Vatican II Decline Ongoing: 341 Religious Houses Closed in Spain within 18 Months

Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 23:45
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De Profundislast week


Perhaps this is what Pope Francis was referring to as the "God of Surprises"?
Jungerheldlast week

Which one will Gloria TV be buying for their headquarters


CarolineA03last Tuesday
Clearly the "spirit of Vatican II" shows his fruits, he wasn't the HOLY Spirit at all.
Common sense tells us that, since his fruits are the destruction of True Catholicism and the removal and degradation of everything Holy and True.
This "spirit" who frightens the Faithful, yet is cheered on & supported by the filthy corrupt clergy has a different name to all who venerate Christ.
Didn't the great Mystic Marie Julie Jahenny give us this warning, during one locution she experienced in the presence of Our Lord Jesus?

September 28, 1880

She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be a great denial of religion. For a time I will be master of all things, everything will be under my control; even your temple and all your people.”

Saint Michael says that Satan will have possession of everything for some time and that he will reign completely over everything; that all goodness, Faith, Religion will be buried in the tomb. Satan and his own will triumph with joy, but after this triumph, the Lord will in His turn gather His own people and will reign and triumph over evil and will raise up from the tomb the buried Church, the prostrated Cross."…/marie%20julie.h…

Her Biography - written by the Marquis de La Franquerie - Chamberlain of Pope Pius XII…


De Profundislast Tuesday
Those who say the Church mustn’t become a museum are usually the same who want the Traditional Latin Mass to become a museum.


Own comment: 

The Novus Ordo continues to gather bad fruit, and I can only concur with De Profundis who writes:

Those who say the Church mustn’t become a museum are usually the same who want the Traditional Latin Mass to become a museum.


It ought to be no surprise to anyone that when the monastic life is destroyed nobody wants to be a monk or nun anymore.