Portuguese Bishop denies perpetual virginity of Mary


FrAnt, rtjl, JabbaPapa       

Wednesday, December 26, 2018 - 23:45
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FrAnt says:

It would seem that the “Interdict” should be brought back into use, and throw in an Excommunication while we’re at it.

rtjl says:

‘Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am pure of heart, a theological virgin if not a physical virgin, and everyone knows that theological virgins cannot conceive and become pregnant no matter how much sex they have?”’

John the Mad says:

Bishop Linda and Fr Borges should indeed be investigated and sanctioned, but it would have to be initiated and prosecuted by clerics from the Vatican and the results approved by Pope Francis.
Their recent record in defending Catholic doctrine is rather spotty, to say the least.

Still, as a believer in miracles and in the virtue of hope I pray this Christmas eve that Jesus will defend His mother and the ancient Catholic truth of the Virgin birth, will be upheld.

Merry Christmas to you father.

JabbaPapa says:

I have no idea why such men as these should wish to continue as Catholics even if they should be Lay persons, but to see priests putting forward these atheist/Protestant fallacies, of 19th Century Revisionist anti-clerical origin, is monstruous.

Own comment: 

When men such as these bishops are thrown into rivers, or at the very least falsefully and humiliatingly 'escorted' from Church buildings then I shall be able to have some confidence of a revival in Catholicism.

Until them, I expect more and more of these wolves to make themselves known. As I have mentioned before: It does not seem to be possible to make Catholics angry any more. We need to regain our anger, before we can regain our Church.