The Sexual Revolution Turns Ugly

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 23:45
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    Great article. Central to the sexual revolution was the destruction of innocence. In order to pull that off, the cultural elites needed direct and unfettered access to children at an early age. How to get past Mom and Dad? Hmmm . First, feminism. Convince women that they are being held back, held down, demeaned and wasting their lives by serving their husbands and children. Then, no fault divorce. Divorce = freedom from tyranny for oppressed housewives. Encourage families to be unhappy with their lot, to spend beyond their means, to want what they do not have, and no longer value what they do have. This increases the stress, puts couples at each other's throats and greases the skids to a broken home. Once Dad is out of the home, or sufficiently gaffed as to be ineffectual, and Mom is on the "you go, girl!" track, nature abhors a vacuum. The counselors, the facilitators, the cultists, the internet predators, the slick marketers now have access to children's hearts and minds.

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      Couldn't have possibly said it more accurately myself. Brother, you nailed it. What a sick, perverted situation we are in these days.

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    Thank you for cutting through a dozen levels of BS.

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    A lot of it had to do with getting the men to spend their time obsessing over and practically worship other men who play "games" instead of paying attention and protecting their own rights and the well-being of their families.

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    Great Discernment! Not too many know that one of the Presidents of Planned Parenthood had a couple young ones and Pregnant when her Husband left her! -- Read where the female support system told her to Abort and join their ranks. The judicial system at one time - LONG AGO - protected Motherhood and it was SACRED. Pope Paul v1 was so right when he published Humanae Vitae. (CLERGY and people of God rejected his WISDOM.



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    Nature usually has the last laugh. Modesty, Chasity, Moderation, etc.. were stripped away 5 decades ago. The Pill became ubiquitous as lemon drops, and women joyfully gave up whatever natural advantages they possessed when choosing a future husband (And yes, the promises of sharing the marriage bed with the lucky future husband was always in the foreground). Until the sexual revolution, a young woman for the first and only time in her life held all the cards, as it should be. Are liberated women any better off today than their great grandmothers?

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      Interesting Reply! Over 50 years ago, as an RN in the Military, I was assigned to the Maternity ward. I can relate to your post as the- "PILL" was not an option in '50 and '60. Life was still considered Sacred. Motherhood was celebrated, and family life was not yet under attack as in today's world. I remember watching the women going out into the workforce and then into the PILL CULTURE -- THE SLIPPERY SLOPE!

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      A little story from a Navy Independent duty Corpsman (medic for those Army / Air Force types) who served aboard a ship. This will send chills up your spine.

      Once serving aboard ship became an option for women in the Navy, there would be instances where the unmarried young female sailor would find a willing male partner aboard ship to get pregnant so they could get sent back. Now this causes all sorts of problems for the ships crew as there generally is no replacement for a sailor that gets sent home during a deployment, everyone has to suck it up and pick up the slack. When the female sailor in question gets back to port, guess what she does first...

      Is this a better world we live in?

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      If a Marine on shore leave can be thrown in the brig for getting a bad sunburn (damaging government property!) then a sailor who gets herself pregnant can suffer the same penalty for the same reason. Maybe the leadership of the armed services fear a rash of false accusations of "rape!" if they take that course.

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    Sad indeed -- the Slippery Slope has indeed hit bottom -- We call Good Evil, and Evil Good. We are now @ the mercy of a Godless Government. Praying for God's Intervention!

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    LOL. Yes, I am far better off than my grandmother. I am a female engineer who holds multiple degrees. I earn my own paycheck (a very handsome amount, too). I don't believe in marriage (I am not a subservient underling solely used for breeding purposes wasting my time doing menial tasks in the home like a slave). My body hasn't been permanently damaged from childbirth. Every day is an amazing joy that I am in complete control of. I paid cash for my house and property. No mortgage or debt. Every day is an amazing experience. No wonder you are jealous of me and my freedom.

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      What a sad idea of freedom. I too have multiple degrees. I too earn a paycheck. But the service I offer to my husband and five homeschooled children, and the "damage" my body bears from that service, are the greatest gifts of my life. They allow me to see that life is not about me, it is about true JOY -- Jesus, Others, then Yourself. I will pray for your scales to fall.

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      "The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”

      C.S. Lewis

      I find the above saying of C S Lewis extraordinarily perceptive in its almost impenetrable obviousness. Some of the biggest truths are almost impossible to spot, seemingly because of their obviousness - an obviousness that makes it impossible for most of us to know where to start.

      However, on further reflection, in this case, it also seems I had failed to register the 'iconoclastic' significance of this inverted-seeming, yet, evidently correct, hierarchy of tasks. A classic example of our fallen world's inverted values.



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    The sexual revolution is total insanity.

    I have a close friend who is suffering from AIDS and STDs as a result of his time in the "gay life." Here is what he says about the establishment in government, schools, business and churches promoting the sexual revolution: "It is insanity for adults to teach children that it is OK for human beings to inseminate our intestines."

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      I will pray for your friend. What a great explanation to make people realize the harm the homosexual revolution is causing. We need his voice to convince others, just as St. Augustine did after living a sinful life. The Good Shepherd seeks to rescue the lost Sheep. There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 who have no need of repentance.

      We must challenge the "establishment" that attempts to normalize sexual deviancy and perversion in the name of freedom if for no other reason than to protect our children and grandchildren! We rightfully blame our schools, government officials, corporations and even churches for the acceptance of sinful behavior, but when was the last time we spoke up against graphic sex education, student gay clubs, or transgender policies in schools, or charitably asked our priests to speak about issues involving sexual morality, or worked hard to defeat a pro abortion or pro homosexual agenda politician, or questioned corporate management practices that brainwash employees to accept unhealthy homosexual behavior as "diversity training?" America is being swallowed by forces that seek to doom souls. We love our neighbor by upholding the moral law in society. At the end of our lives we will account for our action or lack of action.

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      As soon as one speaks up, they are labeled "a homophobe", "a bigot" or "a hater" who should be banished from society. The average person doesn’t have the wherewithal or intestinal fortitude to fight them. So the "establishment" simply become embolden and push for evermore extreme positions. They will not stop until the world is what they want. Good or bad doesn’t matter.

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      The good news and best kept secret: we are not here to fight name-callers. Name-calling is something we need to learn to fully embrace with joy, because we will have suffered for Christ, the only purpose for which we were put here on earth. The average person does not have the intestinal fortitude to fight them because the average person does not have the spiritual fortitude to keep their hearts tuned to God 24 hours a day. But what if we did.....?

      "Be sure of this, that you must lead a DYING life; and the more you die to yourself here, the more you will begin to live to God. No one is worthy to understand heavenly things unless he has first learned to bear affliction for Christ." (Thomas Kempis-The Imitation of Christ)



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    Very good analysis of the ideological core of feminist sexual politics. Consequently it is difficult, if not impossible, to sympathize with the women involved in this racket as it all seems like exploitation for money and power.

    Sexual morality-- soon to be an archaic term--appears no where in sight. In fact, it has become meaningless except to be used as a weapon in the harassment industry. And why is it meaningless? Mainly because the Catholic Church---in it's Vatican II desire to be relevant--abandoned any embarrassing reference to it.

    After all the Church must be tuned into modern morality in order to not make the pew-sitters feel guilty, and, more important, reluctant to maintain their contributions.

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      Vatican ii did not invent the sexual revolution. You might finally be getting on the right track, though. You just have things reversed. The sexual revolution caused a lot of trouble, but Vatican ii did not create it or exacerbate it.

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      I disagree, but only slightly.

      Atheist Nazis created the sexual revolution, in particular one Dr. Wilhelm Reich, student of Sigmund Freud, about 50 years *BEFORE* Vatican II. He even wrote a book titled Die Sexualist Im Kulturkampf- the very book that we get the term "The Sexual Revolution" from.

      But we did exacerbate it by a sin of negligence that can be traced not to The Spirit of Vatican II, but to Vatican II itself: The abandonment of evangelization. We, as a church, listened to the missionary testimony at Vatican II and decided that the work of evangelization was done. We replaced it with ecumenicism and an utter lack of Catechists for the next three generations of Catholics.

      Today, only a few intellectuals still believe in Objective Truth, in Objective Right and Objective Wrong. The rest, including many Catholic theologians and now even the Pope, have replaced this with "Discernment" and "Conscience". Discernment and Conscience work great when you know right from wrong. But the grand majority of people today don't know right from wrong, and the Church herself has ceased to be an example for them to have anything to compare their lives to.

      It is the removal of that example that has exacerbated the sexual revolution. Without morality, the end result is inevitable.

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      I disagree, but only further slightly. When I read the Bible I see stories as old as man all the way back to Genesis for evidence of this so called "sexual revolution." More precisely man's struggle to understand God's intentions for His plans for our lives and happiness in marital and procreative union, and our ability to tame carnal desires that conflict with His purpose. However, as you say it has manifested itself acutely in certain societies at different periods of time, and this last century has been a doozy. No doubt all that was on Our Blessed Mother's mind when she shared a vision of hell to the three little children saints and told them that most are there for the unrepentant and repugnant sins of the flesh exactly 100 years ago.

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      The sexual revolution is different from what you think it is. It is different from what I thought it was.

      It is nothing less than an active effort to replace faith with breeding, to replace marriage with hedonism, and to replace economics with communism.

      It does so by using contraception and abortion to divorce procreation from sex, divorce to separate children from their fathers, and the State to replace the Church and the Extended Family.

      The reason the last century has been a doozy is because in all other cultures and times, aspects of the sexual revolution were accidental, were passive. This time around it is active, politicized, and weaponized.

      They are directly related to "The Error of Russia" that Our Lady told the three children in Portugal about; and I have NO doubt in my mind that the vision of hell she showed the children was caused by it.

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      I 100% agree with you, and besides it is the peril of our times. Honestly I sit back in amazement at how efficient the father of lies is at drawing as many people to him as he is, including and especially inside the walls of the Holy See. I never imagined a day that the likes of the culture-of-death merchants like Jerry Brown, Paul Ehrlich, Jeffrey Sachs, etc., would be treated like rock-stars making such a mockery of what were once fine and prestigious faith based organizational bodies.

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    There was nothing at all in Vatican II that said "Abandon evangelism"

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      Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate say different. Not to mention the actual testimony from missionaries that the gospel has already been proclaimed to the entire world. Nobody seemed to think that maybe it would have to be proclaimed anew. The old way that all must be brought into the visible church went away; it was not until 1992 that it began to come back. In that time, my generation grew up- and the grand majority of us left the church never to return.

      I know far more ex-Catholics than I know Catholics even today.

      The false ecumenicism of triple-Eucharist liturgies with the Lutherans and Methodists, the utter lack of catechesis, the censorship of encyclicals such as Humanae Vitae, the change of the mission of the missionaries from conversion to NGO activities, the change is obvious.

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      Correction - make that liturgies with LIBERAL Lutherans (ELCA). No joint fellowship or communion with the more conservative LCMS. Although there is ongoing dialogue and working together in Right To Life and other efforts with LCMS.

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      In my home town, we had both ELCA and LCMS parishes, and all four parishes got together for Palm Sunday, started at the Methodist church, marched through the town and up the hill to the LCMS parish, where we had the Liturgy of the Word together. We then split up into three separate lines with two side altars, for three separate, but similar, liturgies of the eucharist. The ELCA and LCMS had the Eucharist together, the Methodists had their side altar, and the Catholics had their side altar. Funny, the last one of those I attended (must have been 1994 or so) the Catholics were on the right and the Methodists were on the left. Very fitting considering what has happened since then in both parishes- the Methodists now have a Lesbian pastor, the Catholics lost dioscean status and now have a Benedictine Priest.

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    Reich was a Nazi? I was under the impression he was a Communist - or at least an early cultural Marxist.

    Kirt Higdon

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    So were the National Socialists.

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      So were the National Socialists what? Communists? Cultural Marxists? It doesn't help understanding to conflate groups who have similarities but also important differences. You wouldn't call Hitler a Communist or Lenin a Nazi, would you? According to the Wiki article on Reich, he was a member of the German Communist party. No mention that he was ever a Nazi.

      Kirt Higdon

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      Cultural Marxists. The only difference between a National Socialist (which is what Nazi stands for) and a Communist is that the National Socialists ask politely if you would please turn ownership of your company over to the state before shooting your to find a guy who will do so anyway.

      No, I would certainly call Hitler a Nazi and Lenin a Communist; but the difference between the two was and is incredibly small, and it is pretty clear that Wilhelm Reich's ideas were in fact used widely by both groups.

      The only reason Wilhelm was a member of the "German Communist Party" was because Hitler hadn't taken it over and renamed it yet.

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      Hitler did not take over and rename the German Communist Party. He outlawed it and arrested and killed or imprisoned those of its members who were not able to escape. Reich was one of those who was able to escape - first to Norway, but then the US got stuck with him. Reich's parents were Jewish, which made him Jewish according to the Nazi Nuremburg laws even though he was never raised in nor practiced the Jewish religion. This background certainly precluded any membership of his in the Nazi Party.

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      And yet, Hitler nationalized (just like the communists do) the car industry, the oil industry, the food markets, health care, and just about everything else. Reich's Die Sexualist in Kulturekampf became one of the primary Nazi texts.




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    The bottom line is the destruction of real masculinity. Feminists demand feminized men and many men act feminized, especially among the vulnerable young. The Church stopped teaching Moral Theology long ago. So the redefinition of our "reality" is being pushed without opposition. The Church is to be blamed mostly. Weak Church leaders leading to appease the Left and its destructive agenda. The topics for prayer are ambiguous. Last Sunday I found myself praying for the protection of "climate" in the world. Another time for "gun violence"...The mind of the world has entered The Church so much that people don't even question the weak generic sermons and prayers. Fornication and adultery??? No, we can say those horrible words. Homosexual sin??? "Who am I to judge", right from the horse's mouth. But if a man approaches a woman all hell breaks loose...I thought feminists were as strong as men??? Can they take care of themselves or are they against men only...The confusion is great among the Godless "elite". And The Church???????

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      Conservative politicians and clerics go weak in the knees when they are forced to confront the feminist imperitive. They can't stand the gaff, so they mumble, fumble, and fall all over themselves giving in. Anything to make the screeching and finger pointing stop. Its pathetic and nauseating to watch.



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    Adding a bit of perspective to my previous comment one may wish to read and share today's commentary that indicated the pervasive nature of pure evil......though this article reviews hard porn, I would contend that "soft porn" is far more insidious.

    Porn is the Missing Piece in the Louis C.K. Story

    by Mary Rose Somarriba

    within Culture, Pornography, Sexuality

    Nov 15, 2017 08:58 pm http://www.thepublicdiscour...

    Pornography rewires its viewers’ brains, distorting the way they interpret the behavior of those around them and making them believe that unacceptable behavior will be welcomed.

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      Personally, I think the distinction between “hard porn” and “soft porn” needs to be dropped. It seems to imply a difference in essence rather than a difference in degree, at least in the common way I have heard it used. What can be found in the dark alleys and corners of the internet is different in degree rather than different in kind to what is found in playboy and the majority of mainstream television, movies and books.

      I don’t think it helps to distinguish the two. I think realizing that one is the same in kind as the other helps people to develop a sense of disgust for the actual pornography that most people are exposed to every day.

      But that is a quibble on an otherwise excellent comment.




Everything seems to be backward now. Instead of figuring out how to spread virtues like chastity, abstinence, and marriage, our culture keeps trying to find ways to enable us to have as much sex with as many people as we can.







Own comment: 

A lot of interesting comments on a very good article regarding how the sexual revolution is now eating up its revolutionaries and how it has been nothing but a disaster for all concerned, especially through its villification of men.

The more eye-catching thing, however, is that a large chunk of the commenters veered off towards Vatican II and pointed to the Church as complicit if not blameworth in this whole debacle.

I definitely agree with this point of view, and - like many who have spent some time learning about Vatican II - consider the errors to be inherent within the Council itself and its documents, and not in its implementation. If it was any good, it would certainly not have proved impossible to implement without causing mass apostasy, but what we see is that there is not any thriving diocese which existed before the council that is better off now than it was then.