Placuit Deo – The Catholic Responce… (w/Update)


txtradcatholic , Michael Dowd Chris Benischek           

Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 23:15
Article link: 

I have grown so weary of these sycophants referring to “the ordinary magisterium of Francis.” There is no such thing “of” any Pope, least of all one who babbles incoherently on a daily basis, and only occasionally says anything a knowledgeable person would recognize as Catholic. How long, O Lord, must this chastisement continue?


Thanks Hilary. Sounds a little like Ladaria is Bergoglio’s theological PR guy trying to give a little academic respect for his boss’s rantings and insults. Too bad perfuming a pig doesn’t work too good. But good enough to let him keep his job for awhile. The big question is where did all the Catholic integrity go in Rome? If Nero were around today he would have no one to feed to the lions.

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Chris Benischek said:

March 2, 2018 at 3:48 pm

Good enough to get him a Cardinal’s hat more like it. Like his confrere ++Avery Dulles. What a quisling. With a bad haircut that evokes a gosling.

As to the document itself, S Armaticus is dead on. Post modern to the core. Words have no meaning. Like all postmodernist writing it is basically unintelligible with a lot of half-baked definitions. And of course full of ambiguities and equivocations.

Anything but clear doctrine and true.