The Feast of the Immaculate Conception: America’s Real National Day

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 20:00
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    Mary’s Immaculate Conception is a reminder that only God’s grace can wipe out sin. Mary is the new Eve without sin. Today more than ever we need her “Mirror of Justice” to show us God’s love, truth, beauty, mercy and love. Mary help me to turn to God whenever I sin. Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception.



    I will certainly go to Mass today. Even though the obligation has been suspended because of the covid, I will go. It's the least I can do. I will admit the current state of the US has me quite depressed but as my confessor said, I can do my own little bit. As Padre Pio said, "pray, hope and don't worry" Ultimately God is in charge.


    I don't accept the "dispensations". I proceed as if there are no dispensations. If one loves God, one attends Mass at the very least on Sunday's and Holy Days of Obligation. Dispensations are for pretenders. And I am not talking about those who are legitimately at risk here. So, let's not pile on here with criticisms.

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    • My wife and I have always brought our family to Mass on holy days, no matter what the bishops have said. I think it is ridiculous to transfer holy days to Sundays because it might be too inconvenient for people to go to Mass on, say, a Thursday AND a Sunday!


    The anniversary of the declaration was celebrated in 1904 and 1854, narry a passing though in 2004. One wonders if there will be anyone left to celebrate in 2054.

    The Immaculate conception doesn't fit in with current prevailing Catholic attitudes . For one thing it's not ecumenical, and therefore non-essential. Next, with the abandonment of the concept of original sin... What was there for Our Lady to have been preserved from anyway? Then the pronouncement by the pope.


      You can abandon teaching about original sin but the truth in defining the human person and our need for God’s grace will remain.


    The bishops can only consecrate the country to America by preaching to and confessing the 100 million abortion deranged great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren of 1776.

    Created equal 2026!



    Archbishop Gomez does not recognize the sovereignty of nation states, why would he invoke the blessing of Our Lady on the United States of America?


    The U.S. is not a nation, it was initially formed as a federation, and there is no one American nation but many historical nations, or peoples with distinct identities and cultures, even if there has been some homogenization in the 20th ce thanks to mass culture and migration. The error that America is a "nation" is the foundation of tyrannical attempts to convert the Federal Government into the supreme unitary state, and other errors like civic nationalism.

    What we need is less political grandstanding by RC bishops and more respect for local identities and cultures.


    Own comment: 

    Perhaps when the U.S. arises from the ashes of its now-inevitable destruction, we can see the Blessed Virgin Mary given the homage she deserves.

    Whatever the case in the U.S., I do have to agree with pat's point/observation:

    The anniversary of the declaration was celebrated in 1904 and 1854, narry a passing though in 2004. One wonders if there will be anyone left to celebrate in 2054.


    The Immaculate conception doesn't fit in with current prevailing Catholic attitudes . For one thing it's not ecumenical, and therefore non-essential. Next, with the abandonment of the concept of original sin... What was there for Our Lady to have been preserved from anyway? Then the pronouncement by the pope.

    NOChurch is all about playing down Catholicism in favour of the appeasement of false religions and ideologies. Until that changes, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception will be hushed down.