Pope's Two New Teachings: All Are Children of God and Atheists Go to Heaven

John F. Kennedy, UnknownJBQ, Courtney Willis,Tancred , AnonymousDan        
Friday, April 20, 2018 - 22:30
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  1. You know, I used to think the Lutherns didn't have a Pope. I've been proved wrong.


This religion just gets better and better!



"Only the baptized are 'children of God'" according to Paul. So, now Pope Francis rejects Paul? Paul was very strict. In order for the pontiff to liberalize, he definitely has to reject Paul.


  • Rubbish!Paul does not exclude the non baptized from the title 'children of God. He was a Jew who made Genesis and the accounts of Creation his theological starting point. To quote Scripture selectively is a clear giveaway for the proof texting practices that are rife among fundamentalist evangelicals, writers of papal encyclicals and others who can't think.

  • I thought quoting scripture was rife among the Church Fathers and Saints? It's modernists who like to impose their totalitarian and slave morals on religion.


What happened to the entire video? All I can find is that of the little Emanuelle who looks like he's crying out of fear -- not mourning.


So what does one do when the Church is no longer Catholic? I'm literally at the point that I don't even want to support whatever THIS is by going to Mass.





Own comment: 

The Berg is at the bottom and still digging.

It will be interesting to see how low he gets because in my estimation he reached rock-bottom a long time ago, yet he keeps stooping lower at nearly every turn, nearly every week.