Young Men Cowered While Young Women Were Massacred


Tony,  JJ  , 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 23:00
Article link: 


Tony said (March 12, 2009):

There's another possible element here.

I don't know what I'd do in an obvious shooting situation today. I'm up in years now and no longer "pack" as I did most of my youth (my license was the U.S. Constitution Second Amendment - I didn't give a damn about local statutes) nor do I have the old bodily strength. But the men of my generation were no pansies and I'd still probably do what I can.

But in non lethal matters, if I know the targeted woman is a feminist, I won't raise a finger. If they're determined to be so damned equal, let them defend themselves and discover reality. Equal is equal, not "let's pretend" equal. Women want equality only where their weakness is not a disadvantage, in that later case they want privilege by law superior to the rights of men.

In Washington, DC, I had these idiot women get mad at me for holding a door open for them. Screw them. (If they're still any good for that.) They're forever bitching about being treated as second class citizens (which is a joke - they're the most privileged bunch of spoiled brats on the face of the earth) so let them accept the responsibilities of self protection along with all the others wherein they instead run to the courts and legislatures to obtain special considerations no man would expect.

If they were truly treated as equals in every way they'd be only too damned happy to ditch the hardness of enforcing their "rights," which men always have faced, and get back into their multitude of privileges that rightly belong to the weaker sex.

Women have made themselves truly obnoxious to men but don't seem to have a clue and still want to blame every last inconvenience (women hate inconvenience) on men.

Again, screw them. They've made themselves into a pox causing me to lose any sense of defense of them.



JG said (December 7, 2018):

It seems that domestic false flag terrorism was not as common in the 80s as it is today.
The scenario and giveaway for false flag hits usually are as follows
1) The crime committed by a lone (usually white male) gunman who committed suicide before he was captured
2) No video evidence of the crime when it happened
3) No attempt to stop or storm the gunman by anyone even when he had to take the time to reload
4) A politically motivated demand attached by the families and friends of the victims after the incident.
I don't know if this one happened as reported or not. However, usually, the ones that don't have a political demand attached seem to be more credible than the ones that do.





JJ said (December 7, 2018):

I have worked on many job sites where women are UNBELIEVABLY insulting. They are often the bosses or engineers or in the higher trades because our trade schools and universities have to make room for these women.

So when a female electrician comes on site, the hard-working male labourer, paid at low wages, who cannot get a job as an electrician and be able to support his family at 2-3 times the wage - this man has to get the ladders and materials for the woman so that she can drill the final hole and put in the final screw. She has to stand around waiting for these men to hustle so that she can be glorified and given the big money.

Woman after woman is in these types of situations where the men do the work so that the women can make the money. The sad thing is that all of these women think nothing about what they are doing. They have NO conscience about their actions. They have NO idea what these men are thinking about them and saying about them. I have not found one feminist among the immigrant men I have worked with or the Canadian men (the only feminists are those who are bisexual or gay). ALL of these men say disgusting things about women in authority or in the trades usually calling them either the c- word or the b- word.

Women are incredibly rude and insulting day after day to men. And if the men do or say anything to counter this they will be fired or sued. This was the problem at L'Ecole. What promise did any of these men have that after rescuing these women they would not have been sued? And for those women in the classrooms who think that they are not feminists - why are you taking advantage of women's rights? I can't even open a door for a woman without a threatening comment from her. What makes me think that if I rescue her from greater dangers or problems, she won't take me to court?

Few women out in the working world in leadership roles of any kind will ever understand the utter disgust they generate from the men around them.


Own comment: 

Giving up one's life is the ultimate sacrifice. To be fair to the men who stood idly by, one cannot simply give up one's life for people whom one does not know, especially given that the ones in question may well have been feminists, marxists and assorted sexual deviants, so giving up your life for them may well have left the world a worse place.

That is pretyt much the point that Tony amkes.