
TJM, Anonymous 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 - 23:30
Article link: 


TJM said...

Father McDonald,

You will find this interesting. A group of lay Catholics dis-invited an abortion drooler legislator in New York (Democrat) from participating in the St. Patrick's Day parade. Tragic that our bishops don't have the guts to do this. Certain catholic priests who vote Dem should also be dis-invited.



Anonymous said...

Bee here:

Fr. McD, the kind of thing that happened to you, the realization of why you were uncomfortable, I usually call grace. When I have one of these sorts of moments where I realize, sometimes many years after, what exactly was going on during some past event, and I am somehow freed with the realization, I think it's the Holy Spirit giving me a little epiphany, a little light, a little grace. It is refreshing to the soul.

I'm glad you have a copy of that little newsletter. Because maybe if you'd just sort of remembered the article, it would probably be fuzzy. But now you have hard evidence of how the Gospel was hijacked, how the Church was hijacked, and how chaos reigned, and how something deep inside you found it agitating and concerning. And I'll just bet, if anyone had called the Diocesan Office to complain about that newsletter, their complaint would have hit the circular file. And that is why we are in the mess we are in today.

How meaningful is that ideology for me, my Catholicism, spirituality, psychology and way of life? Not meaningful at all. It is just another worldly political endeavor and as far as I'm concerned, a big waste of time. I'm convinced this "revolution" seemed exciting and new and a breakthrough because none of the Baby Boomers wanted to do the hard work of spiritual growth as it was directed down through the ages: that is, facing their own concupiscence in all it's ugly manifestations and living all of their lives fighting it to gain virtue and holiness. They didn't want to (and still don't want to) remove the plank from their own eye, so they could see rightly. Nope. Much easier and more fun to remove point out the splinter in the other guy's eye, and make it out to be huge.

As for this 1970's revival in the Church, SOSDD. (Same ol' stuff, different day.)

God bless.




Own comment: 

Indeed, today marks 6 years since the dreadful day that Bergoglio was elected. Uttering "What garbage" would certainly be fitting, but no, the title has nothing to do with Bergoglio.

It has to do with Fr. Allan J. McDonald having found an old newsletter in which he was mentioned as a seminarian. It is full of factual errors and a very modernist worly homily, and he looks back at it with horror.

It is a sign of maturity when one can look back and reject what one was part of, having grown in wisdom, and in this episode Fr. McDonald glimpses at what led us to where we are today. No doubt Bergoglio would look back and having learnt nothing, or having learnt to do worse than what was already done, look back at such an episode with pride.

We are where we are today because of many decades of bad preaching, bad theology and bad priorities, among very many other bad decisions taken by the NOChurch hiearchy. The popes who oversaw this mess deserve to be condemned, not canonised.