Oh No He Didn’t!


Edward of CT. Usa. , Suzanne , Kathy Colorado ,smk629 ,  Father John Higgins , Marcus ,  M ,    One Mad Mom            

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - 19:30
Article link: 
Edward of CT. Usa.


He is a apostate and a schismatic.. He and most of the Jesuit order ,Lcwr ,Maryknolls, and Salesisns along with.their bishops including those in Belgium, ,Ireland ,Canada,Austria, Germany and Argentina etc. need to.be DEFROCKED ……. THAT AND sent back to the seminaries etc. ,,To relearn the faith and Morals sexual and otherwise..THEY.MISSED OUT on it IN.THE first 7 or so. yrs.. they spent there in cletgy formation…Seriously. they slept through the Basic morality and faith and morals at the seminaries there to.begin with. .



I don’t know who gave J Martin ( I refuse to acknowledge him as a priest by referring to him as Fr, he is anything but) so much power, he is an abomination liken to Lucifer who refused to serve and will be responsible for the fall of many tied to this. I don’t care if one person is left in a pew, better that than to have this schismatic spread his lies and deception further. If he so desires ” blessings” make it official leave and start your own Church. Be warned however, you leave the only real truth that is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the sacrafice of the Mass. His version of truth and what he purposefully leads others to is anathema


Kathy Colorado


The irony is that those poor victims of rape, sodomy and molestation were victims of homosexual priests who are still present in the Church and are continuing to destroy it from within. They want blessings on the sin that has caused immeasurable harm to the Body of Christ and to souls.



Once again, you ae spot on, sister.

It is not only devious and misleading to encourage sinners to think their sin will be overlooked and even blessed by the Church – it is cruel and sinful in itself. JM is falsely raising hopes and expectations, when he fully knows Church teaching is unchanging and true. And that an ordained priest would do such a thing is doubly scandalous.

If Fr. Martin, Fr. Horan, and so many other priests, religious, and sisters are unhappy with the teaching of the Church, why, in the name of all holy, do they stay? For myself, I think it is a matter of pridefulness. They want to be the one to tell the world that their issue is valid and that the Church was wrong for two thousand years. When, in fact, their personal agenda is not true to the teaching of the Church, and is therefore invalid.

I have sympathy for those with SSA. It is not easy to live within the teaching of the Church and to be faithful to God under those circumstances. But all of us have to live with something that makes being a Catholic challenging. We all have sinful weaknesses that are difficult to overcome, but we must keep trying to do what we must to please God. It is up to us to change, not the Church.



  • Father John Higgins

    The insanity of Jimmy Martin continues. He doesn’t deserve this much attention. He does deserve to be exposed like “One Mad Mom” is doing. But I hope nobody is sending him boxes of chocolates. I fear he’s sweet enough.



As much as I’d love to declare victory over Jimmy Martin and his ilk on this issue, my gut feeling is that such a declaration would be premature. We’re already seeing priests & bishops openly rejecting the CDF statement and saying that it’s “not the last word.” Watch to see if Ladaria is sacked, demoted or transferred in the next few weeks or months, and some cock and bull story leaked out the Pope Francis “was blindsided” by the CDF same-sex blessing decree, never really approved it and had privately disavowed during a recent audience with a positively delightful gay couple from Genoa and their surrogate-mother-produced baby daughter on whom the Holy Father imparted a special papal blessing. (I wish that an outcome along those lines were just my paranoid-fantasy-scenario but I honestly consider it approximately a 50-50 possibility at this point)


I called out my parish priest for linking to James Martins articles in his parish wide email a couple of years ago (this was before our parish did a book study on Martins book), and my pastor strongly disagreed with me that Martin had any kind of “agenda” (he objected to me using that word in my email), and just said he finds Martin to be a fascinating and interesting person. He sent me some of his videos to watch. Now I feel like my pastor has his eye out for me like I am “unwelcoming” or unloving in some way for questioning this guy. But my stance has not changed… he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and every new tweet like this just confirms it in my mind.



  1. Ouch! I’m not gonna lie. I’d find a different parish. When I go to Mass, I want to go to Mass not think about the ways my pastor is leading people astray. I don’t want to have to be an activist at Mass.


Own comment: 

In many ways James Martin is the posterboy for all that is wrong with NOChurch . An obvious sodomite, he is one who doesn't believe in anything the Church teaches, wastes no opportunity to let anyone know this, yet is allowed to go undisturbed by bishops promoting his heresies, and is even appointed by Bergoglio to a role in a Vatican office. 

We can see in his career virtually all the steps which has led to the mass apostasy within NOChurch and not only that, but also who is to blame for it by their inaction if not active promotion of such deviants.