When You Have The ONE TRUE FAITH, Ecumenism Is Solemn Nonsense…


stephengolay, S. Armaticus, Michael Dowd , wewjude, Jeff C., Chris Benischek     

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 23:45
Article link: 


stephengolay said:

March 5, 2018 at 5:01 am

Just two observations. Just that. If Twitter threads were done on each the “seeing what’s there” could be drawn out, unfolded, in various (opposing?) directions:

1) Most (if not all) of the converts and returnees highlighted are female.

2) Most (if not all) converted or returned without Pope Francis being much of a pull or prod (if al all). None colored their decision with an excessive attachment to his person or papacy. None “fell in love with Francis”. A startling difference from the “colored” conversion stories during the reign of John Paul.


Very good obervation.

What’s also interesting is the pulling power of the Traditional Latin Mass. It appears overtly in three of the four.


  1. Sam–Very hopeful report as always. Thanks.

    But it all just does not calculate for me. Here comes all the fresh faced converts into the Church (the atheist lady convert was great) and what do they find in our Vatican 2-ized effectively Protestant Church? They find a heretic Pope and the majority of Bishops and Cardinals who really don’t believe all the bullshit about true Catholicism , as Ann Barnhardt says, Their focus is on creating a one world religion Freemason religion for a Communist one world government. Thus what we have is a de facto schism in the Church with 90% closet Protestant and 10% orthodox Catholic.

    Thus it seems to me a some point in the near future there has to been an actual schism to separate the would be sheep from all the apparent goats. SSXP would appear the place to go along with the sedevacantists.


    • Michael,

      What I think is the case is that these converts are looking past all this.

      Remember, they are coming from irrational, illogical, artificual and pathological situations. So to them, this nightmare that is Bergoglio feels a lot like where they came from. So they disregard it…

      That’s my take…

      Liked by 1 person

      • You help our hope Sam. God Bless you and thanks.


      • wewjude said:

        March 4, 2018 at 2:18 pm

        Sorry to vehemently disagree with you Sam on this point. As a convert (Easter 2002) from Evangelical Protestantism I can tell you from my experience, that Michael nails it (although I am considerably less sanguine than even he is).

        Almost no one within the Traditional camps (ie SSPX, Sedevacantists, etc.) seems to fully understand the complete devastation unleashed by NO Catholicism in general and the Francis “papacy” in particular.

        I will repeat, until someone in one of those camps can respond to the charge, using clear Thomistic reasoning, that the Catholic Church’s dogmas, (ie Dictatus Papae – 1075 A.D. & Vatican I – 1870 A.D.) on Papal authority and infallibility that “developed” regarding the Papacy over the past 1,000 years, have been shattered!!

        The Catholic Church’s self understanding of Herself, as relating to her hyper elevation of the Papacy, is at an existential dead end UNLESS God somehow miraculously intervenes as some private revelations seem to predict (ie the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart) and unties this apparent Gordian knot. Otherwise, the Catholic Church will have no reasonable choice but to eventually “walk back” Her heresies regarding the Papacy and return to the Catholic (and Orthodox) understanding of the Bishop of Rome of the first millenium.


    • Jeff C. said:

      March 3, 2018 at 3:53 pm

      The one thing that the modernist hierarchy of the Church can never overcome is objective reality. Just as God said: “I Am Who Am”, I think we can say that the Church: “Is What Is”, as God’s real and only vehicle of salvation for all humankind. No matter how many people might be turned off by the inconsistensis and lukewarmness of the modernist hierarchy at the front door, I think many people of good will who sincerely search for Truth will still make their way through the back door as they ask: “where else can we go?”. These people will inherently know what the real Church is because they found it through logic and reason and won’t be as scandalized by the modernist hierarchy. The real shame is all the people who will never have the seed planted in the first place because they aren’t hearing the Truth shouted from the roof tops by most of the Church hierarchy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Bravo S. Armaticus, bravo.

    Excellent piece in both identifying the trend and treatment of the theme. Funny how powerful is the Truth. Aka “meaning” going back to your earlier theme. Aka—Nota bene, dear ++Mueller and CDF—doctrine: just another name for Truth. We should never forget the majestic and simple (Ockham) power of Truth.

    It is very good to have good news in this Lenten season amidst these dark days under the Bergoglian barbarians (said “sexual deviates”) within the gates and in fact ruling through this dim-witted anti-Pope of ill will. Let us pray for Pope Benedict. Let us continue to pray also as in your compelling examples, for the conversion of all men and women of good will and for the Triumph, as befits this first Saturday, of the Immaculate Heart.

    C. B.

    • Thks.

      It really is good news and it’s everywhere.

      Too bad the VII bubble and hermetically seals echo chamber is so “rigid”.

      If only the Cardinals would look around, or their aids would tell them what reality looks like, I am sure they could turn this Church around very quickly.

      But in the mean time, all we can do is bang the drump and hope that they wake up soon.


      • Agreed—it’s everywhere in the real world and nowhere in Clericaldom, where reigns instead a flat refusal to see on a par wth the Pharisees in the case of Christ’s healing of the man born blind. The three videos again call to mind the need to become as little children to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

        As Bernanos ends Diary of a Country Priest, “Grace is everywhere.”











Own comment: 

It might be so that the converts under Bergoglio are of a higher quality than those under John Paul II, since Bergoglio is a turn-off if anything, and not an attraction, as stephengolay points out.

Still, the few who convert are but a trickle compared to those who leave because of Bergoglio's heresy promotion. So it would be prudent to pray for a new pope as soon as possible.