Frankly, I’ve Refused to Support NASCAR for Far Less Noble Reasons


Fr. Andrew Dickinson ,   thetimma,  jane chantal          

Sunday, July 5, 2020 - 23:15
Article link: 


Fr. Andrew Dickinson said:

June 22, 2020 at 9:29 am

Know you don’t read the comments anymore, but, I just have to rhetorically ask.

1) how much does it cost to advertise in that way? If it is affordable, I could do that for Mass at state fairs, county fairs, football games, etc! “Holy Mass 10am Sacred Heart”

2) are they pro Confederate flag or anti? Assuming pro. Just kinda hard to tell in their messaging.

3) Who funds NASCAR that they want them to defund it? I know it is a short and “punchy” word but wouldn’t “un-sponsor” or “boycott” or something be more accurate?

I’ll show myself out…



  • thetimman said:

    June 22, 2020 at 11:47 am

    I read all comments Father. If I didn’t, they wouldn’t be posted. As to your other questions, others may address. To me, all the banner shows is a commitment to freedom and free speech. 


jane chantal said:

June 22, 2020 at 12:08 pm


I’m no daughter of the Confederacy, but am beyond sick and tired of Antifa and BLM thugs and their ignorant acolytes getting free rein to decide what stays and what goes and just generally succeeding in throwing a suffocating blanket of fear and dread over the entire country.

Own comment: 

It is difficult to argue with Fr. Andrew Dickinson's assertion that it is difficult to know whether the flag flying above the NASCAR ground was pro-confederate flag or anti. In any case, if I watched NASCAR this would be a good time to tune out, and jane chantal is certainly right to write:

I’m no daughter of the Confederacy, but am beyond sick and tired of Antifa and BLM thugs and their ignorant acolytes getting free rein to decide what stays and what goes and just generally succeeding in throwing a suffocating blanket of fear and dread over the entire country.

That is true regardless of whatever ideology one reads into the confederate flag.