Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 19:15
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Trump will go down as the most pro life President ever


President Trump is more Catholic in his religious ideology than most of our Bishops and Cardinals and the man on top! God bless and protect him from the evil being done against him (and America!).



    Yes, President Trump deserves only gratitude at this point from Christians and patriots of all stripes. The criticisms like the ones listed in the stupid article at onepeterfive over the weekend are pointless now. Trump is flawed and has made a ton of mistakes as president - some of which have cost him dearly - but how good he is will become evident to even the densest among us very quickly after January 20 if what appears inevitable occurs. Left to his own devices, the decent results he achieved would have been tremendous. The fact is he was openly opposed and subverted by the entire establishment from the moment he announced his candidacy to the present. Most members of his own staff worked to undermine him and his policies. Republicans controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of his presidency and the Senate for the last two; still it was if the Democrats were in charge most of the time. Whatever his faults, he is a man who fights the good fight hard and is far better than his enemies and many of his “friends.”


    Let's hope and pray he pardons Julian Assnge and Edward Snowden, and probably others, too. Of course, he should STOP the NATIONAL State of Emergency, then, the governors will have to stop the state lock-downs per their State rules and Constitutions which allow only 2-3 months of emergency powers. A telling of the TRUTH about the mask mandates would also help all of us, and the vaccines, too. Now, there is information coming out that the Covid vaccine is making men sterile. Not good. But, Trump has been totally all in on the vaccines which normally take 4 years to test, NOT 2 months! I want Trump to stand up for us, as we have stood up for him, but I fear he won't do it, that he is, after all the firings & hirings from the swamp, part of the swamp.

    Yes, he has some good things about him, being pro-life is one, but he's stood down, instead of firing and arresting the nazi communist Fauci and others who have destroyed and continue to destroy the middle class economy!



    Wow, Trump sounds more Catholic than the Pope.

  • That would NOT be difficult. I marvel every time our present Pope says anything that sounds Catholic.



    Own comment: 

    One has to give Trump an "A for effort" when it comes to courting the Catholic vote. I for one have never believed htat he is sincere in his Christian utterances, but no matter - if it helps the Christian cause I couldn't care less.

    This comment by The Interrogator , unusually clear-sighted among Trump supporters, more or less reflects my opinion of Trump and his incompetent handling of this whole Covid-19 hoax, as well as his non-fight with the swamp:

    Let's hope and pray he pardons Julian Assnge and Edward Snowden, and probably others, too. Of course, he should STOP the NATIONAL State of Emergency, then, the governors will have to stop the state lock-downs per their State rules and Constitutions which allow only 2-3 months of emergency powers. A telling of the TRUTH about the mask mandates would also help all of us, and the vaccines, too. Now, there is information coming out that the Covid vaccine is making men sterile. Not good. But, Trump has been totally all in on the vaccines which normally take 4 years to test, NOT 2 months! I want Trump to stand up for us, as we have stood up for him, but I fear he won't do it, that he is, after all the firings & hirings from the swamp, part of the swamp.


    Yes, he has some good things about him, being pro-life is one, but he's stood down, instead of firing and arresting the nazi communist Fauci and others who have destroyed and continue to destroy the middle class economy!