Filipino Novus Ordo Priest becomes Sedevacantist


   catherine , jim 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 23:45
Article link: 

It is wonderful and glorious that one more person has had their eyes and ears opened to the truth and left the counterfeit church of Satan. Let us give all glory to God and pray for Mr. Angga (I do not know what his status is now and so can only refer to him as Mr.) that his faith increases and that he becomes a light unto others.


It is quit apparent how many priests do not love the faith after all the irregularities and questionable issues that have come to light. If they spent as much time studying the faith as they do partying, vacationing and wasting time on trivial matters many would depart their ways and become true Catholic priests. But no, that would require sacrifice and dedication and alas, times have changed.

Own comment: 

This Bergoglio fella sure is a good advert for sedevacantism and I would be very surprised if sedevacantists have not increase many-fold since Bergoglio's election.

Still, though the sedevacantists no doubt mean well, I fail to see how they are part of the solution. If the problem is the Vatican - and it is - then the solution surely has to be bringing Catholics into the Vatican while fighting those inside, and not standing on the outside cheering whenever one of the buffoons in the Vatican makes a mockery of the Cahtolic faith.