Francis on priests in private Jesuit meeting: psych problems = rigidity = fixation on sex = clericalism = demonic


James C,Gab, acardnal, Suburbanbanshee, ArthurH,Beltway Catholic   , Philmont237 , Grant M , Stepheno , teomatteo , Benedict Joseph  

Sunday, October 13, 2019 - 23:45
Article link: 


James C says:


Father, don’t forget his uncharitable gossip about a woman who presented him with two new converts:

Today I felt a certain bitterness after a meeting with young people. A woman approached me with a young man and a young woman. I was told they were part of a slightly fundamentalist movement. She said to me in perfect Spanish: “Your Holiness, I am from South Africa. This boy was a Hindu and converted to Catholicism. This girl was Anglican and converted to Catholicism.” But she told me in a triumphant way, as though she was showing off a hunting trophy. I felt uncomfortable and said to her, “Madam, evangelization yes, proselytism no.”

Can you imagine how that young woman and her two convert friends must feel today, to have their spiritual father gossip about them this way?

I feel orphaned too. I pray that the pope realises the harm he does by speaking this way.


Gab says:


Have you ever seen young priests all rigid in a black cassock and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? There are serious problems behind all this rigid clericalism.

Great pep talk to your young priests, Your Holiness. Amazing.

Really though, what was the point of releasing this to the press? It seems malicious, but I may be wrong.


acardnal says:


“If anyone divorces his wife and marries another, he commits adultery.”
– Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Was He “rigid” and a practitioner of “clericalism”? I think not.

I’m with Christ.




  • Suburbanbanshee says:

    Well, clerics who have a fixation on permissiveness about sex, and about themselves having lots of illicit sex in unnatural ways, do tend to be quite rigid and brittle, and clericalist, and demonically angry if anyone challenges them. And they have plenty of psychological problems, too.

    I mean, look at McCarrick’s record, now that we know. Constantly pushing his nose into everything, constantly trying to get a hold on everyone.

    Heck, look at even the people who were supposed to be stopping bad priests and didn’t, and knew perfectly well that they were allowing evil, in the name of sex with kids or seminarians being somehow “harmless.” The more complicit, the more rigid and brittle.

    So yes, this kind of talk, or this kind of story about a talk, is a sign of a guilty conscience by somebody or somebodies. We should pray for everyone involved to get a spine, which is the only thing that allows true flexibility and strength.


ArthurH says:


At the root of society is the family.

At the foundation of making a family is sex.

Offhand I’d say that sex is worth a serious focus, esp for how easily it is acted upon today with seemingly (at least intentionally) no consequence, which PF has further affirmed is the case.

But EVEN IF it were minor, Christ reminds us about our behavior in small things projecting to bigger ones.

I am sickened by this latest.


Beltway Catholic says:


I’d say PF has a medieval understanding of mental illness as demonic activity, but that would be unfair to the medievals.

Maybe it is more accurately a Soviet understanding. If you dissent from comrade Stalin, you must have a psychiatric illness.

Beltway Catholic says:


My fear is that he knows exactly what he is doing.


Philmont237 says:


Our Lady of Fatima said that more people go to hell for sins of the flesh than every other sin. Is Our Lady also fixated on the sixth commandment?

Also, I think Pope Francis just created a huge demand for saturnos. It’s like how Beto is the gun salesman of the year.


Grant M says:


It’s true that in Dante, the violent, fraudulent and treacherous lie deeper in hell than the lustful, greedy and gluttonous. However in his funnel-shaped hell, the upper regions are wider and more capacious than the lower regions.

Stepheno says:


This line of thought is very disturbing and indicative of such a closed mind. I’ve always said if PF was a Jesuit at the local well know college near me, we’d never seek him out for confession or spiritual direction.

teomatteo says:


“Have you ever seen young priests all rigid in a black cassock and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads?”
Why does ‘young’ enter into his mockery? and he can judge anothers love for God by what they wear?!? Kinda like, “if you’re rigid then you are fake”
That disturbs me because I cant help but think that he doesnt understand piety. I think he has a juvenile (arrested maybe) development regarding giving honor to God. Disturbing comment from the Holy Father.




  • Benedict Joseph says:

    Is there no end to the exhibition of classic psychological projection?
    It is at once astonishing and deeply disquieting. It bespeaks a degree of pathological nefariousness and disengagement with reality that is unfathomable.
    What is most telling is its display not only in the Church, but by secular materialists in the civil sphere as well. Does it not appear as a symphonic attack on cognitive coherence itself? For what purpose? From what drive does such behavior emerge?
    There are deep personal problems on center stage. The act is collapsing. One hopes the best for the patient but when he presents a hazard to others palliative deference no longer remains an option. Can it continue to be thought reasonable that the one charging up the stairs believing it to be San Juan Hill is dealing with a full deck out of good will?
    Time for reasonable, integrated, well intentioned men to intervene.



Own comment: 

Bergoglio's latest comment mocking faithful priests deserves scorn, not comment, and I shall leave the comments above to express criticism more mildly than I would.

However, I still notice a lot of people referring to him as 'Holy Father' or "His Holiness'. Anyone continuing to do that as though the words involved in those terms have no meaning deserves to be absolutely railroaded by Bergoglio. This is no time to be using terms of endearment on people who have nothing but disdain for all that is good and holy.