Taylor Marshall’s “Infiltration” Unmasked (Part 1) – TRADCAST 027 Special Edition


jim  , Is it I, Lord? ,        anna mack,Jay Lowell

Saturday, May 16, 2020 - 23:00
Article link: 

Are you inferring a hack job by a wack job?
Knick nack...patty wack...give your dog gone church a bone.


Copy and paste should come easier to a PhD. That made me laugh out loud. Without having the stomach to read his book, Marshall’s greatest literary achievement, as you describe it, is to literature as a Happy Meal is to haute cuisine.

The previous blog post about ramadan being celebrated by a novus ordo cardinal tempted me to ask if these r and r’ers aren’t embarrassed by allowing their intelligence to be so assaulted.

Now I’m tempted to ask, “what intelligence?”

Oh, the "what intelligence?" goes without saying, I think

'Happy Meal is to haute cuisine'
Or offering a Seder Meal to a Muslim during Ramaden. Marshall
would even try that and why not? Nothing else is working for him.


A Protestant telling Catholics how the Church was Infiltrated. Now isn't that special. Tripe is tripe no matter how its served.



Own comment: 

Say what you will of sedevacantists but nobody can accuse them of being a charitable bunch!

Still, I can understand why people turn sedevacantist and though many of their points have merit, the conclusions they derive do not seem to me to flow from the arguments and the realities. The notion that a pope cannot be a heretic may indeed be a pious opinion of many saints, and even Church doctors, but it is far from dogma and reality certainly has shown us that popes can and will teach heresy, and that at least their recognised popes could certainly cause scandal.