Local Bishop and Vatican Condemn Apparitions Of “Our Lady Of All Nations”


Jeffrey Ade , mystic  ,  petrus100452  ,  Ultraviolet   

Monday, January 18, 2021 - 23:15
Article link: 


Jeffrey Ade


31 dec. 2020


The Blessed Mother seems to contradict herself in this apparition when she says "Once the dogma, the final dogma in Marian history, has been proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will grant peace, true peace, to the world." But the Immaculate Heart of Mary said there will be peace when Russia is consecrated to her Immaculate Heart? So which one is it?



31 dec. 2020


Both! There is no exclusion clause.



31 dec. 2020


mystic: you are right. "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph." The triumph of Mary on a doctrinal domain is the dogma of Mary, Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate. That is what the Lady of All Nations foretold. Maybe the dogma will be proclaimed after the consecration of Russia... who knows. And the Church - the CDF - has never condemned the apparitions of the Lady of All Nations. In the notification of 1974 the CDGF stated Non constat de supernaturalitate which is not a condemnation


31 dec. 2020


Considering the Vatican condemns "our lady of all nations" as false, that should answer your question, @Jeffrey Ade Not being snarky, but it's that simple. If this apparition is false, and the Vatican says it is, then that explains why whatever it says contradicts genuine apparitions before it.

Now if only this would happen for "Medjugorje" with all the bogus seers and similar disreputable shenanigans.

The problem there is a huge number of Catholics have bought into all that vaguely mystical clap-trap while casually ignoring the many factual discrepancies that turn up. It's become a solid source of revenue for the region. Politics and economics begins to play a major role in influencing such decisions.





Own comment: 

I am generally skeptical of alleged aparitionas - as all Catholics ought to be. I am also skeptical of the Vatican, as no Catholic ought to be, but as all good Catholics have had to be since NOChurch reared its ugly head.

So when the Vatican actually comes out and "condemns" an apparition, one which I believe one of very few good bishops in Holand - perhaps the only one - stands behind, the situation becomes far more complicated than it has to be.

It should be noted that the Vatican has failed to condemn Medjugorje outright despite its many obvious heresies, which does not exacly clear the waters.

We should all long and pray for the days when Catholics could trust the Vatican to defend, promote and proclaim the Truth.

What the situation has made clear though is that the Vatican can still, despite its NOChurch guise, intervene definitely in an apparition if it wants, so the ongoing confusion surrounding Medjugorje has to be considered desirable   as far as the Vatican is concerned.