They just found a bunch of MI ballots... and they are all for Biden?

Friday, December 4, 2020 - 23:30
Article link: 



4 nov.


Sean Davis was censored for this tweet. True? 




4 nov.


Abolish early voting Abolish mail in voting It's the only way to protect the integrity of the system



4 nov.


I wonder if they're being blatant about the 100% rate of "discovered" Biden votes to make clear the power they hold. "We can cheat this obviously and there's nothing you can do about it."




4 nov.


So, y’all telling me that they counted over 150,000 votes and not ONE went to Trump?
Own comment: 

What we witnessed in the U.S. in early November is the clearest and most transparent election rigging in probably the history of elections.

The important thing is this: They don't care if you find out because they know you can't or won't do anyting about it. The elites have probably never felt as comfortable as they do now, thanks to the whole democracy show and the people who buy into it.