THE IDOLATRY OF VATICAN II: Francis and the War on Tradition


Veronica Rose , Hanna Veronica , Lynda Finneran , MARY Johnson,  DMill , Gary ,    

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 18:00
Article link: 


Quicumque vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat Catholicam fidem: Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit, absque dubio in aeternum peribit.
Whosoever wants to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he possess (keep) the Catholic faith. Unless each one will have preserved it entire and undefiled, without doubt he will be lost for all eternity.

Fr Gregory Hesse in one of his BRILLIANT takes pains to explain the importance of the precise Latin meaning of 'Quicumque' in the context of the text for the Pontifical documentation on the Tridentine mass explaining in detail that it means WHOM SO EVER which means everyone and any one including the Pope which means NO ONE must touch the RITE OF THE TRIDENTINE LITURGY. It is #6 on this list of his talks HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: "Is the New Mass Valid'.

The Athanasian Creed (its ending excerpted above) was named after St. Athanasius who had attended the Ecumenical Council (325 A.D.) that produced the Nicene Creed, and was a great champion of Trinitarian orthodoxy during the crisis of Arian heresy. But the Athanasian Creed seems to have been written a few centuries later, as it incorporates dogma refuting other heresies about Jesus and Mary that came after Arianism.
However, the Tridentine Liturgy and Catechism were formulated in the 16th century at the Council of Trent, so many centuries after the "Quicumque vult salus."

The Creed is for all times and places; it is of necessity unchangeable.


I would love to see +Vigano align with the Resistance bishops. His positions are identical with theirs, so why not? Come to think of it, if The Remnant will air Vigano's content, why not air the Resistance content (e.g., the weekly Eleison Comments of +Williamson)? Fair question?


I have said it many times, but we are blessed to have Vigano among us. It is most instructive that Vigano (among others as well) is persona non grata among the in-crowd of the heirarchy, while bishops such as Cupich and Gregory (to keep the list short) are elevated to Cardinal.
The pre-Vat II Church was a realm of piety; integrity; faithfully maintained, sensible theology handed on with clarity; good order. Whereas the post Vat II Church is approaching the chaotic irrationality of a fever dream.
As for me, "Just gimme that old-time religion"--if it was good enough for the Apostles, it's good enough for me.

I streamed the Traditional Mass from Sarasota, Florida this morning, and the priest pointed out in his rather lengthy homily all the points from Vatican II with which his parish and other traditional parishes are in sync. Not just liturgical (Latin to be preserved, Gregorian chant pride of place, etc) but also doctrinal. Very interesting. It seems that the TLM parishes by and large are more faithful in many ways to the documents than many of the crazy Novus Ordo prelates. I wish I had jotted down some of the details.

Here are a couple of videos that I ran across back around 2013 when I was first exploring Traditional Catholicism. These are just a few of the things that, had I known about them in 1987 when I was converting to Catholicism, may have been stumbling blocks for me, and had the present condition of the Church been apparent at that time, I may not have been able to recognize the Catholic Church as being the one, true Church that Jesus established.
Here are a few short videos from the SSPX, and Fr. Gruner (RIP) on the topic of Vat II; make of them what you will.
What is the Second Vatican Council? - Episode 08 - SSPX… —
Vatican Council Part 1 —
Vatican Council Part 2 —




Own comment: 

It is instructive that the one bishop who has the courage to oppose Bergoglio in words and deed, without equivocations, has to do so in hiding.

The good thing about Archbishop Vigano is that he goes to the true source of our problems - the Second Vatican Council. Naturally, that is not where all the problems originated, but it is there that they were activated.

Naturally, I stand with him regarding what he says about both Bergoglio and Vatican II, as well as the Novus Ordo religion that Vatican II created.