Improbable Allies


laurayunque ,   catholictradition2 , Mundabor  ,Mary K Jones

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 - 14:30
Article link: 


Evil does not act cohesively. Within the vast globalist camp, there are many factions. They don’t play well together in the sandbox. Now that they have Trump out of the way, we will see them biting at each other more and more. They no longer have a common enemy.




  • catholictradition2

    Not so fast. Nota bene, the EU is for freedom of speech determined by politicians and parliments. No difference de facto if they are of the same mentality and venality.


This has always been the case.
Freedom of speech has never been absolute, not even in the US.
There is always need for legislation to determine the boundaries with, for example, incitation to the lynching of reader catholictradition2.



I hope something stops them!

Own comment: 

I am afraid I do not share Mundabor's optimism with regards to the E.U. possibly initiating action against the social media giants. They are definitely not our allies and the end result will certainly be even more suppression of proper speech than we already have now. 

What the E.U. is against is private companies deciding who to throw from their platforms. According to Merkel and co., it is the government which should be doing the censorship. Unfortunately, this means that if you start your own free speech platform then Merkel and co. will come and shut you down because you allowed someone's feelings to get hurt or you exposed one of their lies.

While I do not have an account on any of these social media sites, and have tried to move away from all the big tech giants even in other areas, the one thing I can say is that tech giants do not own prisons and guns to force you to do their will whereas governments do. This is what makes governents so dangerous.

For sure I look forward to the day when facebook, twitter, google, apple and any of these other horrendous companies are little more than dist, simply because they advance a most anti-Christian and anti-natural agenda. However, we must recall that at this moment, these companies only have the power that their users grant them. When the government is done getting its claws even deeper into them, they will have power which their users cannot escape, a point worth keeping in mind always whenever a government official proposes a solution to any problem.