St. John of God - Real humility in the washing of feet

Today is the feast day of St. John of God.

There is a story about how he picked up a homeless man to tend to him.  After picking him up fron near death, he carried him to the hospital and when he went to wash his feet, he found that they were pierced, and the imprints shone with an unearhly radiance. Upon looking up he was amzed to find that it was his LORD.

I recently wrote about Pope Francis' annual liturgical abuse bonanza which coincides with the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday. If Bergolio wanted to learn humility, he would do well to look to St. Anthony of God. I very much doubt that had St. John of God lived today, he would wait until all the cameras had been paraded before he started washing feet. I know for a fact that he would not choose to profane the Holy Liturgy through liturgical abuse.

They just don't make feet-washers as they used to, it seems.