End the Lockdown: "If We Can Save Even One Life...."


Fred Martinez  , Kurt ,   Mary Ann Kreitzer        

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - 23:30
Article link: 


Fred Martinez said...




Kurt said...

What is going on in Arlington? On this side of the Potomac, the Archdiocese of Washington says that when the churches re-open, those receiving communion on the tongue must go to the back of the line and receive last. Further they recommended that they be restricted to certain communion lines (nothing about this not being a woman EM rather than the priest).

I thought the liberals were against sending people to the back of the bus?


May 26, 2020 at 3:20 PM 


Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

LOL! We don't have to go to the back of the bus. Communion in the hand is recommended and many are complying. If anyone receives on the tongue, the priests sanitizes his hands. Kind of ironic considering that the hands are the greatest source of germs. When I go to the SSPX Masses the priest sanitizes his hands if he touches anyone's tongue. Otherwise it is just normal. I'm curious with the new mask wearing mandate what will happen at church. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to talk about exemptions. And my husband has several medical issues that I think mask wearing would make more dangerous. If I can't get an exemption I'll be doing all my shopping in West Virginia wear mask wearing is recommended but not mandatory.


May 26, 2020 at 5:31 PM 


Kurt said...

But you think it okay that those receiving on the tongue have to wait until the end? (this is being required by the Archdiocese)


May 26, 2020 at 5:38 PM 


Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

Of course not, Kurt. The entire thing is ridiculous. I think the priest should treat all Communicants the same. If he touches a hand he should equally have to sanitize as if he touches the Communicant's tongue. I find the mask wearing at daily Mass totally ridiculous. People are sitting 8-10 feet apart. Why on earth should they be required to wear masks. Our governor just mandated mask wearing. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow and asking for a note exempting me because of chronic health condition I have that is no threat to anyone else, just myself.

Requiring people who are not sick to wear masks makes no sense and is against the WHO guidelines. That governors think it's their role to make these decisions is outrageous. It's clearly about power and control and not concern for the health of the community. I just signed the recall petition for our governor. Now we need recall petitions for most of the Catholic bishops in the U.S.


May 26, 2020 at 8:10 PM 

Own comment: 

I for one agree with Mrs. Kreitzer that the whole Covid-19 lockdown is an absolute sham. Furthermore, I agree that it is high time we start using their idiotic slogans against them.

"If we can save even one life" by ending the shutdowns and enabling people to resume their livelihoods, then it is worth it!