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  1. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Fraudulent Logic Guides The UK Smoking Ban

    Authored by Owen Ashworth via The Mises Institute,

    It is the waning days of the Sunak premiership, and the Conservative party still has a stonking majority despite its cataclysmic capitulation in the polls. The government is effectively a lame duck; everyone knows it has no support, yet it will still be around for a few more months. One would think that since the Conservative party still has a large majority in the House of Commons that it would let loose with policy and attempt real reform so that the MPs have something to take to the people when election time begins.

    The Conservative party could radically reform the housing sector so that young people do not turn their backs even more on the free market, they could be tackling NHS reform so our healthcare could match, or even surpass, international standards. Alas, it chose the path that states around the world naturally desire: more state intervention.

    The prime minister has decided to go on a crusade against smoking! The government passed its legislation that effectively bans smoking for those born after 2009. The government says it is doing this to reduce the burden on the NHS, billions of pounds will be saved in the long run due to fewer people developing smoking related illnesses. The NHS needs saving so the conservatives are standing their defense of the legislation on the grounds they know are extremely popular amongst the electorate. Perhaps this is the perfect encapsulation of how MPs being guided by public opinion necessitates creation of bad policy.

    Members of Parliament from all political parties voted for the legislation showing bipartisanship is alive and well. MPs scrambled to save the NHS and the government’s reasoning that this legislation saves the NHS billions is magnificent PR for all parties. There is a bigger matter at stake here, bodily autonomy. You own yourself, and this is indisputable. Thus, you can put whatever you like in your body as long as it does not harm anybody else. I will return later why this applies to smoking despite it seemingly violating the rule I have set out through the creation of second-hand smoke. If the sole reasoning behind running roughshod over one’s bodily autonomy is to save the NHS billions of pounds, then this logic raises absolutely zero issues with a rather uncomfortable number of crazy policies.

    Obesity is becoming a major health issue in the UK, particularly in children, it will undoubtedly cost the NHS billions of pounds to treat these people once they get to an age where the massive medical issues become prevalent. To save the NHS, we should force feed these people a healthy diet so they lose the weight and do not develop costly obesity related diseases. In fact, we should force feed everyone a healthy and balanced diet so a myriad of other diet related health issues does not cost the NHS billions in treatment.

    You see how this is nutty right? They would clearly object to these policies but there is nothing in their own logic telling them it is wrong. This means the matter of bodily autonomy to them is a completely arbitrary one, there is no limit except one they “feel” is just about right. Bodily autonomy is not an arbitrary matter; you either own yourself or you don’t. There can be no in-between unless you want to take the massive risk of going down a dystopian path where bodily autonomy is slowly chipped away until you have none left, since it is entirely arbitrary for our politicians to decide. State policy should never be decided based on a completely incoherent, inconsistent and arbitrary view on your right to self-ownership.

    Reason Magazine does an amazing series titled “Great Moments in Unintended Consequences”. Readers should watch a few of their videos in that series because they illustrate how the law of unintended consequences can create some absolutely wild outcomes. It also relates to the smoking ban. The government has been slowly restricting smoking over the years until its now becoming a full-fledged ban where it is entirely realistic to say that in 30 years there may be very few people who can legally smoke. The UK had not even reached the stage of a complete ban before the vaping market exploded.

    While this is anecdotal, I have witnessed how the development of the vaping market has meant that people who I thought would never touch that stuff have happily accepted vaping as part of their life. Vaping is becoming something of an epidemic amongst young people who would never have smoked normal cigarettes but the government has slowly restricted the market for normal cigarettes, creating the market for vapes. Obviously, the government did not intend to create the perfect storm for such an unintended consequence, yet it has done just that and we will not know for years if the storm will make landfall and destroy any of the savings accumulated from the smoking ban through health issues created by excessive vaping.

    The law of unintended consequences is well-established, yet state actors will never connect the dots that lead to the problems. It is also quite amusing (but incredibly revealing about the level of thought our leaders do) to hear from contributors to the Politics Live daily show that they want to heavily restrict vaping too! They even acknowledge that mass vaping is an unintended consequence of the restrictions on smoking, but their solution is to further restrict vaping because, presumably, they will get it right this time with no further unintended consequences.

    Returning to how we should deal with second hand smoke. This is a problem entirely perpetuated by the state. Any of the public areas that the state purports to own are havens for smokers who know there will be no private citizen who can legally tell them to stop. If public property did not exist, then private owners could either choose to accept or refuse smokers who will create second hand smoke on their property. That way, individuals would clearly know which route to take and what establishments allow smoking and refuse to allow smoking.

    The conception of public property supported through our current system allows for actions that some people do not approve of with no restriction. If all property were private, then we could easily control the actions we wish to approve or disapprove. Smokers can frequent those dark and cloudy bars that are ever-present in some of our favorite classic films while those who do not wish to have any relation to such activity can completely avoid those establishments. Clear, coherent private property law shifts the choices about second hand smoke to individuals instead of taking it away from them.

    The smoking ban is an entirely ludicrous policy. To add one last dash of inconsistency to the mix, the government also wants to reduce the burden on police for events they describe as “non-police demands.” The logic is the exact same for the smoking ban but the legislation will be incredibly costly to enforce so it is just going to lead to demands for more funding for the police as they need extra resources to deal with the extra workload now heaped on them by this legislation; the inconsistency is alarming.

    Rishi Sunak could have gone to his government, acknowledged that he will most likely lose the next election and decide to fight for what really matters but alas, he chose to be a spineless individual and further drive us down the slippery slope towards zero bodily autonomy. Even his own reasoning for the ban perfectly captures the pitiful level of thought that goes into his (along with many other members of the government, including most other political parties) decisions. The smoking ban should clearly magnify to everyone the state of our supposed political leaders and how intellectually shallow they really are.

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 08:10
  2. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Fraudulent Logic Guides The UK Smoking Ban

    Authored by Owen Ashworth via The Mises Institute,

    It is the waning days of the Sunak premiership, and the Conservative party still has a stonking majority despite its cataclysmic capitulation in the polls. The government is effectively a lame duck; everyone knows it has no support, yet it will still be around for a few more months. One would think that since the Conservative party still has a large majority in the House of Commons that it would let loose with policy and attempt real reform so that the MPs have something to take to the people when election time begins.

    The Conservative party could radically reform the housing sector so that young people do not turn their backs even more on the free market, they could be tackling NHS reform so our healthcare could match, or even surpass, international standards. Alas, it chose the path that states around the world naturally desire: more state intervention.

    The prime minister has decided to go on a crusade against smoking! The government passed its legislation that effectively bans smoking for those born after 2009. The government says it is doing this to reduce the burden on the NHS, billions of pounds will be saved in the long run due to fewer people developing smoking related illnesses. The NHS needs saving so the conservatives are standing their defense of the legislation on the grounds they know are extremely popular amongst the electorate. Perhaps this is the perfect encapsulation of how MPs being guided by public opinion necessitates creation of bad policy.

    Members of Parliament from all political parties voted for the legislation showing bipartisanship is alive and well. MPs scrambled to save the NHS and the government’s reasoning that this legislation saves the NHS billions is magnificent PR for all parties. There is a bigger matter at stake here, bodily autonomy. You own yourself, and this is indisputable. Thus, you can put whatever you like in your body as long as it does not harm anybody else. I will return later why this applies to smoking despite it seemingly violating the rule I have set out through the creation of second-hand smoke. If the sole reasoning behind running roughshod over one’s bodily autonomy is to save the NHS billions of pounds, then this logic raises absolutely zero issues with a rather uncomfortable number of crazy policies.

    Obesity is becoming a major health issue in the UK, particularly in children, it will undoubtedly cost the NHS billions of pounds to treat these people once they get to an age where the massive medical issues become prevalent. To save the NHS, we should force feed these people a healthy diet so they lose the weight and do not develop costly obesity related diseases. In fact, we should force feed everyone a healthy and balanced diet so a myriad of other diet related health issues does not cost the NHS billions in treatment.

    You see how this is nutty right? They would clearly object to these policies but there is nothing in their own logic telling them it is wrong. This means the matter of bodily autonomy to them is a completely arbitrary one, there is no limit except one they “feel” is just about right. Bodily autonomy is not an arbitrary matter; you either own yourself or you don’t. There can be no in-between unless you want to take the massive risk of going down a dystopian path where bodily autonomy is slowly chipped away until you have none left, since it is entirely arbitrary for our politicians to decide. State policy should never be decided based on a completely incoherent, inconsistent and arbitrary view on your right to self-ownership.

    Reason Magazine does an amazing series titled “Great Moments in Unintended Consequences”. Readers should watch a few of their videos in that series because they illustrate how the law of unintended consequences can create some absolutely wild outcomes. It also relates to the smoking ban. The government has been slowly restricting smoking over the years until its now becoming a full-fledged ban where it is entirely realistic to say that in 30 years there may be very few people who can legally smoke. The UK had not even reached the stage of a complete ban before the vaping market exploded.

    While this is anecdotal, I have witnessed how the development of the vaping market has meant that people who I thought would never touch that stuff have happily accepted vaping as part of their life. Vaping is becoming something of an epidemic amongst young people who would never have smoked normal cigarettes but the government has slowly restricted the market for normal cigarettes, creating the market for vapes. Obviously, the government did not intend to create the perfect storm for such an unintended consequence, yet it has done just that and we will not know for years if the storm will make landfall and destroy any of the savings accumulated from the smoking ban through health issues created by excessive vaping.

    The law of unintended consequences is well-established, yet state actors will never connect the dots that lead to the problems. It is also quite amusing (but incredibly revealing about the level of thought our leaders do) to hear from contributors to the Politics Live daily show that they want to heavily restrict vaping too! They even acknowledge that mass vaping is an unintended consequence of the restrictions on smoking, but their solution is to further restrict vaping because, presumably, they will get it right this time with no further unintended consequences.

    Returning to how we should deal with second hand smoke. This is a problem entirely perpetuated by the state. Any of the public areas that the state purports to own are havens for smokers who know there will be no private citizen who can legally tell them to stop. If public property did not exist, then private owners could either choose to accept or refuse smokers who will create second hand smoke on their property. That way, individuals would clearly know which route to take and what establishments allow smoking and refuse to allow smoking.

    The conception of public property supported through our current system allows for actions that some people do not approve of with no restriction. If all property were private, then we could easily control the actions we wish to approve or disapprove. Smokers can frequent those dark and cloudy bars that are ever-present in some of our favorite classic films while those who do not wish to have any relation to such activity can completely avoid those establishments. Clear, coherent private property law shifts the choices about second hand smoke to individuals instead of taking it away from them.

    The smoking ban is an entirely ludicrous policy. To add one last dash of inconsistency to the mix, the government also wants to reduce the burden on police for events they describe as “non-police demands.” The logic is the exact same for the smoking ban but the legislation will be incredibly costly to enforce so it is just going to lead to demands for more funding for the police as they need extra resources to deal with the extra workload now heaped on them by this legislation; the inconsistency is alarming.

    Rishi Sunak could have gone to his government, acknowledged that he will most likely lose the next election and decide to fight for what really matters but alas, he chose to be a spineless individual and further drive us down the slippery slope towards zero bodily autonomy. Even his own reasoning for the ban perfectly captures the pitiful level of thought that goes into his (along with many other members of the government, including most other political parties) decisions. The smoking ban should clearly magnify to everyone the state of our supposed political leaders and how intellectually shallow they really are.

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 08:10
  3. Site: AsiaNews.it
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    From the Vatican new call for peace in the Middle East. But also a thought for the 'tormented Ukraine' that 'suffers so much'. Best wishes to the brothers and sisters of the Orthodox Churches for Easter celebrated today, according to the Julian calendar. 'May the Risen Lord comfort the communities that are in trial'.
  4. Site: Novus Motus Liturgicus
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    The narratives, teachings, and poetry of Holy Scripture are occasionally enriched with a technique known as the envelope structure (often called inclusio in Biblical studies). The “envelope” is created by a phrase that is repeated at the beginning and end of a literary unit, as in the following example from Psalm 103, which opens and closes with the speaker exhorting himself to praise God:O my Robert Keimhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/02834375772428838593noreply@blogger.com0
  5. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Israel wants the release of hostages, but will not “surrender” to the Palestinian militant group, the prime minister said

    Israel is willing to pause its military offensive in Gaza if Hamas releases all the surviving hostages kidnapped last October, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday, while rejecting calls for a withdrawal of IDF forces. 

    “Israel will not agree to Hamas’s demands, which mean surrender, and will continue the fighting until all its goals are achieved,” the prime minister said.

    Netanyahu added that Israel is “not ready to accept a situation” in which Hamas retains its military capability and remains control over Gaza, reiterating a position he has stuck to since the war began seven months ago.

    During last year’s attack on Israeli territories near Gaza, Hamas militants killed some 1,200 people and took another 250 hostage. Since then, a number of the captives have been released but around 130 are still being held in the Palestinian enclave.

    Read more  Israeli army troops stand around their tank in an area along the border with the Gaza Strip. Israel comes up with post-war solution for Gaza – NYT

    Last week, Israel officially sent Hamas a ceasefire proposal which suggests a temporary cessation of hostilities to facilitate an exchange of several dozen hostages, with Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails.

    The proposal has been described as “extraordinarily generous” by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has urged Hamas to “decide quickly” and “make the right decision.”

    Hamas, meanwhile, has demanded a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from the besieged Palestinian enclave. In a statement on Sunday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh accused Netanyahu of “aggression and expansion of the circle of conflict,” and accused the Israeli prime minister of “sabotaging the efforts made through the mediators and various parties.”

    As Netanyahu and Haniyeh released duelling statements, American, Egyptian, and Qatari officials met in Cairo on Sunday to discuss the stalled ceasefire talks. Israel did not send a delegation to the negotiations.

    Netanyahu said on Tuesday that Israel will send troops into the Gazan city of Rafah, regardless of whether it reaches a ceasefire and hostage-release deal with Hamas.

    Situated at Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, Rafah is currently home to an estimated 1.4 million Palestinians who have fled the northern part of the enclave. Since October, Israel has carried out regular missile strikes on Rafah against what it claims are Hamas targets, and Netanyahu has threatened for months to launch a ground invasion of the city, despite objections from the US and UN.

  6. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    Georgia Accuses Washington of trying to overthrow the country in order to open a second front against Russia

    Paul Craig Roberts

    It is just as I said, and Putin’s inability to recognize reality and endlessly prolonging the conflict in Ukraine is bringing Russia and the world more trouble.

    Putin’s dithering has now brought the French Foreign Legion to the front lines in Ukraine, and western Ukraine is accumulating NATO troops. As I have emphasized from the beginning, wars need to be quickly won, not extended indefinitely.

    Putin pretends he is engaged in a limited military operation when in fact he is at war with the West.

    The limited operation has spun out of control precisely as I said it would. Now there are Western troops and intelligence services involved, and Russia has to defend against long-range missiles striking deep into Russia while Washington schemes to open a second front against Russia and to separate China from Russia. Utter disaster will be the consequence of Putin’s refusal to win the war. Putin’s dithering has greatly expanded NATO on Russia’s borders with the addition of Finland and Sweden and allowed NATO to plan for war with Russia just as Putin’s dithering over Donbas provided the US with eight years to create a large Ukrainian army. Consequently, Russia’s self-defense now requires the use of nuclear weapons. There is no sign of the West coming to its senses. Putin is relying on a chimera.


  7. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    PCR On Target with Larry Sparano
    How the’ve Grabbed your Money
    The Great Dispossession Part 2

  8. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    Has the US Supreme Court Received Orders to Deep-six the First Amendment?

    The Rutherford Institute Explains: https://mailchi.mp/rutherford/scotus-lays-groundwork-for-cops-to-chill-first-amendment-activity?e=c5472441ea

  9. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3
  10. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    Japan’s Top Cancer Expert Concludes that the Covid “vaccines” have produced turbo cancer and “diseases unheard of”

    We cannot trust the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, medical boards, Big Pharma or our own indoctrinated doctors with our health. They have a different agenda.


  11. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    The American Media Is a Laughing Stock and the Servant of Evil

    In “The Unconscious Civilization” (House of Anansi, 1995; Free Press, 1997) John Ralston Saul, the Canadian scholar and writer, was early in identifying the disconnection between language, as used in our public discourse, and reality. The expansion of knowledge has not produced an expansion of consciousness, Saul observed. It has instead caused us to take refuge in a universe of illusions wherein clear language becomes a kind of transgression. We render ourselves unconscious. Ideologies substitute for thought.

    The clarity of language used by students protesting the genocide of Palestine violates the requirement that language be used to obscure reality. Thus the protesters are hated.

    China laughs at America. According to this source ( https://www.unz.com ) a reporter on China’s CCTV said “Jews represent a mere 3% of the US population but control more than 70% of its wealth and is US’ most influential minority. Six or seven Jews control 200+ of US’ most influential companies.”

    Is this true? We will never know, because if it is true it is anti-semitic and with the bill just passed by Congress carries a prison sentence.

    Criminalizing speech alleged to be anti-semitic is just the beginning. We are already headed into an educational system where stepping outside what is permissible to think and to speak is punishable.

  12. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    4 weeks 4 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    In the West Parents Are Responsible for Children but are denied Control over Children

    Governments hold parents responsible but have taken away parental control. The lack of parental control applies to serious things such as abortion and sex change as well as to pronouns. In the West the level of government intrusion in the family is more oppressive than it was in the Soviet Union.


  13. Site: Novus Motus Liturgicus
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    We are very glad to welcome a new contributor to our writing staff, Mr Robert W. Keim, a secular brother of the London Oratory of St Philip Neri, a linguist, and a literary scholar specializing in the poetic and dramatic literature of the English Renaissance. A longtime student of the arts and spirituality of sacred liturgy, Robert teaches university courses in rhetoric, recently completed a new Gregory DiPippohttp://www.blogger.com/profile/13295638279418781125noreply@blogger.com0
  14. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Trump Develops 'Detailed' Plan On Achieving Ukraine Peace: Telegraph

    Trump has long touted on the campaign trail that he can stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours while taking shots a Biden's inability to oversee a negotiation that would ultimately end the war.

    The Daily Telegraph is now reporting, citing an unnamed source who is said to be close to the former president and current GOP frontrunner going into the November election, that Trump has developed a detailed plan for achieving Ukraine peace.

    AFP via Getty Images

    "There is a plan, but he’s not going to debate it with cable news networks because then you lose all leverage," the source said.

    Below is the section of the Friday Telegraph report which previews the plan

    A source close to the Trump campaign has told The Telegraph that a detailed Ukraine-Russia peace plan has been drawn up but will not yet be disclosed in any detail before his in an effort to maintain leverage.

    Mr Trump will style himself as the only candidate who can end the war, with a simple “bumper-sticker” slogan, they said.

    “He wants to stop the killing,” said the source. “That’s the bumper sticker: Trump will stop the killing.”

    Last month a Washington Post report claimed that key to Trump's plan would be pressuring Kiev to permanently give up Crimea and part of the Donbas to the Russians.

    The Post had cited aides who said the plan is to push for "Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas border region to Russia" in return for an end the Russian occupation and invasion.

    But the truth is that at the very least Kiev would have to forever relinquish claims of sovereignty over Crimea. Moscow is also never going to let go to the four annexed territories in the east.

    But Trump had slammed the apparently premature report as "fake news". At the time a statement from the Trump campaign said "The whole thing is fake news from the Washington Post. They’re just making it up." Spokesman Jason Miller did emphasize, however, that "President Trump is the only one talking about stopping the killing. Joe Biden is talking about more killing."

    Meanwhile, things on the battlefield are making it increasingly clear that Ukraine may soon have no other option. The country's military and intelligence leadership also appears to be coming around to the hard reality that it will have to surrender territory, or else continue suffering massive losses and ceded ground. The Telegraph writes in its fresh report:

    Ukraine is preparing for peace talks with Russia as there is “no way to win on the battlefield alone”, Kyiv’s deputy spy chief has said.

    Maj Gen Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s HUR military intelligence agency, said both sides were currently vying for “the most favorable position” ahead of possible negotiations in 2025.

    As with virtually all wars, negotiations will likely be the final stage of the conflict, he told the Economist.

    Yet President Zelensky himself has yet to echo this perspective. Instead he's currently urging the West for more and more advanced weapons, and talking about "ten year defense" plans ensured by the US and Kiev's backers.

    He has further recently said that if Ukraine ever hopes to formally join NATO, it must 'win' against Russia - which at this point seems in the realm of fantasy. The White House has so far done nothing to dispel this fantasy, but has instead encouraged it.

    Russian state media had captured and translated key lines of Zelensky's address. "I believe that we will be in NATO only if we win. I don’t think that we will be admitted [...] during the war," Zelensky had said during a meeting with officers. Ukrainian sources also confirmed the remarks.

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 07:35
  15. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Trump Develops 'Detailed' Plan On Achieving Ukraine Peace: Telegraph

    Trump has long touted on the campaign trail that he can stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours while taking shots a Biden's inability to oversee a negotiation that would ultimately end the war.

    The Daily Telegraph is now reporting, citing an unnamed source who is said to be close to the former president and current GOP frontrunner going into the November election, that Trump has developed a detailed plan for achieving Ukraine peace.

    AFP via Getty Images

    "There is a plan, but he’s not going to debate it with cable news networks because then you lose all leverage," the source said.

    Below is the section of the Friday Telegraph report which previews the plan

    A source close to the Trump campaign has told The Telegraph that a detailed Ukraine-Russia peace plan has been drawn up but will not yet be disclosed in any detail before his in an effort to maintain leverage.

    Mr Trump will style himself as the only candidate who can end the war, with a simple “bumper-sticker” slogan, they said.

    “He wants to stop the killing,” said the source. “That’s the bumper sticker: Trump will stop the killing.”

    Last month a Washington Post report claimed that key to Trump's plan would be pressuring Kiev to permanently give up Crimea and part of the Donbas to the Russians.

    The Post had cited aides who said the plan is to push for "Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas border region to Russia" in return for an end the Russian occupation and invasion.

    But the truth is that at the very least Kiev would have to forever relinquish claims of sovereignty over Crimea. Moscow is also never going to let go to the four annexed territories in the east.

    But Trump had slammed the apparently premature report as "fake news". At the time a statement from the Trump campaign said "The whole thing is fake news from the Washington Post. They’re just making it up." Spokesman Jason Miller did emphasize, however, that "President Trump is the only one talking about stopping the killing. Joe Biden is talking about more killing."

    Meanwhile, things on the battlefield are making it increasingly clear that Ukraine may soon have no other option. The country's military and intelligence leadership also appears to be coming around to the hard reality that it will have to surrender territory, or else continue suffering massive losses and ceded ground. The Telegraph writes in its fresh report:

    Ukraine is preparing for peace talks with Russia as there is “no way to win on the battlefield alone”, Kyiv’s deputy spy chief has said.

    Maj Gen Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s HUR military intelligence agency, said both sides were currently vying for “the most favorable position” ahead of possible negotiations in 2025.

    As with virtually all wars, negotiations will likely be the final stage of the conflict, he told the Economist.

    Yet President Zelensky himself has yet to echo this perspective. Instead he's currently urging the West for more and more advanced weapons, and talking about "ten year defense" plans ensured by the US and Kiev's backers.

    He has further recently said that if Ukraine ever hopes to formally join NATO, it must 'win' against Russia - which at this point seems in the realm of fantasy. The White House has so far done nothing to dispel this fantasy, but has instead encouraged it.

    Russian state media had captured and translated key lines of Zelensky's address. "I believe that we will be in NATO only if we win. I don’t think that we will be admitted [...] during the war," Zelensky had said during a meeting with officers. Ukrainian sources also confirmed the remarks.

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 07:35
  16. Site: AsiaNews.it
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    A study sponsored in London by the British and Foreign Bible Society measures the impact of the arrival of more than 200,000 Hong Kongers in the country over the past three years. There are now 18% Christians in the communities, a much higher percentage than in China, Taiwan or Hong Kong. But even among those who are not linked to any religious denomination, interest in Christianity is emerging.
  17. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Largest Review On Transgender-Youth Medicine Finds Insufficient Evidence For Medicalization

    Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    England may be the third country to withdraw from a “gender-affirming” treatment pathway due to recommendations from a long-awaited report.

    (Illustration by The Epoch Times, The Cass Review, Getty Images, Freepik)

    In April, the country published the Cass Review, “most comprehensive summary on transgender-youth medicine,” psychologist Erica Anderson, who identifies as transgender and has a doctorate in clinical psychology, told The Epoch Times.

    The review, chaired by Dr. Hilary Cass, British honorary physician, consultant in pediatric disability, and former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, stated that there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate the long-term benefits of medicalizing children who want to identify as a different gender. Instead, the review recommends focusing on psychotherapy.

    For some clinicians and researchers, this recommendation was a long time coming. Others are concerned that it potentially threatens medicalization—currently the primary treatment—for gender-incongruent youths.

    The National Health Service (NHS) England, which commissioned the report in 2020, stated it would be committed to following through on the recommendations.

    [The Cass Review] final report will not just shape the future of healthcare in this country for children and young people experiencing gender distress but will be of major international importance and significance,” the statement read.

    Eight days after the Cass Review’s release, Scotland’s health boards announced a pause on new prescriptions for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones as they gather evidence to support the safety and clinical effectiveness of these medications.

    ‘End of the Era’

    The Cass Review is based on the work of 237 papers, including 214 studies, 21 guidelines, and two position statements, which covered data of over 113,000 children and young people. The authors also analyzed anonymized data from over 3,700 children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, survey responses from professionals, and numerous interviews and testimonies from stakeholders of the issue.

    The review team commissioned researchers at the University of York to conduct systematic reviews of these papers and get feedback by interviewing young gender-incongruent children, their parents, and clinicians.

    The University of York disclosed that it interviewed 12 young people who were part of voluntary organizations or the UK’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), along with 12 parents. The university researchers also interviewed clinicians at the UK’s gender identity clinics.

    Additionally, Dr. Cass also interviewed numerous transgender youths, adults, parents of these children, advocacy groups, psychologists, pediatricians, and related clinicians, both British and international, though the number of interviewees was undisclosed. She also wanted to do a follow-up with 9,000 patients referred to England’s Tavistock Centre, but that could not be done due to the lack of cooperation from all but one adult clinic.

    The review found insufficient and inconclusive evidence demonstrating the effectiveness and benefits of gender reassignment treatments for children. Additionally, many of these children are on the autism spectrum and share mental comorbidities often overshadowed by the medicalization model.

    Dr. Cass hence advised cautionary psychological interventions while also leaving room for children to explore their identities.

    The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), a medical group that advocates for evidence-driven research on transgender care, stated that for England, the review marked “the end of the era of a highly medicalized approach to the treatment of young people with gender-related distress,” which has come to be known as “gender-affirming” care.

    The report also mentioned that while medicalization comprising puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery, known as the “Dutch Protocol,” was invented in the Netherlands in the 1990s, the concept of “gender affirmation”—accepting children’s gender identity at face value—actually originated in the United States and then spread internationally.

    As a result of the review, children under 18 in England will not be treated using such protocol but with the same level of care as other youths with mental health struggles. Finland and Sweden made similar changes in 2023.

    The NHS Tavistock Centre, England's first gender-identity development service for children, in London on April 10, 2024. (Henry Nicholls/AFP via Getty Images)

    Puberty blockers and hormones will only be made available to 16-year-olds and older under the context of research-controlled conditions. Therefore, experimentation of such treatment on minors will be hindered.

    “So as the Cass report made clear, they can design a study, but the study has to be approved by a larger body that passes on its ethics,” said Dr. Stephen Levine, clinical professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University.

    Top Findings and Suggestions

    The report found that, unexpectedly, most current influential guidelines have been determined based on board consensus instead of science.

    Most of the current guidelines were influenced by two American standards of care: the 2012 World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) and the Endocrine Society 2009.

    Both relied on a consensus process among professionals to decide on the best treatment for gender dysphoria and were built upon one another. WPATH members were co-sponsors of the Endocrine Society guidelines. WPATH’s 2012 standards of care adopted the Endocrine Society’s consensus-based recommendations but did not refer to WPATH’s own systematic review data, which found inconclusive evidence of the benefits of hormone therapy.

    The recommendations from these guidelines were then referred to by subsequent guidelines, snowballing into what we now see.

    The Cass Review is not about “rolling back on people’s rights to healthcare,” Dr. Cass wrote in the review’s foreword. “It is about what the healthcare approach should be.”

    The review presented the following findings and recommendations.

    1. Psychotherapy Is Recommended

    Effectiveness and risks: Due to low quality and poor reporting of interventions in transgender children, the review couldn’t form a proper conclusion about the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

    However, there is evidence that psychotherapy can help address mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, common among transgender youths, and hormone interventions often overshadow these therapies. The review highlighted that psychotherapy is not the same as conversion therapy, as it is not about changing a child’s perception of who they are but exploring the cause of their concerns and experiences and helping alleviate distress.

    A young girl at the annual NYC Pride March in New York City on June 25, 2023. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

    2. Partial Social Transitioning Is Preferred

    Effectiveness and risks: The systematic reviews did not show clear evidence of the positive or negative effects social transitioning has on mental health. Social transition generally refers to a person making only social changes, including altering hair and clothing and changing names and pronouns, instead of medical changes to live as a different gender.

    The review noted that many children grow out of gender dysphoria by adulthood but that those who socially transition often medically transition, meaning that they continue to have gender dysphoria.

    While it is unknown whether social transitioning contributes to gender dysphoria, the review authors speculated that a partial transition may be more advantageous and offer greater flexibility to help children explore and express their gender identities.

    3. Hormonal Treatments Not Recommended Except Under Research Conditions

    Effectiveness and risks: The review showed no significant improvements in gender dysphoria symptoms or body satisfaction from medicalization. While some reports showed short-term improvement in mood when patients began hormonal treatment, the magnitude of such improvement was small.

    Hormonal treatment, which refers to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, is not recommended for minors due to the permanence of its effects. Children 16 or older may instead be enrolled in high-quality research studies on experimental treatments.

    Evidence about the effects of puberty suppression on psychological well-being, cognitive and bone development, and cardio-metabolic risk or fertility was found to be inconsistent and insufficient.

    Evidence also did not support the claim that hormonal treatment reduced the risk of suicide.

    The report did not discuss recommendations and changes to guidelines on gender-reassignment surgeries since, unlike children in the United States, minors in the United Kingdom typically cannot undergo these.

    Read the rest here...

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 07:00
  18. Site: Zero Hedge
    4 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Largest Review On Transgender-Youth Medicine Finds Insufficient Evidence For Medicalization

    Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    England may be the third country to withdraw from a “gender-affirming” treatment pathway due to recommendations from a long-awaited report.

    (Illustration by The Epoch Times, The Cass Review, Getty Images, Freepik)

    In April, the country published the Cass Review, “most comprehensive summary on transgender-youth medicine,” psychologist Erica Anderson, who identifies as transgender and has a doctorate in clinical psychology, told The Epoch Times.

    The review, chaired by Dr. Hilary Cass, British honorary physician, consultant in pediatric disability, and former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, stated that there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate the long-term benefits of medicalizing children who want to identify as a different gender. Instead, the review recommends focusing on psychotherapy.

    For some clinicians and researchers, this recommendation was a long time coming. Others are concerned that it potentially threatens medicalization—currently the primary treatment—for gender-incongruent youths.

    The National Health Service (NHS) England, which commissioned the report in 2020, stated it would be committed to following through on the recommendations.

    [The Cass Review] final report will not just shape the future of healthcare in this country for children and young people experiencing gender distress but will be of major international importance and significance,” the statement read.

    Eight days after the Cass Review’s release, Scotland’s health boards announced a pause on new prescriptions for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones as they gather evidence to support the safety and clinical effectiveness of these medications.

    ‘End of the Era’

    The Cass Review is based on the work of 237 papers, including 214 studies, 21 guidelines, and two position statements, which covered data of over 113,000 children and young people. The authors also analyzed anonymized data from over 3,700 children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, survey responses from professionals, and numerous interviews and testimonies from stakeholders of the issue.

    The review team commissioned researchers at the University of York to conduct systematic reviews of these papers and get feedback by interviewing young gender-incongruent children, their parents, and clinicians.

    The University of York disclosed that it interviewed 12 young people who were part of voluntary organizations or the UK’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), along with 12 parents. The university researchers also interviewed clinicians at the UK’s gender identity clinics.

    Additionally, Dr. Cass also interviewed numerous transgender youths, adults, parents of these children, advocacy groups, psychologists, pediatricians, and related clinicians, both British and international, though the number of interviewees was undisclosed. She also wanted to do a follow-up with 9,000 patients referred to England’s Tavistock Centre, but that could not be done due to the lack of cooperation from all but one adult clinic.

    The review found insufficient and inconclusive evidence demonstrating the effectiveness and benefits of gender reassignment treatments for children. Additionally, many of these children are on the autism spectrum and share mental comorbidities often overshadowed by the medicalization model.

    Dr. Cass hence advised cautionary psychological interventions while also leaving room for children to explore their identities.

    The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), a medical group that advocates for evidence-driven research on transgender care, stated that for England, the review marked “the end of the era of a highly medicalized approach to the treatment of young people with gender-related distress,” which has come to be known as “gender-affirming” care.

    The report also mentioned that while medicalization comprising puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery, known as the “Dutch Protocol,” was invented in the Netherlands in the 1990s, the concept of “gender affirmation”—accepting children’s gender identity at face value—actually originated in the United States and then spread internationally.

    As a result of the review, children under 18 in England will not be treated using such protocol but with the same level of care as other youths with mental health struggles. Finland and Sweden made similar changes in 2023.

    The NHS Tavistock Centre, England's first gender-identity development service for children, in London on April 10, 2024. (Henry Nicholls/AFP via Getty Images)

    Puberty blockers and hormones will only be made available to 16-year-olds and older under the context of research-controlled conditions. Therefore, experimentation of such treatment on minors will be hindered.

    “So as the Cass report made clear, they can design a study, but the study has to be approved by a larger body that passes on its ethics,” said Dr. Stephen Levine, clinical professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University.

    Top Findings and Suggestions

    The report found that, unexpectedly, most current influential guidelines have been determined based on board consensus instead of science.

    Most of the current guidelines were influenced by two American standards of care: the 2012 World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) and the Endocrine Society 2009.

    Both relied on a consensus process among professionals to decide on the best treatment for gender dysphoria and were built upon one another. WPATH members were co-sponsors of the Endocrine Society guidelines. WPATH’s 2012 standards of care adopted the Endocrine Society’s consensus-based recommendations but did not refer to WPATH’s own systematic review data, which found inconclusive evidence of the benefits of hormone therapy.

    The recommendations from these guidelines were then referred to by subsequent guidelines, snowballing into what we now see.

    The Cass Review is not about “rolling back on people’s rights to healthcare,” Dr. Cass wrote in the review’s foreword. “It is about what the healthcare approach should be.”

    The review presented the following findings and recommendations.

    1. Psychotherapy Is Recommended

    Effectiveness and risks: Due to low quality and poor reporting of interventions in transgender children, the review couldn’t form a proper conclusion about the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

    However, there is evidence that psychotherapy can help address mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, common among transgender youths, and hormone interventions often overshadow these therapies. The review highlighted that psychotherapy is not the same as conversion therapy, as it is not about changing a child’s perception of who they are but exploring the cause of their concerns and experiences and helping alleviate distress.

    A young girl at the annual NYC Pride March in New York City on June 25, 2023. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

    2. Partial Social Transitioning Is Preferred

    Effectiveness and risks: The systematic reviews did not show clear evidence of the positive or negative effects social transitioning has on mental health. Social transition generally refers to a person making only social changes, including altering hair and clothing and changing names and pronouns, instead of medical changes to live as a different gender.

    The review noted that many children grow out of gender dysphoria by adulthood but that those who socially transition often medically transition, meaning that they continue to have gender dysphoria.

    While it is unknown whether social transitioning contributes to gender dysphoria, the review authors speculated that a partial transition may be more advantageous and offer greater flexibility to help children explore and express their gender identities.

    3. Hormonal Treatments Not Recommended Except Under Research Conditions

    Effectiveness and risks: The review showed no significant improvements in gender dysphoria symptoms or body satisfaction from medicalization. While some reports showed short-term improvement in mood when patients began hormonal treatment, the magnitude of such improvement was small.

    Hormonal treatment, which refers to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, is not recommended for minors due to the permanence of its effects. Children 16 or older may instead be enrolled in high-quality research studies on experimental treatments.

    Evidence about the effects of puberty suppression on psychological well-being, cognitive and bone development, and cardio-metabolic risk or fertility was found to be inconsistent and insufficient.

    Evidence also did not support the claim that hormonal treatment reduced the risk of suicide.

    The report did not discuss recommendations and changes to guidelines on gender-reassignment surgeries since, unlike children in the United States, minors in the United Kingdom typically cannot undergo these.

    Read the rest here...

    Tyler Durden Sun, 05/05/2024 - 07:00
  19. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The potential redeployment of Moscow’s military assets would threaten not only Kiev’s neighbors, but France itself, the president has said

    A total Russian victory over Ukraine in which the entire country is defeated would be detrimental to European and NATO security, as it could allow Moscow to place missiles at the EU’s doorstep, French President Emmanuel Macron has said.

    In an interview with the French daily La Tribune on Saturday, Macron, who has famously refused to rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine, once again advocated a policy of “strategic ambiguity” towards Russia, arguing that the key idea behind such an approach is to project strength while “not giving too many details.”

    Describing Russia as “an adversary,” the French president stressed that establishing “a priori limits” would be interpreted as weakness. “We must remove all visibility from it, because that is what creates the ability to deter,” he argued.

    Macron further noted that Ukraine is crucial to France’s security because it is located only 1,500 kilometers from its borders. “If Russia wins, the next second, there is no longer any security possible in Romania, in Poland, in Lithuania and not in our country either. The capability and range of Russian ballistic missiles expose us all,” he said.

    Read more Moscow Kremlin, Russia. Kremlin accuses Macron and Cameron of dangerous talk

    The president’s comments come after he suggested last month that Western nations “would legitimately have to ask [them]selves” whether they should send troops to Ukraine “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, [and] if there were a Ukrainian request.”

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded by calling Macron’s statement “very important and very dangerous,” adding that it was further testament to Paris’ direct involvement in the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has also warned that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the front line in Ukraine.

    Some Western nations have spoken out against sending troops to Ukraine, including the UK, one of Kiev’s staunchest supporters. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron insisted on Friday that while London would continue to support Ukraine, NATO soldiers in the country “could be a dangerous escalation.”

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, has repeatedly dismissed speculation that Moscow could attack NATO as “nonsense,” saying that his country had no interest whatsoever in doing so.

  20. Site: Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment
    4 weeks 6 hours ago
    The Ordinariate uses the 'Athanasian Creed' on Ascension Day ... on Trinity Sunday ... S John Baptist ...This wonderful, luminous outpouringof love towards our One and Triune God made its final,disgraceful, exit from the worship of the mainstream church in the 1960s.You may wish to call me wild, or to pigeon-hole me as an extremist; but I feel that the suppression of this credal formula counts asFr John Hunwickehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17766211573399409633noreply@blogger.com0
  21. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The US company has warned investors it will not be able to deliver the planned number of Dreamliner jets this year, according to the paper

    Boeing is experiencing problems with the production of its 787 Dreamliner wide-body airliners due to the lack of a key component caused by US sanctions on Russia, the Wall Street Journal has reported.

    Heat exchangers, which are used in the plane’s environmental control system and also regulate the temperature of its electronics, had been made by a joint venture between American company RTX’s Collins Aerospace and Moscow-based firm HS-Nauka, the outlet said in an article on Friday.

    However, in March 2022, just weeks after the fighting between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the joint venture was shut down as part of restrictions against Moscow over the conflict, the report said.

    The manufacturing of temperature-regulating parts was moved to RTX’s new factory lines in the US and UK. They were initially able to keep up with Boeing’s demands due to the company making relatively few planes at the time. But there is now a shortage of heat exchangers, as the US plane-maker is trying to increase the production of Dreamliners, according to the WSJ.

    Read more The Boeing Company headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, US. Second Boeing whistleblower dies suddenly

    "When the invasion happened, it got moved, and the capacity of that supplier has not kept pace with us,” Boeing’s Chief Executive Dave Calhoun said in April.

    Last week, Boeing told investors that due to the lack of heat exchangers and a shortage of cabin seating – which is another problem faced by the company – it will not be able to deliver as many Dreamliner jets as had been planned this year.

    The company said production will slow down in the coming months, but stressed that it expects to return to making five planes per month by the end of 2024. It delivered 13 Dreamliners in the first quarter of this year, the WSJ said.

    Monthly production of the Boeing 737 MAX has also fallen to single digits, as the company tries to iron out manufacturing issues after a door plug blew out mid-flight on an Alaska Airlines plane in January, Reuters reported last month.

    The 737 MAX has had a history of accidents, including two crashes in 2018 and 2019 that resulted in more than 340 deaths.

    READ MORE: Boeing output plummets as safety fears linger – Reuters

    Earlier this week, Joshua Dean, a former employee of one of Boeing’s suppliers, who raised the alarm over lax standards in the production of the 737 MAX jet, died following a sudden and severe illness. In March, former Boeing quality manager John Barnett was found dead with a gunshot wound days before he was due to give evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the aerospace giant.

  22. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: RT

    New York Governor Kathy Hochul said the alarm turned out to be false, and condemns acts of anti-Semitism

    Several synagogues and a museum in New York received bomb threats on Saturday that were ultimately deemed not credible, local authorities have said.

    According to the New York City Police Department, as quoted by CBS News, there were reports of explosives at three places of worship in Manhattan – Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, and Chabad of Midtown. Elsewhere in New York, bomb threats were sent to Brooklyn Heights Synagogue and The Brooklyn Museum.

    Law enforcement officials said all of the locations received notifications by email, claiming there were explosives nearby, and prompting evacuations in several cases. Subsequently, the threats were deemed to be hoaxes, police said, adding that the matter is under investigation, and no link has so far been established between the incidents.

    The NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority, cited by CBS, said an unusual package was reported not far from The Brooklyn Museum subway station, but transport services were not affected.

    Read more Pro-Palestinian students stand their ground after police breached their encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Pro-Palestine protests at US colleges: as it happened

    New York State Governor Kathy Hochul confirmed the development, saying officials “are actively monitoring a number of bomb threats” in synagogues.

    “Threats have been determined not to be credible, but we will not tolerate individuals sowing fear & antisemitism. Those responsible must be held accountable for their despicable actions,” she wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

    In April, the NYPD reported a 45% increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes since the start of the year, with 96 such cases, compared to 66 in the same period of 2023.

    Police Commissioner Edward Caban has linked the wave of anti-Semitism to the Israel-Gaza conflict.

    The war started when the militant group Hamas carried out a cross-border raid last October, killing around 1,200 Israelis and taking 250 hostages. In response, Israel launched a large-scale military operation, in which more than 34,000 Palestinians have died, according to Gaza authorities.

    The conflict has sparked pro-Palestine protests at dozens of colleges across the US in recent weeks, in some cases resulting in violent clashes with police and numerous arrests.

  23. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Officers in Perth shot and killed an assailant following a stabbing

    Police in Western Australia say they have fatally shot a 16-year-old who allegedly stabbed a member of the public in a car park on Saturday.

    The incident took place at around 10 am in Willetton, a southern suburb of Perth. When police arrived at the scene, the teen reportedly refused to put down the knife, and charged at the officers. 

    “There are indications he had been radicalized online,” Western Australia Premier Roger Cook said at a news conference on Sunday. He added that “it appears he acted solely and alone.”

    Western Australian Police Commissioner Col Blanch told reporters that the suspect was “a Caucasian male” who had converted to Islam. He reportedly called the police himself, warning that he was about to commit an unspecified “act of violence.”

    Shortly afterwards, police received another call, saying a “male with a knife was running around the car park.”

    The assailant stabbed a man in his 30s in the back before the officers arrived. The victim has been hospitalized and is in a stable condition.

    According to Blanch, the attacker had mental health issues and was undergoing a police deradicalization course. The police chief added that the authorities were alerted by the local Muslim community shortly before the incident. 

    “[The attacker] posted something online to make them concerned but we believe he sent relevant messages to some of those members who immediately responded by calling the police,” Blanch said.

    Read more  A police officer in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, August 13, 2019. Australia raids ‘extremism’ suspects after church stabbing

    “My thoughts are with those who have been affected by the incident in the Perth suburb of Willetton overnight,” Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wrote on X (formerly Twitter). He thanked the police “for acting swiftly to contain the incident.”

    “We are a peace-loving nation and there is no place for violent extremism in Australia,” Albanese wrote.

    The incident in Perth occurred less than a month after a man suffering from mental health problems went on a stabbing rampage inside a shopping mall in Sydney, killing six people and injuring 12.

    Also in April, a 16-year-old armed with a knife attacked a Christian church in Wakeley, a suburb of Sydney, injuring its bishop and two worshippers. 

  24. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The top diplomat acknowledged that not everyone in Europe sees Moscow as a threat

    The EU's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has admitted that not every member state sees Russia as Europe’s “most existential threat.”

    He argued that disputes between members are preventing the bloc from taking a unified stance on Moscow, and are holding back military aid to Ukraine.

    Speaking at Oxford University in the UK on Friday, Borrell said he sees “more confrontation and less cooperation” in world affairs, and brought up instances of dissent among EU members when it comes to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the conflict in Ukraine.

    “Today, Putin is an existential threat to all of us. If Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he will not stop there,” Borrell stated, adding that a Russian victory would undermine the security of Europe. However, “not everybody in the European Union shares this assessment,” he stressed.

    Read more  French President Emmanuel Macron. Threat of sending Western troops to Ukraine necessary – Macron

    “Some European Council’s members say: “Well, no, Russia is not an existential threat. At least not for me. I consider Russia a good friend,’” Borrell said, without naming specific counties. “In a union governed by unanimity, our policies on Russia are always threatened by a single veto – one is enough.”

    The EU has imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on Russia since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.

    However, Prime Ministers Viktor Orban of Hungary and Robert Fico of Slovakia have refused to send weapons to Ukraine and stressed that the conflict should be resolved through negotiations.

    Hungary stalled the EU’s €50 billion Ukraine aid package for several months, until Orban lifted his veto in February 2024.

    Earlier this week, French President Emmanuel Macron once again refused to rule out sending NATO troops to Ukraine, arguing that “the survival of the continent” is at stake. His remarks were heavily criticized by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, who said sending NATO forces to Ukraine could spark an all-out global war.

    READ MORE: Kremlin accuses Macron and Cameron of dangerous talk

    Moscow, meanwhile, has accused Macron of causing a dangerous “verbal escalation” that could lead to the conflict spiraling out of control.

  25. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 14 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The results of Thursday’s local elections are “disappointing,” the prime minister said

    The UK Conservative Party has suffered its worst local election defeat in decades, losing more than half of its council seats during this week’s vote in England and Wales. 

    The opposition Labour party saw strong gains, including in key battlegrounds needed to secure victory at the general election, expected to be held later this year.

    With almost all authorities declared as of Saturday night, the Tories had conceded 473 of their 985 councillors, while Labour had gained 185 council seats to reach a total of 1,140. 

    The Liberal Democrats also made a strong showing, and now have 521 councillors, putting them ahead of the Conservatives for the first time since 1996. 

    “It appears to be the worst local elections for the Conservatives since the final years of the era of Margaret Thatcher and John Major,” said Robert Hayward, a polling expert and a member of the House of Lords, as quoted by the New York Times.

    Also this week, Labour politician Chris Webb won the Blackpool South by-election, beating Conservative David Jones. “This seismic win in Blackpool South is the most important result today,” Labour leader Keir Starmer told reporters, adding that the win “shows that we are firmly back in the service of working people.”

    Read more President of Rwanda Paul Kagame and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. British MPs pass bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda

    Further good news for Labour came from London, where Mayor Sadiq Khan was re-elected for a third term. “Londoners voted to give their city a fairer, safer, greener future,” Khan wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

    The campaigning was centered on inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, as well local issues, such as housing and the worsening state of the NHS. 

    Sunak acknowledged on Friday that it is “disappointing to lose good hardworking Conservative councillors.” He insisted that he remains “focused completely on the job at hand – that’s delivering for people across the country.”

    Despite the upset, prime minister said he is hopeful that the voters “are going to stick with us” in the general election.

  26. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 19 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The meaning of the words ‘civil society’ changes depending on whether Washington is speaking about protests inside or outside the American border

    The elites and mainstream media of the West are so addicted to double standards that spotting yet another one is hardly news. These are the people who have just given us genocide re-labeled as self-defense,” who abhor spheres of influence except when they are global and belong to Washington (with a sidekick role for Brussels), and who insist on the rule of law while threatening the International Criminal Court if it so much as dares look their way.

    Yet there is something special about the latest case of Western ‘values’ schizophrenia, this time about the concept of ‘civil society’ in conjunction with two political struggles, one in the US and the other in the Caucasus nation of Georgia.

    In the US, students, professors, and others are protesting against the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and against American participation in that crime. In Georgia, the issue at stake is a proposed law to impose transparency on the sprawling and unusually powerful NGO sector. Its critics denounce this law as a government power grab and as somehow ‘Russian’ (which, spoiler alert, it is not).

    The very different reactions to these two cases of intense public contention by the West’s political and mainstream media elites show that, for them, there are really two kinds of civil society: There is the ‘vibrant’ variety, with ‘vibrant’ an almost comically ossified cliche, used by the Washington Post Editorial Board, in EU statements, and by White House spokesman John Kirby, to name only a few. It is almost as if someone had sent around a memo on proper terminology. This vibrant, good kind of civil society is to be celebrated and supported.

    And then there is the wrong kind of civil society, which must be shut down. US President Joe Biden has just expressed the essence of this attitude: “We are a civil society, and order must prevail.” This is, of course, a bizarre misreading of the idea of civil society. Ideally, its key features are autonomy from the state and the capacity to establish an effective counterweight, and even, if necessary, to offer resistance to it. Putting the emphasis on “order” instead is ignorant or dishonest. In reality, civil society makes no sense, even as an ideal, if it is not granted a substantial degree of freedom to be disorderly. A civil society that is so orderly as to disturb no one is a fig leaf for enforced conformism and – at least – incipient authoritarianism.

    Read more Pro-Palestinian encampment at George Washington University in Washington, DC, on May 3, 2024 The top pro-Jewish organization in the US has shown it isn’t what it claims to be

    But let’s set aside the mundane fact that Joe Biden says things that display ignorance or duplicity. What is more important is that ‘order,’ in his usage, is a transparent euphemism: According to the New York Times, over the last two weeks, over 2,300 protesters have been arrested on almost 50 American campuses. Often, arrests have been made with demonstrative brutality. Police have used riot gear, stun grenades, and rubber bullets. They have assaulted students as well as some professors with massive aggression.

    The most well-known individual case at this moment is that of Annelise Orleck, a professor at Dartmouth College. Orleck is 65 years old and attempted to protect students from police violence. In response, she was slammed into the ground in the worst MMA style, knelt on by beefy policemen, who clearly lack elementary decency, and dragged away with whiplash trauma, as if she had been in a serious car accident. Ironically (if that’s the word), Orleck is Jewish and, at one time, used to be the head of her universities program in Jewish Studies.

    In another, extremely disturbing development, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a violent police crackdown – including use of rubber bullets – was preceded by a vicious attack by so-called pro-Israeli counter-protesters.” In reality, this was a mob out to inflict maximum harm on the anti-genocide protesters, who, a New York Times investigation has found, maintained an almost entirely defensive stance. University security forces and the police failed to intervene for hours, letting the “counter-protesters” run wild. That is a pattern every historian of the rise of fascism in Weimar Germany will recognize: First the SA mobs of the rising Nazi party had a free hand to assault the Left, then the police would go after the same Left as well.

    That is the real face of the “order” that President Biden and all too many in the West’s establishments endorse. But only at home. When it comes to the unrest in Georgia, their tone is entirely different. Make no mistake, there has been substantial violence – and what Biden would denounce as “chaos” if it happened in America – in Georgia. Indeed, while the US anti-genocide protesters have not been violent but disorderly (yes, those are very different things), the protesters in Georgia have used genuine violence, for instance, when they tried to storm the parliament.

    Nothing remotely comparable has been done by the US anti-genocide protesters. Regarding the trespassing and causing public inconveniences that so agitate the US president, there has been plenty of that in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. By Biden’s logic a protest must not even disturb or delay a campus graduation ceremony. What would that imply for blocking a central traffic node in the capital city?

    Read more FILE PHOTO. Georgia accuses Washington of trying to spark ‘two revolutions’

    Don’t get me wrong: The Georgian protesters report violent police tactics used against them as well, and, more broadly, the rights or wrongs of their cause, or the draft law they reject are beyond the scope of this article. I do believe they are used by the West for a geopolitical play Color-Revolution-style, but that is not the point.

    The pertinent point here is, once again, staggering Western hypocrisy: A West that thinks trying to storm parliament is part of having a “vibrant” civil society in Georgia, cannot mass-arrest and brutalize anti-genocide protesters on its own campuses. That is, of course, also the message of Georgian prime minister Irakli Kobakhidze, who clearly has had enough of the absurdity.

    In a resonant post on X, Kobakhidze objected forcefully to American “false statements” about the controversial draft law as well as, more importantly, US interference in Georgian politics in general. The prime minister, in essence and very plausibly for the non-naive, named and shamed Washington’s habit of trying out a “color revolution” at regular intervals. Finally, he reminded his American interlocutors “about a brutal crackdown of the students’ protest rally in New York City.” With that phrase clearly standing for the totality of police repression against young Americans who object to genocide, Kobakhidze turned the tables.

    And that is, perhaps, the most intriguing take-away from this fresh but not unprecedented episode of the long-running saga of Western double standards. To find condemnation and suppression of almost entirely peaceful protests against genocide, while more violent protests against a law to regulate NGOs are being celebrated – that is shameful but not new. As before, geopolitics trumps ‘values.’

    But ‘civil society’ used to be a key concept for projecting Western soft power by, in essence, subversion and manipulation. It was so useful because its ideological charge was so powerful that its mere invocation stifled resistance. Now, by displaying how it handles its own civil society at home, the West is ruining yet another useful illusion.


  27. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 20 hours ago
    Author: RT

    The IDF plans to enter Rafah and destroy Hamas battalions there regardless of hostage negotiations, according to Israeli source

    The release of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas militants will have no effect on the IDF’s plans in Gaza, according to journalist Suleiman Maswadeh, who on Saturday cited an anonymous “political source” within the Israeli government.

    During last year’s October 7 attack on Israeli territories near Gaza, Hamas militants killed some 1,200 people and took another 250 hostage. Since then, a number of the captives have been released but around 130 are still being held in the Palestinian enclave.

    Writing on his X account, Maswadeh cited his source as stating that “contrary to publications, Israel will under no circumstances agree to the end of the war as part of an agreement to release our abductees.”

    Furthermore, the unnamed official claimed that the Jewish state’s “political echelon” has decided that “the IDF will enter Rafah and destroy the remaining Hamas battalions there – whether or not there will be a temporary respite for the release of our hostage.”

    The city of Rafah, located in southern Gaza near the border with Egypt, is currently home to an estimated 1.4 million Palestinians who have fled the northern reaches of the enclave. Aside from carrying out repeated airstrikes against what Israel claims are Hamas targets within the city, the Israeli government has also threatened to launch a ground invasion of the area, despite objections from the US and UN.

    Maswadeh’s reporting coincides with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statements earlier this week, when he stated that IDF troops will enter Rafah regardless of whether a ceasefire and hostage-release deal with Hamas is achieved.

    “The idea that we will stop the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question,” Netanyahu said in a statement from his office. “We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate Hamas’ battalions there – with or without a deal, to achieve total victory.”

    Read more  Israeli army troops stand around their tank in an area along the border with the Gaza Strip. Israel comes up with post-war solution for Gaza – NYT

    Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s political rival and war cabinet minister Benny Gantz, has urged “official sources and all other decision-makers” to “act with restraint” and to wait for official updates, and “not to become hysterical due to political reasons.”

    At the same time, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz had previously promised to “suspend the operation” in exchange for the release of the captives.

    Last week, Israel officially sent Hamas a ceasefire proposal which suggests a temporary cessation of hostilities to facilitate an exchange of several dozen hostages for Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails.

    The proposal has been described as “extraordinarily generous” by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has urged Hamas to “decide quickly” and “make the right decision.”

    Hamas, meanwhile, has demanded a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from the besieged Palestinian enclave.

  28. Site: The Eponymous Flower
    4 weeks 23 hours ago

    Pretty much. For the AP's take on the current state of the American Church, see this.

    Note the following:

    (1)  Here's the church of the man whom I quoted in the title of this piece. The website naturally offers each one of us a welcome, but the only people who apparently want to be welcomed are aged, middle-class, white people.

    (2) Krystal (with a K!) works as the office manager.

    (3) Apparently, Resurrexifix Jesus is still a thing in Cleveland, as are accoutrements inspired by Environment and Art in Catholic Worship.

    (4) The author of the article thinks, apparently, that this parish is just too radtrad to handle, even though they still have the occasional lectoress wearing a poncho-thingy that resembles the contemporary stained glass in the background.

    (5) At least the padre likes hunting.

  29. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The French president had previously laid out conditions for sending Western troops to aid Kiev

    Emmanuel Macron’s statements about the possibility of sending Western forces into Ukraine have only escalated tensions and do not serve any other purpose, Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said on Saturday.

    His comments come after the French President stated in an interview with The Economist this week that his country could consider sending its troops to help Kiev “if the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if there was a “Ukrainian request” for such assistance. Macron also outlined his “strategic objective” of making sure Russia does not win in Ukraine, claiming such a development would threaten European security.

    Speaking to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, Crosetto claimed that while he personally can’t judge the president of a “friendly country like France,” at the same time, he can’t understand “the purpose and usefulness of these declarations, which objectively raise tension.”

    The minister also ruled out the possibility that Italy would ever send its forces to intervene directly in the Ukraine conflict. “Unlike others, we have in our system an explicit prohibition on direct military interventions, outside of what is provided by the laws and the constitution,” Crosetto explained. “We can only envisage armed interventions following an international mandate, for example in the implementation of a UN resolution.”

    He further noted that aside from it being impossible to send Italian troops to Ukraine, doing so “would trigger a further spiraling of the conflict, which would not be of benefit above all to the Ukrainians themselves.”

    “In short, the conditions for our direct involvement do not exist,” Crosetto said.

    Macron’s latest hints at direct Western involvement on the ground in Ukraine have also been dismissed by other NATO countries, notably Hungary and Slovakia.

    Read more Moscow Kremlin, Russia. Kremlin accuses Macron and Cameron of dangerous talk

    Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto condemned the French president’s remarks, explaining that if a NATO member “commits ground troops, it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation and it will then be World War Three.”

    Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico has also stressed that NATO has no justification to send troops to Ukraine because the country is not a member state and vowed that “no Slovak soldier will set foot beyond the Slovak-Ukrainian border.”

    Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has stated that while London plans to continue supplying Ukraine with weapons, which he said Kiev has the right to use against targets in Russia, actually sending any NATO soldiers to the country would constitute a “dangerous escalation.”

    Moscow has repeatedly warned the West against sending its troops to Ukraine, stressing that it would be forced to attack them if they directly took part in the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the front line in Ukraine.

  30. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    A power-sharing deal could be agreed in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia, West Jerusalem officials have told the paper

    Israel could offer to share control over Gaza, after the war currently devastating the Palestinian enclave ends, with the US and a coalition of Arab nations, the New York Times has reported, citing officials.

    In a report on Friday, the paper cited anonymous sources who claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is avoiding detailed public discussions about Gaza’s post-war future, but that behind the scenes officials have been developing an “expansive plan.”

    Three Israeli officials, and five people who have discussed the proposal with the Israeli government, told the NYT that the Jewish state would offer to share oversight of Gaza with the US and three Arab countries – Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    According to the sources, Israel would do so in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia.

    Under the plan, local leaders in Gaza, who would be tasked with rebuilding the territory, reforming its education system and maintaining order, would to be appointed by Israel and the Arab nations in cooperation with Washington.

    Read more Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Türkiye suspends all trade with Israel

    After seven to ten years, people in the enclave would be allowed to vote on whether to be absorbed into a united Palestinian administration that would control both the West Bank and Gaza, according to the proposal.

    The NYT stressed that the plan does not specify whether this united administration would constitute a sovereign Palestinian state. Netanyahu has publicly rejected a two-state solution, despite such a path being supported by many world powers, including Israel’s key ally, the US.

    The proposal also states the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can continue to operate inside Gaza after the conflict with Palestinian armed group Hamas concludes, the officials said.

    The NYT report comes amid intensified international efforts to persuade the sides to reach a ceasefire, which could pave the way for a permanent truce in Gaza.

    READ MORE: Israeli troops killed by ‘friendly fire’ in Gaza – IDF

    Israel launched its military operation in the Palestinian enclave in response to the October 7 cross-border incursion by Hamas, in which at least 1,200 people were killed and 250 taken hostage. According to Gaza’s health ministry, more than 34,622 Palestinians have so far been killed and 77,867 others wounded in the IDF’s airstrikes and ground offensive.

  31. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    A power-sharing deal could be agreed in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia, West Jerusalem officials have told the paper

    Israel could offer to share control over Gaza, after the war currently devastating the Palestinian enclave ends, with the US and a coalition of Arab nations, the New York Times has reported, citing officials.

    In a report on Friday, the paper cited anonymous sources who claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is avoiding detailed public discussions about Gaza’s post-war future, but that behind the scenes officials have been developing an “expansive plan.”

    Three Israeli officials, and five people who have discussed the proposal with the Israeli government, told the NYT that the Jewish state would offer to share oversight of Gaza with the US and three Arab countries – Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    According to the sources, Israel would do so in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia.

    Under the plan, local leaders in Gaza, who would be tasked with rebuilding the territory, reforming its education system and maintaining order, would to be appointed by Israel and the Arab nations in cooperation with Washington.

    Read more Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Türkiye suspends all trade with Israel

    After seven to ten years, people in the enclave would be allowed to vote on whether to be absorbed into a united Palestinian administration that would control both the West Bank and Gaza, according to the proposal.

    The NYT stressed that the plan does not specify whether this united administration would constitute a sovereign Palestinian state. Netanyahu has publicly rejected a two-state solution, despite such a path being supported by many world powers, including Israel’s key ally, the US.

    The proposal also states the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can continue to operate inside Gaza after the conflict with Palestinian armed group Hamas concludes, the officials said.

    The NYT report comes amid intensified international efforts to persuade the sides to reach a ceasefire, which could pave the way for a permanent truce in Gaza.

    READ MORE: Israeli troops killed by ‘friendly fire’ in Gaza – IDF

    Israel launched its military operation in the Palestinian enclave in response to the October 7 cross-border incursion by Hamas, in which at least 1,200 people were killed and 250 taken hostage. According to Gaza’s health ministry, more than 34,622 Palestinians have so far been killed and 77,867 others wounded in the IDF’s airstrikes and ground offensive.

  32. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    A power-sharing deal could be agreed in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia, West Jerusalem officials have told the paper

    Israel could offer to share control over Gaza, after the war currently devastating the Palestinian enclave ends, with the US and a coalition of Arab nations, the New York Times has reported, citing officials.

    In a report on Friday, the paper cited anonymous sources who claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is avoiding detailed public discussions about Gaza’s post-war future, but that behind the scenes officials have been developing an “expansive plan.”

    Three Israeli officials, and five people who have discussed the proposal with the Israeli government, told the NYT that the Jewish state would offer to share oversight of Gaza with the US and three Arab countries – Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    According to the sources, Israel would do so in exchange for a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia.

    Under the plan, local leaders in Gaza, who would be tasked with rebuilding the territory, reforming its education system and maintaining order, would to be appointed by Israel and the Arab nations in cooperation with Washington.

    Read more Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Türkiye suspends all trade with Israel

    After seven to ten years, people in the enclave would be allowed to vote on whether to be absorbed into a united Palestinian administration that would control both the West Bank and Gaza, according to the proposal.

    The NYT stressed that the plan does not specify whether this united administration would constitute a sovereign Palestinian state. Netanyahu has publicly rejected a two-state solution, despite such a path being supported by many world powers, including Israel’s key ally, the US.

    The proposal also states the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can continue to operate inside Gaza after the conflict with Palestinian armed group Hamas concludes, the officials said.

    The NYT report comes amid intensified international efforts to persuade the sides to reach a ceasefire, which could pave the way for a permanent truce in Gaza.

    READ MORE: Israeli troops killed by ‘friendly fire’ in Gaza – IDF

    Israel launched its military operation in the Palestinian enclave in response to the October 7 cross-border incursion by Hamas, in which at least 1,200 people were killed and 250 taken hostage. According to Gaza’s health ministry, more than 34,622 Palestinians have so far been killed and 77,867 others wounded in the IDF’s airstrikes and ground offensive.

  33. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    Denmark will also permit pregnancies to be terminated as late as 18 weeks after conception

    The Danish government announced on Friday that it will permit women to have their pregnancies terminated until 18 weeks after conception instead of 12. The new legislation marks the first time the Nordic country has eased its abortion rules in 50 years.

    Additionally, girls over age 15 will get the right to have an abortion without parental approval. The government lowered the age requirement to keep it in line with the country’s age of consent.

    “Choosing whether to have an abortion is a difficult situation, and I hope that the young women can find support from their parents. But if there is disagreement, it must ultimately be the young woman’s own decision whether she wants to be a mother,” Marie Bjerre, Minister for Digitization and Gender Equality, said. 

    Currently women under age 18 are allowed to get abortions, but only with parental consent.

    Read more Pope Francis. Vatican speaks out against sex-change surgery

    The amended Health Act will enter into force on June 1 next year.

    Denmark was among the first countries in Western Europe to offer abortions free of charge in 1973, but only permitted them until 12 weeks after conception. Now women will be able to terminate their pregnancies without paying for a longer period of time in Denmark than nearly anywhere else in Europe.

    According to the Danish Health Data Authority, the number of terminated pregnancies in the country has not been increasing lately. In 2022 there were 14,700 medical abortions, compared to 14,500 in 2017. The number peaked in 1975, when they were first legalized, at 27,900.

    MP Mette Thiesen, from the populist Danish People’s Party, lamented the changes, saying “a terrible day. It’s a terrible new law.” Addressing the Danish broadcaster DR, she explained there is a “very fine balance between the woman’s right to her own body, but also the right to life of the little life that lies in the mother’s womb.”

    READ MORE: Macron leads the way to Western civilization’s suicide

    In March, France became the first nation in the world to constitutionally guarantee that its women can terminate their pregnancies, making the ‘right to abortion’ in France ‘irreversible’.

  34. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    Such an investigation would “achieve nothing,” the Swedish Foreign Ministry told the agency

    There is no need for an international investigation into the explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines, Sweden’s Foreign Ministry has told RIA Novosti news agency.

    Last week, China's deputy envoy to the UN, Geng Shuang, called for a probe into the September 2022 blasts that ruptured the pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian gas to Germany and the rest of Europe. Countries should work together on an investigation “to bring the perpetrators to justice in order to prevent the reoccurrence of similar incidents,” Geng said.

    When asked about Beijing’s proposal by RIA Novosti on Friday, the Swedish Foreign Ministry insisted that “there is no need for an international investigation. It’s going to achieve nothing.”

    “An investigation into the incidents was carried out by the Swedish authorities in accordance with the fundamental principles of independence, impartiality and the rule of law. Other national investigations are still ongoing,” the ministry stated.

    Read more Geng Shuang speaks during a meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York City, November 14, 2022 China calls for ‘international investigation’ into Nord Stream attack

    Sweden conducted its own probe as the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines occurred in the country’s exclusive economic zone. Germany and Denmark carried out separate inquiries. However, in February, the Swedish and Danish investigations were aborted. Stockholm said it had come to the conclusion that the case did not fall under Swedish jurisdiction, while Copenhagen concluded that “there was deliberate sabotage” of the pipelines, but found insufficient grounds to pursue criminal proceedings.

    Russia is carrying out its own investigation into the Nord Stream blasts despite the refusal of Western nations to cooperate. Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov said earlier that Moscow had sent more than a dozen requests for legal assistance to Germany, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden, but only received a single formal reply from Copenhagen.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and other officials suggested previously that the pipelines were targeted by the US or on Washington’s behalf.

  35. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The former US president has repeatedly criticized many member countries for not paying enough in light of threats from Russia and China

    Donald Trump is eyeing plans to push the NATO members to ramp up defense spending from 2% to 3% of GDP if he is re-elected in November, The Telegraph reported on Friday, citing sources close to the former US President.

    Trump has reportedly been considering an increase for some time but was further persuaded by the arguments of Polish President Andrzej Duda, a source close to the ex-president told the media. The two met for talks in New York last month.

    Duda has repeatedly called for a boost in defense spending across the alliance, arguing that 3% is needed to defend against “growing threats,” including from Russia.

    Trump’s is “evolving towards 3%, especially after speaking to Duda” and that’s “not including money for Ukraine,” the anonymous source said.

    Trump’s encounter with Duda also reportedly played a role in convincing him to lift his opposition to a long-delayed aid package which included $60 billion for Kiev.

    In February, Trump came under fire from the White House and top Western officials for suggesting he would not defend NATO allies who had failed to spend enough on defense and would even encourage Russia to attack them. In March, US intelligence agencies warned that America was facing a “fragile world order” amid Russian and Chinese threats.

    NATO’s 32 members have agreed on a target of spending at least 2% of GDP on defense. Last year’s NATO estimates have shown that only 11 are spending that much, including its largest contributor, the US, as well as the UK, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Greece, Hungary, Finland, Latvia, Slovakia and Denmark.

    Belgium and Spain spent 1.2%, while Luxembourg, which has the smallest budget for defense compared to its GDP, spent just 1%. Only Poland, the US and Greece spent more than 3%.

    Read more NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (L) and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky (R) in Kiev on April 29, 2024. Ukraine must defeat Russia to join NATO – Zelensky

    On Tuesday, Timo Pesonen, the EU’s top defense official, said “while the NATO allies are increasing their budget to at least 1% of GDP,” some member states “speak about 3% already.” His remarks came days after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said allies “must go further” than 2%.

    A source close to Trump, quoted by The Telegraph, said he also has a detailed plan for how to end the war peacefully which won’t be made public before the election. 

    Republican presidential nominee previously said he will be able to negotiate peace because he knows the leaders of both countries, but hasn’t elaborated. “There is a plan, but he’s not going to debate it with cable news networks because then you lose all leverage,” the source said.

  36. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    Slovakia has nothing to do with the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, Robert Fico has said

    NATO has no justification to send troops to Ukraine because the country is not a member of the bloc, Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico has said.

    His remarks followed French President Emmanuel Macron’s interview with the Economist earlier this week, in which he again refused to rule out a potential deployment of soldiers to Ukraine. The question of deploying troops from the US-led bloc to Ukraine would arise “if the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if Kiev requested help from the US-led military alliance, he said.

    Fico told the Slovak parliament on Thursday that statements such as Macron's bring the world closer to World War Three.

    “Ukraine is not a NATO member state,” he reminded the French president. Macron does not speak for the whole bloc and his words about the possible deployment of troops to Ukraine are “no one else’s businesses, but France’s,” the prime minister added.

    Read more Military exercises involving Poland, Britain, the US and Romania in Bemowo Piskie, Poland on November 18, 2021. ‘Dangerous’ to send NATO troops to Ukraine – UK

    "Slovakia has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, and let me send a clear message to the whole of Slovakia: whoever might ask us, no Slovak soldier will set foot beyond the Slovak-Ukrainian border,” Fico pledged.

    British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said on Friday that a NATO member committing troops to Ukraine would be a “dangerous escalation.” Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has echoed the Slovak prime minister’s words, warning that such a move could lead to World War Three.

    Since becoming prime minister of Slovakia – an EU and NATO member – in October 2023, Fico has reversed the previous government’s policy of supplying weapons to Ukraine and insisted there should be a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

    Moscow has repeatedly warned the West against sending troops to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the frontline.

  37. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The presence of Western combat personnel would lead to further escalation, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said

    The UK foreign secretary has spoken out against sending soldiers from NATO countries to Ukraine to fight against the Russian army. He made the comments amid calls from some EU leaders for more direct involvement in the conflict. 

    Speaking to Sky News on Friday, David Cameron said the UK would keep supplying weapons to Kiev and focus on replenishing its own stocks “as a national priority.” 

    “But I wouldn’t have NATO soldiers in the country because I think that could be a dangerous escalation,” he added. “We’ve trained – I think – almost 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers.”

    This week, French President Emmanuel Macron once again refused to rule out a potential deployment in Ukraine. “We mustn’t rule anything out because our objective is that Russia must never be able to win in Ukraine,” he told the Economist.

    Macron argued that the question of NATO boots on the ground could arise “if the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if Kiev were to request help. 

    Read more  Deputy Head of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Vadim Skibitsky. Ukraine on brink – top spy

    Other high-ranking European officials have floated the idea of troop deployments, with some suggesting that the US-led military alliance could send demining squads and other non-combat personnel. “The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters in March.

    However, other NATO countries, notably Hungary and Slovakia, have spoken out against any further escalation.

    “If a NATO member commits ground troops, it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation and it will then be World War III,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told French broadcaster LCI on Thursday.

    Moscow has repeatedly warned that it would be forced to attack Western troops if they take part in the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the front line in Ukraine.

    Kiev has sounded the alarm over the delays in Western military aid in recent months, blaming ammunition shortages for losses on the battlefield.

    In an interview published in The Economist on Thursday, Vadim Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency, said Ukraine’s defenses could crumble even with the recently approved additional aid packages from the US and UK. 

  38. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The presence of Western combat personnel would lead to further escalation, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said

    The UK foreign secretary has spoken out against sending soldiers from NATO countries to Ukraine to fight against the Russian army. He made the comments amid calls from some EU leaders for more direct involvement in the conflict. 

    Speaking to Sky News on Friday, David Cameron said the UK would keep supplying weapons to Kiev and focus on replenishing its own stocks “as a national priority.” 

    “But I wouldn’t have NATO soldiers in the country because I think that could be a dangerous escalation,” he added. “We’ve trained – I think – almost 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers.”

    This week, French President Emmanuel Macron once again refused to rule out a potential deployment in Ukraine. “We mustn’t rule anything out because our objective is that Russia must never be able to win in Ukraine,” he told the Economist.

    Macron argued that the question of NATO boots on the ground could arise “if the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if Kiev were to request help. 

    Read more  Deputy Head of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Vadim Skibitsky. Ukraine on brink – top spy

    Other high-ranking European officials have floated the idea of troop deployments, with some suggesting that the US-led military alliance could send demining squads and other non-combat personnel. “The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters in March.

    However, other NATO countries, notably Hungary and Slovakia, have spoken out against any further escalation.

    “If a NATO member commits ground troops, it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation and it will then be World War III,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told French broadcaster LCI on Thursday.

    Moscow has repeatedly warned that it would be forced to attack Western troops if they take part in the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the front line in Ukraine.

    Kiev has sounded the alarm over the delays in Western military aid in recent months, blaming ammunition shortages for losses on the battlefield.

    In an interview published in The Economist on Thursday, Vadim Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency, said Ukraine’s defenses could crumble even with the recently approved additional aid packages from the US and UK. 

  39. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The presence of Western combat personnel would lead to further escalation, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said

    The UK foreign secretary has spoken out against sending soldiers from NATO countries to Ukraine to fight against the Russian army. He made the comments amid calls from some EU leaders for more direct involvement in the conflict. 

    Speaking to Sky News on Friday, David Cameron said the UK would keep supplying weapons to Kiev and focus on replenishing its own stocks “as a national priority.” 

    “But I wouldn’t have NATO soldiers in the country because I think that could be a dangerous escalation,” he added. “We’ve trained – I think – almost 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers.”

    This week, French President Emmanuel Macron once again refused to rule out a potential deployment in Ukraine. “We mustn’t rule anything out because our objective is that Russia must never be able to win in Ukraine,” he told the Economist.

    Macron argued that the question of NATO boots on the ground could arise “if the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if Kiev were to request help. 

    Read more  Deputy Head of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Vadim Skibitsky. Ukraine on brink – top spy

    Other high-ranking European officials have floated the idea of troop deployments, with some suggesting that the US-led military alliance could send demining squads and other non-combat personnel. “The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters in March.

    However, other NATO countries, notably Hungary and Slovakia, have spoken out against any further escalation.

    “If a NATO member commits ground troops, it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation and it will then be World War III,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told French broadcaster LCI on Thursday.

    Moscow has repeatedly warned that it would be forced to attack Western troops if they take part in the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday that “nothing will remain” of NATO forces if they are sent to the front line in Ukraine.

    Kiev has sounded the alarm over the delays in Western military aid in recent months, blaming ammunition shortages for losses on the battlefield.

    In an interview published in The Economist on Thursday, Vadim Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency, said Ukraine’s defenses could crumble even with the recently approved additional aid packages from the US and UK. 

  40. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The former US president had been sanctioned for his public comments about his hush money trial

    Former US President Donald Trump has paid a $9,000 fine for violating a gag order imposed during his hush money trial in New York, news outlets reported on Thursday, citing a court official.

    Judge Juan Merchant fined Trump on Tuesday for violating the gag order nine times and instructed him to take down seven “offending posts” from Truth Social and two more posts from his campaign website.

    Trump is being accused of falsifying business records in an effort to conceal his sexual relationship with former adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and insisted he never had an affair with Daniels. He further slammed the gag order as “unconstitutional,” and argued that the trial is a plot to derail his re-election campaign.

    During the 11th day of hearings on Friday, the jurors heard the testimony of Hope Hicks, Trump’s former campaign press secretary and White House communications director.

    Read more Former US President Donald Trump gestures to supporters earlier this month in New York City. US voters warming up to Trump – CNN poll

    Describing her former boss’s reaction to a Wall Street Journal story about Trump’s alleged affairs with Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, she told the court that Trump was “concerned how it would be viewed by his wife and he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers weren’t delivered to their residence that morning.”

    Trump and President Joe Biden are neck-and-neck in most polls, with just six months left until election day. Trump continued to insist on his innocence during a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Wednesday. “There is no crime. I have a crooked judge,” the former president told supporters.

    According to an NPR/PBS NewHours/Marist poll released on Wednesday, 55% of Americans say that they are not closely watching the hush money trial or not watching it at all. At the same time, 54% of Americans said they believe the investigations into Trump are fair, while 45% view them as unfair. 

  41. Site: RT - News
    4 weeks 1 day ago
    Author: RT

    The former US president had been sanctioned for his public comments about his hush money trial

    Former US President Donald Trump has paid a $9,000 fine for violating a gag order imposed during his hush money trial in New York, news outlets reported on Thursday, citing a court official.

    Judge Juan Merchant fined Trump on Tuesday for violating the gag order nine times and instructed him to take down seven “offending posts” from Truth Social and two more posts from his campaign website.

    Trump is being accused of falsifying business records in an effort to conceal his sexual relationship with former adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and insisted he never had an affair with Daniels. He further slammed the gag order as “unconstitutional,” and argued that the trial is a plot to derail his re-election campaign.

    During the 11th day of hearings on Friday, the jurors heard the testimony of Hope Hicks, Trump’s former campaign press secretary and White House communications director.

    Read more Former US President Donald Trump gestures to supporters earlier this month in New York City. US voters warming up to Trump – CNN poll

    Describing her former boss’s reaction to a Wall Street Journal story about Trump’s alleged affairs with Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, she told the court that Trump was “concerned how it would be viewed by his wife and he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers weren’t delivered to their residence that morning.”

    Trump and President Joe Biden are neck-and-neck in most polls, with just six months left until election day. Trump continued to insist on his innocence during a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Wednesday. “There is no crime. I have a crooked judge,” the former president told supporters.

    According to an NPR/PBS NewHours/Marist poll released on Wednesday, 55% of Americans say that they are not closely watching the hush money trial or not watching it at all. At the same time, 54% of Americans said they believe the investigations into Trump are fair, while 45% view them as unfair. 

  42. Site: The Eponymous Flower
    1 month 1 day ago

    Edit: the site’s comments will be moderated till Gaybrielle doxes himself and his vaccine status. We want to make sure he’s up on his jabs, even though they don’t really help and are liable to injure you.

    It stands to reason that since Gaybrielle considers himself an authority on everything, and a man whose opinion matters, a “roads” scholar, and all that, we deserve to know who he is.


  43. Site: The Eponymous Flower
    1 month 1 day ago
  44. Site: The Eponymous Flower
    1 month 1 day ago

    Bears David Oliver, left, and David Meredith wipe away tears after the United Methodist Church voted to repeal the church's ban on LGBTQ clergy on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

    Edit: now they can groom on the above board with “Episcopal” approval!

    Chris Carlson/AP CNN — The United Methodist Church overturned its 40-year ban on gay clergy Wednesday, during a meeting of the church’s top legislative body in Charlotte, North Carolina. 

     The church has long been divided into factions over its stance on homosexuality and gay clergy and even weighed splitting into two separate churches over the issue, CNN previously reported.

  45. Site: RT - News
    1 month 2 days ago
    Author: RT

    A “confession” message purportedly by the perpetrators claims their action is linked to Rheinmetall’s deliveries to Kiev

    A garden house belonging to Armin Papperger, the CEO of one of Germany’s leading arms manufacturers, has been targetted by arsonists, multiple media outlets reported on Wednesday. “Left-wing extremists” claiming responsibility for the attack linked it to Rheinmetall’s weapons deliveries to Ukraine, according to a post on the Indymedia platform.

    Bild says the incident took place in the early hours of Monday morning in the village of Hermannsburg in Lower Saxony and that federal police have taken over the investigation

    Since the start of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in February 2022, Rheinmetall has provided Kiev with military hardware including Leopard-type tanks. Last month, the German government placed an order with the manufacturer for an additional 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles for the Ukrainian military. 

    Read more  German and Dutch soldiers show the maintenance of a Leopard 2A6 main battle tank during an exercise in Lower Saxony, Germany, September 25, 2019 Most German tanks given to Ukraine no longer working – MP

    A message purportedly from the perpetrators was posted some hours after the attack on the Indymedia platform, according to reports. German media descibes the portal as one favored by left-wing extremists. The authors of the message claimed that the arms manufacturer was hoarding various types of tanks “that can now be sold to Ukraine along with munitions at a hefty profit.” The anonymous statement added that “Rheinmetall plans, produces and murders, not only domestically.”

    According to the media outlet, which cited local authorities, the alleged arson attack did not endanger human life. Police have launched an investigation and are checking the authenticity of the message by the supposed perpetrators. 

    Back in 2020, left-wing protesters staged a protest outside Papperger’s property, denouncing Rheinmetall’s business.

  46. Site: RT - News
    1 month 2 days ago
    Author: RT

    The Biden administration has for months called for restrictions on America’s top foreign supplier

    The US Senate on Tuesday gave the green light to legislation banning enriched uranium imports from Russia. The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act was approved unanimously and has now been sent to President Joe Biden to sign into law.

    According to the US Energy Department, in 2022, Russia supplied 24% of all enriched uranium shipped to the country, thus becoming the top importer of the crucial fuel. While the US has its own deposits of uranium, they are not sufficient to satisfy demand. Russia accounts for nearly half of global capacity.

    Commenting on the act, Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, a Republican, said: “our bipartisan legislation will help defund Russia’s war machine, revive American uranium production, and jump-start investments in America’s nuclear fuel supply chain.”

    Read more RT EU to sanction Russian LNG – member state  

    The bill envisages a ban on Russian enriched uranium imports, allowing temporary waivers until January 2028. It also frees up $2.7 billion passed in previous legislation to develop America’s own uranium processing industry.

    Bloomberg quoted Jonathan Hinze, the president of nuclear fuel market research firm UxC, as warning that the ban could see enriched uranium prices go up by 20%, with one SWU (a standard unit of measurement in the industry) costing as much as $200.
    The media outlet also said Moscow could halt all exports to the US on its own, depriving Washington of a large chunk of the uranium it needs overnight.

    The US House of Representatives backed the bill last December, and there is little doubt that Biden will give his approval as well.

    In October 2023, the White House called for a long-term ban on enriched uranium imports from Russia, describing it as a “national security priority.” In a fact sheet at the time, the Biden administration argued that “dependence on Russian sources of uranium creates risk to the US economy.”

  47. Site: RT - News
    1 month 2 days ago
    Author: RT

    The ex-president has grown more critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since leaving office

    Former US President Donald Trump has refused to rule out withholding military aid to Israel to force an end to the war in Gaza if he is reelected. Once a stalwart defender of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump has argued that the Israeli leader and his military have bungled the war with Hamas.

    In an interview with Time magazine published on Tuesday, Trump stood by his insistence last month that Israel should “finish up [its] war” before it loses any more international support.

    “I think that Israel has done one thing very badly: public relations,” Trump told the outlet, adding that he thinks the Israeli military shouldn’t “be sending out pictures every night of buildings falling down and being bombed.”

    Asked whether he would rule out withholding or applying conditions to US military aid to Israel in order to bring the war to a conclusion, Trump replied “no,” before launching into a scathing critique of Netanyahu.

    Read more Donald Trump speaks at a rally outside Schnecksville Fire Hall on April 13, 2024 in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania. Trump blames Biden for Iranian attack on Israel

    “I had a bad experience with Bibi,” he said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. Trump recalled how Netanyahu allegedly promised to take part in the US airstrike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani in January 2020, before pulling out at the last minute.

    “That was something I never forgot,” Trump told Time, adding that the incident “showed me something.”

    Netanayhu, he said, “rightfully has been criticized for what took place on October 7,” referring to Hamas’ attack on Israel. “And I think it’s had a profound impact on him, despite everything. Because people said that shouldn’t have happened. 

    Israel has “the most sophisticated equipment,” he continued. “Everything was there to stop that. And a lot of people knew about it, you know, thousands and thousands of people knew about it, but Israel didn’t know about it, and I think he’s being blamed for that very strongly.”

    Trump is not the first person to allege that the Israeli military and government failed to respond to warnings of an impending attack by Hamas. According to Israeli media reports, multiple military and intelligence personnel tried to warn their superiors that an attack was in the works, while Egyptian officials told the Associated Press that they passed on warnings to their Israeli counterparts in the weeks leading up to October 7.

    READ MORE: Trump tells Israel it made ‘big mistake’

    Trump was a close ally of Netanyahu during his term in the White House, and described himself as “history’s most pro-Israel US president.” He imposed sanctions on Iran at Netanyahu’s request, moved the US embassy in Israel to West Jerusalem, and brokered the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel normalize relations with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan.

    Asked whether he could work better with Netanyahu’s main political rival, Benny Gantz, if he were to return to the White House after the November presidential election, Trump did not give a straight answer. However, he remarked that “Gantz is good,” and that there are “some very good people I’ve gotten to know in Israel that could do a good job.”

  48. Site: The Eponymous Flower
    1 month 2 days ago
  49. Site: RT - News
    1 month 3 days ago
    Author: RT

    Media reports suggest the court could charge the Israeli prime minister with war crimes

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked US President Joe Biden to stop the International Criminal Court (ICC) from pursuing him and several other top-ranking Israeli officials, news publisher Axios has claimed. Several media outlets reported last week that the court could charge the Israeli leadership with war crimes over the ongoing military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.

    Israel launched its massive offensive following the deadly October 7 incursion by the radical group’s militants, which claimed the lives of an estimated 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians.

    In recent months, the severe response by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the densely populated Palestinian enclave have come under increasing scrutiny and have been broadly criticized – even by the country’s US and European allies.

    According to Gaza authorities, Israeli strikes have killed more than 34,000 people, mostly civilians. In January, the United Nation’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a ruling, saying it was “plausible” that Israeli forces had committed acts of genocide in the enclave.

    Read more Israeli soldiers near the border with Gaza on April 24, 2024. US accuses Israeli army units of human rights violations

    In its article on Monday, Axios, citing two anonymous Israeli officials, claimed that Netanyahu had phoned Biden on Sunday, asking him to wield Washington’s clout and prevent the ICC from issuing arrest warrants.

    NBC News, citing an unnamed Israeli official, also claimed on Monday that the ICC could charge Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and unnamed senior military officers, along with the prime minister.

    The US network quoted its source as saying that “Israel is working through diplomatic channels to try to stop the warrants being issued.” The ICC did not confirm or deny the report, telling reporters that it “has an ongoing independent investigation in relation to the situation in the State of Palestine.”

    Prime Minister Netanyahu insisted on Friday that Israel “will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defense.” “The threat to seize the soldiers and officials of the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state is outrageous. We will not bow to it,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

    Launched in 2021, the ICC’s investigation focuses on alleged war crimes committed by the Israeli military and Palestinian militant groups in the West Bank and Gaza since 2014, when Israel fought a month-long war against Hamas.

    Israel is not a party to the Rome Statute and does not recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction. However, should a warrant in Netanyahu’s name be issued, his travel could be restricted, as the 124 countries that recognize the court may consider themselves obliged to arrest him.

  50. Site: RT - News
    1 month 3 days ago
    Author: RT

    Last week, US President Joe Biden signed a law demanding that the platform’s Chinese owner sell it or be barred from app stores

    The EU has not ruled out banning Chinese-owned TikTok, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has stated. The official, who is seeking another term in June, claimed that the video-hosting platform poses “a threat”, without elaborating.

    Last Wednesday, US President Joe Biden signed a law demanding that TikTok’s Chinese-based owner, ByteDance, sell the platform or be barred from app stores. Over the past few years, leaders in both the US and EU have made numerous claims regarding supposed security breaches and violations on the part of TikTok, which has staunchly denied the allegations.

    Asked during the Maastricht debate on Monday whether the EU would ban TikTok if the US goes ahead with the measure, von der Leyen said: “It is not excluded because the commission was the very first institution worldwide to ban Tik Tok on our corporate telephones.”

    “We know exactly the danger of Tik Tok,” she added, noting that the commission has “done a lot to regulate… to make sure that the platforms take responsibility for the content they provide.”

    Read more RT China vows retaliation against US ‘bullying’

    In a statement last Monday, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said, “We suspect TikTok ‘Lite’ could be as toxic and addictive as cigarettes ‘light.’”

    The EU’s executive body opened a case against ByteDance over its TikTok Lite application. According to Brussels, the company had failed to submit a mandatory risk assessment report. ByteDance was given until May 3 to provide all the information requested, with a fine totaling 1% of the company’s annual income in case of noncompliance.

    In February, the commission initiated another probe with regard to the protection of minors, advertising transparency, “data access for researchers,” and “risk management of addictive design and harmful content.”

    Commenting on the US legislation last week, TikTok’s head of public policy for the Americas, Michael Beckerman, denounced the bill signed by Biden as a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of expression.

    TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew released a statement saying: “Make no mistake, this is a ban. A ban on TikTok, a ban on you, and a ban on your voice... Rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere. We are confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. The facts and the Constitution are on our side, and we expect to prevail.”


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