Meet The Pontifical Academy For Abortion And Euthanasia


sixlittlerabbits, Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas Mundabor    

Sunday, November 26, 2017 - 20:15
Article link: 




Mundabor, the inmates are truly running the asylum at Pope Franny’s Vatican.



You are correct. Just days ago Bergoglio expressed respect for life and modern medicine, while simultaneously worrying about needles suffering caused by life extension due to technological advances. As I was reading his repetitive speech, I had a sense that he is gradually preparing the ground for euthanasia. I am sure that in some cases, through careful discernment of particular circumstances, a person’s wish for death (or the death of another useless eater) may be the most generous response to God’s command: You shall not kill. This occurred to me not irrespective of Bergoglio’s frequent reminders of how unequal access to medical care is between different parts of the world. As always, he desires equal outcomes for everyone.

Euthanasiae Laetitia….