Why Russia Is Driving the West Crazy

Monday, March 8, 2021 - 23:30
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There’s no reason to worry about Russia. Putin will fend off all the Colour Revolutions Jew controlled Washington will throw at him.

A big worry, though, is Africa. The U.N. forecasts that the population of sub-Saharan Africa will grow to 2,118,000,000 by 2930. That’s over Two Billion: https://www.takimag.com/article/our-new-planet-is-going-to-be-great/print

It seems evolution has selected the low IQ sub-Saharan Africans over the “high” IQ European White race! Or maybe not? Perhaps in this case evolution will sub-contract the selection process to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?

There seems to be no doubt that Covid-19 leaked from a Wucan Level-4 laboratory, but I suspect it was coming anyway. Slipshod safety measures allowed it to leak before Chinese biologists were finished tweaking it.

I’m sure, though, the CCP will be impressed with the trajectory of this highly manipulated virus thus far. It has proven adept at killing-off old age pensioners and other weak or medically compromised people.

But better than this, for the CCP, is that it more viciously affects blacks and browns than it does Whites or Han Chinese. The CCP will also be happy that in sub-Saharan Africa more virulent mutated strains of this virus have sprung up.

Was this virus purposely targeted at blacks and browns? Circumstantial evidence points towards it having been.

Common sense also points this way. The CCP isn’t the type of regime that will leave the 30.2 million square kilometers of resource rich African terrain in the control of a “people” that generally don’t rise, in an intellectual sense, much above that of an 8-year-old Han Chinese child.


Russia dealing with EU as a supposedly independent entity is like the US dealing with Warsaw Pact Satellite nations as if they represent any kind of sovereignty. Nations like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and etc were puppets of Moscow. They couldn’t go beyond Moscow policy. Likewise, it’s useless for Russia to deal with EU which is to the US what the Warsaw Pact nations were to Russia.

If Lavrov really wants to stick in the knife, he should spell this out. “Why should we talk to you when you are nothing but whores of US?”

Russia is better off talking to EU’s master the US. But this too is problematic as Russia will have to talk with useless goy puppet leaders of Jews. Biden and any other US politician will just bark like dogs for the Jews. When Nixon met with Brezhnev and Mao, he could act with some degree of independence. Reagan and Bush I were the last of the presidents with a measure of independence from the Jewish oligarchs. Since then, US politicians have been nothing but puppets of Jews.

Can one discuss matters with a dog trained to bark at you? So, the only way Russia can come to any resolution is to talk with Jewish oligarchs as the real rulers.

I say we should get rid of the democratic facade in the US. Let’s just declare Jewish oligarchs and the elites as the autocratic rulers of the US and stop with the pretense of democracy. Why not when these people openly brag in TIME about how they rigged the election?

So, do away with the goy buffers and fronts. If you want discuss matters with American Power, talk to powerful Jews directly. Talk to the man behind Howdy Doody than with Howdy Doody.

Don’t waste time with the Rosato Brothers. Talk directly with Hyman Roth. 


bob sykes says:

It would be surprising in the extreme if Covid-19 were a laboratory product. For hundreds of years the East Asian paddy ecology has mixed together humans, buffalo, pigs, chickens, bats, migratory birds and numerous wild animals together, and mixed their excrement into the paddies. Viruses jump among species, mutate, combine and spread. Every year we get a new influenza from this melange, and it also produced every other covid virus. Swine flu, Spanish flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, the list is endless. That the Chinese mishandled covid is evident, but at least they were taken by surprise. Every Western government also mishandled it, and is still mishandling it, yet they had months of warning.


The EU is really the German Empire that Hitler dreamed of, so:

Can the Germans remember that Russia won World War II?

Can they realize that their lovely “guests” (migrants) won’t lift a finger to help them?



SafeNow says:

The U.S. is inept, disorganized, and dishonest. The possibility of a nuclear detonation, or nuclear war, occurring through incompetence, miscalculation, or systems error, is now significant. Probably the Russian and Chinese policymakers give the U.S. a lot of latitude for that very reason, the way a parent might placate a two-year-old to prevent a tantrum.


GeeBee says:

@Reverend Goody

The EU is really the German Empire that Hitler dreamed of

1) Hitler emphatically did not ‘dream’ of a German empire in Europe.

2) Even had he done so, it would never have remotely resembled the Neo-Liberal, Finance Capitalism dystopian poodle of Zio-America that the whole of Europe currently is.

3) Comments such as yours do nothing to bolster the deservedly good reputation of commentary of Unz Review, predicated as it is on thoughtful and informed opinion.

That is all (as you Americans, so I believe, are fond of saying). 



According to Dr. Vernon Coleman, a study found that 80% of patients with serious cases of Covid had an insufficient amount of Vitamin D.

Most of us get our vitamin D from sunlight exposure. Combine that with lockdowns, which makes people stay inside, getting less sun, and melanin in black peoples skin, which makes black people need more sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D per amount of sunlight, and you might have (part of) the reason for black people being hit harder by the Corona.



There seems to be no doubt that Covid-19 leaked from a Wucan Level-4 laboratory, but I suspect it was coming anyway. Slipshod safety measures allowed it to leak before Chinese biologists were finished tweaking it.

Dr. Peter Ben Embarek, WHO authority on zoonotic diseases, WHO has four hypotheses: 
“1) Covid jumped directly from a source animal to humans;

2) it entered human populations via an unknown intermediary reservoir of host animals close to humans;

3) food chain, in particular, cold chain logistics and food-related infections that acted as an ‘interface’ for Covid’s spread; and

4) a lab leakage or incident that unleashed the virus.” 

He said the second scenario is the most likely and that frozen food from outside of China could have caused the first cases at Wuhan’s Huanan market.

Embarek said the WHO team had nearly ruled out any laboratory accident as a plausible cause of the virus’ origin.  “Nowhere was SARS-CoV-2 researched or worked upon at any labs across the world before the pandemic and there were no publications about the virus… We have visited labs in Wuhan and talked to staff there and we believe a lab leakage was the least likely cause,” said Embarek.



Samizdat says:

Irish MEP Clare Daly on the Rampant Russophobia:

‘Listening to the relentless Russophobia in this place, why are people surprised that Russia sees no point in engaging with the EU? I am as happy as anybody else to stand up for anybody’s rights including Navalny’s. But let’s be honest about him.

‘He is a vicious, anti-immigrant racist on maybe four percent of the support and rallying hundreds of thousands in cities of millions, hardly a mass movement. And we would not be discussing him at all if he had been arrested anywhere else other than in Russia.’

She added that, meanwhile, Julian Assange has been detained for ‘exposing US war crimes’ and listed other people jailed for political reasons without sanctions on the countries holding them.

She also claimed that there is a ‘geopolitical agenda fuelled by a military-industrial complex that who need an enemy to justify their millions’ and that Borrell was right to go to Moscow because ‘we should be engaged in dialogue not war’. 


Own comment: 

One gets the impression at times that a lot of the commenter's at UnzReview have to pass white supremacy exams to post. It is ironic given that Unz is Jewish, but at least it treats us to the low-brow intelligence of folks such as ForeverGone which is impressive in the amount of Western propaganda points it manages to cram into such a short piece, and that from someone who thinks he is being independent-minded.

If we ignore the supremacist commenters, then the comments at UnzReview are oftentimes informative, and the upside is that it would shrink the comments section significantly.