Episcopal Resignation (1)

Thursday, January 17, 2019 - 23:45
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Amateur Brain Surgeon said...

During his reign, Pope Paul VI ,abruptly without consultation, issued a motu proprio that forbid Cardinals to vote in papal elections once they reached 80 years of age:

When Fr. Raymond Dulac was asked his opinion of Paul Vi’s decision to take away the right of voting in papal elections from cardinals 80 years and older, he made these statements:

This decision taking away the right of voting in the papal election from a whole category of cardinals, is an enormous decision. Until now, the most important part of their function was this right. It commands and effects their beheading in the most accurate sense of this word; they keep their hats, but their heads are chopped off. This is what the ancient Romans called diminutio capitis, a lessening or amputation of their civil rights and, of course, of their personality.

Let us not forget that the statute creating the cardinals’ right to elect the Pope dates back to the year 1059; that during the arduous course of this thousand-year period of history this rule was never questioned; that the “impediment” of advanced age has never prevented the creation of a cardinal or the continuing of a Pope once he became 80 years old, that it is contrary to the Catholic spirit and the Roman Tradition to suspend a law supported by such a time-honored custom without most grave reasons; and that this type of change, affected by the Pope in 1970 in such a sudden, personal, and suspicious way, will increase most people’s feelings of insecurity, instability, and the alienation which as contributed to de-sacralizing the Church and loosening its customs.

Let us forget the inhuman, vain, vile aspects of this decision concerning the age of men whose sacerdotal ordination had separated them from mortal mankind as far as powers and dignities are concerned.

After this blow and all the others of the past five years designed to naturalize and laicize the clergy, how could one have the heart to keep on telling the ordained young priests: ”7u es sacerdos in aeternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech ?

" Priest for all eternity? Of what order? Not of the carnal Levitical tribe, but of the order of that astonishing, unique, ageless personage, Melchisedech, whose mystery is revealed in the Epistle to the Hebrews, verse 3 of Chapter 7: “Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but likened unto the Son of God, continueth a priest forever.”

This all being over, today’s priest is just like an official who, in due course, is “retired,” with a life pension, like a Swiss guard.

There are several reasons why he may have made the decision- ABS thinks it was because it gave him the opportunity to get rid of Cardinals of a Traditional bent and replace them with Cardinals sympathetic to the revolution within the form of Catholicism.

In any event, at the time the Church had opened itself up to the world and, so it began to ape the world in its ideas and as ideas have consequences we get such things as forced retirements and Pope Benedict's retirement because he was tired and had reduced energy, just like a CEO of a major corporation.

Was this opening up to the world a wide or prudent decision?

Well, has the world become more christian or has the church become more worldly?


E sapelion said...

The English church has been moving bishops at least since 619, when St Mellitus was translated to Canterbury from London. But I agree that it should not be a common practice. If I recall correctly +Michael Bowen described being moved from Arundel & Brighton as akin to a divorce.


Prayerful said...

It would be a wonderful thing if a bishop will ever test whether the auto-resignation at 75 is nothing stronger than recent custom and practice. Francis would perhaps not be wholly cheerful if a bishop decided to test Maximum Leader by not offering his resignation on the perfectly reasonably grounds that his health is good. There have been too many instances under Francis where a good bishop offers his resignation at 75 and is immediately replaced by someone terrible.


Jon Kabel said...

It’s now a hopeless mire. Would anyone here like to see Daneels still in Brussels? Kasper in the next conclave? Mahony still in Los Angeles?

This is a gun they loaded for their own protection which has blown off a few of their own toes. The only way out is for a pope of thirty years to appoint an orthodox episcopate. We’re stuck.








Own comment: 

Episcopal resignation is one of the more absurd Novusordoisms, and that's saying a lot since Novusordoism is little more than absurdity piled upon irreverence.

We must recall that it was introduced almost certainly for political reasons - like so much else in NOChurch as part of the Vatican II revolution - and that it has no basis in tradition.

I shall finish with a quote from Amateur Brain Surgeon, quoting Fr. Raymond Dulac :

This decision taking away the right of voting in the papal election from a whole category of cardinals, is an enormous decision. Until now, the most important part of their function was this right. It commands and effects their beheading in the most accurate sense of this word; they keep their hats, but their heads are chopped off. This is what the ancient Romans called diminutio capitis, a lessening or amputation of their civil rights and, of course, of their personality.

Let us not forget that the statute creating the cardinals’ right to elect the Pope dates back to the year 1059; that during the arduous course of this thousand-year period of history this rule was never questioned; that the “impediment” of advanced age has never prevented the creation of a cardinal or the continuing of a Pope once he became 80 years old, that it is contrary to the Catholic spirit and the Roman Tradition to suspend a law supported by such a time-honored custom without most grave reasons; and that this type of change, affected by the Pope in 1970 in such a sudden, personal, and suspicious way, will increase most people’s feelings of insecurity, instability, and the alienation which as contributed to de-sacralizing the Church and loosening its customs.

Let us forget the inhuman, vain, vile aspects of this decision concerning the age of men whose sacerdotal ordination had separated them from mortal mankind as far as powers and dignities are concerned.


This all being over, today’s priest is just like an official who, in due course, is “retired,” with a life pension, like a Swiss guard.

If in doubt of whether it is good or bad, remember that Bergoglio likes the notion, and rest your case!