Viganò: We Must Separate From Francis to Remain in Communion with the Apostolic See



Cuthbert Mayne      ,   Angelici Ordinis , Pope Innocent llldowd , charisma , Ultraviolet  

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 09:30
Article link: 


Cuthbert Mayne


4 feb.
This is dangerous territory. An alternate suggestion would be to remain loyal to the Holy Father, and yet consider all of his statements nonsense. In so far as they are not ex cathedra.
An analogous situation would be if one’s father became a drunk or a transvestite
Angelici Ordinis

5 feb.


Adherence to a heresiarch is dangerous territory. And separation from one's father if he is molesting you is beyond warranted. It is demanded by justice itself. You are kind of creepy, you know that?


Pope Innocent lll

5 feb.


St. Paul to the Catholic Galatians: "As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema."
- Sacred Scripture




5 feb.
Agree with Vigano who we should consider our stand-in Pope who provides us the truth about the Church and the world.




5 feb.
1. No source given where this ominous letter appeared (if appeared at all)
2. The same letter has been referred to many times, which should be considered of great importance if details are published only in such small portions.
Angelici Ordinis


5 feb.
It's Vigano. It's his writing style, which is quite unique.




5 feb.


We must separate from the Pope to remain in communion with the Papacy. Yeah, no.. :P A friendly reminder for would-be "separatists"....
Angelici Ordinis


5 feb.
Bergoglio has separated himself from the Church. Those canons apply to HIM, not Catholics. The LAW is not for the purpose of destroying the Truth. You are a Pharisee because you believe the law is meant to enable your escape from Justice and moral responsibility.


Angelici Ordinis


5 feb.
No true Catholic could FAIL to suspend their judgment as to who is pope or not in this time.







Own comment: 

I do not know what the good archbishop Vigano means with us separating ourselves from Bergoglio but it has long been clear that we must oppose Bergoglio and resist him if we are to save the Church.

I continume to be astonished that people will go to the trouble of citing saints to show that we must somehow submit to Bergoglio when virtually any one of these saints would have been forthright in their condemnation of anyone who uttered even 1/100 of the bile that Bergoglio has.