exploration and development costs; (i) percentage depletion for hard mineral fossil fuels; (j) capital gains treatment for royalties; (k) the exemption from the corporate income tax for publicly traded partnerships with qualifying income and gains from activities relating to fossil fuels; (l) the OSTLF and Superfund excise tax exemption for crude oil derived from bitumen and kerogenrich rock; and (m) accelerated amortization for air pollution control facilities.

    • The eligibility of the petroleum taxes dedicated to the OSLTF and Superfund for drawback would be eliminated.

    • An excise tax on electricity usage by digital asset miners could reduce mining activity along with its associated environmental impacts and other harms. Any firm using computing resources, whether owned by the firm or leased from others, to mine digital assets would be subject to an excise tax equal to 30 percent of the costs of electricity used in digital asset mining.

    • The proposal would expand the NIIT base to ensure that all pass-through business income of high-income taxpayers is subject to either the NIIT or SECA tax.

    • The proposal would increase the additional Medicare tax rate by 1.2 percentage points for taxpayers with more than $400,000 of earnings. When combined with current-law tax rates, this would bring the marginal Medicare tax rate up to 5 percent for earnings above the threshold. The threshold would be indexed for inflation.

    • The proposal would increase the top marginal tax rate to 39.6 percent. The top marginal tax rate would apply to taxable income over $450,000 for married individuals filing a joint return and surviving spouses, $400,000 for unmarried individuals (other than surviving spouses and head of household filers), $425,000 for head of household filers, and $225,000 for married individuals filing a separate return. After 2024, the thresholds would be indexed for inflation using the CPI-U, which is used for all current thresholds in the tax rate tables.

    • Under the proposal, the donor or deceased owner of an appreciated asset would realize a capital gain at the time of the transfer. The use of capital losses and carry-forwards from transfers at death would be allowed against capital gains and up to $3,000 of ordinary income on the decedent’s final income tax return, and the tax imposed on gains deemed realized at death would be deductible on the estate tax return of the decedent’s estate (if any). Gain on unrealized appreciation also would be recognized by a trust, partnership, or other noncorporate entity that is the owner of property if that property has not been the subject of a recognition event within the prior 90 years.

    • Preferential treatment for unrealized gains disproportionately benefits high-wealth taxpayers and provides many high-wealth taxpayers with a lower effective tax rate than many low- and middle-income taxpayers. Preferential treatment for unrealized gains also exacerbates income and wealth disparities, including by gender, geography, race, and ethnicity. The proposal would impose a minimum tax of 25 percent on total income, generally inclusive of unrealized capital gains, for all taxpayers with wealth (that is, the difference obtained by subtracting liabilities from assets) greater than $100 million.

    • The proposal would require a high-income taxpayer with an aggregate vested account balance under tax-favored retirement arrangements that exceeded $10 million as of the last day of the preceding calendar year to distribute a minimum of 50 percent of that excess.

    • The provision would prohibit a rollover to a Roth IRA of an amount distributed from an account in an employer-sponsored eligible retirement plan that is not a designated Roth account (or of an amount distributed from an IRA other than a Roth IRA) for a high-income taxpayer.

    • Increase the maximum credit per child to $3,600 for qualifying children under age 6 and to $3,000 for all other qualifying children. Increase the maximum age to qualify for the CTC from 16 to 17. The proposal would make the CTC fully refundable, regardless of earned income.

    • The first-time homebuyer credit would be equal to ten percent of the purchase price of a home, up to a maximum credit of $10,000. For multiple individuals who purchase a home together, the maximum credit would be allocated proportionally to ownership interest in the purchased home or in a manner determined by the Secretary in published guidance. The credit allocated to a married individual filing a separate return would not exceed $5,000. The home must be in the United States.

    • Upon disposition, any measured gain on an item of section 1250 property held for more than one year would be treated as ordinary income to the extent of the cumulative depreciation deductions taken after the effective date of the provision. Depreciation deductions taken on section 1250 property prior to the effective date would continue to be subject to current rules and recaptured as ordinary income only to the extent that such depreciation exceeds the cumulative allowances determined under the straight-line method. Any gain recognized on the disposition of section 1250 property in excess of recaptured depreciation would be treated as section 1231 gain. Any unrecaptured gain on section 1250 property would continue to be taxed to noncorporate taxpayers at a maximum 25 percent rate.

    • In general, no Federal income tax is imposed concurrently on a policyholder with respect to the earnings credited under a life insurance or endowment contract. Furthermore, amounts received under a life insurance contract by reason of the death of the insured generally are excluded from the gross income of the recipient. The proposal would limit the tax benefits for private placement life insurance and annuity contracts.

    • The proposal would expand the regulatory authority under which the Secretary may require taxpayers to furnish information relating to the verification and computation of the FTC [Foreign Tax Credit].

    • A separate proposal would first raise the top ordinary rate to 39.6 percent (43.4 percent including the net investment income tax). An additional proposal would increase the net investment income tax rate by 1.2 percentage points above $400,000, bringing the marginal net investment income tax rate to 5 percent for investment income above the $400,000 threshold. Together, the proposals would increase the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to 44.6 percent.

    Massive Wealth Distribution Scheme.

    The administration went after anything and everything from wealth taxes, huge jumps in marginal rates, REIT, Roth IRA conversions, etc.

    Here are the key changes, and I may have missed some.

    Fifteen Key Points

    1. The top marginal rate on long-term capital gains jumps to 44.6 percent.

    2. Deductions for oil and gas companied eliminated.

    3. 30 percent tax on electricity used in mining cryptos

    4. Restrictions on conversions to Roth IRA

    5. Forced acceleration of IRA withdrawals

    6. Taxes on insurance policies

    7. Expanded Child Tax Credits

    8. Earned Income Tax Credits to include those with no kids.

    9. Restrictions on trusts to avoid inheritance taxes

    10. Corporate minimum taxes

    11. Homebuyer tax credits

    12. Minimum 25 percent tax on unrealized stock gains for wealthy individuals

    13. Marginal Medicare tax rate upped to 5 percent

    14. Tax rate for C corporations goes to 28 percent from 21 percent. The effective global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) rate would increase to 14 percent.

    15. If there is anything ambiguous, the Secretary of the Treasury gets to determine what the law is.

    If you have any money or assets, Biden is coming after you. He is also going after oil and gas companies, corporations, and Bitcoin to fund massive wealth distribution schemes.

    This is on grounds “Research has demonstrated that wealth gaps are one of the primary mechanisms for perpetuating racial economic inequality“.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 10:20
  41. Site: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
    4 days 21 hours ago
    Alex Schadenberg
    Executive Director,
    Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

    Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses. (Link to the GiveSendGo campaign).

    Due to a publication ban, the media refers to the father as (WV) and his daughter as (MV). WV contends that MV does not qualify for euthanasia because she is physically healthy, even though she is experience suicidal ideation.

    I reported on April 9, 2024 that the father was granted an injunction preventing the euthanasia death of his 27-year-old autistic daughter, at least until the Alberta Court of Appeal decides on his challenge to the decision approving his daughters's euthanasia death.

    This case is particularly distressing for me since I have an autistic son.

    The Calgary father has already accumulated more than $100,000 in legal expenses in his attempt to prevent the euthanasia death of his healthy autistic daughter.

    The legal expenses will continue to climb as his lawyers prepare for the Alberta Court of Appeal hearing in October 2024.

    Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses. (Link to the GiveSendGo campaign).

    Articles on this topic:

  42. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Frank Pavone

    The 53rd annual Heartbeat International Conference, held in Salt Lake City, has just concluded, and – when counting those who participated in the conference virtually – was the largest one yet (about 1300 in person and some 700 virtually).

    I’ve been at 30 of the 53, and can say that the determination of the participants to do the life-saving work that God has called them to do has never been more palpable and strong.

    As Peggy Hartshorn, Board Chair and Past President of Heartbeat told me, this is likely because “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Participants – who represent the work of pregnancy centers who are counseling, training, and healing people every day — came with a deep awareness of the consequential challenges the pro-life movement faces this year. We need to elect pro-life candidates and stop pro-abortion ballot initiatives that force abortion-on-demand into state constitutions and take away from the people and their elected representatives the right they have to shape policy on abortion.

    The theme of this year’s conference was “United for Life.” Many of the speakers reinforced that theme of unity, stressing how essential it is at all times, and especially now.

    The unity we experienced at the Conference was international, and a favorite moment of many participants each year is the “Parade of Nations.” Prior to the first evening’s dinner, of a procession of dozens of people each carrying the flag of a different nation enters the banquet room, to the applause of all. Each of these nations has affiliates of Heartbeat International operating within its borders, and many of these center leaders travel from those nations to the Conference.

    SUPPORT LIFENEWS! If you want to help fight abortion, please donate to LifeNews.com!

    We heard, for example, from the woman who runs the only pregnancy center in Bulgaria. Her faith and her determination to serve were an inspiration.

    The Conference, of course, is marked by numerous workshops, covering a range of topics from fundraising to the best ultrasound equipment and from the latest medical updates to the most common legal challenges.

    Not only are key leaders and experts there to present their knowledge and experience, but the grassroots servants of the movement are also there to share how they make their centers work from day to day, and to thrive, despite every imaginable obstacle.

    One of the special moments at each Heartbeat Conference is the granting of the “Peggy Hartshorn Servant Leader” awards. In the light of the Christian gospel, of course, leadership is service, after the example of the one who “came not to be served, but to serve, to give his life as a ransom for many.”

    Each year, this award is given to several people who have exemplified that spirit of servant leadership. Of course, in a movement that serves those who cannot repay us and in a room filled with those who go on the frontlines each day to save babies from abortion and replace the despair of their parents with new hope, such people are not hard to find.

    This year, the servant leadership award was given to Dr. Dermot Kearney, MD, who has done heroic work, persevering through many obstacles and much opposition, to bring the abortion pill reversal protocol to the UK. Heartbeat International has become the home, the infrastructure, that supports the worldwide work of abortion pill reversal, which now counts over 5000 lives – whose process of chemical starvation had already begun – as being saved by a progesterone treatment that in most cases reverses the deadly effects of mifepristone.

    Servant Leader awards were also given this year to Vikki Parker, Dr. Catherine Stark, and Jim Sprague.

    Aside from the waterfall of learning and training to be gained from the individual workshops, participants in the conference were equipped for their work through the presence of dozens of exhibitors, whose organizations and ministries serve to empower and defend the work of the centers.

    For instance, Life International was there, which provides a worldwide prayer network in support of the life-saving work of the movement. Likewise, SperaVita Institute had a booth. They serve and equip centers in 34 states and abroad. Participants could also visit the booth of Passion Life and Beautiful Feet International, which are both busy growing pregnancy centers all over the world.

    There are many pro-life conferences, large and small, throughout the year, and hopefully, every reader is able to go to at least one of them. But Heartbeat International is in a category all its own. It is awe-inspiring in its display of compassion overcoming, with boundless creativity, a hateful culture of despair and death. Indeed, one could say that the Heartbeat Conference has once again shown in living color the meaning of the Scripture, “Love is stronger than death!” (Songs 8:6).

    LifeNews.com Note:  Frank Pavone is the national director for Priests for Life.

    The post Pregnancy Center Conference Brings Pro-Life People Together to Help Women and Save Babies appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  43. Site: AsiaNews.it
    4 days 22 hours ago
    The fate of Yang Xiamong, the chairman of the China National Biotec Group, went viral on Weibo. According to official media, he is accused of "serious discipline and law violations'. Since last summer, China's pharmaceutical sector been one of the most affected by the anti-corruption campaign with hundreds of officials under investigation.
  44. Site: Steyn Online
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Does anyone still talk about the Three Rs in education? That would be reading, writing and racism ...whoops, my mistake, 'rithmetic. It isn't difficult. Every weekend, my inbox fills up with readers demanding to know what I think about this or that news
  45. Site: Steyn Online
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Just ahead of Part Eleven of our nightly audio adventure, a reminder that this weekend I'll be launching a new music show on Serenade Radio, every Saturday at 5pm British Summer Time/12 noon North American Eastern. This weekend's music special - with me
  46. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Biden Looks To Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement

    Soon on the heels of President Biden last week signing into law a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine's defense, President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday indicated that he's working with Washington on a bilateral security agreement which would last ten years.

    "We are already working on a specific text," Zelensky said in his nightly video address. "Our goal is to make this agreement the strongest of all."

    Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP

    "We are discussing the specific foundations of our security and cooperation. We are also working on fixing specific levels of support for this year and the next 10 years."

    He indicated it will likely include agreements on long-term support centering on military hardware and joint arms production, as well as continuing reconstruction aid. "The agreement should be truly exemplary and reflect the strength of American leadership," Zelensky added.

    But ultimately a key purpose in locking such a long-term deal in would be to keep it immune from potential interference by a future Trump administration.

    Below is what The Wall Street Journal spelled out last year:

    The goal is to make sure Ukraine will be strong enough in the future to deter Russia from attacking it again. More immediately, Ukraine’s Western allies hope to discourage the Kremlin from thinking it can wait out the Biden administration for a potentially more sympathetic successor in the White House

    Western officials are looking for ways to lock in pledges of support and limit future governments’ abilities to backtrack, amid fears in European capitals that Donald Trump, if he recaptures the White House, would seek to scale back aid. Trump has a wide lead in early polling in the Republican presidential primary field, but soundly lost the 2020 election to President Biden and has been indicted in four criminal cases in state and federal courts. 

    We and others have previously underscored that NATO and G7 countries are desperately trying to "Trump-proof" future aid to Ukraine and the effort to counter Russia.

    As for its first new weapons package in the wake of the $61 billion being authorized, the Biden administration has announced new arms packages totaling $7 billion. The US has vowed to rush the weapons to Kiev, given that by all indicators its forces are not doing well on the frontlines.

    "We are still waiting for the supplies promised to Ukraine – we expect exactly the volume and content of supplies that can change the situation on the battlefield in the interests of Ukraine," Zelensky had said over the weekend. "And it is important that every agreement we have reached is implemented – everything that will yield practical results on the battlefield and boost the morale of everyone on the frontline. In a conversation with Mr. Jeffries, I emphasized the need for Patriot systems, they are needed as soon as possible."

    Zelensky announces that Ukraine is working on a security agreement with the U.S. that will fix levels of support for the next 10 years. The $61 billion was just the beginning. The next two U.S. presidents won’t be able to switch it off. pic.twitter.com/q1RWCxf93m

    — David Sacks (@DavidSacks) April 28, 2024

    But all of this means the war will be prolonged, and this puts negotiations much further away on the horizon, despite what are now daily acknowledgements of Ukraine forces being beaten back. Currently the governments of Greece and Spain are being pressured by EU and NATO leadership to hand over what few Patriot systems they possess to Kiev. The rationale is that they don't need them as urgently as Ukraine does.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 10:00
  47. Site: Ron Paul Institute - Featured Articles
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Jonathan Turley

    Nina Jankowicz  is back . . . with a vengeance. The former head of the infamous “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security is now heading a private disinformation group called the American Sunlight Project. With a close election looming in November, Jankowicz has found funding to “to expose and oppose efforts to weaponize disinformation in the United States.” The establishment of the group is only the latest example of how many in politics and media are doubling down on efforts to paint opposing views as dangerous for democracy as the nation readies for a historic election.

    Jankowicz promises that “Once researchers are free to conduct their essential work, the American people will gain a better understanding of the nature and severity of the disinformation threats we face,” she said. “Disinformation knows no political party. Its ultimate victim is our democracy.”

    It is not clear who has funded the new project in an election year. However, the co-founder  is Carlos Álvarez-Aranyos, who is best known for his association with Protect Democracy, a group viewed by many as an anti-Trump and highly political outfit. Protect Democracy sued the Trump campaign based on the debunked Russian collusion claims that “the Trump Campaign conspired with Russian agents and Wikileaks to strategically disseminate the information Russia had hacked and that, in exchange, the Campaign would help Russia advance its foreign policy goals.”

    The lawsuit was dismissed.

    Many would call that lawsuit and the Russian collusion claims to be “disinformation,” but there is a clear bias in what is given this designation by groups pushing blacklists and censorship.

    For example, according to an investigation by the Washington Examiner, the federal government helped to fund the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which discourages advertisers from supporting sites accused of promoting disinformation.

    All 10 of the sites that GDI claimed were the riskiest are popular with conservatives, libertarians and independents. GDI warned advertisers that they were accepting “reputational and brand risk” by “financially supporting disinformation online.”

    The “risky” sites included Reason, a libertarian-oriented source of news and commentary about the government. Conversely, HuffPost, a far left media outlet, was included among the 10 sites at lowest risk of spreading disinformation. (GDI included USA TODAY in this group.)

    I have been a long critic of Jankowicz, who became an instant Internet sensation due to a musical number in which she sang “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation” in a TikTok parody of the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” She later moved to join a European group as a foreign agent to continue her work to block views that she considers disinformation.

    Jankowicz portrays herself as a defender of free speech who opposed efforts to censor viewpoints. As one of her critics, I strongly contest that self-portrayal.

    When she was appointed the executive director of the Disinformation Governance Board in April 2022, she was tasked with combating “disinformation” on subjects ranging from the U.S. southern border to other forms of disinformation.

    While Jankowicz objects to the “overly personalized, false, and incendiary coverage of me,” it is only the false part that is actionable. Coverage is allowed to be “personalized” and even “incendiary” so long as it is true or protected opinion.

    She was previously criticized for allegedly spreading disinformation and advocating censorship,

    Jankowicz previously argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online by reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and including “provisions against online gender-based harassment.”

    For @WIRED, I wrote about the online gendered abuse I experienced, and the attacks we tracked against @KamalaHarris, @AOC, @IlhanMN, & more.

    Platforms and governments aren't doing enough. It's time to act. Our national security and democracy are at stake. https://t.co/RxEiPS78X3

    — Nina Jankowicz (@wiczipedia) January 28, 2021

    Jankowicz testified before the British House of Parliament about “gender misinformation” being a “national security concern” and a threat to democracy requiring government censorship.

    She demanded that both tech companies and government should work together using “creativity and technological prowess to make a pariah of online misogyny.”

    On the Hunter Biden laptop, Jankowicz pushed the false narrative that it was a false story and that “we should view it as a Trump campaign product.” She continued to spread that disinformation, including tweeting a link to a news article that she said cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.” In another tweet, she added “not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”

    She even cited the author of the infamous Steele Dossier as a guide for how to deal with disinformation. In August 2020, Jankowicz tweeted “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen.” The Steele Dossier was viewed by American intelligence as relying on a suspected Russian agent as a source. These officials warned that it was itself used as a possible Russian disinformation vehicle.

    She also joined the panic over the Musk threat to reintroduce free speech values to Twitter. In an interview on NPR, she stated “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities.”

    In addition to her co-founder’s past advocacy, Jankowicz assembled a board that has been challenged as showing past bias. Two of the four members have close ties to Brookings Institution that was deeply involved in the Russian collusion hoax.

    The new project is expected to follow the same transparently biased judgments over what is “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” (MDM) from the Biden Administration. The government has used this rationale to coordinate censorship in what it has called the “MDM space.”

    For example, within DHS, Jen Easterly, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, extended her agency’s mandate over critical infrastructure to include “our cognitive infrastructure.” The resulting censorship efforts included combating “malinformation” – described as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.” I testified earlier on this effort.

    Jankowicz famously sang how “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation.” Once again, when it comes to the use of disinformation to effectively silence others, Nina Jankowicz remains “practically perfect in every way.

    Reprinted with permission from JonathanTurley.org.

  48. Site: LifeNews
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Joshua Mercer

    According to recent reports, birth and fertility rates in the United States have plummeted to the lowest levels since they have been recorded.

    CNN reported Thursday that according to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “There were about 3.6 million babies born in 2023, or 54.4 live births for every 1,000 females ages 15 to 44.”

    The same day, Axios indicated that the “U.S. fertility rate in 2023 amounted to about 1.62 births per woman — well below the ‘replacement rate’ of 2.1 that would allow a generation to completely replace itself.”

    Per Axios, according to the government data, birth rates “fell among adult women younger than 40 and were unchanged for women in their 40s.” Furthermore, “[b]irth rates declined across nearly all racial groups.”

    “After a steep plunge in the first year of the [COVID] pandemic, the fertility rate has fluctuated,” CNN added. “But the 3% drop between 2022 and 2023 brought the rate just below the previous low from 2020, which was 56 births for every 1,000 women of reproductive age.”

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    In reaction to this data NCHS statistician Dr. Brady Hamilton stated: “We’ve certainly had larger declines in the past. But decline fits the general pattern.”

    The NCHS is a unit of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is in turn an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

    In addition, CNN’s report noted that states with pro-life laws on the books “had an average fertility rate that was 2.3% higher than states where abortion was not restricted in the first half of 2023, leading to about 32,000 more births than expected.”

    City Journal senior editor Steven Malanga referenced a similar fact in his recent article “Baby Blues.”

    “One thing that stands out in the United States, however, is how fertility differs among the states—ranging from a low of 1.27 in Vermont to nearly replacement-level in South Dakota,” Malanga wrote.

    “Notably, the states with the highest birthrates are overwhelmingly Republican, and those with the lowest are disproportionately Democratic,” he pointed out. “What, if anything, can this tell us?”

    Malanga continued:

    The 17 states with the highest general fertility rates are all designated by Cook Political Report as Republican, or GOP-leaning, including such Republican strongholds as North Dakota, Nebraska, Louisiana, Utah, and Texas. By contrast, the bottom six states—and nine of the ten states with the lowest fertility rates—are all either Democratic or Democratic-leaning

    Others near the bottom include Rhode Island, Oregon, Massachusetts, Washington, and California. Only two Democratic states have birthrates above the national average, compared with 20 Republican states with above-average fertility.

    “Marriage is certainly a key element in understanding state-level fertility data and birthrates more generally,” he wrote later in the article. “While women may have children outside of marriage, studies consistently show that married couples are more committed, stay together longer, and have more children than do unmarried individuals.”

    “Perhaps the most important thing that government can accomplish when it comes to fertility is to do no harm,” Malanga emphasized:

    Recent American social policy may well have discouraged marriage, especially among low-income recipients of federal and state government aid. Similarly, local governments played a decisive role in pushing up American housing costs—and creating the disincentives to having children that those costs present.

    In response to the news of plunging birth rates X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk wrote on his platform, “While many other countries are worse, America is trending towards extinction!”

    Musk has 11 children.

    The Daily Wire senior reporter Ryan Saavedra wrote on X: “American women are having fewer children, later in life. Women are establishing fulfilling careers and have more access to contraception.”

    Readers can find Malanga’s full City Journal article here.

    LifeNews Note: Joshua Mercer writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

    The post Birth Rates Plummet to Historic Lows, Lowest in Blue States With Abortions Up to Birth appeared first on LifeNews.com.

  49. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Intervention Or Not, Yen Bears Will Stay Confident

    By Vassilis Karamanis, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and FX strategist

    Unless Japanese authorities show their hand with conviction when it comes to intervening in the spot market, the yen is bound to stay under pressure over the medium-term.

    The currency’s sharp rally this morning certainly looks like an intervention — it’s not often that we get a 500-pip move seemingly out of nowhere. But thin liquidity due to a public holiday in Japan that forced algorithmic trading to take over as trailing stops were triggered could be what’s driven the market. The fact that traders aren’t sure this is an official hand supporting the yen is telling. Masato Kanda, the nation’s top currency official, said no comment when asked about the moves.

    The market has been testing Japanese authorities’ patience — or determination — when it comes to yen weakness for some time now. And it will keep on doing so for as long as intervention threats are seen as a clumsily-played bluff.

    The yen kept breaching through one big level after the other on Friday against the dollar and everyone’s question was whether we would finally have official yen buying before a long weekend in Japan. The answer was an emphatic no.

    Did price action Friday actually give Japanese authorities the green light to intervene in the spot market?

    The yen fell by the most since October on an intraday basis, for a two standard-deviation move; one-week realized volatility touched a one-month high

    It was down 3.5% on a ten-day basis; Kanda said that a 4% move over two weeks doesn’t reflect fundamentals and is unusual
    Over one month, the dollar was up by around seven big figures against the Japanese currency; Kanda has said that a 10-yen move over such a time period is considered rapid.

    So in nominal terms, we could argue it was justified that no intervention took place, given a simple rates-check during a Japan holiday could actually do the trick. But in real terms, no one would blame Japanese authorities if they went beyond their official guidelines to step in the spot market. It’s not just about the 350-pip day range that took place. It’s the starting point that also matters. Fresh 34-year lows were hit Thursday.

    Traders could see lack of official yen buying as an attempt to find excuses in order to stay pat. After all, a weaker currency in theory accelerates inflationary dynamics that will eventually support the Bank of Japan as to signal a more-aggressive-than priced in tightening bias — which could really be a game changing moment for the currency, especially if at the same time the Federal Reserve will indeed be close to easing its own policy.

    And as long as credibility comes to the question, the more confident traders will be to re-add dollar longs in case the Ministry of Finance does decide to intervene. There was some speculation during the weekend that Japan is waiting for the Fed meeting and the release of the next US jobs report due this week before deciding to press the button. To me, it doesn’t matter so much if this is credible thinking, but the mere fact traders are discussing it shows the ball is moving away from officials’ court.

    It’s not easy going against a central bank. In poker terms, policymakers always start the game with a pair of aces. But the flop did no favors to them and their raise on the turn looks miscalculated. Maybe the upcoming river will see traders winning this hand despite Monday’s retreat for the dollar that at the time of writing has no official confirmation it was down to spot intervention.

    Tyler Durden Mon, 04/29/2024 - 09:45
  50. Site: Ron Paul Institute - Featured Articles
    4 days 22 hours ago
    Author: Ron Paul

    President Biden’s campaign will continue using the popular social media site TikTok even though the president supported a provision in the military aid bill he recently signed forcing TikTok’s parent company ByteDance to sell TikTok within 270 days. If ByteDance does not sell TikTok within the required time, TikTok will be banned in the USA. Biden’s continued use of TikTok to reach the approximately 150 million American TikTok users, is not the only example of hypocrisy from politicians who support the TikTok ban.

    The TikTok ban was driven by claims that, because ByteDance is a Chinese company, TikTok is controlled by the Chinese government and, thus. is helping the Chinese government collect data on American citizens. However, the only tie ByteDance has to the Chinese government is via a Chinese government controlled company that owns a small amount of stock in a separate ByteDance operation. Furthermore, ByteDance stores its data in an American facility not accessible by the Chinese government.

    Just days before passing the TikTok ban, the same Senate that is so concerned about TikTok’s alleged violations of Americans’ privacy passed the FISA reauthorization bill. This bill not only extended existing authorities for warrantless wiretapping and surveillance, it made it easier for government agencies to spy on American citizens. It did this by requiring anyone with access to a targeted individual’s electronic device to cooperate with intelligence agencies.

    Supporters of banning TikTok also cited concerns over the site’s “content moderation” policies. These policies reportedly forbid postings embarrassing to the Chinese government such as some related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square confrontation or the Free Tibet movement.

    TikTok, like most social media platforms, engages in content moderation. The TikTok ban was supported by Democrats, including President Biden, who have a history of “encouraging” social media companies to censor Americans from using social media to spread “fake news.”

    Fake news is defined as anything that contradicts the Democrat or “woke” agenda, including the truth about covid origins, dangers, and treatments; whether democracy was really threatened on January 6; and the full story of Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

    One major reason behind strong bipartisan support for the TikTok ban is the wish to engage in a cold war with China. ByteDance’s Chinese connection makes it a convenient target to help foster anti-Chinese sentiment. Sadly, the anti-Chinese hysteria is a bipartisan phenomenon and has even infected some politicians who take sensible positions on US intervention in Ukraine.

    Another major reason banning TikTok has strong bipartisan support is that the site is being used by many young people to share information on the Israeli government’s action in Gaza. The head of the Anti-Defamation League was actually caught on tape complaining about the “TikTok problem.” This use of TikTok made TikTok a target for the many politicians who think the First Amendment makes an exception for speech critical of Israel.

    The silver lining in the TikTok ban is it is waking up more Americans, especially young Americans, to the threat the out-of-control welfare-warfare-surveillance state poses to their liberty and prosperity. This provides a great opportunity to spread the ideas of liberty and grow the liberty movement.


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