Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America for Geopolitical Advantage?


Ayatollah Smith ,Biff ,  utu , anon[, 209]  , Astuteobservor II  , criolle  slorter ,Delta G  , Willem,  Almajiri            

Saturday, April 11, 2020 - 12:15
Article link: 


“All I did was sleuth though public, but forgotten articles, and stung things together into a thesis.”

Not exactly. What you did was to plagiarise articles on this subject, mostly from Larry Romanoff’s articles published on Global Research. Probably 40% of your article is copied verbatim without attribution.


Biff says:

Whew””””””” That was a long read… Not totally convinced, but the timing of everything has me believing that there is a good chance corona virus is a man made weapon.


utu says:

@Ayatollah Smith

“40% of your article is copied verbatim without attribution.” – So it should be easy for you to give several examples.


anon[209] • Disclaimer says:

“It highly contagious. It’s of a factor many, many time contageous than any other known virus.”

I stopped reading here. Aside from misspelling contagious, the statement is objectively false.


God fucking damn.

All I want and need was for this shit show to go on for 9 more years.

Wtf is up with USA letting lunatics into positions of power?

As I stated previously, if only the Chinese are infected and dying, this 99.999% screams bio weapon.

Chinese needs to step up their game. Wtf is this shit letting their population centers getting attack like this without blow back? Those 250 nukes are no longer enough. Build 1000 more. Having the ability to make every square inch of any country with American bases radio active and green might stop the madness.

If this article is even half true, fuck all of us. We are all going to die sooner or later because the fuckers at DC are fucking insane.

Fucking hell. Fuck.


criolle says:

“A full “regular” hospital is being constructed (in ten days) to handle the problem.”

I have participated in SEVERAL Hospital construction projects.
You might clear the land and pour the foundation in ten days.
Getting the walls built and pouring the second floor within two weeks is VERY “iffy”.
NO WAY IN HELL can you construct the roof inside ten days.
Inside walls alone will take another two weeks.
Ventilation lines will take AT LEAST another week, working nights and weekends. (Ventilation has to be installed before electrical and ceiling work can take place.)
Plumbing (water and sewer) can go in alongside electrical. LOOK at how many circuits go into a hospital room sometime! Even bare-bones requires a lot of conduit and wire runs. Figure four more weeks. This assumes maximum crews, working nights and weekends.
Cabinets, desks, doors … another week AND communications has to be installed AFTER that.

TLDR: These are BARRACKS for sick, not Hospitals.


slorter says:

Certainly not beyond the realm of possibility! Food for thought!


Delta G says:

I do not even have to read the entire article to say it is somewhere between Dog Barf and Bull Shit.

Just horseshit strung together to make people who do not know anything about Virology or Immunology or Biology or Medicine shiver in their boots.

I believe the authors are CIA folks trying to act like Bio-warfare is something real today.

It is not.

Also, lets look at reality for a second even if the US of morons, who can’t find their assholes with a mirror, could actually make such an amazing weapon.

1. No matter what anyone says you cannot control such a weapon. It will come back at you and kill you too. It is a biological entity and you have no control once it is released into the environment.

2. Look at the economic collapse that may be coming soon because of the slowdown in China’s Manufacturing of everything the world uses and needs especially the US of morons.

3. Nothing that has happened yet with the Corona Virus is unusual except to some $hit eating moron who wrote this pile of garbage.

Ron Unz has made a disgrace of himself by putting this crap on his website. I do have great respect for the site overall, but now none for the Editor.


Willem says:

Long question with a short answer:



Almajiri says:

Another smoking gun not mentioned is the anglosaxon mission, where they said “china will catch a cold” (read both the interview and the timeline a simple web search will lead you to both!). There is no way this is not an act of warfare against China, next will be Iran, Russia, and then the rest of the world. They are following their Georgia guide stone ten commandments.


Own comment: 

It is important to note that this article was written at the end of January, before the virus had spread to the end of the world, when it was still largely a Chinese affair.

Two months have passed since then. The Chinese are blaming the Americans and the Americans are blaming the Chinese.

I am certainly not in the camp which considers this a biological weapon, given I am in the camp which considers the whole thing to be a hoax, whereas a biological weapon would presumably have to kill people in significant numbers which the Covid-19 virus certainly does not. Still, if the psychos in Washington D.C. had a weapon which they thought they would get away with using I have no doubt they would deploy it, and they are out-of-touch enough to think it would not come back to haunt them, but I have seen very little evidence of a biological weapon.

What matters though is whether the Chinese themselves believe it is one. If they do, then things might get messy, and frankly, the American protestation to this thing smacks of deflection, and is certainly suspicious, although far more likely it is just the Americans trying to cover their backsides for their inept response to a pandemic which virtually everyone saw coming except those in power.