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  1. Site: PaulCraigRoberts.org
    2 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: pcr3

    Biden: White Americans Are the Threat

    Paul Craig Roberts

    The Main Goal of the Biden Regime Is to Sell-out the Majority White American Population and to declare them as a menace.

    Tucker Carlson points out that president Biden, illegitimately in office due to the theft of the 2020 election, has as president of the United States defined America’s majority white population as the major cause of racism and a threat to national unity. Note: it is the majority that is the threat.

    Yet, tens of millions of dumbshit white Americans designated as America’s worst threat by Biden vote for him.

    What future can such a collection of morons have?

    A white heterosexual who votes for Biden is expressing a death wish.

    It is the US whose Democrat Government is alienated from its own white majority population that intends to fight wars against Russia, Iran, and China.

    This is insanity. Who is going to fight these wars for Biden? The answer is Europeans and the immigrant-invaders into America thanks to Biden’s open border policy. Like Rome in its own self-inflicted decay, the US will be dependent on troops from the immigrant-invaders overrunning its own borders to fight its wars abroad in defense of the borders of foreign countries.

    There is no discussion of this whatsoever.


  2. Site: Rorate Caeli
    2 weeks 5 hours ago
    The Corner Cabinet magazine is organizing a conference in London on June t1st hat will delve into Chesterton's enduring influence on literature, philosophy and Catholic thought. The conference promises to be a stimulating event featuring esteemed speakers including Fr. David Sherry, and Kennedy Hall, as well as engaging discussions on Chesterton’s legacy and relevance in today’s world:New Catholichttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04118576661605931910noreply@blogger.com
  3. Site: Novus Motus Liturgicus
    2 weeks 5 hours ago
    Marcellinus ruled the Roman Church for nine years and four months (really 296-304). By the order of Diocletian and Maximian (during the last and greatest Roman persecution, 303-6), he was seized and brought to sacrifice, and when he did not agree, and for this had to undergo torments of various kinds, out of fear of suffering he offered two grains of incense in sacrifice. This was a cause of Gregory DiPippohttp://www.blogger.com/profile/13295638279418781125noreply@blogger.com0
  4. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 5 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    "Our Enemy, The Fed"

    Authored by George Ford Smith via The Mises Institute,

    The first thing to know about Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr.’s’ book Our Enemy, the Fed is he’s giving it away. Click the link, get your copy and read the whole book. Clearly, such intellectual charity is not only rare but in the educational spirit of Mises.org. The subject matter is light-heavy but Woods, author of the bestseller Meltdown (reviewed here), navigates it with the smooth skill of a master, making the reader experience satisfying from beginning to end.

    The title reflects another insight, paralleling as it does Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy, the State. Most of us were raised to believe government and its agencies serve our best interests. As libertarian scholarship has shown the truth is the exact opposite, particularly with government’s sleazy relationship with money and banking.

    Admittedly, it’s a hard idea to accept since it involves a pernicious breach of trust, but Woods makes it abundantly clear. To our overlords we are easily-duped chattel.

    Until Ron Paul decided to run for president and his End the Fed came along in 2009, the general public was mostly blind to the Fed’s existence. Austrians aside, the few who knew something about it — mostly university-trained economists on the take from the Fed — considered it a vital part of an advanced industrial economy. Yet the Fed had been around for 96 years when Dr. Paul’s book emerged. Given that it’s in charge of the money we use how did it remain in the shadows for tax-burdened citizens for nearly a century? What’s up with that?

    The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tells us the Fed’s congressional assignment is “to promote maximum employment and price stability.” (Bold in original) For these it talks about interest rates, and its aim is to increase the money supply so that prices rise gently at or around a 2 percent rate. 

    How gentle is a two percent rate? After 10 years of two percent monetary inflation, it would take $121.90 to buy what $100 bought in year one. But that’s over a decade, and you might not notice it unless you’re one of the hungry poor not on welfare. The Fed’s inflation of the money supply has been ongoing since it began operations in 1914, draining 96 percent of the dollar’s purchasing power.

    On what planet is a 96 percent devaluation considered stability? Its real purpose is to inflate then assure us it makes good sense. Never mind the boom - bust cycle it creates along with the debauchery of our currency. We’re being gaslighted. Where did all the newly-created money go? 

    Dr. Paul, who had a long career in Congress whose confrontations with Fed Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke have become legendary in libertarian circles, tells us:

    Law permits this highly secretive, private bank to create credit at will and distribute it as it sees fit.

    The chairman of the Federal Reserve can blatantly inject in a public hearing that he has no intention of revealing where the newly created credit goes and who benefits. When asked, he essentially answered, “It’s none of your business,” saying that it would be “counterproductive” to do so. [My italics]

    The picture I get is of people in a hideout somewhere — in this case, the FOMC meeting in the Eccles building in Washington, D.C. — cranking out money then injecting it into the economy in some mysterious manner, while telling us in Keynesian doublespeak their operations keep us safe and prosperous.

    Is it really hard to fathom that those in charge might be up to no good?

    Woods comes out swinging

    After defining the Federal Reserve System — the Fed — as the American central bank enjoying “a government-granted monopoly on the creation of legal-tender money,” Woods proceeds to evaluate the Fed from a broad or macro perspective. 

    What exactly did the Fed fix? Christina Romer who served under Obama as Chair of his Council of Economic Advisors found that “recessions were in fact not more frequent in the pre-Fed than the post-Fed period.” Even comparing the periods of 1796-1915 to post-WW II — thus omitting the Great Depression of 1930-1945 — “economist Joseph Davis finds no appreciable difference between the length and duration of recessions as compared to the period of the Fed.”

    Woods takes us back through American history to see how banking and credit developed. Government, which has no money of its own, befriends ones that have it. During the period between the expiration of the first Bank of the US and the creation of the Second Bank of the US — 1811-1817 — the government granted banks the privilege of expanding credit unsecured by deposits while allowing them to tell depositors attempting to withdraw their money to “come back in a couple of years.” While banks could be charged with legal counterfeiting and embezzlement, Woods does not use the terms. In fact, nowhere in the book does he use the words “counterfeit” or “embezzle.”

    When the Second Bank of the US started inflating in 1817 it created the Panic of 1819. He writes:

    The lesson of that sorry episode — namely, that the economy gets taken on a wild and unhealthy ride when the money supply is dramatically and artificially increased and then suddenly reduced — was so obvious that even the political class managed to figure it out.

    Many inflationists before the panic became hard-money believers after. Condy Raguet and Daniel Raymond, a disciple of Alexander Hamilton, became hard-money advocates and wrote books on economics. John Quincy Adams cited the hard-money Bank of Amsterdam “as a a model to emulate.”

    But the inflationists persisted and pushed for more government intervention, and Unit banking in particular:

    In the nineteenth century, nearly all American states instituted a regulation known as unit banking, which limited all banks to a single office. No branch banking was allowed, whether intrastate or interstate. The obvious result was a very fragile and undiversified banking system in which banks could be brought to ruin if local conditions turned sour.

    Fractional-reserve banking is a major cause of bank panics. But the US went further. Other countries did not “cripple their banking systems” with unit banking laws. Canada, in particular, had no unit banking laws and no banking panics. The Bank of Canada did not emerge until 1934:

    As Milton Friedman was fond of pointing out, although the Great Depression claimed over 9,000 American banks, the number of banks that failed in Canada at that time was zero. American bank panics, it turns out, were in large part the result of government intervention — in the form of unit banking — in the first place.

    Yet it was the market and the imposed pseudo-gold standard that took the blame, and Americans got Hoover’s meddling then FDR’s New Deal.

    Later in the book Woods mentions the hands-off approach to the depression of 1920-1921, “which saw unemployment shoot up to 12.4 percent and production decline by 17 percent. Wholesale prices fell by 56 percent.” And the Fed kept its printing press quiet. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the depression was over by the summer of 1921.

    Falling prices are bad?

    One of the strongest parts of Woods’ book is his treatment of deflation — falling prices. It is only in the inflationary world of larcenous economics that falling prices are the “It” to be avoided.

    A few of the points he makes:

    • Increasing the money supply to support increased production is a fallacy. “Any supply of money can facilitate any number of transactions.”

    • The money supply under a hard money system grows “relatively slowly, and the supply of other goods and services increases more rapidly. With these goods and services more abundant with respect to money, their prices fall.”

    • The claim that people would stop buying things if they knew prices would fall ignores the fact that people “value goods in the present more highly than they do the same goods in the future. This factor offsets the desire to wait indefinitely for a lower price.”

    • If deflation is anticipated entrepreneurs and the firms they deal with would adjust their bids accordingly.

    • With the increase in money’s purchasing power people could save simply by hoarding.

    • Who’s hurt the most by deflation? The power centers in society — government and Wall Street. We hear hysteria over deflation because it hurts the establishment the most, “and only the mildest concern about inflation, which hurts everyone else.”


    Tom Woods has published another gem and is giving it away. The war we’re fighting now depends for its outcome on sound information and, as always, personal integrity. Never forget, the Fed must go. His book provides much of the intellectual ammunition needed to neutralize the enemy and avoid repeating the mistakes that brought us this mess in the first place.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 07:20
  5. Site: Mises Institute
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: David Gordon
    Why have some Americans opposed this nation’s involvement in foreign wars? According to Jacob Heilbrunn of The National Interest, it is because those Americans love bloody dictators like Adolph Hitler.
  6. Site: Mises Institute
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: David Gordon
    Why have some Americans opposed this nation’s involvement in foreign wars? According to Jacob Heilbrunn of The National Interest, it is because those Americans love bloody dictators like Adolph Hitler.
  7. Site: The Josias
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: J.P. Barnas

    Urban Hannon returns to the podcast to join Fr. Jon Tveit and Amanda for a conversation about the virtue of religion—what it is theologically, and what it demands practically of us and our society.


    Header Image: Jules Breton, The Blessing of the wheat in Artois (1857)

    If you have questions or comments, please send them to editors(at)thejosias.com.

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    Many thanks to our generous supporters on Patreon, who enable us to pay for podcast hosting. If you have not yet joined them, please do so. You can set up a one-time or recurring donation in any amount. Even $1 a month would be splendid.

  8. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    UK Defense Chief Says Ukraine To Increase Long-Range Strikes In Russia

    Just as President Biden was signing into effect the newly approved foreign defense package which includes $60 billion for Ukraine, the United Kingdom also rolled out its own massive aid package (though paling in comparison), first unveiled Tuesday.

    Britain announced its single largest aid package for Ukraine yet, at the equivalent of $620 million (£500 million). According to UK NATO officials, the arms include Storm Shadow missiles among a total of 1,600 strike and air defense missiles, four million rounds of ammo, 60 boats, and over 400 vehicles.

    Even though the White House is busy cautioning that in the coming months Russia is likely to make more gains on the front lines, according to fresh words of Jake Sullivan, British leadership is still talking about "winning".

    Head of the UK military, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Via The Telegram

    Defense Minister Grant Shapps, for example, had this to say about new aid: "This record package of military aid will give President Zelensky and his brave nation more of the kit they need to kick Putin out and restore peace and stability in Europe."

    "The UK was the first to provide NLAW missiles, the first to give modern tanks, and the first to send long-range missiles," he added. "Now, we are going even further. We will never let the world forget the existential battle Ukraine is fighting, and with our enduring support, they will win."

    Britain's military leadership is also echoing this optimism, with UK defense chief, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, telling Financial Times that the West's new infusion of military aid will help Ukraine increase its long-range strikes on Russian territory:

    Ukraine is set to increase long-range attacks inside Russia as an influx of western military aid aims to help Kyiv shape the war “in much stronger ways”, the head of the UK military has said.

    Admiral Sir Tony Radakin acknowledged the downbeat mood surrounding Ukraine’s defence in an interview with the Financial Times, admitting the country was facing a “difficult” fight to repel advancing Russian forces.

    But Britain’s chief of defence, a key figure in the west’s military support for Kyiv, stressed that such a gloomy “snapshot” of the war failed to recognise longer trends more in Kyiv’s favour.

    Adm. Radakin continued, "As Ukraine gains more capabilities for the long-range fight . . . its ability to continue deep operations will [increasingly] become a feature" of the war. He emphasized of new weapons systems, "they definitely have an effect."

    UK leadership has of late put the country's defense industry on a "war footing" in preparation to support Kiev for the long haul. More of Radakin's words point to escalation (and not negotiations) in the following...

    "Don’t expect anyone to say publicly ‘this is the plan’ and A, B and C are now going to happen," he told FT. Some aspect of Ukraine's strategy and operations "will be hidden . . . some will be dictated by a tactical or operational advantage, and some also depends on more foundational aspects," he added.

    Nowhere in the UK defense chief's interview was acknowledgement that these policies could lead to runaway escalation, and an eventual direct confrontation between nuclear-armed powers. The Kremlin has in response vowed that it will take more territory in Ukraine in order to counteract the longer range of NATO missiles.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 06:55
  9. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Beijing has flatly rejected the US-led military bloc’s claim that it is “fueling” the conflict

    NATO is directly responsible for the Ukraine conflict, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press briefing on Friday, reacting to criticism raised by the US-led military bloc.

    On Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg accused Beijing of supposedly supporting Russian weapons manufacturing through the export of dual-use components to the country.

    “China says it wants good relations with the West. At the same time, Beijing continues to fuel the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War Two. They cannot have it both ways,” the official warned.

    Wang rejected the claim, saying it is based on rumors. China did not start the Ukraine crisis, he insisted, and NATO’s responsibility for it is “unshiftable.” The US-led military bloc “should reflect on its role, stop shifting the blame, and do something practical to promote a political settlement,” he added.

    Read more  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin. US ‘shooting itself in the foot’ by arming Taiwan – Beijing

    According to Beijing, NATO’s expansion in Europe and refusal to take Russian national security concerns into consideration triggered the hostilities. A roadmap to peace that China proposed in early 2023 called for that core problem to be addressed, he noted.

    Kiev rejected a potential peace treaty with Moscow which the parties had negotiated in the early weeks of the conflict, and opted to continue armed hostilities. The US and its allies have vowed to stand with Ukraine “for as long as it takes” to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia. Moscow has claimed that Ukrainian military casualties since February 2022 are approaching 500,000.

    In his rebuke of Beijing, Stoltenberg claimed that in 2023, “Russia imported 90% of its microelectronics from China, used to produce missiles, tanks and aircraft.” Wang said Chinese trade was above board, and claimed that “more than 60% of weapons parts and dual-use items imported by Russia come from the US and the West.”

    READ MORE: Beijing warns Washington against crossing ‘red lines’

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is currently visiting China. He reportedly intends to use the threat of financial restrictions, which Washington is poised to impose on Chinese banks involved in trade with Russia, as leverage. During his meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday, the latter warned that US attempts to infringe on “China’s legitimate development rights” were undermining bilateral relations.

  10. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Beijing has flatly rejected the US-led military bloc’s claim that it is “fueling” the conflict

    NATO is directly responsible for the Ukraine conflict, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press briefing on Friday, reacting to criticism raised by the US-led military bloc.

    On Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg accused Beijing of supposedly supporting Russian weapons manufacturing through the export of dual-use components to the country.

    “China says it wants good relations with the West. At the same time, Beijing continues to fuel the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War Two. They cannot have it both ways,” the official warned.

    Wang rejected the claim, saying it is based on rumors. China did not start the Ukraine crisis, he insisted, and NATO’s responsibility for it is “unshiftable.” The US-led military bloc “should reflect on its role, stop shifting the blame, and do something practical to promote a political settlement,” he added.

    Read more  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin. US ‘shooting itself in the foot’ by arming Taiwan – Beijing

    According to Beijing, NATO’s expansion in Europe and refusal to take Russian national security concerns into consideration triggered the hostilities. A roadmap to peace that China proposed in early 2023 called for that core problem to be addressed, he noted.

    Kiev rejected a potential peace treaty with Moscow which the parties had negotiated in the early weeks of the conflict, and opted to continue armed hostilities. The US and its allies have vowed to stand with Ukraine “for as long as it takes” to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia. Moscow has claimed that Ukrainian military casualties since February 2022 are approaching 500,000.

    In his rebuke of Beijing, Stoltenberg claimed that in 2023, “Russia imported 90% of its microelectronics from China, used to produce missiles, tanks and aircraft.” Wang said Chinese trade was above board, and claimed that “more than 60% of weapons parts and dual-use items imported by Russia come from the US and the West.”

    READ MORE: Beijing warns Washington against crossing ‘red lines’

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is currently visiting China. He reportedly intends to use the threat of financial restrictions, which Washington is poised to impose on Chinese banks involved in trade with Russia, as leverage. During his meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday, the latter warned that US attempts to infringe on “China’s legitimate development rights” were undermining bilateral relations.

  11. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Polish President Admits That Major Infrastructure Project Has Dual Military Purposes

    Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack,

    Polish President Andrzej Duda revealed in an interview that the Central Communication Port (CPK by its Polish abbreviation) transportation megaproject outside of Warsaw has dual military purposes.

    He represents Poland’s prior conservative-nationalist government but remains in office despite the liberal-globalist opposition’s victory at the polls last fall since his term doesn’t expire till next year.

    Duda’s latest claim makes Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s decision to pause and audit the CPK even more scandalous.

    It was analyzed here at the time that he was economically subordinating Poland to Germany after having already done so on the political and military fronts, which lent credence to conservative-nationalist chieftain Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s warning late last year that Tusk is actually a “German agent”. Tusk then subordinated his country to its neighbor on the educational, judicial, and diplomatic fronts, all of which is being done on the pretext of implementing various “reforms”.

    The end result is that Poland now plays an indispensable role in Germany’s “Fortress Europe” that was elaborated upon here, but Duda’s unexpected revelation about the CPK’s dual military purpose might reverse some of the tempo by putting grassroots and external pressure on Tusk to approve the CPK. Most Poles are in favor of this transport megaproject according to the latest polls that Duda’s interlocutor cited, while the US has an interest in using Poland as an anti-Russian military launchpad.

    Here's exactly what Duda said according to Google Translate:

    “It is no secret to anyone, and I emphasize this: If a situation of potential danger for Poland were to occur, and the relocation of additional allied forces to Poland would be necessary to defend our territory, we do not currently have an airport that would be able to provide such support for the West to quickly come to Poland.”

    This reminder is meant to imply that Tusk is harming NATO’s contingency plans for partisan reasons.

    It’s also a dog whistle harkening back to what the former conservative-nationalist government’s Defense Minister claimed about his liberal-globalist predecessors regarding Tusk’s defensive plans during his prior two terms in office. Mariusz Blaszczak alleged that Tusk’s government planned to withdraw west of the Vistula River in the political fantasy that Russia invaded Poland until NATO reinforcements arrived and claimed to have the classified documents to prove it too.

    Tusk’s previous time in power was marked by the arguably German-advised Russian-Polish rapprochement that was meant to create a “Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok” during the halcyon era of Russian-EU relations. Those hopes were obviously dashed as everyone now knows, after which Tusk’s conservative-nationalist successors never wasted an opportunity to speculate that his pragmatic policy at the time was due to secret Russian influence over his government.

    Blaszczak’s allegation should be seen in that light just like Duda’s reminder should too. Their conservative-nationalist movement sought to exploit political Russophobia in Polish society ahead of the elections to remain in power, but even though that didn’t work, they haven’t learned their lesson and are now trying to employ it yet again in their attempt to return to power one day. That said, it’s indeed important for Poles to be aware of both facts, after which they can make up their own mind.

    Revealing allegedly classified details about outdated Polish national defense policy is one thing, while raising awareness of how possibly canceling the country’s largest megaproject in recent memory could impact national security in theoretical contingencies (not to mention killing lots of jobs) is another.

    The first disclosure didn’t succeed in reshaping popular perceptions of the liberal-globalists whereas the second stands a greater chance of success of doing so even though it’s too early to conclude that it will.  

    Another point to pay attention to is that this isn’t the first time that Duda dropped a bombshell about a significant issue. Earlier in April, he told Lithuanian media that foreign companies own most of Ukraine’s industrial agriculture, thus confirming what had previously been reported but denied by the West. He therefore has a habit of being very candid about issues that he sincerely believes are of immense importance for Poland’s objective national interests.

    Regardless of whatever the reader’s opinion might be about the likelihood of Duda’s scenario unfolding, which concerns Poland relying on the CPK to serve as the port of entry for a large-scale NATO intervention in the event of a Russian invasion, his point about that megaproject is militarily and strategically sound. It’ll be very difficult for Tusk to argue against it after he himself jumped on the Russia-bashing bandwagon since returning to power and continues fearmongering about its intentions.

    He even jumped the shark last month by sensationally claiming that “we are in a pre-war era” that he compared to the run-up to World War II, thus suggesting whether sincerely or not that he supposedly believes that it’s possible for Russia to invade Poland in the coming future. If he ultimately decides to cancel the CPK despite Duda reminding him of its dual military purposes, then he’d discredit his previous fearmongering about Russia, which is the pretext for justifying Poland’s subordination to Germany.

    Tusk’s hands might be tied, however, since the combination of grassroots and external (US/NATO) pressure might be enough to get him to reconsider weaponizing the CPK as part of his partisan war against his conservative-nationalist opponents under whom this megaproject was initiated. In any case, Duda inadvertently vindicated those Russian observers who long suspected that the CPK had dual military purposes, thus proving that they were right about Poland’s real plans all along.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 06:30
  12. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Kiev’s forces have been “outgunned” by Russia due to a decline in Western aid, the chief of the US-led military bloc has said

    Insufficient support from the West for Ukraine is the reason for Russia’s advances on the battlefield, but more military aid for Kiev is on its way, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said.

    He was speaking in Berlin on Thursday, where he received the Eric M. Warburg Award from the German-American NGO Atlantik-Brucke for “his outstanding dedication to the transatlantic friendship and partnership in turbulent times.”

    The deteriorating situation for Kiev in its conflict with Moscow was one of the main topics of his acceptance speech, in which he said Ukraine “is where we are being tested.”

    “We have to be honest. The reality is that, in recent months, NATO allies have not provided the support we have promised,” he said. “For months, the US was not able to agree a package. And in Europe, the delivery of ammunition is far below the levels we said we would provide.”

    On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden signed a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine following a lengthy standoff between the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. This had reduced deliveries of US weapons and ammunition by almost half.

    Read more US President Joe Biden delivers remarks after signing legislation giving $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Biden team doubts US aid will help Ukraine win – Politico

    Last year, the EU vowed to supply Kiev with 1 million shells by March 2024. However, the bloc later acknowledged that it would not be able to meet this goal. Ukrainian officials said previously that they had only received around a third of the promised munitions.

    “These delays have consequences,” Stoltenberg acknowledged. Without enough Western aid, “Ukraine has been outgunned, allowing Russia to push forward on the front line.”

    However, NATO chief insisted that “it is not too late for Ukraine to prevail because more support is on the way.”

    He noted that the UK had recently announced more ammunition, air defenses, and deep-precision strike capabilities for Kiev, while Germany promised to supply a third US-made Patriot air-defense system.

    On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated that the $61 billion US military aid package or any other weapons deliveries to Ukraine would not “change the dynamics on the front line.”

    READ MORE: More weapons for Kiev won’t change battlefield dynamics – Kremlin

    Earlier this week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Moscow’s forces currently hold the initiative everywhere along the front line, and are capturing more settlements from the Ukrainians. He estimated Kiev’s losses since the start of the conflict in February 2022 at around half-a-million troops.

  13. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Kiev’s forces have been “outgunned” by Russia due to a decline in Western aid, the chief of the US-led military bloc has said

    Insufficient support from the West for Ukraine is the reason for Russia’s advances on the battlefield, but more military aid for Kiev is on its way, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said.

    He was speaking in Berlin on Thursday, where he received the Eric M. Warburg Award from the German-American NGO Atlantik-Brucke for “his outstanding dedication to the transatlantic friendship and partnership in turbulent times.”

    The deteriorating situation for Kiev in its conflict with Moscow was one of the main topics of his acceptance speech, in which he said Ukraine “is where we are being tested.”

    “We have to be honest. The reality is that, in recent months, NATO allies have not provided the support we have promised,” he said. “For months, the US was not able to agree a package. And in Europe, the delivery of ammunition is far below the levels we said we would provide.”

    On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden signed a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine following a lengthy standoff between the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. This had reduced deliveries of US weapons and ammunition by almost half.

    Read more US President Joe Biden delivers remarks after signing legislation giving $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Biden team doubts US aid will help Ukraine win – Politico

    Last year, the EU vowed to supply Kiev with 1 million shells by March 2024. However, the bloc later acknowledged that it would not be able to meet this goal. Ukrainian officials said previously that they had only received around a third of the promised munitions.

    “These delays have consequences,” Stoltenberg acknowledged. Without enough Western aid, “Ukraine has been outgunned, allowing Russia to push forward on the front line.”

    However, NATO chief insisted that “it is not too late for Ukraine to prevail because more support is on the way.”

    He noted that the UK had recently announced more ammunition, air defenses, and deep-precision strike capabilities for Kiev, while Germany promised to supply a third US-made Patriot air-defense system.

    On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated that the $61 billion US military aid package or any other weapons deliveries to Ukraine would not “change the dynamics on the front line.”

    READ MORE: More weapons for Kiev won’t change battlefield dynamics – Kremlin

    Earlier this week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Moscow’s forces currently hold the initiative everywhere along the front line, and are capturing more settlements from the Ukrainians. He estimated Kiev’s losses since the start of the conflict in February 2022 at around half-a-million troops.

  14. Site: non veni pacem
    2 weeks 6 hours ago
    Author: Mark Docherty

    By Daniella Genovese

    Southwest Airlines announced Thursday that the carrier is pulling out of several airports as it contends with financial fallout from Boeing delays. CEO Bob Jordan warned that the carrier has intensified its network optimization efforts to address underperforming markets. As a result, the Texas-based carrier is closing operations at:

    • Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport
    • Bellingham International Airport in Washington
    • Cozumel International Airport in Mexico
    • Syracuse Hancock International Airport in New York

    Jordan placed some of the blame on Boeing’s manufacturing delays, stating that “the recent news from Boeing regarding further aircraft delivery delays presents significant challenges for both 2024 and 2025.”

    While he said it was disappointing to incur a loss in the quarter, the chief executive added that the company is “focused on controlling what we can control and have already taken swift action to address our financial underperformance and adjust for revised aircraft delivery expectations.”

    Southwest reported a loss of $231 million, or 39 cents a share, for the quarter.


  15. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 7 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Sceptical Supreme Court Could Hand Trump Partial Victory In Immunity Case

    After two and a half hours, the Supreme Court has finished hearing arguments on whether a former president is immune from criminal prosecution.

    Reading the tea-leaves of the comments has left most believing that SCOTUS will fail to grant former President Trump the full immunity he is seeking (choosing instead to narrow the protections for former presidents), but are likely to issue a ruling that could further delay his trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.

    That would be a partial win for the former President.

    As Axios reports, a definitive ruling against Trump - a clear rejection of his theory of immunity that would allow his Jan. 6 trial to promptly resume - seemed to be the least likely outcome.

    • A majority of the justices seemed inclined to rule that former presidents must have at least some protection from criminal charges, but not necessarily the "absolute immunity" Trump is seeking.

    • The core distinction during oral arguments came down to a president's official vs. unofficial actions. — and which of Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results were official vs. unofficial.

    • The most likely outcome might be for the high court to punt, perhaps kicking the case back to lower courts for more nuanced hearings.

    That would still be a victory for Trump, as Sam Dorman reports via The Epoch Times that the outcome of this appeal could delay lower court proceedings in President Trump’s Washington trial as well as his cases in Georgia and Florida. It’s unlikely that the Supreme Court, which is expected to release a decision in June, will write an opinion that delays his ongoing criminal “hush money” trial in New York.

    The bottom-line is that no clear, concise majority opinion emerged this morning.

    But there may be five justices willing to kick the can down the road - and that's enough for Trump, at least for now.

    *  *  *

    The Supreme Court will hear oral argument today over former President Donald Trump’s claim that he’s immune from criminal prosecution for official acts he undertook while in office.

    Listen live here (due to start at 1000ET):

    LISTEN LIVE: Supreme Court hears case on whether Trump has presidential immunity from prosecution

    — PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) April 25, 2024

    Jonathan Turley is live-blogging the hearing on X:

    We are off and running on the oral arguments on immunity with John Sauer, former Scalia clerk, arguing for the former president.

    ...Chief Justice Roberts asked the most poignant question. What if a president appointed an ambassador (a clearly official act) but does so for a bribe? Sauer offered a nuanced point that the bribe itself would not be an official act...

    ...Justice Sotomayor just hit Sauer and said that Trump was only acting for personal gain and not in the interests or in a function of his government. She is making the slippery slope argument that such immunity would protect the assassination of a president...

    ...Justice Jackson said that "every president from the beginning of time" understood that they could be prosecuted but they "have continued to function and do their job."...

    ...Sauer agrees that a president can be prosecuted for private conduct. His point is only that the motivations of official conduct should not be the inquiry of the court. He is doing a good job in maintaining a more nuanced position before the Court...

    Justice Jackson gets embarrassed by Trump lawyer John Sauer when she tries to describe America where the president has immunity:

    “The regime you've described is the one we've operated under for over 234 years.” pic.twitter.com/yo15zSUkhA

    — Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 25, 2024

    ...Justice Alito is asking whether the "robust form of immunity" that he is presenting is really necessary. Alito is exploring the middle ground that some of us have previously discussed...

    ...Sauer responded again about the danger of allowing motivations to be pursued. Alito suggests that they may insist on objective, not subjective, grounds in making the key determination -- on "purely objective grounds" to determine if this is an official function or issue...

    ...Interestingly, Alito seems to have answered Sotomayor on a hypothetical in dealing with the term "plausible" . . . an early preview of the conference!

    HAHAHA: Justice Alito Exposes Flaws in D.C. Court Opinion Being Used Against Trump After Special Counsel Attorney Claimed Grand Juries Are Layers Of Protection, Says That May Not Be True Since Even Ham Sandwiches Aren't Safe from Grand Jury Indictments! LISTEN pic.twitter.com/ueYZXcdN0r

    — Simon Ateba (@simonateba) April 25, 2024

    ... Justice Thomas just asked Sauer if he is challenging the constitutionality of the Special Counsel. Sauer said that they have not come so in this case.

    ...Sotomayor just referred to the alternative electors as "fake" and Sauer pushed back on the language of the indictment on the record for decision...

    Trump Lawyer NUKES Sotomayor's "Fraudulent Electors" Talking Point at SCOTUS

    "Apply it to the allegations here. What is plausible about the president assisting in creating a fraudulent slate of electoral candidates, assuming you accept the facts of the complaint on their face,… pic.twitter.com/0J0A8KzenM

    — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 25, 2024 ...Justice Kagan just asked what would happen if the President order a "coup" and whether it would be an official act. Sauer said that "it would depend." Kagan responded "that sure sounds bad doesn't it?"

    Michael Dreeben is now up for Special Counsel...

    ...Roberts just slammed the lower court "a former president can be prosecuted for his official acts because the fact of the prosecution means that the former president has acted in defiance of the laws."...

    ...He said that he is "concerned" because it sounds like "a former president can be prosecuted because he is being prosecuted."...

    ...Roberts just laid low the appellate decision and Dreeben struggled in defense of it. Roberts responded that, if the Special Counsel does not subscribe to the sweeping decision, why shouldn't the court send it back?

    ...Roberts said that the D.C. Circuit failed to do a "focused" analysis on these act by adopting a "tautological" standard...

    ...Gorsuch returned to whether Dreeben is suggesting that immunity questions turn on motivations. Dreeben insists that it is the objection of the conduct rather than the motives...

    ...Dreeben just conceded that he is not sure if motivations would be relevant in determining immunity in relation in core powers...

    ...Gorsuch noted however that all presidents use their powers in part out of a desire to get reelected. Dreeben insisted that this all just falls under a different category. Gorsuch is clearly frustrated the lack of clarity if motive are relevant...

    ...Dreeben just dealt with the drone strikes and said Obama fell in an exception from the murder statute

    ...Barrett noted that that sounds a lot like a public versus private distinction...

    ...This "public authority defense" sounds a lot like arguing a question of motives, again, as raised by the other justices. Dreeben could only say that it was based on "objective" facts.

    ...Justice Barrett just asked if any immunity would also bar state prosecutions. She suggested that immunity may also protect a president from standing for trial on the state or local levels...

    As The Epoch Times' Sam Dorman reports, besides altering longstanding precedent, the decision could bear heavily on, and delay the criminal prosecutions President Trump is facing before the election.

    An appeals court in Washington rejected his attempt to claim immunity in the Justice Department’s prosecution of his activity on Jan. 6 and in response to the 2020 presidential election.

    The Supreme Court is set to review that decision and potentially establish a broader definition of presidential immunity.

    The Supreme Court here has three main options:

    1. to uphold the appeal court’s rejection of President Trump’s immunity claims,

    2. to accept his claims,

    3. or remand the matter back to U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan with a refined test on what presidential acts are immune from prosecution.

    Nixon v. Fitzgerald, a Supreme Court case from 1973, established that presidents enjoy absolute immunity from civil liability for actions that fell within the “outer perimeter” of their official duties.

    Experts speculated to The Epoch Times that the justices could extend that same framework to criminal liability.

    This is the second major oral argument the justices are hearing about attempts to punish President Trump for his conduct following the 2020 presidential election.

    They heard oral argument in February over Colorado’s attempt to disqualify him from the state’s ballot, and issued a unanimous judgment in opposition.

    A week before President Trump’s appeal is reaching the Supreme Court, the justices also heard oral argument over how the DOJ applied a financial reform law to Jan. 6 defendants. That same law forms part of DOJ’s indictment against President Trump.

    Separation of Powers is a major issue that will likely loom large in both the oral argument and eventual opinion.

    President Trump has argued that judicial review of his official acts would be inappropriate, while Special Counsel Jack Smith said granting criminal immunity would upset the balance of power and allow presidents to get away with egregious wrongdoing.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 06:01
    2 weeks 7 hours ago
    Author: noreply@blogger.com (Susan Matthiesen)
  17. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 7 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Chipotle Tells Workers To "Preserve" Chicken Supply As Demand Soars

    A surge in restaurant traffic boosted Chipotle Mexican Grill's first-quarter earnings and revenue, topping the average estimate of Wall Street analysts tracked by Bloomberg on Wednesday.

    Shares are higher by more than 5% in the cash session on Thursday. However, this note will not expand on earnings. Instead, we will focus on a letter from the company to employees stating: Stop eating chicken during lunch and dinner meals because soaring demand has collided with dwindling poultry supply—and the need to preserve supply urgently. 

    Bloomberg obtained the letter Chief Restaurant Officer Scott Boatwright sent employees last week. He told them:

    "Due to its sustained strong sales we need your help to keep up with our guests' demand for this popular protein option." 

    Boatwright told store managers and hot-side and cold-side kitchen employees not to order chicken or chicken al pastor with their free or discounted employee meals. Even white-collar Chipotle workers were told not to order chicken. 

    The message read, "Let's Conserve Our Fan-Favorite Chicken." Execs did not give a timeline for boosting the chicken supply. The letter aimed to "preserve our supply of Adobo Chicken for our guests." 

    Chief Corporate Affairs and Food Safety Officer Laurie Schalow told Bloomberg in an emailed statement:

    "Due to the high demand for chicken in our restaurants and sustained success of our limited-time offer chicken al pastor, we temporarily asked all of our employees at corporate and in-restaurants to select another protein option for their meals to preserve our supply." 

    The Chipotle mobile app shows no disruptions to any protein option on the menu. 

    Harper McNamara, an employee in Michigan at the only unionized Chipotle US store, was quoted by Bloomberg as saying the company's move was a slap in the face to its workforce: "It's disrespectful, just on a personal level." 

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 05:45
  18. Site: AsiaNews.it
    2 weeks 7 hours ago
    The former East Pakistan is watching the election process closely. Especially with regard to the presence of migrants, of Muslim faith, in India. For now, Dhaka is trying to maintain a certain balance between Delhi's pressure and Beijing's influence, explains Fr Sergio Targa, a Xaverian missionary in Bangladesh since 1992, now in Italy.
  19. Site: southern orders
    2 weeks 7 hours ago

    It is safe to say that Pope Francis has begun a tradition of reversing three of his previous predecessors’ papal reforms. Clearly blessing mortal sins of those who live together outside of marriage undermines and reverses many, many aspects of Saint Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae. Clearly many of Pope Francis’ teachings reverses so much of Veritas Splendor of St. Pope John Paul II. And certainly TC reverses Pope Benedict’s XVI reform of the reform and reform of authoritarianism in forbidding liturgies of the Church with well over a 1,000 year tradition. 

    Pope Francis has gone back on papal reforms of three popes, two of whom are canonized saints. For Cardinal Parolin to say that Pope Francis’ reforms are set in concrete and future pope can’t go back and reverse these reforms is simply a joke and it is to laugh!

    The following is copied from Catholic World Report with a link to the Vatican News story:  

    Cardinal Parolin: no going back on Pope’s reforms

    April 25, 2024

    » Continue to this story on Vatican News 

    CWN Editor's Note: Questioned whether the reforms begun by Pope Francis will endure, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, said: “Precisely because it is the action of the Spirit, there can be no turning around.”

    Cardinal Parolin offered that thought at a press conference introducing a new book about Vatican controversies by the journalist Ignazio Ingrao. In that book the author writes of “irreversible processes” of reform begun in this pontificate. 

    • Reform in the Church is always about return to the source: to the original unchangeable teachings of Jesus Christ. Reform is never about some “irreversible processes” of any particular pontificate, especially one that is brimming with scandals and controversies. 

    • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Apr. 25, 2024 5:10 PM ET USA

      Will it never end? We see it again in the cited article: "Magisterium of Pope Francis". Cults of personality, such as this one, tend to annoy after constant repetition. The article mentions "irreversible processes" and in the next paragraph, "Ecclesia semper reformanda". Do these constitute an oxymoron? The article also refers to "the Spirit". The frequent references to "the Spirit" in recent Vatican statements prompt one to ask which spirit? The Holy Spirit? "Spirit of Vatican II"? Another?

  20. Site: Real Investment Advice
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: Lance Roberts

    The latest retail sales data suggests a robust consumer, leading economists to become even more optimistic about more robust economic growth this year. To wit:

    “It has been two years since forecasters felt this good about the economic outlook. In the latest quarterly survey by The Wall Street Journal, business and academic economists lowered the chances of a recession within the next year to 29% from 39% in the January survey. That was the lowest probability since April 2022, when the chances of a recession were set at 28%.

    Economists don’t think the economy will get even close to a recession. In January, they, on average, forecast sub-1% growth in each of the first three quarters of this year. Now, they expect growth to bottom out this year at an inflation-adjusted 1.4% in the third quarter.” – WSJ

    WSJ economists recession forecast

    According to the March retail sales data, consumer spending added “fuel” to economists’ exuberance about this year.

    Rising inflation in March didn’t deter consumers, who continued shopping at a more rapid pace than anticipated, the Commerce Department reported Monday. Retail sales increased 0.7% for the month, considerably faster than the Dow Jones consensus forecast for a 0.3% rise though below the upwardly revised 0.9% in February, according to Census Bureau data that is adjusted for seasonality but not for inflation.”CNBC

    The chart below shows the monthly change in the retail sales data over the last two years.

    Nominal Retail Sales MoM percentage change

    While mainstream economists trumpeted the strength of the consumer, the March retail sales data had some interesting points worth noting.

    First, retail sales data was extraordinarily weak from October to January, the traditionally strongest shopping months of the year. That period included Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and NYear’sr’s. So, to some degree, the strength of spending over the last two months is unsurprising as, eventually, consumers need to buy goods or services previously postponed.

    Secondly, while the March retail sales data was strong, it was weaker than February. However, March contained two significant spending periods, Spring Break and Easter, which generally don’t occur. Since Spring Break and Easter are considerable travel and shopping periods, it is unsurprising that the retail sales data increased with oil prices rising. As shown below, there is a very high correlation between nominal retail sales and oil prices.

    Retail sales track oil prices.

    Paying More For The Same Amount

    Economists often overlook another important point about the retail sales data. As noted above, the March retail sales report was NOT adjusted for inflation. Furthermore, the report is in nominal “dollar volume” and not the amount of goods or services sold. Oil and gasoline prices are an excellent example of the issue with the retail sales data.

    Let’s assume you own a car with 18-gallon fuel tank. Your daily activities are mostly going to work, going to the grocery store, eating out, having entertainment, etc. As such, you consume one tank of gas each week. Here is the math:

    Week 1: 18-gallons of gas @ $3/gallon = $54.

    That week, the store adds $54 to the monthly retail sales total for selling 18 gallons of gasoline. However, the price will increase to $4 per gallon next week.

    Week 2: 18-gallons of gas @ $4/gallon = $72.

    Here is the question.

    While the retail sales data increased by $18 in week two, did the consumer purchase more gasoline? In other words, if the economy’s strength is ultimately measured by how much we produce (gross domestic product), then does spending more for the same amount of goods or services equate to a stronger economy?

    The picture is quite different if we adjust the nominal retail sales data for inflation. Again, it is unsurprising that even on an inflation-adjusted basis, retail sales rose in February after declining for four months previously. However, with March containing Spring Break and Easter, the data suggests a weaker consumer that headlines tout.

    Advanced real retail sales

    It is worth noting that retail sales data is not very useful in determining whether the economy is nearing a recession. As shown below, an annual growth rate of 2% has been a good marker for economic growth. As such, retail sales should grow at roughly 2% annually as well, given that personal consumption expenditures comprise approximately 70% of the economic equation. However, other than 2007, retail sales did not clarify economic strength.

    Nominal retail sales above / below 2%.

    In other words, spending more for the same amount of goods and services is not a sign of economic strength.

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    Economic Forecasts Tend To Be Erroneous

    Furthermore, while the recent nominal sales data was robust, it is crucial to remember the economic data has a significant lag. Each of the dates below shows the economy’s growth rate immediately before the onset of a recession. You will note in the table that in 7 of the last 10 recessions, real GDP growth was running at 2% or above. In other words, according to the media, there was NO indication of a recession. But the next month, one began.

    Market Peaks and GDP and Recession table.

    Crucially, I am not saying a recession is starting next month. However, I suggest that relying heavily on one month’s retail sales data to claim the economy avoided a recession is not likely ideal. Let’s revisit that chart of the WSJ economic forecast. I have added two notations: the start and end of recessions and when the NBER officially dated that period. As shown in both previous recessions, WSJ economists had a very low probability of the economy entering a recession just before it occurred.

    WSJ recession forecast vs NBER dating

    The reality is that on an inflation-adjusted basis, the retail sales data suggests the consumer remains weak. While spending more to buy the same amount of goods or services may look good on paper, the average household has less money to spend elsewhere. As shown, the annual rate of change in real retail sales is near some of the lowest levels outside of a recession.

    Real retail sales monthly percentage change linear.

    Lastly, consumer credit supporting retail sales will become more problematic with rising interest rates. Higher interest rates tend to reduce the average growth rate of retail sales data.

    Retail sales versus interest rates YoY % Change.

    Our advice is to remain cautious about economic exuberance. Those forecasts are often disappointing.

    The post Retail Sales Data Suggests A Strong Consumer Or Does It appeared first on RIA.

  21. Site: Crisis Magazine
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: Kennedy Hall

    Earlier this week, Candace Owens announced that she had converted to Catholicism. Posting about her conversion on social media, she wrote: Recently, I made the decision to go home. There is of course so much more that went into this decision and that I plan to share in the future. But for now, praise be to God for His gentle, but relentless guiding of my heart toward Truth.


  22. Site: Crisis Magazine
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: Mike Most

    In the April 9 installment of Bari Weiss’ The Free Press, Uri Berliner, a senior editor at National Public Radio, spilled the few credibility beans remaining in public radio’s corporate pot. According to the 25-year veteran of NPR, the organization’s initial stage-one bias has aggressively metastasized to produce a decline and homogenization of its listening audience. To put a finer point on it…


  23. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    EU Prepares To Tighten Screws On Russian LNG Imports

    By Julianne Geiger of OilPrice.com

    In a move that could reshape Europe's energy landscape, the European Commission is poised to propose new sanctions targeting Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports.

    According to Reuters sources close to the matter, the proposed measures will include a ban on shipments within the EU and sanctions on three Russian LNG projects.

    The European Commission's decision comes amid growing concerns over Europe's reliance on Russian energy, particularly in the wake of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. While the EU imposed a ban on Russian seaborne oil imports earlier this year, it has thus far refrained from taking similar action against LNG imports. However, with imports of Russian LNG surging since the start of the war, accounting for around 15% of EU gas supply, pressure has been mounting on Brussels to act.

    The proposed ban on trans-shipments within the EU is aimed at preventing the diversion of Russian LNG cargoes to other destinations. Currently, Belgium, France, and Spain are the largest importers of Russian LNG, with many of these imports being re-exported to other countries, including China. By imposing restrictions on trans-shipments, the EU hopes to ensure that Russian LNG does not find its way to markets outside of Europe.

    In addition to the ban on trans-shipments, the European Commission is also considering sanctions on three Russian LNG projects - Arctic LNG 2, Ust Luga, and Murmansk. While the details of these sanctions are still being discussed, they are expected to target projects that are not yet operational, further complicating Russia's efforts to expand its LNG exports.

    The move by the European Commission reflects growing unease within the EU over its dependence on Russian energy. With tensions between Russia and the West showing no signs of abating, European policymakers are increasingly looking for ways to reduce Europe's exposure to Russian energy supplies. By targeting Russian LNG imports, the EU hopes to send a clear message to Moscow that its actions in Ukraine will not go unpunished.

    However, the proposed sanctions are likely to face resistance from some EU member states, particularly those that are heavily reliant on Russian energy. Nevertheless, with pressure mounting on Brussels to take action, it seems increasingly likely that Europe's energy landscape could be in for a significant shake-up in the coming months.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 05:00
  24. Site: AsiaNews.it
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Coinciding with the 13 April attack, the police chief launched a 'campaign' against 'violations of the hijab law'. From prison, Nobel Peace Laureate Mohammadi speaks of a 'generalised assault' of rape, abuse, torture. The authorities 'mute' the phones of those protesting. Strikes in universities, feminicides also on the rise.
  25. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Attempts to smear pro-Palestinian protests as “tinged” by Russia are an affront to voters, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said

    Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is insulting American voters by trying to blame Moscow for a wave of pro-Palestinian protests across the country, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

    The senior Democrat has linked pro-Palestinian protests in the US with alleged foreign influence on multiple occasions, most recently in an interview with Irish public broadcaster Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE) this week. Pelosi also took issue with the ‘Genocide Joe’ nickname that US President Joe Biden has been branded with over his failure to pressure Israel into showing more restraint in its military campaign in Gaza.

    Pelosi acknowledged that pro-Palestinian sentiment could impact Biden’s support during the US presidential vote in November, and claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted the presumptive Republican candidate, Donald Trump, to be elected.

    “It’s in Putin’s interest for – what’s his name? – to win. And therefore I see some encouragement on the part of the Russians of some of what is going on,” she alleged of the demonstrations. Pro-Palestinian activists are genuine in their feelings, she conceded, but “some of it has a Russian tinge to it.”

    Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggests some pro-Palestinian protests, especially those against President Biden, have “a Russian tinge to it.”

    “It's in Putin's interest for 'What's His Name' to win, and therefore I see some encouragement on the part of the Russians.” pic.twitter.com/WgDByTwkGZ

    — The Recount (@therecount) April 24, 2024

    Responding to Pelosi’s remarks in a social media post, Zakharova said they “can only be taken as an insult to the Americans and a disregard for democracy.”

    In January, the former House speaker called on the FBI to investigate the financing of pro-Palestinian groups, claiming that their demands for a ceasefire in Gaza were “Putin’s message.” Pelosi was also caught on camera lashing out at hecklers outside her home, telling them to “go back to China,” supposedly where their “headquarters” were located.

    Biden’s approval ratings have taken a hit among Democratic voters over his pro-Israeli stance, although Pelosi insisted that the president has been “the biggest advocate for humanitarian assistance to Palestinians” amid the conflict in Gaza. “The groups outside with their protest lay some blame at his doorstep, when he is the only one advocating at that level,” she added.

    Nancy Pelosi lost her temper after pro-Palestinian protesters occupied her driveway.

    Pelosi recently said that "for them [the protesters] to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin's message."… pic.twitter.com/rWjuag4H4v

    — Emeka Gift Official (@EmekaGift100) February 7, 2024

    This week, local authorities across the US used force to disperse pro-Palestinian rallies at university campuses, with mass arrests reported in some cases. Protesters were targeted at Yale, Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Southern California, and other institutions.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has welcomed the US crackdown, branding the activists “anti-Semitic mobs” and comparing them to Nazi sympathizers in the 1930s.

    READ MORE: US campus protesters akin to 1930s Nazis – Netanyahu

    Putin has publicly stated that he would be more comfortable with “predictable” and “old-school” Biden than Trump as the next US president.

  26. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 8 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Attempts to smear pro-Palestinian protests as “tinged” by Russia are an affront to voters, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said

    Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is insulting American voters by trying to blame Moscow for a wave of pro-Palestinian protests across the country, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

    The senior Democrat has linked pro-Palestinian protests in the US with alleged foreign influence on multiple occasions, most recently in an interview with Irish public broadcaster Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE) this week. Pelosi also took issue with the ‘Genocide Joe’ nickname that US President Joe Biden has been branded with over his failure to pressure Israel into showing more restraint in its military campaign in Gaza.

    Pelosi acknowledged that pro-Palestinian sentiment could impact Biden’s support during the US presidential vote in November, and claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted the presumptive Republican candidate, Donald Trump, to be elected.

    “It’s in Putin’s interest for – what’s his name? – to win. And therefore I see some encouragement on the part of the Russians of some of what is going on,” she alleged of the demonstrations. Pro-Palestinian activists are genuine in their feelings, she conceded, but “some of it has a Russian tinge to it.”

    Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggests some pro-Palestinian protests, especially those against President Biden, have “a Russian tinge to it.”

    “It's in Putin's interest for 'What's His Name' to win, and therefore I see some encouragement on the part of the Russians.” pic.twitter.com/WgDByTwkGZ

    — The Recount (@therecount) April 24, 2024

    Responding to Pelosi’s remarks in a social media post, Zakharova said they “can only be taken as an insult to the Americans and a disregard for democracy.”

    In January, the former House speaker called on the FBI to investigate the financing of pro-Palestinian groups, claiming that their demands for a ceasefire in Gaza were “Putin’s message.” Pelosi was also caught on camera lashing out at hecklers outside her home, telling them to “go back to China,” supposedly where their “headquarters” were located.

    Biden’s approval ratings have taken a hit among Democratic voters over his pro-Israeli stance, although Pelosi insisted that the president has been “the biggest advocate for humanitarian assistance to Palestinians” amid the conflict in Gaza. “The groups outside with their protest lay some blame at his doorstep, when he is the only one advocating at that level,” she added.

    Nancy Pelosi lost her temper after pro-Palestinian protesters occupied her driveway.

    Pelosi recently said that "for them [the protesters] to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin's message."… pic.twitter.com/rWjuag4H4v

    — Emeka Gift Official (@EmekaGift100) February 7, 2024

    This week, local authorities across the US used force to disperse pro-Palestinian rallies at university campuses, with mass arrests reported in some cases. Protesters were targeted at Yale, Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Southern California, and other institutions.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has welcomed the US crackdown, branding the activists “anti-Semitic mobs” and comparing them to Nazi sympathizers in the 1930s.

    READ MORE: US campus protesters akin to 1930s Nazis – Netanyahu

    Putin has publicly stated that he would be more comfortable with “predictable” and “old-school” Biden than Trump as the next US president.

  27. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Russia Will Target US Nuclear Weapons In Poland If They Appear

    Russia has warned that Poland will make itself a 'priority target' if it hosts NATO nuclear weapons on its territory. In a Thursday statement Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said "Moves in this direction will not provide greater security (for Poland or other nations that host such weapons)." He was further quoted in Russian media as saying

    Moscow considers any expansion of NATO’s nuclear-sharing arrangement as “deeply destabilizing” in nature, “and in fact threatening” Russia, Ryabkov was quoted as saying by TASS on Thursday. This applies to joint missions, where non-nuclear members of the US-led bloc are trained to use American hardware, and even more so to the permanent stationing of such weapons “which hotheads in Warsaw are talking about,” he said.

    In follow-up, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stipulated that "any nuclear weapons deployed to Poland would be legitimate targets in the event of war with the alliance." Russian media translations said Moscow would see this as a "priority target".

    All of this was in response to words issued by Polish President Andrzej Duda in a Monday interview. He said his country is "ready" to host nuclear weapons should NATO decide to do so as reinforcement of its eastern flank. It remains that the United States chiefly supplies and oversees NATO's nuclear-sharing program, thus any possible future nukes in Poland would be supplied by Washington.

    "Russia is increasingly militarizing the Königsberg oblast (Kaliningrad). Recently, it has been relocating its nuclear weapons to Belarus," Duda continued, apparently wanting to match and mirror Russian moves. Indeed Belarus is now believed to host possibly dozens of Russian tactical nukes.

    via infobrics.org

    "If our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing on our territory as well, in order to strengthen the security of NATO's eastern flank, we are ready for it," the Polish president had added.

    Duda additionally said while discussing the topic of NATO's nuclear sharing program in the interview that Warsaw and Washington have been in talks "for some time." He emphasized: "I've already talked about it several times. I must admit that when asked about it, I declared our readiness."

    But the reality is Brussels and Washington are likely to be deeply hesitant based on the nuclear threats emanating from Moscow of late. Moving NATO warheads to Polish soil would most certainly greatly intensify the already somewhat high nuclear tensions, and at a moment the proxy war in Ukraine shows no sings of abating.

    While three NATO members are officially nuclear weapons states - the United States, France and the United Kingdom – others are authorized to host nukes (typically 'tactical' nuclear weapons). They are Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

    Apparently Poland is now throwing its name in the hat for NATO's nuclear-sharing program, which would expand Western nuke placement right up to Russia's backyard. The Kremlin would no doubt deploy more of its strategic assets near Eastern Europe in such a scenario.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 04:15
  28. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Negative factors in US-China relations are increasing, the country’s foreign minister has told his American counterpart

    The US is challenging China’s core interests and suppressing the country’s development, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated on Friday during talks with his US counterpart, Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    The “giant ship” of China-US ties had stabilized, “but negative factors in the relationship are still increasing and building,” Wang said during a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

    Blinken arrived in Beijing on Thursday from Shanghai, where he urged the Chinese government to provide a level playing field for US firms in the country.

    Bilateral ties face “all kinds of disruptions. China’s legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges,” Wang  stressed.

    Beijing and Washington could either engage in cooperation or confrontation, the foreign minister warned.

    Read more US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (C), US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns (R) and Consul General at the US Consulate General on April 25, 2024. Here’s what makes Blinken’s job in China so difficult

    China is interested in “stable, healthy, and sustainable” relations and “win-win cooperation” with the US, he pointed out.

    In order for it to continue, however, Washington should not interfere in Chinese internal affairs or cross Beijing’s ‘red lines’ when it comes to the nation's sovereignty, security and development, he stressed.

    The foreign minister was apparently referring to the tensions around Taiwan, which Beijing views as a Chinese province. Despite agreeing with the ‘One China’ policy on paper, the US maintains ties with the self-governing island and supplies Taipei with weapons.

    Blinken told Wang that “there's no substitute in our judgment for face-to-face diplomacy” between the two countries. The administration of US President Joe Biden wants to ensure that “we're as clear as possible about the areas where we have differences, at the very least to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid miscalculations,” he said.

    Ahead of Blinken’s trip, US State Department officials indicated that China’s alleged support for Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine will top the agenda during his meetings with Chinese officials. Beijing hasn’t supplied any weapons to Moscow, but US officials claim that Chinese-made circuitry, aircraft parts and machine tools have been helping Russia boost its military industrial capacity.

    READ MORE: China threatens US with response to missile deployment

    The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing informed sources, that the US authorities are preparing sanctions that would not only target Chinese companies, but would also cut off some of the country’s banks from the global financial system.

  29. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Negative factors in US-China relations are increasing, the country’s foreign minister has told his American counterpart

    The US is challenging China’s core interests and suppressing the country’s development, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated on Friday during talks with his US counterpart, Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    The “giant ship” of China-US ties had stabilized, “but negative factors in the relationship are still increasing and building,” Wang said during a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

    Blinken arrived in Beijing on Thursday from Shanghai, where he urged the Chinese government to provide a level playing field for US firms in the country.

    Bilateral ties face “all kinds of disruptions. China’s legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges,” Wang  stressed.

    Beijing and Washington could either engage in cooperation or confrontation, the foreign minister warned.

    Read more US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (C), US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns (R) and Consul General at the US Consulate General on April 25, 2024. Here’s what makes Blinken’s job in China so difficult

    China is interested in “stable, healthy, and sustainable” relations and “win-win cooperation” with the US, he pointed out.

    In order for it to continue, however, Washington should not interfere in Chinese internal affairs or cross Beijing’s ‘red lines’ when it comes to the nation's sovereignty, security and development, he stressed.

    The foreign minister was apparently referring to the tensions around Taiwan, which Beijing views as a Chinese province. Despite agreeing with the ‘One China’ policy on paper, the US maintains ties with the self-governing island and supplies Taipei with weapons.

    Blinken told Wang that “there's no substitute in our judgment for face-to-face diplomacy” between the two countries. The administration of US President Joe Biden wants to ensure that “we're as clear as possible about the areas where we have differences, at the very least to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid miscalculations,” he said.

    Ahead of Blinken’s trip, US State Department officials indicated that China’s alleged support for Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine will top the agenda during his meetings with Chinese officials. Beijing hasn’t supplied any weapons to Moscow, but US officials claim that Chinese-made circuitry, aircraft parts and machine tools have been helping Russia boost its military industrial capacity.

    READ MORE: China threatens US with response to missile deployment

    The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing informed sources, that the US authorities are preparing sanctions that would not only target Chinese companies, but would also cut off some of the country’s banks from the global financial system.

  30. Site: RT - News
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: RT

    Negative factors in US-China relations are increasing, the country’s foreign minister has told his American counterpart

    The US is challenging China’s core interests and suppressing the country’s development, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated on Friday during talks with his US counterpart, Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    The “giant ship” of China-US ties had stabilized, “but negative factors in the relationship are still increasing and building,” Wang said during a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

    Blinken arrived in Beijing on Thursday from Shanghai, where he urged the Chinese government to provide a level playing field for US firms in the country.

    Bilateral ties face “all kinds of disruptions. China’s legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges,” Wang  stressed.

    Beijing and Washington could either engage in cooperation or confrontation, the foreign minister warned.

    Read more US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (C), US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns (R) and Consul General at the US Consulate General on April 25, 2024. Here’s what makes Blinken’s job in China so difficult

    China is interested in “stable, healthy, and sustainable” relations and “win-win cooperation” with the US, he pointed out.

    In order for it to continue, however, Washington should not interfere in Chinese internal affairs or cross Beijing’s ‘red lines’ when it comes to the nation's sovereignty, security and development, he stressed.

    The foreign minister was apparently referring to the tensions around Taiwan, which Beijing views as a Chinese province. Despite agreeing with the ‘One China’ policy on paper, the US maintains ties with the self-governing island and supplies Taipei with weapons.

    Blinken told Wang that “there's no substitute in our judgment for face-to-face diplomacy” between the two countries. The administration of US President Joe Biden wants to ensure that “we're as clear as possible about the areas where we have differences, at the very least to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid miscalculations,” he said.

    Ahead of Blinken’s trip, US State Department officials indicated that China’s alleged support for Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine will top the agenda during his meetings with Chinese officials. Beijing hasn’t supplied any weapons to Moscow, but US officials claim that Chinese-made circuitry, aircraft parts and machine tools have been helping Russia boost its military industrial capacity.

    READ MORE: China threatens US with response to missile deployment

    The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing informed sources, that the US authorities are preparing sanctions that would not only target Chinese companies, but would also cut off some of the country’s banks from the global financial system.

  31. Site: AsiaNews.it
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Today's news: ByteDance does not want to sell TikTok;Indians' savings at 47-year low;. Japan will prevent foreign tourists from photographing Mount Fuji from some areas;Ties between Russia and Sri Lanka strengthen.
  32. Site: Mundabor's blog
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: Mundabor
    I see them around me all the time; on the train or on the bus, or walking rapidly in busy streets. I see fatties permanently eating, and businessmen permanently talking. I see people already working on their laptop at 7:30 in the morning, and people interminably yapping to their friends at 7:30 in the evening. […]
  33. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 9 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    European ESG Funds Witness Heavy Decline In Inflows

    Authored by Irina Slav via OilPrice.com,

    European exchange-traded funds with a focus on ESG investing saw a substantial decline in inflows in the first quarter amid what Morningstar called “an existential crisis”.

    According to the Financial Times, net inflows into these funds totaled 7.1 billion euros, or $7.62 billion, in the first three months of the year. This was down from 13.8 billion euros in the final three months of 2023, equal to $14.8 billion.

    As a result, the portion of ESG fund inflows during the period fell to 16% of total net flows into exchange-traded funds, down from 29% in November to December 2023.

    The trend is the latest sign of trouble in energy transition industries as wind, solar, and EV companies struggle with persistently high interest rates, rising raw material costs, and growing competition from low-cost Chinese producers.

    “This means further deceleration from the highs of 2022 when close to 65 percent of all flows into the European ETF market were directed to ESG-themed strategies,” Morningstar associate director of passive strategies Jose Garcia-Zarate said.

    The news follows a revelation in March that a total of 70% of passive funds passed off as “sustainable” by five of the largest asset managers in the U.S. and Europe were exposed to companies developing new oil and gas projects, according to a report by environmental organization Reclaim Finance.

    Reclaim Finance has examined 430 “sustainable” passive funds managed by five of the biggest passive fund managers – Amundi, BlackRock, DWS, Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), and UBS AM – and found that 70% of the passive funds are exposed to companies developing new fossil fuel projects.

    These giant asset managers “are turning a blind eye to the climate impact of their passive investments, with funds invested in oil giants including TotalEnergies, Shell and ExxonMobil, and coal developers such as Glencore and Adani,” Reclaim Finance said in the report.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 03:30
  34. Site: AsiaNews.it
    2 weeks 10 hours ago
    The events took place under the auspices of the Türksoy, established in 1993. The occasion also commemorated the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Turkmen poet and spiritual leader Magtymguly Pyragy. The stage in Arkadag, the new smart-city just built in honour of the former president and 'father of the fatherland'.
  35. Site: Craig Murray
    2 weeks 10 hours ago
    Author: craig

    Governments cannot take big decisions extremely quickly except in the most extreme of circumstances. There are mechanisms in all states that consider policy decisions, weigh them up, involve the various departments of the state whose activities are affected by that decision, and arrive at a conclusion, though not necessarily a good one.

    The decision to stop aid funding to UNRWA was not taken by numerous western states in a single day.

    In the UK, several different government ministries had to coordinate. Even within only a single ministry, the FCDO, views would have to be coordinated through written submissions and interdepartmental meetings between the departments dealing with the Middle East, with the United Nations, with the United States, with Europe and then of course between the diplomatic and development wings of the ministry.

    That process would include seeking the views of British Ambassadors to Tel Aviv, Doha, Cairo, Riyadh, Istanbul and Washington and to the United Nations in Geneva and in New York.

    It is not necessarily a lengthy process but it is not a day’s work, and nor would it need to be. There was no practical impact to making the announcement of cutting UNRWA funding a day sooner or a day later.

    Consider that the parallel process had to be completed in the United States, in Canada, in Germany, in Australia and in all the other Western powers that contributed to starvation in Gaza by cutting aid to UNRWA.

    All of these countries had to go through their procedures, and it could only be by prior coordination – weeks in advance – between these states that they announced all on the same day the destruction of the life support system for Palestinians, then in absolute need.

    And then consider that we now know for certain that the Israelis had produced no evidence whatsoever of UNRWA complicity in Hamas resistance, on which these decisions in all those states were allegedly based.

    I have no doubt at all that the western political elite, paid tools of the zionist machine, are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of Gaza at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood. The refusal by Starmer and Sunak to contemplate ending arms sales and military support to Israel is not due to inertia or concern for the arms industry. It is that they actively support the destruction of the Palestinians.

    The coordinated decision of the western nations to fast track famine by stopping UNRWA funding was announced within an hour,  following the ICJ ruling that Gazans were at immediate risk of genocide, and drove from the media headlines the adverse ruling against Israel.

    This sent the clearest signal in response that the Western powers would not be stopped from the genocide by international law or institutions.

    The Western powers give not a fig for 16,000 massacred Palestinian infants. No evidence of mass graves in hospitals will move them. They knew genocide was happening and continued actively to arm and abet it.

    This genocide is the desired goal of the West. No other explanation is remotely plausible.

    Western Political Support for this Genocide is No Accident

    I have never believed the spin that Biden is trying to restrain Netanyahu, while simultaneously arming and funding Netanyahu and using US forces to fight alongside him.

    Biden is making no effort to restrain Netanyahu. Biden fully supports the genocide.

    My reading of this was reinforced when I was looking back at the Israeli murders on the Mavi Mamara in 2010, when they killed ten unarmed aid workers attempting a Freedom Flotilla aid delivery to Gaza. Israel’s actions were clearly both murderous and in breach of international law. Joe Biden as Vice President defended Israel staunchly then.  It is essential to understand that Genocide Joe has always been Genocide Joe.

    Joe Biden took the lead in defending the raid to the U.S. public. In an interview with PBS, he described the raid as “legitimate” and argued that the flotilla organizers could have disembarked elsewhere before transferring the aid to Gaza. “So what’s the big deal here? What’s the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza?” Biden asked about the humanitarian mission. “Well, it’s legitimate for Israel to say, ‘I don’t know what’s on that ship. These guys are dropping eight — 3,000 rockets on my people.’”

    Biden is not outplayed by Netanyahu. He is actively abetting Netanyahu and shares with him the objective of full Israeli occupation of Gaza after the Palestinian people are killed or expelled into Sinai. He also shares with Netanyahu the aim of a wider regional conflict in which the US and Gulf states ally with Israel against Iran, Syria, Yemen and Hezbollah. This is their joint vision of the Middle East – Greater Israel, and US hegemony operating through the Sunni monarchies.

    If you believe all the spin from the White House about Biden trying to restrain Netanyahu, I suggest you look instead at the White House and State Department spokesmen refusing to accept any single instance of Israel atrocity and deferring to Israel on every subgle crime.

    I am currently in Pakistan, and I must say it has been a great refreshment to be in a country where everybody understands why ISIS, Al Nusra etc never attacked Israeli interests, and sees precisely what Western governments are doing over Gaza. What is understood by developing nations is thankfully understood by GenZ in the West as well.

    The Arab regimes of the Gulf and Jordan are dependent upon Israeli and US security services and surveillance for protection from their own people. The lack of really massive street protest against their own regimes by Arab peoples is a direct testimony to the effectiveness of that vicious repression, particularly when states like Jordan actually fight alongside Israel against Iranian weapons.

    The anti-Iranian card is of course the trick both Biden and Netanyahu have left to play. By promoting an escalation with Iran, western politicians were able to default to a position of claiming the case for arming Israeli was proven – and I think were genuinely perplexed to find the public did not buy it.

    The political class, across the western world and the Arab world, is utterly divorced from its people over Gaza. We are seeing worldwide repression, as peaceful conferences are stormed by police in Germany, students are beaten by police in American campuses, and in the UK old white people like me suffer the kind of continual harassment long suffered by young Muslim men.

    This is not the work of Netanyahu operating as a rogue. It is the result of the machinations of a professional political class across the Western world welded to zionism, with the supremacy of Israel as an article of fundamental belief.

    Times are not this dark by accident. They were designed to be this dark.


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    The post Worse Than You Can Imagine appeared first on Craig Murray.

  36. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 10 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Poland Ready To Help Ukraine Round Up Military-Aged Men

    Poland says it is ready and willing to help Ukraine with its crisis-level manpower and recruitment problems, as it could be poised to round up Ukrainian military-aged males and return them to their home country. Government officials are now strongly signaling just such a controversial plan.

    Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz issued the words Wednesday, largely in response to Ukraine's new law and policy requiring men between 18 and 59 living abroad to get or renew their passport only at offices inside Ukraine. It is designed to prevent them from leaving in the country and thus avoid military service.

    "Poland has suggested in the past helping Ukraine so that those who are subject to military service go back to their country to fulfill their civic obligation, Kosiniak-Kamysz told Polsat News television," according to Reuters.

    Getty Images

    "I think many Poles are outraged when they see young Ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and they hear how much effort we have to make to help Ukraine," he said, but without specifying what precise steps Warsaw is set to take.

    According to more of the Polish defense minister's words:

    "The Ukrainian authorities are doing everything to provide new soldiers to the front, because the needs are huge," Kosiniak-Kamysz said.

    The Polish official said that Warsaw had previously offered to help Kiev track down those who dodge their "civic duty," but noted that "the form of assistance depends on the Ukrainian side."

    Of course, we should note that such a policy of helping get young Ukrainian men 'off the streets' is highly convenient from a Polish perspective, given the historic anti-Ukrainian sentiment among the Polish population. Simply put, the two nationalities tend to hate each other, and Warsaw will now cast its policies pressuring Ukrainians to leave as somehow noble.

    Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote earlier this week on X that he had "ordered measures to restore fair attitudes toward men of conscription age in Ukraine and abroad." Kuleba complained, "How it looks now: A man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state that he does not care about its survival, and then comes and wants to receive services from this state."

    Russian media has estimated that almost one million Ukrainians have been given temporary sanctuary in Poland, and that a significant but unknown portion of these are likely eligible for conscription.

    As the West agree to send billions more to Ukraine, mass mobilisation gets underway as officers staged a mass raid in a cafe in Uzhgorod.

    Eyewitnesses filmed mobilisation and police officers leading men out of the cafe who will no doubt be heading to the front shortly. pic.twitter.com/K2o1InhbTa

    — Dean O'Brien (@DeanoBeano1) April 24, 2024

    Despite Biden's $60 billion for Ukraine's defense having finally been signed into law by the president, the reality remains that Ukraine is fundamentally suffering a severe crisis of manpower. This essentially means that even as US weapons and equipment arrive, there are fewer and fewer troops experienced enough to actually man and operate them.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 02:45
  37. Site: Mises Institute
    2 weeks 11 hours ago
    Author: Frank Shostak
    Mainstream economists believe that economic theory is valid when it “predicts” economic actions or trends. Austrian economists, however, say that the purpose of economic theory is to explain economic events.
  38. Site: Zero Hedge
    2 weeks 11 hours ago
    Author: Tyler Durden
    Former British PM Liz Truss Warns About Global Threat Of The Left

    Via The Epoch Times,

    Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss spoke Monday at The Heritage Foundation about how the United States and the United Kingdom are facing very challenging forces in the global left, not just in terms of their extremist activists, but also in the power they hold in our institutions.

    She warned that conservatives must create a stronger infrastructure to take on the left—which is well-funded, activist, and has many friends in high places—by recruiting more conservative activists and candidates who can fight in the trenches in the ideological war that we now face.

    Excerpts from her remarks are below.

    Why am I launching “Ten Years to Save the West” in the United States as well as in the United Kingdom? Well, I like to think of the United States of America as Britain’s greatest invention, albeit a slightly inadvertent invention. And if you look at our history, from Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights to the American Constitution, we have developed and perfected representative democracy.

    And if you look at what is going on in our societies, first of all, the Brexit vote back in 2016 and then the election of President Donald Trump later that year, you can see the same desires of our people for change and the same desires for those conservative values and that sovereignty.

    And if you look at the battle for conservatism now and the frequency with which we get new prime ministers in the United Kingdom and the frequency with which you get new speakers of the House here in the United States, we can see again that there is a battle for the heart and soul of conservatism on both sides of the Atlantic. And I think that battle is very important. Because, let’s be honest, we have not been winning against the global left.

    If you look at the history since the turn of the millennium, the left have had the upper hand. And it’s not the old-fashioned left who used to argue about the means of production and economic inequality. It’s the new left who have insidious ideas that challenge our very way of life.

    Whether it’s about climate extremism that doesn’t believe in economic growth, whether it’s about challenging the very idea of a man and a woman and biological sex, whether it’s about the human rights culture that’s been bedded into so much of our society that makes us unable to deal with illegal immigration—those new ideas have been promulgated by the global left and they have been successful in infiltrating quite a large proportion of society and a large part of our institutions.

    Let’s just look at the state of economics. I am a supply-sider. I know that it works. We saw it work under [U.S. President Ronald] Reagan and [UK Prime Minister Margaret] Thatcher, and yet we’ve seen the domination of Keynesian economics in recent years, bloated size of government, huge debts in both of our countries.

    On the immigration and human rights culture, look at what is going on now on American university campuses where it is not safe anymore to be Jewish, or the streets of London where a Jewish man could not cross the road during yet another appalling protest, or the fact that we can’t seem to deport illegal immigrants either from your southern border or the small boats that are crossing the channel.

    Or take wokery, another bad neo-Marxist idea developed from [Michel] Foucault and all those crazy post-modernists in the 1960s, the idea that biological sex is not a reality.

    We now have President [Joe] Biden introducing regulations around Title IX, which means that girls could see biological boys in their changing rooms, in their locker rooms, in their school restrooms and not be able to do anything about it. And if they complain about it, they could be the ones guilty of harassment. How on earth can that be happening in our society?

    Or the climate extremists who aren’t satisfied with just stopping coal-fired power stations here in America, [liquefied natural gas] terminals being built, fracking in the United Kingdom, but want to go further. Whether it’s imposing electric vehicles or air-source heat pumps or extra taxes on the public. Meanwhile, our adversaries in China are busy building coal-fired power stations every week.

    I see that as unilateral economic disarmament in the middle of what is a various, serious threat to the West.

    So how has it ended up that after the turn of the millennium, despite the fact that we have many conservative intellectuals and politicians, why have our institutions, why has so much of our public discourse shifted to the left?

    Well, first of all, too many conservatives have not been making the argument. Now, I call them conservatives in name only, CINOs. I know in America you call them RINOs. But these conservatives in name only, rather than taking on those ludicrous ideas, instead have tried to appease and meet them halfway.

    Why have they done this? Well, first of all, they don’t want to look mean. They don’t want to look like they’re against human rights. They don’t want to look like they’re against the environment. They don’t want to be mean to transgender people. They’ve allowed those arguments to affect their views on what is right and wrong. But it’s also more cynical than that.

    If you want to get a good job after politics, if you want to get into the corporate boardroom, there are a group of acceptable views and opinions that you should hold. And most of them are on that list. If you want to be popular and get invited to a lot of dinner parties in Washington, D.C., or London, there are reviews on that list that you should hold. And people have chosen dinner parties over principle.

    But the other thing I think we’ve missed on the conservative side of the argument, and I put my hands up to this, is the rising power of the administrative state. The fact that power—which previously lay in the hands of democratically elected politicians, like them or not they can be voted out of office—is now in the hands of so-called independent bodies, whether it’s central banks, whether it’s government agencies, or whether it’s the civil service themselves.

    And what we’re seeing in bureaucracy in the United Kingdom, and I think here in the United States as well, is a growing activist class of civil servants who have views on transgender ideology or climate or human rights, which they are keen to promote in their roles.

    I saw this firsthand and one of the key points the book is about is my battles that I had with that institutional mindset. And there’s a phrase that we use in Britain called “consent and evade.” Quite often the officials will be very polite on the request, but it will take a very long time to do if it’s something like helping deport illegal immigrants or sort out the Rwanda scheme. If it’s something that they like, like dealing with climate change, that will be expedited.

    And I think it’s very difficult for people who haven’t worked in government to understand just how cumbersome and how treacle-like it has become. And I don’t know if that’s a product of the modern era, if it’s a product of the online society, but it is very, very difficult now to deliver conservative policies.

    Now, I did many jobs in many different government departments. I was in the justice department, the environment department, the education department, the treasury, I was in trade, I was in the foreign office, and I faced battles against activist lawyers, against environmentalists, against left-wing educationalists.

    But what I thought when I ran to be prime minister in 2022 is I thought I had the opportunity to change things because that was surely the apex of power. I hadn’t been able to change it as environment secretary or trade secretary, but as prime minister, surely that was the opportunity for me to be able to really change things.

    Now, there’s a bit of a spoiler alert about the book. It didn’t quite work out. I ended up being the shortest-serving British prime minister as a result of trying to take on these forces. And the particular thing that I tried to take them on was the whole issue of our economy.

    *   *   *

    I come today with a warning to the United States of America. I fear the same forces will be coming for President Donald Trump if he wins the election this November. There is a huge resistance to pro-growth supply-side policies that will deliver economic dynamism and help reduce debt.

    What the international institutions and the economic establishment want to see is they want to see higher taxes, higher spending, and more big government, and more regulation. They do not want to see that challenged. And we’ve already heard noises from the Congressional Budget Office and elements of the United States market about the financial stability situation.

    So, what have I learned from my experience? What have I learned from my time in office? I have learned that we are facing really quite challenging forces of the global left, not just in terms of their virulent activists making extremist documents, but also the power they hold in our institutions. And that leads me to believe that what conservatives need is what I describe as a bigger bazooka.

    Now, what do I mean by a bigger bazooka? Well, first of all, I mean that we need really strong conservative political infrastructure to be able to take on the left. They are well-funded, they are activists, they have many friends in high places. And we need strength and depth in our political operation.

    That’s why I’m working on a new political movement in the UK called Popular Conservatism, which is about bringing in more activists, more candidates, more potential legislators, more operators who can actually fight in the trenches against the left in the ideological warfare that we now face.

    The second thing we need to do is we need to dismantle the administrative state. And there are lots of people I speak to who say, “It’s just because you ministers aren’t tough enough. If only you were a bit bolder in taking on things, if only you had a bit more political will, you would be able to deliver.”

    Those people are not right. Until we actually change the system, we are not going to be able to deliver conservative policy such as the depths of resistance in our institutions and our bureaucracy that we do have to change things first.

    And what does that mean? Well, you’re ahead of us in the United States in that the president gets to appoint 3,000 people into the government positions. In Britain it’s only 100 people. And those 100 people are relatively junior. They’re not in charge of departments. So, I believe we need to change that in Britain. We need to properly appoint senior figures in our bureaucracy.

    We also need to deal with the proliferation of unaccountable bureaucratic bodies. They have to go. There has to be a real bonfire of the quangos.

    But even here in the United States, policies like Schedule F are going to be very, very important in order to be able to deliver a conservative agenda. And the project that Heritage is sponsoring, Project 2025, is another vital part of building that institutional infrastructure that can actually deliver conservative policies. Having seen what I’ve seen on both sides of the Atlantic, I think both of those things are vital in order for conservative policies to deliver.

    But we can’t just deal with the administrative state at a national level because what we’ve also got is the global administrative state. We have the United Nations, the World Health Organization, we have the [Conference of the Parties] process.

    And one of the things I tried to do was stop Britain hosting COP in Glasgow. I failed. But I want to see us in the future abandon that process. The best people to make decisions are people that are democratically elected in sovereign nations. It is not people sitting on international bodies who are divorced from the concerns of the public.

    The final thing conservatives need to do is end appeasement. And by ending appeasement, I’m talking about the appeasement of woke Orwellianism at home as well as the appeasement of totalitarianism abroad. We have to do both of those things because both of those things are threatening our way of life.

    Totalitarian regimes like China, Russia, and Iran have to be stood up to, the only thing they understand is strength. And now the military aid budget has been passed through Congress. There needs to be more clarity about how Russia can be defeated and how China and Iran will also be taken on. And in order to achieve that, we are going to need a change in personnel at the White House.

    Now, I worked in Cabinet whilst Donald Trump was president and while President Biden was president. And I can assure you, the world felt safer when Donald Trump was in office. 2024 is going to be a vital year, and it’s the reason that I wanted to bring my book out now. Because getting a conservative back in the White House is critical to taking on the global left. And I hate to think what life would be like with another four years of appeasement of the woke left in the United States, as well as continued weakness on the international stage.

    But my final message is that winning in 2025 or winning in 2024 and going into government in 2025 is not enough. It’s not enough just to win. It’s not enough just to have those conservative policies. That there will be huge resistance from the administrative state and from a left in politics that has never been more extremist or more virulent.

    And that is why it will need all the resources of the American conservative movement, think tanks like Heritage, and hopefully your allies in the United Kingdom to succeed. But you must succeed because the free world needs you.

    Reprinted by permission from The Daily Signal, a publication of The Heritage Foundation.

    Tyler Durden Fri, 04/26/2024 - 02:00
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  45. Site: The Catholic Thing
    2 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: Karen Popp

    By now I should be entering on the supreme stage
    Of the whole walk, reserved for the late afternoon.
    The heat was to be over now; the anxious mountains,
    The airless valleys and the sun-baked rocks, behind me.

    Now, or soon now, if all is well, come the majestic
    Rivers of foamless charity that glide beneath
    Forests of contemplation. In the grassy clearings
    Humility with liquid eyes and damp, cool nose
    Should come, half-tame, to eat bread from my hermit hand.
    If storms arose, then in my tower of fortitude–
    It ought to have been in sight by this—I would take refuge;
    But I expected rather a pale mackerel sky,
    Feather-like, perhaps shaking from a lower cloud
    Light drops of silver temperance, and clover earth
    Sending up mists of chastity, a country smell,
    Till earnest stars blaze out in the established sky
    Rigid with justice; the streams audible; my rest secure.

    I can see nothing like all this. Was the map wrong?
    Maps can be wrong. But the experienced walker knows
    That the other explanation is more often true.

    The post Pilgrim’s Problem appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

  46. Site: The Catholic Thing
    2 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: Karen Popp

    In a 32-28 vote, Arizona legislators passed an “abortion ban repeal” bill designed to overturn an 1864 pro-life law. Republicans have a narrow majority in the Arizona House, but the bill passed because three Republicans joined the Democrats against the pro-life measure. The repeal will now be considered by the Arizona Senate where Republicans also hold a narrow majority. Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs has indicated she will sign the bill into law if the Senate passes it.



    The post Arizona House votes to repeal law protecting life from moment of conception appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

  47. Site: The Catholic Thing
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    The post Supreme Court ‘skeptical’ state abortion bans conflict with federal healthcare law appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

  48. Site: The Catholic Thing
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    The post How cloistered, silent Carthusians made a big noise with a Chartreuse shortage appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

  49. Site: The Catholic Thing
    2 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: Karen Popp

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    The post ‘Fr. Justin,’ AI priest, ‘defrocked’ appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

  50. Site: The Catholic Thing
    2 weeks 13 hours ago
    Author: Auguste Meyrat

    Whenever people think about Rome (say, after reading the New Testament, or Shakespeare, or scrolling through TikTok), they tend to focus on Rome’s transition from a republic to an imperial monarchy. They recall Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon, declaring himself dictator, and being assassinated by senators hoping to restore the republic, only for his adopted son (Augustus) to take back control, defeat his rivals, dissolve the senate, and establish the empire. Meanwhile, a child was born in Bethlehem.

    It’s the period after this tumult, popularly known as the Pax Romana, that receives less attention, despite being arguably more relevant for understanding the world today. This was when Rome became a superpower, spanning three continents and bringing its way of life to the whole world. Paradoxically, this was also when the signs of decline began to manifest themselves, particularly among the elite class, and the empire became ever more diverse, calling into question what it even meant to call oneself Roman.

    In his latest book, Pax: War and Peace in Rome’s Golden Age, Tom Holland does a great service: he covers this important period in Western history, not just in a fascinating narrative, but reflecting on the true nature of civilizational progress, successful leadership, and the work of divine providence in human affairs.

    Holland begins with one of the most corrupt and disgusting historical figures, Emperor Nero. Last of August’s line, Nero had a surprisingly long reign (AD 54-68) despite his murderous cruelty and deviant behavior. Holland opens with the funeral of Nero’s wife, Poppea, as an opportunity to describe Rome at that point. Yes, Nero likely murdered her and her unborn child in a fit of rage. And replaced her with a mutilated boy who resembled her. And Nero was likely responsible for the great fire that destroyed Rome a few years earlier. But, for all that, as Holland shows, he also happened to be a source of stability for the empire.

    Once Nero killed himself, after learning of a rebellion in Germany, chaos followed, which resulted in the succession of four emperors within a single year. At first, there seemed grounds for optimism, particularly with accession of Servius Sulpicius Galba, a man with a distinguished record “as a magistrate, as a soldier, as a governor of major provinces.” Galba, however, was also an insufferable snob with a fatal sense of entitlement.

    Only a few months later, Marcus Salvius Otho, who had “become a byword for both effeminacy and hooliganism” because of his friendship with Nero, launches a coup against Galba and becomes emperor. He is soon replaced by Aulus Vitellius, the commander of the German armies who also had a “reputation for viciousness and depravity” and close ties to Nero. Finally, Vitellius is replaced by Titus Flavius Vespasianus, a commander in Judea who was “popular with the men he commanded,” but “quite without pedigree.”

    With each of these “emperors,” Holland is careful to note the new power dynamics of the empire. No longer is it populist generals waging wars against the patrician senators over the fate of the republic; now, it is rival factions in Rome’s massive military fighting for the crown and ultimate power. Galba and Otho represented the far west (Iberia), Vitellius represented its north (South Germany and Eastern Gaul), and Vespasian represented the east (Judea and Egypt).

    Not surprisingly, after Vespasian’s rule, Roman culture became noticeably more oriental and “Hellenized.” Efforts to tame and develop the wild areas in northern Germany, Western France, and England, are gradually abandoned while the emperors focus their efforts on quelling revolts in the Balkans and Judea, as well as expanding eastward into Persia.

    Vespasian’s ten-year rule restores the Pax Romana. He is succeeded by his son Titus, most famous for his bloody siege of Judea and the destruction of the Jewish temple. Titus’s reign is cut short by illness, which leads to the rise of his brother Domitian whom Holland describes as a paranoid micromanager with a mission to appease the gods after the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius. Domitian is finally assassinated and replaced by Cocceius Nerva, who cleared the way for his eminent successors, Trajan and Hadrian.

    Although almost opposite in their approaches to leadership (Trajan wanted to expand while Hadrian wanted to consolidate) as well as temperament (Trajan hated talking and liked warring while Hadrian loved talking and preferred rebuilding), both were among Rome’s greatest emperors and enjoyed enormous political capital.

    Although hindsight confers the greatest honor to these last two emperors, Holland’s history compels the reader to reconsider this assessment. From Nero to Hadrian (AD 54-138), the emperors were all kept busy with the same challenges that came with maintaining the Pax Romana: tame the frontier, pay the praetorian guard, kill all rivals, feed the plebeians in Rome, and pick a good successor. This necessitated extreme ruthlessness by all of them, even in the best of times.

    Moreover, the combination of godlike power and pagan amorality led all the emperors to suffer from dysfunctional personal lives where they regularly cheated on their wives and indulged in various perversions (it wasn’t just Nero). Ironically, the most pious of them, Domitian, also happened to be the most malevolent, persecuting and martyring a record number of Christians.

    Altogether, this leads the reader to wonder just how great the Romans really were. Until a majority of Romans converted to Christianity, the whole empire would be locked in a bloody cycle of civil wars and rebellions while being ruled by half-insane emperors for at least two more centuries. The Dark Age that followed the empire’s collapse a few centuries after that would have lasted indefinitely. In other words, without the countercultural Christians working in the margins, there would have been the modern West as it is today in its post-Christian disorder. Clearly, God picked a good time to become incarnate.

    It’s doubtful that Holland intended to inspire this kind of gratitude for the appearance of Christianity, but this is the real takeaway, and it’s something that everyone, not just Christians, should celebrate.

    Tom Holland

    The post Decadent Rome and the Christian Counterculture appeared first on The Catholic Thing.


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