Suffering Accompanies a Foolish Church

Friday, March 22, 2019 - 23:45
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Wonderful article Dan. Heartbreaking, but wonderful. I too teach in public school at the high school level but am blessed to be in a small rural area where there is at least some semblance of Christianity. I am the first encounter however for at least 98% of them with Catholicism, but at least it is a traditional (read true) Catholicism, and as I teach history, they do learn something of the history of the Church, and believe it or not, quite a few are genuinely interested. Perhaps the seeds will bear fruit.


“Apart from an outside supernatural assistance, society goes from bad to worse until deterioration is universal. Not evolution but devolution is the law of man without God, just as it is the law of the sunflower without the sun. With all of our boasted mechanical civilization a day might come when our modern towers of Babel would be as forgotten as the first, when Americans would cease to exist as a race as the Babylonians and Medes have ceased to exist, when Washington would be a contested locality like the capital of the Aztec civilization, and when the constitution of the United States would be the hopeless search of the world’s archaeologists. Distant as it may seem, it is something which has happened a hundred times before and which may very well happen again ... like that world into which Christ was born, the world today needs not a shuffling of old ideas, not a new economic, not a new monetary system ..... it needs a New Birth. It needs the intrusion into our order of a new life and a new spirit, which God alone can give ..... [Rt. Rev. Fulton Sheen, 29 Dec. 1935].


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      It's all so depressing. Our pope is either a Communist or a fool; his cardinals, for the most part, are silly, fat men who can't think for themselves and take their cue from Francis' stock of vapid political notions; the world's bishops, with very few exceptions, are themselves cowardly at best, conniving at worst; and our priesthood is shot through with revolting Nancy boys. I really don't know how we recover from this. The Church is like a building left idle and unoccupied for a century. It's filled with spiders, mold, worms, and bats. What will it cost to make it livable again?

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    In the amazing diocesan museum at Freising (Pope Benedict's old see), there is a cabinet which displays the medals of all the Popes from St Peter onwards. It gives some sense of perspective to our crisis. Most Popes are of interest only to historians. Most Catholics at their own time never saw these Popes. Probably most Catholics never even saw an image of them. Never mind all the Cardinals and Bishops whom no one gives a fig about now. Even my personal favourite, Prince Archbishop von Raitenau of Salzburg and his fifteen kids. At least he built the Mirabell Palace for them.

    If we recovered from the Borgias, Pope Francis and his sodomites don't matter. We have the true doctrines recorded in so many places that they can't be concealed by a few deceitful amendments to the Catechism. And we have an incredible army of Saints who lived before and after the Borgias to help us.

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    I like your positive take, Bill, here on the eve of St. Patrick's Day. I think of the depressing odds that great saint faced when he first landed in Ireland.

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    If one is talking about Alexander VI, then buy N. M. Gwynn’s book “The Truth About Rodrigo Borgia Pope Alexander VI” (Tradibooks). He was a much maligned pope who never did those dastardly deeds (including siring children) of which he was accused. In fact, he was a very saintly, effective ruler who was loved by his contemporaries. Justice demands that Alexander is vindicated.
    Gwynn drew from the 19th C Msgr Peter De Roo’s research and subsequent books that the Roman nobility (with help from future pontiffs) hated the Spanish of the time. They posthumously vilified and calumnated Alexander VI, when in fact no contemporary evidence of his so-called guilt is found.
    It was a sordid, satanic and successful tale of disinformation against him.

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    With bad Popes in the past, at least the King was Catholic. So was the State administration. As were the nuns, the bishops, the priests, your neighbour. Or, if you lived in a Protestant country, people at least believed in the Bible. There was common ground, there was something you could point a suffering child to.

    Now, there's nothing. Men, women, children desperately need the Truth, and yet there is nothing you, or I, or any other Catholic can offer, save a little secular comfort.

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    Excellent commentary, William Murphy. Keep the hope alive!

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    What will it cost to make it livable again?
    - The cost will be perhaps a huge, long lasting suffering through greatest but well deserved global chastisement ever.


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    Reading this, and previously reading about the lack of births and hope in the future in the once Christian world, I have long thought that humans have a spiritual need that we cannot long do without.

    Alone among the creatures on earth (as far as I know) we can actually contemplate the future, and consider our own deaths. Instinct isn't enough to just reproduce and continue. We have to consciously decide if we are going to beget new people into the world. Religion is NECESSARY in order to give meaning to life in the face of the certainty of your own demise, and I am convinced is necessary in order for humans to create civilization beyond the tribal level and to fling your own offspring into the future. Sure, there are atheists that have children for whatever reason, but we are still running off of the remnants of Christendom, in our morality and our culture. We see secularized societies just gradually fall back onto hedonistic and epicurian pursuits, to the point where (in Japan first and spreading around the world) people just hang around with their video games and other amusements and don't even bother with the opposite sex. "too much trouble" they say.

    So you end up with a lack of hope, and 7-9 year olds trying to commit suicide. Why not?

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      In 1956,[T.S.] Eliot was interviewed on the BBC and asked whether he thought a pagan culture the most probable alternative to a revived Christianity. No, replied Eliot, "I think that the end of a purely materialistic civilization with all its technical achievements and its mass amusement is . . . simply boredom. A people without religion will in the end find that it has nothing to live for." - As quoted in Russell Kirk's Eliot and His Age (Peru, Illinois: Sugden, 1971),p. 390.



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    This is the world John Lennon "imagined" and hoped for, a world where there was "nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too." And everyone cheered, and thought, yeah, that's what we want.

    And according to the media everyone is much happier, right, now that religion is not influencing children and now that they're free. And it's a wonderful world.

    Only it's not. The devastation described in this article is hidden from most of us. This ripping apart of kids lives and sucking the life out of them before they're 10 is not even a blip on the radar. Suicide???? A kid who has all the material things he could hope for and all the freedom to go and do wants to die? What's wrong with this picture?

    In the olden days kids grew up in dire poverty, but they were taught religion, and dreamed of better futures, and prayed and hoped, and wow, whadda-ya-know, better futures came to pass.

    Wait until these current kids grow up. Oh boy, THAT'S going to be some kind of nightmare world. Imagine.

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      Usury and sexual liberation put us into this state. They go hand in hand. It has nothing to do with John Lennon or his sophomoric song. Many people go through a phase where religion is blamed for certain of society's ills. Those bullies in Israel use their religion to move and kill Palestinians. Would it be wrong for a man to criticize religion in that regard? To a large segment of people the Catholic Church now appears to be nothing more than a large bank run by homosexuals. Is it not ok to criticize that religion in it's current state? Seems to me everyone here, and at every other website or media outlet that tries to promote some semblance of orthodoxy, is always engaged in criticism of the Church.

      By the way, John Lennon had his religious education in the COE. You know, the institution that got it's start drawing and quartering Jesuits, killing Catholics, and looting Church property. Not just estates, abbeys, cathedrals and parishes, but a store of value based on 1,000 years of labor. He surely did not know these facts nor did he contemplate them. But for him to feel the vacuousness of the Church of England seems completely plausible. Why should he have a problem with religion?

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      But John Lennon influenced tens of millions of minds out there. I just heard that idiotic song on the radio a week or so back, and a woman in her late 30's walked by me and I heard her singing along.

      To me, the words of a song can get into your psyche more than the words of a lecture. If you are mindless about the song's words, you can find yourself agreeing with and living out it's implications without being conscious of it. That's all I meant by referring that modern day Pied Piper.



Here's some hope: after enduring separation, divorce, annulment & the associated grief & trauma, my youngest children have asked me to teach them latin, pray the Rosary in Latin, and attend the 1962 TLM. Our usual parish is a very faithful ad orientem Novus Ordo one - lots of chant and incense. But the children chose the liturgy over community in an inversion of the Spirit of V2.








Own comment: 

Calling NOChurch foolish is about as big a compliment as I shall ever give it. It's what I call NOChurch on a good day.

There is a lot of misery in the world, and NOChurch is complicit in it, as the piece tries to assert. Instead of focusing on the hope and joy of the Gospel, we have Bergoglio and his assorted Vatican II minions going on about the latest fad from their hedonistic media friends. Instead of converting the world, they go on about how nobody needs to convert, Judeo-Christian this, fraternity with Muslims that, encounters and dialogue with atheists here and there. It is all nonsense and nobody takes it seriously.

If they were honest they would leave the Church and let the rest of us who believe in the Gospel carry it forward. They are dishonest; that at least we can know with absolute certainty. The only question is whether they are demonic, or simply agents of the devil, unwittingly.