Nick Donnelly, Vox Cantoris now Infovaticana - who's next on the Bergoglian hit list?


Anonymous, Ana Milan , Stephen Lowe    

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 22:30
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Anonymous said...

Cut throat thugs.

Ana Milan said...

The Führer is on the war path - he's not called the Dictator Pope for nothing. It will aid the sale of that book when it is published next month. It is very brave of the author to attach his real name to the work as he doesn't really have to, but it's good that people are not afraid any more to stand by their writing. Same in your case & the other two you mention. Standing together in the battle against a sinister situation in the Vatican is of the utmost importance as the public depend on the Truth being passed on to them & they won't get it from mainstream media. Even commenters have been blacklisted for suggesting that PF may not have been authentically elected. As in Nick Donnelly's case it could really backfire on them - he just opened another ProtecttheFaith which is going strong & the same will happen at InfoVaticana if they are forced to close. They will just open another & let us know its new name. That will cost the Vatican more money & so it can go on. They cannot win in a situation like this - it will even drive away those who have been their supporters when they witness such vindictiveness. The Mother of God will be standing close to you all. Don't give in!

Stephen Lowe said...

Wake me up when the 1930's end. this is idiotic and illustrates the lack of charity the so called humble Pope possesses. This will not end well for him. Of that I am sure.


Anonymous said...

They first tried to silence Jesus. They couldn't. 2000 years later pharisees are still trying to silence the truth. They have eyes and ears and still...

Ana Milan said...

I note that ++Ricardo Blázquez who made the complaint is a member of the Congregation of Divine Worship & the Discipline of the Sacraments - ++Robert Sarah's domain. Is this also a back-handed attack on ++Sarah?