The Fake Political and Media Class


vin_ot  , Dave, Geoffrey, N_ 

Friday, January 29, 2021 - 13:00
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vin_ot December 29, 2020 at 11:25


SNP politicians have established a lucrative racket which they will not surrender without an enormous struggle. They are in almost uniquely enviable position as careerist neoliberal politicians: endowed with all manner of material benefits and high status while being lauded and cheered to the rafters as bold freedom fighters. Any objective observer would conclude this well padded cabal has zero incentive to deliver independence and every incentive to prevent it. The polls suggest they are under no pressure to do anything but enjoy the rewards of their canny opportunism.


Dave December 29, 2020 at 15:07


The dilemma in politics is if you have a good idea and make the effort needed to become popular, you get a flood of members who join and throw you out as an obstacle to progress by trimming the message to achieve office and the end result is an entirely new party with a different message.

The problem is, apart from revolutionary periods there is only a small pool of people who want to do politics full-time and they will join any party to secure office and equality legislation including the Blairite Quango EHRC make it illegal to stop these people joining your party. Not a problem when you’re not popular and its how dissent is managed.


Geoffrey December 30, 2020 at 16:39


Craig, there is no media triumphalism at “Boris’s ” deal. I see no reason why the UK should not have higher standards then the EU on the whole. The EU does not have high environmental standards, they love covering the countryside with tarmac and roads to nowhere, but then I know the environment is not something that bothers you too much as a supporter of Trump’s environmentally damaging golf course in Aberdeen.

N_ December 31, 2020 at 12:31


Would it be a crime against nature for the proles to ride out from their urban hovels to the Test Valley and the Chilterns, disturbing the serene views of the British landowners who pocket so much money in “environmental” grants for doing eff-all? Since when did most modern farming have any respect for nature whatsoever?


Own comment: 

I agree with Craig Murray that virtually everybody knew there would be a Brexit deal, and I suppose those in the know as he is pretty much knew what forms it would take. Everything else was political theatre, but certainly well-orchestrated.

Virtually all politics in the West is political theatre nowadays.