Italian press in full, spittle-flecked nutty. Malicious idiocy from Beans and Wormtongue.


defenderofTruth,  MrsMacD, Imrahil , Amerikaner  , The original Mr. X  , Atra Dicenda, Rubra Agenda Kevin   Dirk1973, Suburbanbanshee, FrAnt,  Arthur McGowanGab Mallu Jack  

Saturday, September 1, 2018 - 23:00
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defenderofTruth says:

Barnhardt is claiming that the Lavender Mafia is waiting this out, waiting for thr news to die down so they can get on with business as usual.

Pope Francis asked the media to do his dirty work for him. So, I ask, how can they keep this out of the news when they asked the journalists to report on it? It seems the more the sychophant journalist publish it, the more its in the news, drawing attention to it…

MrsMacD says:

We should start writing lists of who’s who, those who excuse Pope Francis should be put in the suspect list and those who defend Bishop Vigano should be put in the defenders of Truth list, those who say nothing should be put in the coward list.

Imrahil says:

those who say nothing should be put in the coward list.

Rather on the prudent-people list.

(Of course, the old joke goes that caution is cowardice committed by an officer and cowardice is caution commited by an enlisted man; but joke set aside there is truth in it, after all, that good bishops, especially good bishops and especially good diocesan bishops, had better keep their posts rather than sacrifice everything for making a point.)

Amerikaner says:

Funny how these folks are suddenly all supportive of the Papacy…

Where were they under JPII?
Where were they under Benedict XVI?

The original Mr. X says:

They support the Viganò’s request hoping to damage Francis without taking into account that they are damaging John Paul II and Benedict XVI even more.

When will these people get it into their heads? Whilst there are no doubt a few people using this report for a purely partisan and opportunistic attack against Francis, most of us calling for an investigation do so because we want to see and end to the appalling corruption in the Curia. If that means that some people on “our side” come out with their reputations tarnished, so be it.

Atra Dicenda, Rubra Agenda says:

If the Truth tarnishes Benedict XVI, a theologian and man I have truly tender affection toward for saving my Faith with his literary cogency during my college years……so be it.

The Truth must out.


Beans is a sometimes papalotrous clericalist who wants to avoid the Truth in order to keep clerics on a pedestal when it is convenient to him. What a load of clueless sycophantic crap, indeed.


Kevin says:

All we want is the truth! If Vigano is wrong, why didn’t Pope Francis say he was wrong! Instead he refuses to address the issue. Kind of like the response to the Dubia!

Just give us the truth.

Dirk1973 says:

Didn’t Cardinal Cupich said the pope had better things to do? Are these people living on another planet? What can be more important than giving answers in the biggest scandal the Church is facing in centuries? The laity finally wants answers and no riddles or Jesuit crypto answers. If the pope thinks his MSM buddies will defend him no matter what he should think again. The MSM doesn’t care about a conservative or progressive Church, they only care about a DEATH Church. Here in Belgium the Official Church is downplaying the accusations but the papers are not that convinced, they are talking about the pope’s resignation. The fatal flaw of the progressive Church side is they are counting on the secular media to support their agenda but they are wrong. The only thing the secular media wants is the Church to explode and stop existing. It’s time they start realizing that.



Suburbanbanshee says:

Cardinal Cupich was named and shamed (as a beneficiary, not as a criminal; and as an arrogant re-directing guy) in Vigano’s testimony.

So it’s not surprising that Cupich would get angry, get arrogant, and try to re-direct.


FrAnt says:

Watching Cupich was like listening to a reading of Rules for Radicals by Alinsky. I can’t wait until the progressives begin to eat each other.
PS: I am not sure if the Pope should be made to resign by the crowds. I worry that such a move could be used by evil in the future against a good and holy pope. I suggest that the Pope rule the Church from a life of prayer and penance within the Vatican walls. There should be no communication with the outside world, news can be brought in, but nothing comes out. The Pope should be limited to speaking with the Cardinals to run the Church. He should on his own initiative cease writing any sort of Encyclical or Motu Proprio. He will eventually pass on to divine judgment, and a new Pope can be elected. Only Cardinals will celebrate his funeral Mass with no fanfare. Only after the Mass and burial, the Church can be told of his passing.
This will respect and honor the Office of Supreme Pontiff while acknowledging the scandal of the occupant.

Arthur McGowan says:


A future good Pope will have the courage of his convictions, and the support of true Catholics. No “precedent” will be created if Bergoglio is “driven” from office by popular uprising. The first eight (IIRC) Popes were all murdered. Did this create any kind of “binding precedent” for all future Popes?

Gab says:

I can’t take any of them seriously while they stand there preaching at us from those WMOF comical costumes with a swirly 666 at their breast,



  1. Mallu Jack says:

    Michael Sean Winters writes in the “National Catholic Reporter’ names several bishops who supported the testimony and says that they live in the “EWTN bubble” [sic].






Own comment: 

I am afraid I disagree with Dirk1973 when he writes:

The fatal flaw of the progressive Church side is they are counting on the secular media to support their agenda but they are wrong. The only thing the secular media wants is the Church to explode and stop existing. It’s time they start realizing that.

He is right about the secular media only wanting the Church to "explode and stop existing". He is wrong though in thinking that this means they will go after bad NOChurch bishops (the 'bad' qualifier not necessaril being superfluous as we have some decent NOChurch bishops). The media knows that it is much more effective to get the Church to implode from within than to explode from outside pressure. They know that Bergoglio and his ilk are on their side. They will not go after them as they would a good bishop.

The only question now is what the laity will do. I do not see the media keeping this story going past the first 2 weeks, at least not the mainstream media, not so long as whoever controls the media considers Bergoglio and the sodomy mafia an asset and not a liability.

Indeed, Bergoglio's enablers have already started attacking Archbishop Vigano in order to prop up Bergoglio, instead of focusing on the allegations. They will likely do that to any other high-profile people who oppose Bergoglio or his henchmen.